View Full Version : BlackVCG, are my eyes deceving me......

11-27-2001, 01:14 AM
are my eyes deceving my BlackVCG or did you drill out your revolution to make access for your warpfeed hose? Wouldnt this decrease the amount of paint it will hold? also would the hose interfere with the paddles inside the hopper? it is a cool lookin beast though! lastly what kind of trigger is on it, it looks inverted and uncomfortable, are your shot patterns higher than normal or did you retrain your shooting technique? looks like it would tend to shoot higher with the grip angle inverted. any thoughts would be appreciated.

11-27-2001, 01:27 AM
Nope... it's a great mod you can do that makes your gun more compact. No interference with the paddles, doesn't really decrease paint you can hold because the hose in the hopper has balls in it. BlackVCG has an AGD Z-Grip on his MiniMag. It's out of production but if you look really hard you might find one. It puts your hand in a more natural shooting position.


11-27-2001, 06:07 AM
TX Micue i wasrefering to a post in main section of his minimag, that thing is bad a..! It still looks uncomfortable too shoot tho, i guess i would have to see for myself tho. thx again for enlightining me!

11-27-2001, 08:37 AM
Z-Grips are comfy to some and uncomfy to others, it all depends on your playing style. I personally don't like the feel, but I can see how a lot of people would like it.

11-27-2001, 02:57 PM
Miscue pretty much answered everything. As for the grip, you hold it and point it straight forward like you would with any other grip, only your wrist is straight inline with your arm when you're holding it tight. Instead of having your wrist canted forward to hold a .45 grip frame, the angle on the grip puts it all in a straight line. This makes it very comfortable, especially when playing tight. I'm always playing up front, so I need to be able to play as tight as possible. The Z-Grip helps me do that.

Try one for yourself and you'll see the difference. :)

11-27-2001, 05:57 PM
Thordic lies. Z-grips are cool. I own one and love it. Still have to drill out my hopper for the warp hose though :)