View Full Version : Audioslave- out of exile

05-24-2005, 08:00 PM
Go out and buy this cd now, it is quite good, on par, if not better than their first cd. So far my favorite songs are drown me slowley, and your time has come. the music is great as always to be expected from the RATM guys, and cornells lyrics are stellar. go buy this cd now. Also, if you buy from FYE, it was only like 15 bux with tax, and a 3 dolar mail in rebate.

05-24-2005, 08:28 PM
I've been looking forward to their new cd. I'll be picking it up today for sure!

05-24-2005, 10:09 PM
audioslave is awesome, no matter what anyone says.

im going to buy the cd once i get money.

and hail to tom morello.

05-24-2005, 10:37 PM
i think i ordered it a few days ago, dont remember :confused:

but yeah, heard nothing but good things about it

05-24-2005, 11:42 PM
yes, audio slave is great, any haters need to just shove it, i had my inhibitions, but once you quit thinking its RATM, you are in the clear, same guys, same influence, different music. people need to get over it

Eric Cartman
05-26-2005, 12:39 PM
I'm still surprised that they went with "Be Yourself" as the lead single. It's easily the worst track on the disc IMO and it's certainly hurt their initial sales. Hopefully the next single will help to break the record. I picked up a copy yesterday and it's definitely a great record.

05-26-2005, 01:33 PM
RATM is still better.

05-27-2005, 12:48 AM
RATM is still better.

its completly different.

05-27-2005, 10:37 AM
U can't compare Audioslave to RATM or Sound Garden.... as it is an awesome merging of two.

Chris Cornell is a prophet among music

05-27-2005, 03:06 PM
I'm still surprised that they went with "Be Yourself" as the lead single. It's easily the worst track on the disc IMO and it's certainly hurt their initial sales. Hopefully the next single will help to break the record. I picked up a copy yesterday and it's definitely a great record.

i agree, be your self is not my favorite track, but then again, dandelion isnt all that great either. be your self does have an awesome solo in it though, which keeps me listening to it. its a great song none the less, just not the best on the cd. Dont remind me i really like as well for some odd reason

05-29-2005, 06:40 AM
I was really impressed with this album as well, being that I really don't dabble to much in this sort of genre.
(not that the genre is bad, I'm just into other music)
If I didn't pirate everything I'd probably buy the album.

05-29-2005, 06:41 AM
U can't compare Audioslave to RATM or Sound Garden.... as it is an awesome merging of two.

Chris Cornell is a prophet among music

Too bad RATM wasn't that good.

SG on the otherhand...

05-29-2005, 07:04 AM
I think this little trend of bands blending is really cool... dunno if its a music industry plot, but I really dig the results.

Audioslave is probably one of my current favorite bands... as is Soundgarden... I was never really into Rage due to their rather... out there... politics... but they're great musicians, and I appreciate that. (and Bulls on Parade is one of the best pump-up songs EVER.)

I like "Be Yourself"... it demonstrates the versatility of the band...

I might have to start buying CDs again (note: I don't pirate anymore... I just don't like supporting the record industry) All hail free radio!


05-29-2005, 07:14 AM
I think this little trend of bands blending is really cool... dunno if its a music industry plot, but I really dig the results.

Audioslave is probably one of my current favorite bands... as is Soundgarden... I was never really into Rage due to their rather... out there... politics... but they're great musicians, and I appreciate that. (and Bulls on Parade is one of the best pump-up songs EVER.)

I like "Be Yourself"... it demonstrates the versatility of the band...

I might have to start buying CDs again (note: I don't pirate anymore... I just don't like supporting the record industry) All hail free radio!


On the note of the Band's versatility, I concur, you make a very good point.

I also agree with you on the 'bulls on parade'.
For me, My audioslave pump up song would really have to be Cochise.

05-30-2005, 01:50 PM
They're a very versatile band, not many people know that Tom Morello also has a solo side project in which he plays only acoustic guitar and does the vocals. He goes by the name the nightwatchman he's very versatile in the music he plays, some would say a genious! http://www.nightwatchmanmusic.com/ LOL listen to the song on the website, you'd never know it was him.

As for the political thing, he DID graduate from Harvard where he took political science, so it's not like he's not educated about what he believes in.