View Full Version : so i want to be a weapons engineer

05-28-2005, 11:43 PM
i am about to go to highschool, and am deciding what i want to do when i grow up. i like guns, and making things, and can look at most things and tell how it is made and how it works. at my friends house the other day his did brought home a video we watched. he works for lockeed martin (is that how you spell it?) and it was stuff about future warfare, and it was just so cool. i also like the military, and it would be nice to follow in my fathers footsteps (retired after 20 years, he was a lutennant colonel).

i have been thinking about it for a while, and i have always made weapons and things that shoot other things... all started with a pea shooter watch, then a catapult, then an air cannon... then i got into paintball and airsoft, and the fun begins!

what do you guys think?
is annyone annything close to this?

Will Wood
05-29-2005, 12:11 AM
Well I don't really know much, but all I'd have to say is go get an Engineering degree (Would recomened BS) and then just apply for a job at one of those companies.

05-29-2005, 01:17 AM
Well I don't really know much, but all I'd have to say is go get an Engineering degree (Would recomened BS) and then just apply for a job at one of those companies.

Can you get an BA in engineering?!?! That would be kinda funny actually :D

05-29-2005, 02:47 AM
Your going to change your mind so many times dude. Just keep an open mind right now and think about what you want to do but dont shut out your other options just yet.

Target Practice
05-29-2005, 03:14 AM
*shakes head*

As long as I don't have to shoot/sail/drive/fly, or otherwise use/come into contact with anything you design, go right ahead.

05-29-2005, 05:11 AM
*shakes head*

As long as I don't have to shoot/sail/drive/fly, or otherwise use/come into contact with anything you design, go right ahead.


05-29-2005, 07:08 AM
you're going into... wait for it... High School...

Get a well rounded curriculum if you have any control over it, get 3 years of a foreign language, I wouldn't recommend Spanish... 4 years of math, get into Calc if you have a mind for the area under a curve (I don't). 4 years of science, including Bio, Chem, and Physics... advanced (AP) courses if you can handle them.

Set yourself up to get into a good Univeristy as best you can, that way, regardless of what you want to do, you'll have a solid foundation to build upon in any direction.

Rock on bro, knowing what you want to do... I was the same way, Architecture for me!


05-29-2005, 07:19 AM
*shakes head*

As long as I don't have to shoot/sail/drive/fly, or otherwise use/come into contact with anything you design, go right ahead.Why would a starbucks employee ever come into contact with weaponry?


05-29-2005, 08:00 AM
I wouldn't recommend Spanish
I would, you have no idea how usefull it would be for me to be able to speak Spanish right now.
It took two days to explain to me why they were calling me el gato.

05-29-2005, 08:06 AM
why weapons?

it sounds like your interested in engineering, i would suggest just going into engineering and see if you like it. it might be totally different then what you think, not just sitting around tinkering with stuff.

honestly, it sounds like it just might be a phase with you. im not saying that you dont wanna really do it, im sure you do, but the fact that a video from lockheed martin really inspired you makes me think that it might pass into another field.

and remember, a video from lockheed is going to show all the cool parts and weapons, not the designer that sits in a cubicle, responsible for weighing all prototypes for balance ;)

personally, your best bet is to see if you can take a trip to lockeed or maybe colt, or something, and really see what these guys do.

ask anyone here, most of us have changed our minds tons of times :D

05-29-2005, 08:38 AM
I wouldn't recommend Spanish because most of the engineering collaboration you'll be doing is ... German... who knew?

That might be a stereotype, but my dad used to work as a civilian engineer on armored vehicles and tanks... I'm not utterly ignorant on the subject.... but I could be wrong.

A technical foreign language, like German, will also teach you more about English as you learn it than you'll ever pick up in an english or grammar class... the better your grasp on the English language, the better you'll be able to communicate in any situation.

Japanese would also be up on the list.


05-29-2005, 09:35 AM
A technical foreign language, like German, will also teach you more about English as you learn it than you'll ever pick up in an english or grammar class... the better your grasp on the English language, the better you'll be able to communicate in any situation.

very odd, but very, very true

05-29-2005, 12:02 PM
Im going into Defence with a BS in Aeronautical Science and Enginnering and a BS in Mechanical Engineering.

