View Full Version : paintball long island

11-26-2001, 10:47 PM
is anyone going to be playing at paintball long island in coram this weekend. i'm looking for someone to play this saturday. i ref there so i can get cheap paint. anyone interested email me at [email protected] or pm or my aim name is thebigragupb4l(convenient?). let me know anytime before saturday.

Mild 7
11-27-2001, 06:34 AM
I played in Coram a couple of times this summer but I really prefer Newburgh which is owned by the same company. I have a major exam this weekend so I won't be able to make it. However, me and my friends are more than happy to join you in the future (most likily when the weather gets warmer again), keep posting whenever you're gonna go play Coram, Newburgh, NJ, or PA area, let me know.

Daniel Morse
11-27-2001, 08:55 AM
I will be there with my brother. We both shoot RT's. I will go on Saturday. I get there at 10:00. I used to be a ref there for one year about three years ago. I got free admission and cheaper paint. But cleaning up at the end of the day really sucks. I will give you enough money for two cases. I didn't know anyone in this forum plays there. I am there just about every weekend.:eek:

11-27-2001, 09:58 AM
i'd have to buy one case at a time, cause they keep track on how much paint you buy. i'll buy one at cousins some day this week and i'll buy the 2 at the field. i'm usually there at like 9 even though they won't really get rolling till about 10. but whatever. i shot a black zgrip mag, a blue retro mag, or an old beat up stock mag. if you want, we can have a meeting spot somewhere. just let me know.

Mild 7
11-27-2001, 11:20 AM
Man, I would love to go with you guys. My LSAT exam is this Saturday so there's no way I can make it. And I just noticed that my RT is in the possession of AGD, so I have to wait 'till I get her back.

But please keep me posted if you're going to go play so I can bring my crew along. We're all in Queens, and if we all play together, there'll be 3 mags and 1 cocker on our end.

Coram and Newburgh charged $100/case for Diablo Blaze.
How much do I pay you for paint if I get it thru u?

Daniel Morse
11-27-2001, 11:23 AM
I will be there with my black RT with warp and my bro has got an RT also. We are easy to spot.:p

Daniel Morse
11-27-2001, 11:29 AM
I am from Queens also. I live in Forest Hills. Have any of you ever been to Survival NY? If so which is better, Survival or Coram? I was thinking of going to Survival this weekend to try it out but I am not sure. Ragu if I end up going upstae I will let you know by Friday. COOOOOOOOL! :cool:

11-27-2001, 11:34 AM
ok, just keep me posted on here, i check every day.


i get them at 65 a case. but again, i don't know how many i can get cause they keep track of how many you buy.

Mild 7
11-27-2001, 11:57 AM
65/case sounds GREAT! But no worries, I don't think I'll be playing this weekend. But if you do happen to play in the future and need a Mag crew, and if I'm around, count us in.
We played a lot this summer and paint got to be VERY expensive considering paying $100/case per person on a day basis. Your price is certainly a way to go EVEN THOUGH it's not guaranteed. But if the chances are good, I'll take'em.

I live in Bayside, Queens. I know Forest Hills pretty well since 2 of our players lives there and my ex. Next time when we decide to go, I'll put a post up so you can come along.

Coram vs. Newburgh (Survival NY), I personally prefer Newburgh. I played at Coram 3x this year and 4x in Newburgh. Coram got the experienced players and the fancy guns which is more of a learning experiences. It's also a lot closer compared to Newburgh. The refs I've met off the field are fairly cool. But on the field, they were certainly NOT doing their jobs. I've seen refs themselves walk AROUND the area of deadzone with their mask off, smoking cigerattes while some players do the same. I've also witnessed tons of cheating from our team and the other team. There are also occasions where the ref let a person back into the game after he/she ran out of the tape AFTER being shot by me. I never bothered to argu, 'cause I've done that there and got elimnated that way. Later on, lots of players I spoke to about this issue all decided to leave the game ONLY when they're caught by the ref.

