View Full Version : The "How To Beat Semi's With A Pump" Thread

05-28-2005, 07:58 PM
There seems to be a growing interest in the whole PUMP thing, maybe due to the Blowfish' success.
So I thought I would start this thread to accumulate the experience and stories from those who know how to lay it down against the hated Semi. Believe me, you can give the average tourny player more game than they can handle. If you are playing really advanced guys or pro's, they're going to clean your clock anyway, so you might as well play pump and save some dough.
Two things that come to mind are using high ROF against the offending slime, and using thier own frustration against them.
Once you get to your bunker, start looking for a back player and get him or her shooting at you. If you pay attention, you will actually find it easier to see the line of paint being thrown at you, especially if they are ramping. Use that to your advantage by shooting back at the times the paint is off your line. It happens more often than you think. The higher the ROF, the easier it is to do.
The next trick is to frustrate a closer player into really hanging it out for a shot, or the best, getting them to "muppet up" for you over the top of a bunker.
This works best if they KNOW you have the pump because they will generally disrespect your skills. After trying to outgun you, they get frustrated and play loose. If you keep your game tight, pretty soon it's GOG time, just watch for that little window. :shooting:
Welcome all comments,

05-28-2005, 08:15 PM
I havent done anything but oneball/pump for years.

i also play with decent players.

most decent players one-ball a lot of the time which is actually much more difficult than pump play.

dont delude yourself that experienced players have no idea what you have up your sleeve, just accept that if you are going head to head against good players using semi's you are going to have to use an inferior strategy of play, and that most of the time you are going to be hiding in your bunker from streams of paint waiting for somebody to try and bunker you (during an airball game of 5+ per team).

practice counter-bunkering, thats all the advice i got. everything else is a big DUH!

pump/oneballing is still more fun though, and thats why i do it:)

05-28-2005, 08:15 PM
thats a really well thought strategy, have you tried that yourself to see if it worked?

05-28-2005, 08:23 PM
One word: Aggressive.

You have to be aggressive when playing pump. Get down the field, make the other team worry about you. Practice snap-shooting, reloading your 10rds / CO2s, and counter bunkering.

05-28-2005, 08:23 PM
practice counter-bunkering, thats all the advice i got.

This is the MOST important thing you could learn. The 2nd is to know how run up the field. The 3rd is to know how to snipe muppet mowers.

Darn them muppet mowers.

stop whining buy a mag
05-28-2005, 08:35 PM
This is the MOST important thing you could learn. The 2nd is to know how run up the field. The 3rd is to know how to snipe muppet mowers.

Darn them muppet mowers.

So you have something against me!?!

A few people at my field play pump every so often. It's just a laid back woodsball field but there's quite a few fast guns out there. Being aggressive is the best thing you can do. Give them something to worry about. And while your upfront, you can get some pretty nice kills as the other team tries to bump up.

50 cal
05-28-2005, 08:58 PM
Been using a Phantom for years against semis. It usually takes a few minutes to gage someones timing. That is my secret to playing against them. Nearly everyone has a pattern they fall into. If you can figure them out, you can nail them.
Big games are a good way to practice against electros. The tourney players use the same technique in scenario or big games.
It's pretty funny when you get one of them and they bellyache about you getting them with just one or two shots against their 200.

05-28-2005, 09:10 PM
I haven't faced to many pump'ers (is that even a term?) so I can't really input how they beat me..But I suggest others say how the pump'ers beat them...

05-29-2005, 03:19 AM
Play well if not better.

I win.

05-29-2005, 06:58 AM
I really doubt the Blowfish have much to do with it unless you're in Cali.

I played the FL pump event yesterday, and 26(?) people were there, playin hard!

Last month I played the Spring Pump Event in Illinois, and 107 people were there from across the country!

I digress...

Playing pump against semis is easy.

Step 1: Move.

Step 2: Keep moving. Nothing frustrates them more than not knowing where you might be.