05-29-2005, 12:05 PM
Why would a starbucks employee ever come into contact with weaponry?



pound it

05-29-2005, 12:13 PM
boy ill slap the * out of you

It will be easier to slap you with a ban. We'll see you in two weeks. Later tough guy. Army

05-29-2005, 12:15 PM
boy ill slap the **** out of you
OH NOES!!!111oneoneonseventeen

05-29-2005, 12:20 PM
Sorry sometimes I forget im talking to a bunch of internet geeks who sit at their computers all day long.

05-29-2005, 12:23 PM
boy ill slap the **** out of you
Says the Juggalo.

I hate to say it, but Automaggot has every bit of ability to run around breaking people in half.

05-29-2005, 12:24 PM
Says the Juggalo.

I hate to say it, but Automaggot has every bit of ability to run around breaking people in half.



05-29-2005, 12:25 PM
Sorry sometimes I forget im talking to a bunch of internet geeks who sit at their computers all day long.


Edit- People, stop confusing Wicked_Wayz with Wicked_Klown.

05-29-2005, 12:32 PM

Edit- People, stop confusing Wicked_Wayz with Wicked_Klown.

Please do, I hate ICP

05-29-2005, 12:34 PM

Edit- People, stop confusing Wicked_Wayz with Wicked_Klown.

Awwww. Now where's the fun in that.

Will Wood
05-29-2005, 12:56 PM

05-29-2005, 02:02 PM
wow you guys trashed this thread...

05-29-2005, 02:35 PM
yea you did.

oh well...

i can always just delete it...

or wait for someone to get banned...

or it will just die...

05-29-2005, 10:18 PM
Ehh, I'll give this a thoughtful reply.

Look into different clubs in your HS, robotics specificly. Not only do you get to make things with your hands, you get to design/engineer different things. I took this root and I am very ure I want to get a degree in Mech. Eng. Also, you may want to take a few classes that involve engineering next year. This can include wood shop, auto body, small engines, mech. drawing, etc. See if this sort of thing is for you. Engineering is not all working with your hands and shooting things. Alot of it is calculations and design perfection. Alot of the time you dont even build it yourself. A prototype engineer(i.e. machinist) does that for you.

Dont set your future up just yet. Next year you may find you love earth science or english literature.

05-29-2005, 10:30 PM
I'm smack dab in the middle of highschool and I want to go into the same field. I know I'm enlisting in the USMC when I'm done with HS. I, too, have a fond relationship with things that go boom. For years I've been interested in explosives and firearms alike, and have studied up well on both subjects.

I'm still kinda shaky on what I want to actually do. I don't want to sit in aberdeen, md making guns while other marines have to go to war. I dont WANT to go to war, but the way I figure it, if I dont go, that means someone else will have to, which is my entire reason for wanting to join the military. I dont want to fight, but I will fight for a cause.

I'm the kidn of kid that if somethign is broken, I'll pick it up and fix it in 5 days with a paperclip and rubber band, and somehow make it better. I love watching reruns of MAcgyver.

I still have 2 more years to go. You've got 4. If your interested in the military, take jROTC in highschool. I HATE JROTC now (mostly its just my unit. I'm white, and my corps is 90% asian, and I am very often the victim of racism (as wacky as that may sound).. Plus the senior class has an attitude.. bleh I wont go into details, just join rotc. It'll start you off in the military (if you decide to enlist) as a higher rank (more money) and will certainly put you in boot camp with a slight advantage (mostly with drill).

Talk to a recruiter though.. They can give you advice on which courses to take. Just don't let them play you. They have a quota to fill.


05-29-2005, 10:41 PM
Glickman and Fred gave some good advice. I was in the same boat as you. I loved to tinker with stuff. I ended up going to college for Mechanical Engineering, then switched to computer science, then to computer engineering, then to electrical engineering. You know, the only real engineering. :p Oh, and when I went to school. I was sure that I wanted to be a mechanical engineer too.

