View Full Version : Need assistence regarding and online deal

05-24-2005, 07:09 PM
Recently, a friend of mine traded away his 2K2 PredII timmy for an upped Electro 89.
Before you say anythigg regarding the big value difference between the two, here's the problem.

My friend recieved this timmy in EXCELLENT working condition from Logic paintball, and then took it to a shoppe in San Diego to get it all tuned up. He had a shocktech Adjustable ramcap and a new RAM installed from the timmy tech at the store Velocity Paintball)

He and I were told that nothing at all ws wrong wiht the timmy, only that he'd adjsut the ram cap for my buddy.

My friend sent the timmy in a timely fashion to the user here on the Boards, and did not recieved the model 98 when he was supposed to.

The user said he sent it on one date, and when he finally got the marker in the mail, the post date on the box read differently--That didn't matter THAT much to my friend, as he got what he wanted.

Sort of.

He was also supossed to get a certain amount of money, as well as a vertical feed kit for the 98, which was not in the box.

Today that sender Messeges us on AIM, and Tells us that the Solenoid on the Timmy is blown, and that he needs well over $100 to replace it.

He offers to have the shoppe, or the sender to call said shoppe, but he replies with a 'Why would I want to do that, lol?'

He tells us that my Friend wasn't online etc etc, and that he had no way of contacting him. Incorrect. My friend has save every conversation he's ever had with the user on his laptop (iChat on his apple iBook) just in case things like this happen. He DID give him his personal contacting information, and 'all was well'.

So we call the sender's mother (BTW, this kid is 14. Never again will he trade with anyone who is not over 18) and speak with her. She is VERY civil, which was refreshing. They have not come to an agreement yet, but they insist a broken marker.

Then after speaking with him, and getting a little closure on this, the sender's 'buddy' messeges my friend, and starts more drama.

Here are BOTH unaltered conversations, editted for profanity.

If I've forgotten any profane words Mods, my apologies.