Step 3: Snap Shoot. A lot. You Cannot win a toe-to-toe confrontation, so be sneaky. :ninja:

Step 4: Communicate... I still find this to be the most difficult tactic to get people to follow...

Step 5: Smile, be happy... its funny to see their reactions when you're having a good time, even if you're not winning... :confused:

You'll find these tactics change dramatically when you're playing against all pumps... because these work against bunker-monkeys, but not against a mobile, communicative team.


05-29-2005, 07:57 AM
I hear a lot of ppl bragging about beating good players w/ pumps against semis, but then I hear comments about woodsball/rec fields. Just cause you see someone at the rec field that is wearing jersey, paints, harness and all that doesnt mean they are tourney players. Those guys just want to look like that. And they usually arent all as good as you guys think they are. Most rec/woods in this area are very easy fields. I go out there and one ball ppl w/ my ion (used to do it w/ my mag and tippy). There are a lot of things you can practice w/o having to use a pump, although it does conserve paint and prolly make it easier to move since you arent carrying all that much weight.

Even a large majority of tourney players arent all that good. One balling noobs and recsters is really not something to boast about.

05-29-2005, 08:19 AM
I hear a lot of ppl bragging about beating good players w/ pumps against semis, but then I hear comments about woodsball/rec fields. Just cause you see someone at the rec field that is wearing jersey, paints, harness and all that doesnt mean they are tourney players. Those guys just want to look like that. And they usually arent all as good as you guys think they are. Most rec/woods in this area are very easy fields. I go out there and one ball ppl w/ my ion (used to do it w/ my mag and tippy). There are a lot of things you can practice w/o having to use a pump, although it does conserve paint and prolly make it easier to move since you arent carrying all that much weight.

Even a large majority of tourney players arent all that good. One balling noobs and recsters is really not something to boast about.
You do realize that what is being discussed is not how to beat tournament players using semis, but just how to beat players with semis period, right? It is about how to counter higher ROFs no matter what skill level those ROFs are coming from.

I didn’t see a single comment about tournament players being put up against pump players (and only ONE comment was made about tournament players period, and it had nothing to do with pump players VS them), nor what people were wearing on the field. I feel you are making a stretch that was simply not made in this thread by any member.

As for one-balling noobs and recsters not being something to boast about…. That happens all the time with certain members here concerning when they get together at a field and wipe out everyone else there (but usually concerning the use of semis). And I will also add that just being a “reckster” does not mean you have no skills. There are good players with great skills in every style of play, as well as bad. To think that just because you are playing on a “rec” field , or on a “walk on” day means there will not be any “skill” on the field is a mistake to make, as well as to think that someone who chooses to play rec has no skills. But then again, the only one on the field with “skills” is the individual talking right? ;)

05-29-2005, 08:34 AM

To think that just because a player has a jersey and nice pants, as well as good gear (marker and pod/pack) it means they are “posing” or trying to claim they are something they are not is also a mistake to make.

Sometime folks just like to look good. Sometimes folks just like to have good equipment. And sometimes they ARE highly skilled players. Judging someone’s skill or lack of skill simply by the marker they shoot, what they wear, and their gear is a mistake to make. And seasoned players avoid making that mistake.

Also keep in mind that many times skill on a rec field is not always what determines whether you will “win” or not. Many times it is that young kid on his first day playing that was sitting quietly behind a bush afraid to go forward that takes a lucky shot at you and marks you out. Being in a target rich environment can also mean that there are more folks out there to watch out for…. No matter what their skill level is. Balls in the air don’t care who they came from.

05-29-2005, 10:01 AM
I played with fred at the local pump event and its cool to see a pump on pump airball gan it just sounds different. I saw some of the best players i'd ever seen yesterday guys taht could hit you the first time the snapped out even if you weren't showing that much but over all have fun

05-29-2005, 02:00 PM
Oh teh Noes!

I'm so confused!

Since I'm a pump-player... but I wear nice pants, a jersey, and fancy packs to hold my 12grams and 10 round tubes... does that make me a n00b-basher? or a twib-basher?