If you wan't to work with your hands and tinker with stuff, you want to be a technician. They're the people that get to test the engineers designs, and try to troubleshoot. The engineer comes up with it on paper. It's real easy to become a technician if you've got the engineering degree though.

For high school, just take all the math you can. No matter what type of engineering you do, it's all just applied math. Your first priority is math, then physics, then chemistry. For languages I'd take german if I had the choice.

This is a little early to be saying, but I'm gonna say it anyway. Electrical Power Engineering is gonna be a huge field soon. It covers electromechanics. I think that will be the next big thing in weapons design. Right now, the power supplies are the bottlenecks to a lot of systems performance. It's gonna be a big field soon. I wish I had majored in it.

*edit - Just thought I'd add this as a side note. The defense industry is really big right now. It's fairly easy to find a job if you've done well in school. I didn't do that well, but I still got a job that I'm excited about. I'll be working on nuclear reactors in submarines.

05-29-2005, 11:33 PM
Alpha, Aberdeen is a Proving Ground, not a weapons maker.

Aberdeen tests some of the most exotic and futuristic weapons under development today.

As Supernumero of my 45B class (Feb 4-May 27, 1988), I got to go behind the fence and see some COOL stuff in testing...ever wonder what a 6500+fps HE tank projo will do to 12' of reinforced concrete? Rail guns will make alll your hair stand on end...even my, then, very bald head :D I even got to fire the original M4.

05-29-2005, 11:39 PM
I thought they made adn tested em there.

they should mount rail guns with 10" projectiles on convoy trucks. Might make those insurgents think twice about an ambush :shooting:

05-30-2005, 09:44 AM
When I was a kid my dad used to be an engineer that worked on various guns. I know he worked on what is now the M-249 and he also worked on two other guns that I don't think are still in production. One was what he called the LAR, or light assault rifle, and the other was a submachine gun whose name I have forgotten.

p u r e e v i l
05-30-2005, 11:04 AM
I only read the first post, BUT! If you're barelly going into High School and are already deciding on your future? Yeah... wait awhile. It might change.

Target Practice
05-30-2005, 11:15 AM
I only read the first post, BUT! If you're barelly going into High School and are already deciding on your future? Yeah... wait awhile. It might change.

No kidding. High school makes you soft. Pretty soon, you'll be wondering why weapons exist in the first place.

05-30-2005, 12:16 PM
No kidding. High school makes you soft. Pretty soon, you'll be wondering why weapons exist in the first place.
PETA loving turd :D

Target Practice
05-30-2005, 12:17 PM
PETA loving turd :D

Hey now, I didn't say it made me soft.

05-30-2005, 01:47 PM
Ehh, highschool just pisses me off. But theres a good chance you will change. Whbile I've always persued a military career, I used to want to be a flyboy pretty damn bad. Iwanted to go to the Air Force Academy and be a pilot. Then I smartened up and figured out that I wasn't smart enough to make it in. Now I want to be a Marine. Who knows maybe Ill want to be a sailor tomorrow.

...Nah. :rofl:

p u r e e v i l
05-30-2005, 01:49 PM
Ehh, highschool just pisses me off. But theres a good chance you will change. Whbile I've always persued a military career, I used to want to be a flyboy pretty damn bad. Iwanted to go to the Air Force Academy and be a pilot. Then I smartened up and figured out that I wasn't smart enough to make it in. Now I want to be a Marine. Who knows maybe Ill want to be a sailor tomorrow.

...Nah. :rofl:

What's the matter with Sailors? Support our troops, right? That means every one of them that does something you're definetly not doing right now, and that's protecting and serving. I joined the Navy.

05-30-2005, 04:02 PM
What's the matter with Sailors? Support our troops, right? That means every one of them that does something you're definetly not doing right now, and that's protecting and serving. I joined the Navy.

05-30-2005, 04:06 PM
What's the matter with Sailors? Support our troops, right? That means every one of them that does something you're definetly not doing right now, and that's protecting and serving. I joined the Navy.

Whatever you say Sailor Boy

...and slateman gets this one closed, due to him being a dork. Army