Ai9184: Hey
XenoContraKnight: Yo. Get the feedneck for me yet?
Ai9184: dude the timmy has a broken selenoid
Ai9184: thats wut kept causin all these different issues
XenoContraKnight: Ok.....
Ai9184: ya we need to work somethin out here i gotta pay 105 dollers
Ai9184: on top of the other 30 and the vert feed i owe u
XenoContraKnight: There's nothing to work out. I sent the timmy as is, and it worked fine for me.
Ai9184: not for me...
Ai9184: it came to me broken, i didnt just mess up the selenoid
Ai9184: i doubt someone in the mail broke the selenoid w/ out leavin a scratch on ne thing eles
XenoContraKnight: And I've got saved chat logs where you said other things were coming wit the 98, like original paorts
XenoContraKnight: Which didn't come.
XenoContraKnight: SO whats wrong with the noid?
Ai9184: im not wuts EXACTLY wrong w/ the noid tthey told me they had to replaxce that and a few other things when i took it in
Ai9184: il send u a copy of the receipt when i get the work finished
XenoContraKnight: And you'd let them do that without telling you why?
Ai9184: im not the one that talked to them
Ai9184: my mom went there and she said go ahead and fix it
XenoContraKnight: So then you have no diea what you're talking about.
Ai9184: wut do u mean?
Ai9184: if u think im lyin ull get a receipt of what was done to the gun
XenoContraKnight: idea*
XenoContraKnight: Did the feedneck come or what?
Ai9184: no its not comin ne more
XenoContraKnight: Why is that?
Ai9184: cuz i received a broken gun
XenoContraKnight: No, you didn't. I dont kow what you did to it, but you arne't handling the situation very well.
XenoContraKnight: Lets review the facts.
XenoContraKnight: YOu dont even KNOw whats wrong with it.
XenoContraKnight: You didn't even bring it in yourself.
XenoContraKnight: You dont even know how to operate it.
Ai9184: 1. i do no whats wrong
XenoContraKnight: Then what exactly is wrong?
Ai9184: Selenoid is broken, the barb on the asa is leakin
XenoContraKnight: SO your mishanlding of it is my problem?
Ai9184: i did bring it inmyself but when they looked at it and my mom had called in they said it was broken
XenoContraKnight: The ASA? DUde.
XenoContraKnight: I didn't send the gun with an ASA.
Ai9184: no im talkin bout the part that connect the lpr,reg,and body
XenoContraKnight: YOu mean the....LPR housing?
Ai9184: yeh..
XenoContraKnight: Is it leaking from behind, or in front of the gauge?
Ai9184: behind
Ai9184: the barb was leakin
XenoContraKnight: only the noid and RAM sleeve.
Ai9184: no there is a barb connectin to it
Ai9184: wut do u think i drilled a hole and put it there?
XenoContraKnight: No need for sarcasm, kiddo.
XenoContraKnight: Then replace the barb. Those things cost less than a dollar. I never ran into that problem
Ai9184: yeh
Ai9184: thats not a worry
XenoContraKnight: Then why did you rbing it up?
Ai9184: i wouldnt even of bothered tellin u that if that was the only problem
Ai9184: cuz uasked wut was exactly wrong with it
Ai9184: so i told u
Ai9184: the Noid is my main factor
XenoContraKnight: And you can't give mer an answer--I asked about the solenoid.
Ai9184: well when the gun was firing the noid would only make a noise and not let the air threw
XenoContraKnight: You told me, and I have the conversations saved--That it fired fine
XenoContraKnight: Infact, you made recordings of the gun firing.
XenoContraKnight: Asking me how fast it was cycling
XenoContraKnight: It was working fine then, wasn't it?
Ai9184: that wasnt aired up
XenoContraKnight: Right.
Ai9184: well it wasnt aired up in there
XenoContraKnight: Sure sounded like it was.
XenoContraKnight: Considering how loud it ws.
Ai9184: it was a tappin noise
XenoContraKnight: Then i'd hear TWO sets of clicks
XenoContraKnight: the noid, and the switch/trigger.
XenoContraKnight: WHich i dont recall.
XenoContraKnight: I even sent it to a buddy.
Ai9184: thats auto reponse
XenoContraKnight: You think he'd say 'This isn't a gun shooting'
Ai9184: i dont remember u sendin it to ne one?
XenoContraKnight: I told you I didn't have goldwave software
XenoContraKnight: but my buddy does
Ai9184: and?
XenoContraKnight: XenoContraKnight: You think he'd say 'This isn't a gun shooting'
Ai9184: u never told me he actually shot it.
Ai9184: u jus told me he had gold wave software
XenoContraKnight: ..HOw could my freind shoot your gun?
Ai9184: wait ur sayin
Ai9184: u sent that sound clip
Ai9184: to ur friend
XenoContraKnight: Jesus christ.
XenoContraKnight: Do you want to call the shoppe I sent the timmy to?
Ai9184: and why would i wanna do that?
XenoContraKnight: So you can tell them they tuned a broken gun.
Ai9184: im not lying to u dude i got a few ppl that looked over the gun and it wasnt working]
XenoContraKnight: How about this.
XenoContraKnight: I sent the gun. You got it. You took a long time to send mine, and the date ou TOLD me you sent it, you didn't, because I checked the post date on the barcoe.
XenoContraKnight: barcode*
Ai9184: i havent even took it apart cuz i was to scared id break something so i jus left it how it was and took it in
XenoContraKnight: And in the box, you didn't send what you were supposed to
XenoContraKnight: YOu didnt even hold up your end of the deal.
Ai9184: yeah im sorry bou that but that wasnt my fault
XenoContraKnight: Plus, you dont have any feedback on AO that I've seen.
Ai9184: u told me to send the gun and WHAT U HAVE OF THE REMIAININ stock parts
XenoContraKnight: I have well over 50 positive, no negative, and you think i'm going to send someone somethign broken?
XenoContraKnight: I think not
Ai9184: i didnt say i had ne thing...
XenoContraKnight: And no, it WAS your fault.
XenoContraKnight: Its YOUR responibility to have sent it out
XenoContraKnight: And what about the vert neck?
XenoContraKnight: YOu even canceled it BEFORE talking to me.
Ai9184: there was no way i could contact u
Ai9184: and it wasnt me it was my mom
XenoContraKnight: I seem to remember giving you my personal phone number, and and address
Ai9184: bc shes p/o she has to pay 105 dollars
XenoContraKnight: When you told me the timmy han't come yet.
XenoContraKnight: Why shoudl She have to? its YOUR problem.
Ai9184: not exactly
Ai9184: i didnt touch the gun
Ai9184: at all
Ai9184: i was eeven to afraid to open it
Ai9184: thinkin id break something
XenoContraKnight: If you didn't touch the gun, how did you record yourself pulling the triggter
XenoContraKnight: and making that sound recording?
Ai9184: all i read up was the Predator Settings and left everything eles as is
Ai9184: No i mean internally, where i could actually have broken the selenoid
XenoContraKnight: If you meant internally, why didn't you say that?
Ai9184: i miswrote that
XenoContraKnight: You aren't handling this very well.
XenoContraKnight: This is the exact reason why I dont deal with 14 year old children.
Ai9184: lol alright?
XenoContraKnight: 'Lolomfgdood'
Ai9184: this has nothing to do with how old i am
Ai9184: cuz i miswrote one thing
Ai9184: and u took it wrong
XenoContraKnight: No, because of your handling of the situation.
Ai9184: u coulda waited a second for me th eexplain it
Ai9184: b4 u jumped on me abou it
XenoContraKnight: I took it wrong? you WROTE it wrong.
XenoContraKnight: I am not going to get into symantics with you.
XenoContraKnight: You have a phone number where I can reach your mother?
Ai9184: yeh (phone number removed for his privacy)
Ai9184: (586)
XenoContraKnight: Excellent. When woud be a good time to call.
Ai9184: about 6 oclock eastern
Ai9184: wut time is it around u?
XenoContraKnight: Alright, Coolness.
Ai9184: yeah sorry for all the trouble w/ this
XenoContraKnight: Hmm. HOld on.
XenoContraKnight: link me to the Model98 forum, please.
Ai9184: my thread?
Ai9184: jus model98.net?
XenoContraKnight: or just link me to that, and I'll get to what I want from that page
Ai9184: alright holdon
Ai9184: hmm model98.net isnt workin..
XenoContraKnight: Nope.
XenoContraKnight: So when do I get my $30 and feedneck?
Ai9184: i dunno dude u gotta talk to my mom she was pretty pissed at u when u talk to her everything will get settled hopefully
Ai9184: u could call her cell now shes most likely off work
XenoContraKnight: I'm at a buddy's house.
XenoContraKnight: Whats the number again?
Ai9184: (number removed)
XenoContraKnight: k.
XenoContraKnight: Whats her name?
Ai9184: Diane.
XenoContraKnight: No no, last name
XenoContraKnight: You dont call someone up by their first name
Ai9184: lol, Ivezaj
XenoContraKnight: How is that pronounced?
Ai9184: ee-vay-zi