Yakitori- keep it on topic bro, there's plenty of room elsewhere to discuss that.


There is a big psychological advantage to playing pump, it can work both ways though, some players will overlook you because of it, some will focus on you... both can be easily turned to your advantage: 1) Flank and prove that you are a force to be reckon'd with... 2) have your friends eliminate them while they focus on you!


05-29-2005, 02:49 PM
I hear a lot of ppl bragging about beating good players w/ pumps against semis, but then I hear comments about woodsball/rec fields. Just cause you see someone at the rec field that is wearing jersey, paints, harness and all that doesnt mean they are tourney players. Those guys just want to look like that. And they usually arent all as good as you guys think they are. Most rec/woods in this area are very easy fields. I go out there and one ball ppl w/ my ion (used to do it w/ my mag and tippy). There are a lot of things you can practice w/o having to use a pump, although it does conserve paint and prolly make it easier to move since you arent carrying all that much weight.

Even a large majority of tourney players arent all that good. One balling noobs and recsters is really not something to boast about.

but if you have a fast gun and all that gear you look expierenced, but as a pump player you should not be intimidated. i am trying to get into the pump scene so i am a better player, but i am just another rec. guy annyway. tourney scene is next year :D .

and then sometimes, i just limit myself to a hopper every couple of games, and i eventually get better.

can'tthink of1
05-29-2005, 03:54 PM
Just a little advice in general for playing, this kinda applies to pump too, but attack on your right side. Most players aren't quite as good snapping/shooting with thier left hand. This can be a huge advantage depending on how the feild is set up.

And for strict pumpers, what always gets me is how fast they are at snapping, so yeah, practice snapping really fast. I haven't played pump, but I've had it played against me, and I've gotten shot by a pumper before.

05-29-2005, 05:15 PM
meh, i dont normally play pump, but, have been recently, sort of growing tired of just mowing down people because they cant do anything solely because of rof. With the pump, i do as much distracting of other players to help my teammates as i do actually shooting guys. Other than that, snap shoot guys, dont get shot, meh, win.

05-29-2005, 07:00 PM
Guys, I have been hearing this argument for over a decade now. I started playing back in 1989 when almost everything was rec/woods ball. Also, most of us had some sort of pump gun then as well, remember the ol Nelspots? ;)

First let me say this, the marker does not make the player!!! Read that again! Want to beat a semi with a pump? Hone your skills with what you have. Here is a reality check for you - If you are shooting a pump against say a DM4 or something ... YOU ARE OUTGUNNED!!! They have the advantage as far as firepower goes. How does one counter that? Use better tactics, know your limitations, and be AGGRESSIVE!

Many say that Tourney players plat better than rec ballers, and vice versa. Again, I have played every form a ball there is, and here is the advantage that I see tourney guys having in most cases. (this is coming from a rec baller at heart) They COMMUNICATE!! They work together, and they play aggressive! Almost always when I play rec ball, I see the same ol thing ... guys out on their own, not communicating and have no game plan.

You see ... it's not about being a tourney player vs rec baller, it's about team work, communication, and active play. By that I mean getting out there and pushing the other team. If you dig in like a ground hog behind a bush, you are a sitting duck!

05-29-2005, 07:18 PM
Believe me, you can give the average tourny player more game than they can handle.

eh ehm.....xcuse me. He did say something about AVG tourny players. I dont just make things up. I actually do read the posts.

Maybe you should read it more thouroughly shartly before you react. He did mention tourny players in the very first post. Then later someone else mentioned experience players.

I just made a simple point and I didnt try to offend anyone, BUT the FACT is that yes, ppl at rec fields that dress in tourney attire may be good at their fiied, but when you compare their experience level abroad, they may be just AVG. Most fields only have 3-10 of these players at the field. The remainder are either first timers, or begginers, and there is no glory in bragging about one balling them. My point is that I do it all the time. Even w/o a pump. Just cause I have a fast gun doesnt mean I just mow. There is much more to the game than that.

