View Full Version : Ordering AGD Spares from overseas

05-25-2005, 04:15 AM
Hi From South Africa

Just to give a low down, I have been running my e-mag for 4 years now, without any issues. except for a level 10 long spring that snapped after 2 years I have had no issues.

I used to order my spares straight from Airgun Europe eg level 10, RT spares kits. etc.
Now I see the site doesn't work anymore, I have never been able to order spares from AGD american site, as in the online store there is no order option to choose South Africa.
When I used to order from Airgun Europe, which was roughly once a year, (I used to be whacked with a income tax fee which didn't really bother me cause at least I could get my spares.)

I see half of the AGD dealers on the American site dont have online stores either.

Where would be my best bet to get spares delivered to SA?

05-25-2005, 04:31 AM
Just send an email to a dealer. I've ordered things from both rouge and logic, and I've talked to Tuna at some point, and he was able to ship overseas then.

05-25-2005, 07:43 AM
email the Tunaman ! He'll get you what you need to keep your mag in shape

05-25-2005, 09:23 AM
Well i just went to the site..so maybe it was down for a day or something idk anyway heres a link..i know sometimes i can go to pages but if i get a link they work...so here ya go



I guess those are the two sites you need to access..or whatever hope they help..or like the others said you can go through a dealer.

05-26-2005, 12:50 AM
Not really worth the trouble ordering from AGDE nowadays. They seem to be kinda hard to get ahold of, and it will probably be cheaper ordering from a dealer in USA

05-26-2005, 05:23 AM
Thanks for the replies, I can get to that AGD europe site now.
When it comes to ordering, I will try the US option.

Got an X-mag heading my way, just making sure I can still support it properly :)
I ran a DM4 for a few months, felt like a toy so I didn't enjoy it, so Ive gone back to my E-mag! I will never sell that Marker :hail: thanks AGD even if I am one of your last survivors from South Africa :headbang:

05-26-2005, 05:44 AM
Thats awesome.

AGD all the way in South Africa.

We need to compile a list of countries that have AGD products.

I know Sweeden, US, UK, Canuck-ville, and now South Africa.

I think thats really neat.