And here is his friend.

PurePlaya772: yo the solenoid was blown on the timmy traded to my friend
PurePlaya772: it was basically (f-word)ed
XenoContraKnight: This is any of your business how?
XenoContraKnight: I already called his mother.
PurePlaya772: yea i do
XenoContraKnight: Thend ont mess with me about it.
XenoContraKnight: You doing it makes him look bad.
PurePlaya772: he told me next time ur on to tell u
PurePlaya772: u piece of (poop)
PurePlaya772: stfu
PurePlaya772: dont get all cocky about it cuz u tried to (f-word) my friend over
XenoContraKnight: Alright, hold on.
PurePlaya772 signed off at 4:40:24 PM.

After speaking with the sender's mother regarding THIS, she claims that her son doesn't know this person.

Any comments?

05-24-2005, 07:15 PM
Well, the only thing I can tell you is unless someone has a lot of time ontheir hands, no one will read the conversation...But I hope it works out for you and yourfriend

05-24-2005, 07:20 PM
It should be noted that the kid has no feedback.

05-24-2005, 07:50 PM
never deal with some one who is under the age of 16, without talking to thier parents on teh phone. (and this is coming from a 15 year old.)
EDIT: If you need any help with the tippy, PM me, Im an expert when it comes to 98c.

05-24-2005, 08:08 PM
never deal with some one who is under the age of 16, without talking to thier parents on teh phone. (and this is coming from a 15 year old.)
EDIT: If you need any help with the tippy, PM me, Im an expert when it comes to 98c.

Oh dude, dont worry about me with the 98, I was weaned on these things. Still I might send you a PM to chew the fat with you.

<3 for 98's.

05-24-2005, 08:17 PM
Ummm why would he triad a timmy for a 98?.....when he could sell it buy a loaded out 98 and prolly still have cash....

Well tell the kid not to get it fixed and they re-exchange guns and your friend sells it buys a tippy.Kid prolly wont wanna send it back..but its an idea.

Well if the kid sent recording of him shooting the timmy and now it dotn work then hummm....somthing isnt right....

05-24-2005, 08:26 PM
yeah I don't get that, I'm a die hard tippy fan but I also own a timmy and I'd never trade it for an e-bolted 98c unless it was NN's supergun. oh and 98c's ROCK!!!!!

05-24-2005, 09:32 PM
Ummm why would he triad a timmy for a 98?.....when he could sell it buy a loaded out 98 and prolly still have cash....

Well tell the kid not to get it fixed and they re-exchange guns and your friend sells it buys a tippy.Kid prolly wont wanna send it back..but its an idea.

Well if the kid sent recording of him shooting the timmy and now it dotn work then hummm....somthing isnt right....

Because No one was buying the timmy, I posted it up and bumped the thread fo a long time. No one wanted it.

05-24-2005, 11:34 PM
OK, there are only two things that can kill a Timmy 'noid:

1) Run more than 200 psi through it for a good while.

2) Take it apart and loose the two infintesimally small pins that are inside of it.

Either one of those problems can be remedied by buying a brand new 'noid from BLAST for ~$80.

Notice that I did not say $100+

Those guys are either charging $30 to install it, or they are making a really good mark up.

IMO, they cranked up the LPR trying to make it shoot faster, OR they buggered up the settings on the Pred, and the store was too stupid to figure it out (very possible), OR they knew, fixed the settings, and are screwing them hard.

Any of these situations are not your fault. I say to trade back, and play with the Timmy. Its a way better marker than an M98.

BTW, WTF were you thinking to trade off a Timmy for an M98 anyway (especially one with a Predator board in it).

This whole deal is Karma telling you that you ought not to have done that. :rofl:

05-25-2005, 12:00 AM
Oh dude, dont worry about me with the 98, I was weaned on these things. Still I might send you a PM to chew the fat with you.

<3 for 98's.

Any of these situations are not your fault. I say to trade back, and play with the Timmy. Its a way better marker than an M98.

BTW, WTF were you thinking to trade off a Timmy for an M98 anyway (especially one with a Predator board in it).

This whole deal is Karma telling you that you ought not to have done that. :rofl:

he already has hot sex with his 98