Even though Newburgh is a hour and a half drive from me, I prefer that field 'cause they're runned more professionally. The ref does their job for the most part with the exception when the bosses aren't watching. Sometimes the refs are members of Ground Zero, which they're pretty focused on fairness. Between the 2, it was a lot more obvious to me that Newburgh have a better managment even though they're owned by the same company. Just my opinions based on my experience, but you're more than welcome to try both.

11-27-2001, 01:59 PM
yeah, the refs at coram aren't really that good. for one they really don't train them very well. my first day i was head ref with a private field. no one was really there telling me what to do or anything. luckily i'd been going there long enough to really know what i was doing. the few people that do ref there don't really have any motivation to do a good job. we really don't get paid much and everyone has it in their head that the job sux. with that in the back of your mind, who wants to run around to do things. i like that job. i like to run around so if someone yells for a paint check, i'll sprint to that person. even if there is another ref near him, i'd rather do it myself. i find it's quicker anyways. the thing i always do when people won't get out, just keep hittin him. i shot a kid had to be at least 20 times even after he called himself out cause i noticed he wasn't jumping out. after getting hit by me all those times, he wised up slightly. he tried to start yelling at me after the game, but i was about twice the size of him and he decided he didn't want me to beat him down. but anyways, i'm there every weekend wether i'm playing or refing so just look or ask for me. or post up and let me know if you come down. my name's anthony, i'm a big white kid with a shaved head and a few mags. and when i say big, i'm 250 pounds but not really fat. or mail me, whatever

11-27-2001, 02:46 PM
Tell the guy with the bunker kind hat I hate him :)

Mild 7
11-27-2001, 03:11 PM
Alright Anthony, I will most certainly look you up in the future regardless of where I'm going to play. I think I might of seen you when I went with Mark Davis, an ex-Ground Zero member who plays there often, lots of refs came over to give'em respect, in addition to the fact that you're there every weekend.

And yes, the experience you mentioned happened to me quite often in Coram, and a couple of times in Newburgh this summer. I remember the two events very clearily 'cause these 2 guys will not get out after getting shot. Instead, they press their luck and continues to shoot at me while paint is dripping of their loader and chin. Of course, no ref is around as I scream for paint check. So, with the power of my RT vs. the cheater's great spyder, I sent a message by senting 20 more paintball at his way. He finally stood up, BUT, dropped his gun and wanted to start a fight with me. He cussed and sweared, by then, the ref came and saved HIM. He might of get this misconceptions that I'm less than a feet tall 'cause I'm laying low by a tree. But when I get on my feet, I'm a 6'1 mean machine with a RT. The second occasion was pretty much the same siutation, with the EXCEPTION that this gun threw his rental on the ground and took off his mask and charged toward me while a ref held him back. This man was mad 'cause he perceives when I call a paintcheck on myself, it's equivalent as calling myself out. But what he doesn't get is, I was clean and have full rights to open fire on him when he decided to sneak up on me AFTER a confirmed "YOU'RE CLEAN" paintcheck. These 2 guys I mentioned actually came together. Takes one to know one eh?

I find 90% of Newburgh players to be either rooks or novice. Most guns used there were Tipps & Spyders. Those 90% are also from the NYC area such as the Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island, & Queens area like myself. Not to sound biased toward city people, but some of the city folks really have a misconception of the sports and the proper behavior of venting off anger. But for the overall majority are there to have a good time like myself.

11-27-2001, 08:12 PM
i used to live in syosset......i miss it

Anyone Live In Syosset?

11-27-2001, 11:50 PM
stuff like that always happens. i'm just really waiting for the day someone starts swinging or tries to do something really stupid. oh well. i know i've seen someone from here there. i saw this kid with a black mini(i think it was a mini) with the red eclispe splash kit. i know i've seen the gun on here and then i saw at the field. i wasn't sure though so i din't say anything. oh well.


there's a few of them with the bunker king hats. you'd have to be specific.

Mild 7
11-28-2001, 01:43 AM
We have a house in Plainview. I go there once a while to take care of tenant business.

Daniel Morse
11-29-2001, 03:07 PM
Ragu, I will be there on Saturday with my bro. I will go to Survival another time. Please hook me up with two cases. I will bring the money and meet you by the picnic tables or in the parking lot whichever you want. Thanks.:p