View Full Version : Language censorship in CS:S

05-25-2005, 12:35 AM
This is a subject that Ive always been quite a bit confused about. I got banned from a server today for calling the admin retarded. (Disclaimer: I knew I would get kicked for calling the admin retarded. He had every right to do so, being as it is his server. However, he was in fact being retarded, and it was my obligation to inform him of this.) I digress... Anyway, first off it is my opinion that retarded is not profanity. Secondly, even if it was, why is American society so twisted that it is a greater sin to comment on someones intellectual capacity than to celebrate the fact that you just skillfully but a bullet through their eyeball and sprayed their brains all over a virtual wall? Am I the only one who sees that as a bit backwards? When I see the excuse of even mild language being prohibited in game with a MATURE rating because people say that there are kids playing, it just doesnt make any sense to me. Such twisted behavior is prevalent in our society though. Its all well and good to go to a nascar race and cheer for cars to be smashed and drivers battered and broken, but as soon as Jr swears on tv all heck breaks loose. Can someone explain the logic behind this to me, cuz I just dont get it.

05-25-2005, 12:41 AM
Because people don't want to hear other people use profanities they already know.... it makes them feel retarted that someone else knows that work and it declines the special meaning it has to them. ;)

Target Practice
05-25-2005, 12:44 AM


05-25-2005, 12:50 AM
I dont think u got kicked casue u said a bad word, i think the admin was jsut pissed u made fun of him.

05-25-2005, 05:33 AM
I dont think u got kicked casue u said a bad word, i think the admin was jsut pissed u made fun of him.
No way dood?

05-25-2005, 11:04 AM
That wasnt my point. There were plenty of other people getting kicked for saying "profane" things too. My point is, why is it that in America it is unacceptable to use expressive language in a mature rated game that is centered around graphic violence? How is realistic blood splatter and ragdoll corpse physics better for kids than the f word?

05-25-2005, 11:40 AM
if you want to swear, you dont need to key your mic... swear to yourself and move on. People have server rules for a reason. online video games, even if they have a mature rating, are not that bad.. you go around and shoot a cartoon. as a result of them playing a game, they are not going to go outside and pick up an ak 47 on the ground and start shooting people randomly. however, if there is a young kid playing he will start swearing up and down all over the place if he/she hears it while playing an online game. if you want to swear, go to a server that allows it and dont complain.

05-25-2005, 11:43 AM
However, he was in fact being retarded, and it was my obligation to inform him of this.) I digress...

Banned for attitude. And I'll add, Rightly so.

If that's the extent of your illumination, you've openly proved yourself "retarded".

It is NEVER your obligation to be rude or disrespectful.

And "expressful". Sorry, but epithets don't communicate squat. Other than the fact your vocabulary is too limited to properly explain what you're feeling.

05-25-2005, 11:44 AM
It's not about the word choice, it's about the lack of respect for an admin. If you can't respect the rules and admins of a server, just do everyone a favor and leave quietly.

Target Practice
05-25-2005, 12:10 PM
"The tallest tree in the forest is the first cut down for lumber."

05-25-2005, 02:17 PM
Banned for attitude. And I'll add, Rightly so.

I give up. The only one who had a somewhat valid response to my question was bleachit. The rest of you arent reading the bloody question.

My point is, why is it that in America it is unacceptable to use expressive language in a mature rated game that is centered around graphic violence? How is realistic blood splatter and ragdoll corpse physics better for kids than the f word?

I am not asking anyone to explain why I was banned from the server, because it had nothing to do with me being profane, aside from the "retarded" comment. My question was a query about the social perspective of people who condone graphic violence over language. But for those of you who cant get out of your minds that I was being profane, this is what happened.

Map was de_dust. I was on terrorists, along with the admin. Everyone went in the hallway and got stuck in a firefight, so I went to the tunnel to keep everyone from getting shot in the back while they were stuck in the hallway. I killed 2 people trying to flank them before I was killed, and then those left in the hallway were subsequently shot in the back. I was warned for not being a "team player". The next round the exact same thing happened, only everyone in the hallway was wiped out quickly, and I was the only one left alive after I successfully cleared the tunnel of the flanking ct's. I was subsequently slayed by admin for not being a team player, at which point I explained to him that he had no understanding of the concept of getting shot in the back because of being flanked, so he lit my character on fire the next round. He is retarded, and he can have his retarded server for all I care. There are plenty more.

05-25-2005, 02:37 PM
You are missing the point yourself. It's not about being profane. You choice of words doesn't matter at all. If a server has a set of standards, even if you don't agree with them, you need to just follow them, or leave. If their idea of "team play" is everyone rushing in a mass of disorgainzed chaos, and all must comply. Then go with the flow, or find somewhere else to play. Don't waste your time, or the admin's time trying to convince them that your way is better. Just leave, quietly.

05-25-2005, 03:27 PM
in my opinion, an admin should be acting like that.. but whatever. the problem with online games is that you have to deal with people... people who dont play fairly, who think that they know everything, and people who want you to play the way they tell you to.

I admin a dod server, and if an admin in our server did that, they wouldnt be an admin till things were talked out. and calling someone "retarded" isnt exactly profane.. however, calling an admin names will almost always result in a ban. If its a server you play a lot on or care about, find the guy who runs it and report the guy who harassed you... but like you said, there are plenty of other servers.

05-25-2005, 04:26 PM
My question was a query about the social perspective of people who condone graphic violence over language.

Social perspective:

You're using a server with a set of rules and understandings. >> Follow them or question them politely and cautiously.

The world is full of deeply held contradictions. Such as how can you be "pro-life" and hold ALL life sacred and be pro-death penalty?

05-25-2005, 05:37 PM
Why can't I swear on AO?

Oh thats right, someone pays for the site; and hence they set up rules of conduct. I can either follow them, or choose to frequent somewhere else.

Now that I've answered your question; I'll jump on the bandwagon of "your retarded."

/sic intentional, Nancy :wow:

05-25-2005, 05:45 PM
The internet is serious business.

05-25-2005, 05:46 PM
baka baka baka baka baka baka

05-25-2005, 08:35 PM
You inpulchritudinous instauration of stupidity! Cease this futile endeavor, you dotard emulating pollock!

I own the internet.