View Full Version : So my best friend is moving to Illinois.

05-25-2005, 07:01 PM
As it says in the title, my best friend is moving to Illinois. What kind of paintball is there? I'll most likely be visiting him there sometime sooner or later so any info? I know that Illinois is a big factory and manufacturing state and alot of paintball stuff is made there. Does that mean there alot of fields? Correct me if im wrong about that.

05-25-2005, 07:08 PM
CPX, it was pretty awsome at spplat attack


personally, its a really nice field, just some of the reffing that is questionable http://imgs.pbnation.com/smilies/dodgy.gif

05-25-2005, 07:10 PM
There are several:


CPX, on a good day, is marginally better than a kick in the teeth.

Chicago Pb 7
05-25-2005, 07:26 PM
I reccomend badlandz and take aim.

05-25-2005, 07:32 PM
I reccomend badlandz and take aim.

I definately second Badlandz.

Bring your own food / drinks and paint, the refs are good, *lots* of fields, great management and games go out all the time.

Good stuff.

I honestly wasn't all that impressed with Take Aim. Perhaps it was because there was team practice / tryouts the day I went, but it was next to impossible to play. There really wasn't an over-abundance of people there... hell, there were severa empty tables; you just couldn't get on the field to play.

05-25-2005, 07:41 PM
Badlands is deffinately the best out here in Chicagoland. Excelent paint prices (byop and pretty cheap if you buy it there). Good reffing. Lots of really cool fields too. Definately won't be dissapointed.

And whatever you do, avoid CPX like the plague

05-25-2005, 08:00 PM
DUDE! Illinois is home of the reball training center. I would kill to be able to practice there for like 50$ a month + air fees or whatever it costs. I pay $50 an outing, so 8 times for the same price would be worth it to me to play with reballs.

05-25-2005, 08:05 PM
Realms of Ruin is a nice place. Just played the MXS scenario event there. Excellent feild, and excellent staff. They are there for the players. Check them out... www.realmsofruin.com

05-25-2005, 08:37 PM
Where in IL is he moving to? I'm in the chicago area and would suggest...

Badlandz- Excellent, most people know about it.

Fox Paintball- most people think woods, but they have a few hyper/barrel/tube fields and 2 airball fields that can get put up on most Sundays. Since I'm a member there I pay cheap entry fees and use whatever paint I want. I like it...

Take Aim- indoor (with turf). Good for the winter, but there's no substitute for outdoor.

I can't vouch for others because I haven't been to them.

05-25-2005, 08:50 PM
BadLands is the best in the midwest (that rhymed) and Aftershock plays there too and it is a great set up! I recommend going there :cheers:

05-25-2005, 09:15 PM
Badlands is sweet, ive only been there once because i live in centeral illinois.

if hes movin here with cat, then ill be glad to show him round Peoria

05-25-2005, 10:00 PM
there are alot of places here in IL. it really depends where he is moving to. in th north east where i live there are a few places. one that i like and my friends work at is The Factory. let us know where he is moving to and then we can tell you some places that he can play at. and like someone else said there is a reball place here in Il too.

05-25-2005, 10:27 PM
Another Peorian? Cool!

email or message me

05-26-2005, 12:11 AM
all of this fields are within 1 hour or so from chicago. i live not to far from chicago.
at all these fields i've noticed the same kind of refs, the kind that sit at the 50 that just say"ur out. let him up" and that stuff. i have yet to see a ref pull some1 for overshooting if a player does something wrong.

factory pb in north chicago. moderate
country club paintball in glenwood - moderate. but the paint smell really bad
splat in villa park - ok, small field, not to many ppl play here yet.
take aim in ??- moderate
badlandz in crete- moderate. there is a lot of overshooting here, even on the recball fields. i believe it to be overhyped
fox river games in millington - better than moderate. nice fields. good atmosphere
tri-city paintball in st charles- sucks.
dupage paintball in ?? - is it even open yet? driven past a few times, but it was night and no1 was there.

05-26-2005, 12:28 AM
splat in villa park - ok, small field, not to many ppl play here yet.

Oooohhhh, more info please!!!!!!

Honestly, if your buddy moves North of Chicago, he'll have a hard time finding a field nearby thats cheap and good. All the decent fields are like a hour or more away from my house. I don't get to play too often as a result.

05-26-2005, 07:12 AM
Badlands is sweet, ive only been there once because i live in centeral illinois.

if hes movin here with cat, then ill be glad to show him round Peoria

Didn't the Peoria field close recently??? I live in Bloomington (well actually normal) and I find the only tollerable field to be Sudden Impact. Great staff, decent prices (byop sundays), 3-4 woods fields, 3-4 speedball fields.

05-26-2005, 09:34 AM
don't forget about our next door states, Blast Camp in Indiana, and Paintball Sam's in Wisconsin, both close to the Illinois state line