Please read up before you make a dispute that doesnt relate to the post I made. Dont be offended just cause you play rec, but dress as a tourny player, and I referred to you as AVG. There is nothing wrong w/ being an avg player. You apparently misunderstood my post, or didnt notice that the VERY FIRST post mentioned giving avg tourney players more than they can handle. :rolleyes:

05-29-2005, 07:41 PM
Oh teh Noes!

I'm so confused!

Since I'm a pump-player... but I wear nice pants, a jersey, and fancy packs to hold my 12grams and 10 round tubes... does that make me a n00b-basher? or a twib-basher?

ummm...twib basher maybe?????? :D

05-29-2005, 09:30 PM
thats a really well thought strategy, have you tried that yourself to see if it worked?
I did'nt just try it, I use it as part of my playing style.
Today my teamate Sean and I went for a little tune-up time in Oroville. Although there were only 2 guys there that APPEARED to be tourny types, we had a good day, and learned some things. I actually fell for my own trick by getting frustrated and giving the guy an excellent shot on me after a good 3 minute snap-shooting battle. I had his a$$, he was working every bit of this cone he was in, and I had bounced him twice already. I knew he was getting low on paint, but sure enough, I leaned my hopper out for a shot and he keyed right in and killed me. Same thing hapened to Sean working the 50, he thought he could get a shot and collected a ball on the goggles.
Afterward we sat on the tailgate to talk it out. So we tightened up our game, and started ganging up on guys. Even after a few more serious looking players showed up, they played the laning game and would not really move so we could get crossing shots on them. So, as SAW opined, we started shoving it down thier throats. We had pretty good success with that, but did get mowed down a couple of times. The way it goes.

An additional point: Anyone with experience can beat the crap out of normal rec players (weekend warrior types, occasional players, newbie kids) They are not really dedicated to competing. This thread is intended to help those pump players who are well versed in paintball, maybe starting the pump scene, and probably good semi players to boot. This is to show what you can do tho beat the Skilled tourny player. Because you can.
Glenn Takamoto from Avalanche played in one of our pump tournys we host in NorCal. Glenn can beat you a hundred different ways. But, becuase he is not used to playing pump all time was on an even field with us. Some local NCCS guys actually whooped everybody with STOCK GUNS, Glenns team had 2nd, and we took third. Afterward we all went out to scrimmage against some teams at the field that day, teams known in nppl.
I was able to get 50's, bunker people out and got a guy of the break, all with a pump. Glenn was running around making people cry with an old STO cocker he had.
The point is not to brag, but to play effectively with the equipment you like.
p.s. I got my a$$ handed to me several times too no matter what I did. Damn ramping.

05-29-2005, 09:43 PM
I'm on a speedball team that uses stockclass guns only. We have played several tourneys in the past few years against mech and electro semis. Communication, (most important) I cannot scream this loud enough. Stay in the game by making smart moves at the right time. Practice shooting every way you can think of (running/shooting, snapshooting, sliding, etc.). Relax and stay cool...Zen of paintball. Take care of your gear. Practice practice practice...playing pump is cheap. Above all, sportsmanship. All of our work has paid off in many ways.

05-30-2005, 02:56 AM
Back to the original question...

When I've done well using a pump against semis it was because I was patient and accurate. I disagree that being aggressive is the way to go. If you charge at a line of semis, all you acheive is getting trapped and hoping the players behind you can come save you. :shooting: When I've won with a pump it's because I hide and wait an extra few seconds for the guy to get within range before giving away my position...just like hunting.

When I've lost using a pump against a semi...well, you get in a firefight. If they see you first...they just lay down paint on your location. If you're stupid enough to jump up before their gun jams or their hopper empties...you're toast. :mad:

I've read a couple posts now about people playing pumps and having success against cockers and electros and semis...I don't see it. Maybe in woodsball where you can hide. But in speedball or in close quarters with average or better players...I don't see it, my opinion. :bounce: