View Full Version : Why is it we never have bragging contests about....

trains are bad
05-28-2005, 02:07 AM
Physical ability?

I mean right now I can see two threads about how fast you can shoot without even having to scroll down.

Why don't we have people bragging about how fast they can sprint etc?

05-28-2005, 02:28 AM
not only in paintball talk....but its a paintball forum
noob..... :D

05-28-2005, 02:29 AM
One of the cool things about paintball is you don't have to be a jock to play. I'd really hate it if the game came down to who can run and hide behind the big inflatable triangle first.

Besides, if you're old like me you've twisted enough ankles in woodsball to be a little more careful these days (c:

05-28-2005, 02:29 AM
because this is a paintball forum.

then again there is alot of sprinting... but that would have to go in the off topic section, unless you directley made it twards paintball. ex: how fast can you sprint 40 yards with all of your gear on? (full paint too)

that would be a good idea, and i would do that, but i dont have any prizes to give out...

05-28-2005, 02:39 AM
i can bench press a 90cu tank... hows that? :D :p

05-28-2005, 03:03 AM
because this is a paintball forum.

then again there is alot of sprinting... but that would have to go in the off topic section, unless you directley made it twards paintball. ex: how fast can you sprint 40 yards with all of your gear on? (full paint too)

that would be a good idea, and i would do that, but i dont have any prizes to give out...

Gear or not, physical ability is directly and inseparably tied into paintball. Granted, it doesn't make a break a player, but denying it is folly.

For example, at my local indoor place, I never go for corners off the break, I know I'm too slow.

05-28-2005, 03:29 AM
I'm waiting for the wiping contest to start.......

Imagine the player starts with a hit and is given 15 seconds to clean it as smothly as posible while a judge gives him on his style and covertness........ sounds odd but it would be easy to start i'm sure given the state of turny ball now days

05-28-2005, 08:50 AM
i can bench press a 90cu tank... hows that? :D :p

I can bench press over 300lbs, (I weigh 180lbs.) Does that help? :D

05-28-2005, 09:08 AM
wow that's like 120 lbs over your weight

i can bench around 215, and i weigh about 145.

anyways i'm a pretty fast sprinter...did a 100m sprint in about 10.4 seconds.

05-28-2005, 09:15 AM
wow that's like 120 lbs over your weight

i can bench around 215, and i weigh about 145.

anyways i'm a pretty fast sprinter...did a 100m sprint in about 10.4 seconds.

Pretty fast, 10.4 seconds is crazy fast, I never loose a race around here and for the 100m dash my best time was 10.5

So no dude your not pretty fast your extremely fast, i think the olympic athletes only run in the high 9. somethings

10.4 would definafly help you sprinting up to the snake.

05-28-2005, 09:20 AM

i'm big on running since i play a lot of sports like lacrosse and football, but i know this might be a little off topic, but if any of you decide you want to run a little faster, my coach told me about these new nike's i think that make you feel as if you're running barefoot, and when i trained with them over last summer, it shaved almost a half second off my start. They're amazing :clap:

05-28-2005, 09:35 AM
i can bench press a 90cu tank... hows that? :D :p
i can bench a 112 ci tank... take that!

paintballers have competitions to see who can shoot the fastest because its unique to the sport and fairly easy to measure. if you want to have a competition to see who can run the fastest, then you should probably be on the track team.

...and then theres the fact that paintballers are fat. :p ;)

05-28-2005, 09:37 AM
Physical ability?

I mean right now I can see two threads about how fast you can shoot without even having to scroll down.

Why don't we have people bragging about how fast they can sprint etc?

No one ever brags about their communication skills or teamwork... To be honest, I feel it is a balance/synergy of the three...

05-28-2005, 09:41 AM
No one ever brags about their communication skills or teamwork... To be honest, I feel it is a balance/synergy of the three...
because communication and teamwork are, well, team measures. people want to brag about themselves. also its pretty hard to measure teamwork or communication, its sorta subjective. with BPS you can analyze it and look at a graph and say "person 1 was shooting an average of 13.4 bps and topped out at 15, person 2 was shotting an average of 14.1 and topped out at 16."

05-28-2005, 10:10 AM
wow that's like 120 lbs over your weight

i can bench around 215, and i weigh about 145. .

I've lifted weights for the past 24 years. ;)

Although I can lift that much I don't, I normally work out with 225 on bench...

05-28-2005, 11:20 AM
well Im 6'6'' and weigh 245 lbs, so if i tell you i hit you, you better agree with me ;)

05-28-2005, 11:42 AM
Oh yeah, im 6'5" 180 lbs and im 14. I was primarily a thrower and a high jumper for our track team. I can run the 100 in roughly 12 seconds flat. I can bench like 150 lbs :P

But most important is the fact that I have long hair:P


05-28-2005, 12:31 PM
im ~5'10", ~120lb, about .nothing% boday fat, can run fast, dive low/fast, and shoot people, meh, just something not generally discussed on pb forums

05-28-2005, 12:36 PM
pfft i give up on the bench press .....

6'1 240 ....

125 is my limit .... after that i am no longer interested in it ....

she has to weigh 125 or less i or i am not going to lift her...

05-28-2005, 12:53 PM
I like to see which bunkers I can barrel roll over while shooting. Right now I'm a little above 4.5 feet.

Nobody expects to be bunkered from above. :D

05-28-2005, 03:15 PM
i can bench a 112 ci tank... take that!

oyea?? well i can do it blind folded! :eek: :rofl: :tard:

hmm now thats interesting... which bunkers can you reach over? or heck, which ones can you jump over? i've seen a guy jump over a big lying down coke can before... but that was while walking the field.... and he didn't exactly land "properly"

05-28-2005, 04:35 PM
I'm waiting for the wiping contest to start.......

Imagine the player starts with a hit and is given 15 seconds to clean it as smothly as posible while a judge gives him on his style and covertness........ sounds odd but it would be easy to start i'm sure given the state of turny ball now days

I win, but apparently I'm the only player on this forum to ever cheat :rolleyes: oh wait.. that was admit to cheating :D

05-28-2005, 06:10 PM
162 lbs

max bench: 180
max squat: 375
max power clean: 210

40 yard: 4.73
100m sprint: 11.34
200m sprint: 22.80
400m sprint: 50.51


Big'n slo
05-29-2005, 12:08 AM
3 BPS!!!!!

(BPS = Beers per second)

05-29-2005, 03:48 AM
3 BPS!!!!!

(BPS = Beers per second)


05-29-2005, 05:34 AM
3 BPS!!!!!

(BPS = Beers per second)

I envy you. I humbly ask to begin training in the noble art of alcohol consumption. :)

05-29-2005, 07:24 AM
Physical ability?

I mean right now I can see two threads about how fast you can shoot without even having to scroll down.

Why don't we have people bragging about how fast they can sprint etc?

I'm a pretty big guy, and my mile is just shy of ten minutes.
Im unaware of my sprinting ability, but if I can make it to my secondary it's a normal day, and if I hit a third, then it's a good day.

As much as I hate to admit it, I really sometimes rely ONLY on my ROF skills. I'm not about to say that I am faster than AO, but I am fast enough both on my fingers and in me' legs that I can pin someone down, move, and post a bunker.
That's really one of the only things that what's important to me when playing. (Excluding having fun) Hitting my priMARY MAKING SURE THAT I MY JOB AS A BACK/MID MAN. Whoa. Caps lock. No I'm not going to correct that.

But yeah. Tangent.

For a guy my size (6'3, 280lbs) I can haul *** without being winded.

05-29-2005, 10:52 AM
im ~5'10", ~120lb, about .nothing% boday fat, can run fast, dive low/fast, and shoot people, meh, just something not generally discussed on pb forums

I envy you.

05-29-2005, 12:03 PM
3 BPS!!!!!

(BPS = Beers per second)

ooooh, can you say beer-showdown? i think i might have you beat

05-30-2005, 09:44 PM
From what I've seen, physical ability is only about 10% of paintball at most. I would say 50% equipment, 40% strategy, and only 10% physical ability...therefore it's only logical that physical ability only gets a fraction of the discussion time on a paintball thread.

Physical ability helps if the ability is quickness and agility. When I was heavier, paintball was harder because I couldn't keep up on the break and couldn't run fast enough not to get hit between areas of cover. Strength means little in paintball...if you're huge...you're a huge target. :nono: :wow: :nono:

05-31-2005, 12:16 AM
i think that your % for equipment is way to high. i have seen many players out there with SC markers school the guy packing a timmi etc. Watched a guy take out two matrix one timmi & an RT a5 in one game using a sniper/ ccm pump. Stratagy & skill set will beat out a spray & pray method player more time than not.

05-31-2005, 12:26 AM
the way i see it...

tactics 40%
phisical ablilty 20%
equipment 10%
expierence/judgement 30%

05-31-2005, 12:55 AM
i think that your % for equipment is way to high. i have seen many players out there with SC markers school the guy packing a timmi etc. Watched a guy take out two matrix one timmi & an RT a5 in one game using a sniper/ ccm pump. Stratagy & skill set will beat out a spray & pray method player more time than not.

i havent seen anything like that ever and I've been playing close to ten years now.

05-31-2005, 01:52 PM
the way i see it...

tactics 40%
phisical ablilty 20%
equipment 10%
expierence/judgement 30%

:rofl: Where do you get your drugs?

Lets say it's 70% strategy/intellignce/experience/whatever...and that's pretty high...there is NO WAY IN H#LL'S HALF ACRE that physical prowess is twice as important as equipment!!!! :rofl: That's friggin NUTS!! :eek:

I've been eliminated by enough 7 year olds with cockers to learn that.

The only time physical prowess is EVER a factor is endurance (keeping from getting winded on the break), agility (keeping from falling down...which I have NOT mastered :ninja: ), and speed if your playing a capture the flag style game and are needed as a "runner".

Next time I go to the field, I'll play with a Tiger Shark and when I get lit up by some 5 year old with an Angel, I'll throw the Tiger Shark at him to show him how much stronger I am than him. HA hAAA!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

05-31-2005, 01:58 PM
:rofl: Where do you get your drugs?

Lets say it's 70% strategy/intellignce/experience/whatever...and that's pretty high...there is NO WAY IN H#LL'S HALF ACRE that physical prowess is twice as important as equipment!!!! :rofl: That's friggin NUTS!! :eek:

I've been eliminated by enough 7 year olds with cockers to learn that.

The only time physical prowess is EVER a factor is endurance (keeping from getting winded on the break), agility (keeping from falling down...which I have NOT mastered :ninja: ), and speed if your playing a capture the flag style game and are needed as a "runner".

Next time I go to the field, I'll play with a Tiger Shark and when I get lit up by some 5 year old with an Angel, I'll throw the Tiger Shark at him to show him how much stronger I am than him. HA hAAA!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Funny thing is, I walked on to a field one day to just hang out. I picked up a rental Piranha, gravity fed hopper, and put a pod in the back pocket of my jeans. The first game I was picked last (it was a private group short on players so I joined).. the other "regular" was picked shortly before me but on my team. Lets just say it was the last time they let us be on the same team, and the last time we were picked that late in the choosing... and many of them were shooting very high end markers. Give me a decent cheap marker (one that will fire) vs someone without skill with a ramping DM5 and I am not that bad off.

We were playing Sunday with a group, 2 on 3. My teammate was using an old cocker, I was using an Ion - the other team all had pretty high end equipment. We did fine 2 on 3 all day, despite there equipment advantage (and there willingness to shoot A LOT of paint). Equipment matters, but not as much as everything else.

05-31-2005, 03:43 PM
I can pee really far.....I mean really far :shooting:

05-31-2005, 03:44 PM
I Need Help! I Hear You Need Upgrades For Co2 To Work With The Minimag. i Dont Know What Kind Of Upgrade To Get So The Co2 Will Work With My Minimag. I Dont Want To By N2 Compresed Air Because My Paintball Suppliers Dont Supply It. Please Help Me.

05-31-2005, 04:41 PM
It depends on your valve. If you have a classic valve, it will work with CO2. X-valves run off of compressed air only....

05-31-2005, 06:53 PM
I Need Help! I Hear You Need Upgrades For Co2 To Work With The Minimag. i Dont Know What Kind Of Upgrade To Get So The Co2 Will Work With My Minimag. I Dont Want To By N2 Compresed Air Because My Paintball Suppliers Dont Supply It. Please Help Me.

Where'd you come from? Can't you see we're having a serious conversation about how great Lohman is that he can beat everyone with a Pirhanna and 45 round hopper blindfolded and chained to a log!? :tard: :rofl: :shooting: Stop Interupting him! I wanto hear about his one-on-one match vs. Goliath. :hail: :hail:

You got lucky. I mean, don't get me wrong...I've gotten decent kills with an Eradicator and helped out my team a great deal...but I had to rely alot more on my strategy in that situation...I couldn't help out the front men because my gun was junk and couldn't shoot straight. I was forced to flank and work my way around players...if I got in a firefight...it was all over.

But in both cases...no physical prowess necessary...