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05-27-2005, 03:09 PM
Ok i just took apart my mag...and i put it together and aired it up(tank only running out put of 200psi due to the fact it is low) and it doesnt do anything all i hear is CLICK...i am making sure i didnt do anything wrong..did u?

05-27-2005, 03:14 PM
check your velocity screw and put it all the way out. im not to sure, but i dont think a mag can cycle very well at 200 psi :tard: but if it can, it needs to be all the way out

they try filling your tank

05-27-2005, 03:14 PM
a mag will not run at 200psi, get your tank filled and then try again

05-27-2005, 03:16 PM
if its a low out put tank

you need a new tank

mags need at least 600-800 input to work properly

soo if you have a low out put hp tank its time for a different one

now if you jest have 200 psi in the tank


and if it is a high output tank do what etjoyride said

05-27-2005, 03:26 PM
oh i know that the tank need to be filled usaly though at low psi it sounds like the vavle opening the closing then a little air comes out...jw if i put it together wrong(if it posable thanks)...now time for thread to die

05-27-2005, 03:51 PM
oh i know that the tank need to be filled usaly though at low psi it sounds like the vavle opening the closing then a little air comes out...jw if i put it together wrong(if it posable thanks)...now time for thread to die

mabey its leaking out though the barrel than

if you have level 10 i know what you mean

i shoot my e mag in e mode when theres no air when im board

but i really think you jest need a filled tank

cuse my gun wont shoot at all with 200 psi

if you want a gun that will get a viking or a ion or somthing that runs on low presure