View Full Version : Fields are for Losers

11-27-2001, 07:57 AM
For these reasons:
You often have to travel 2 hrs into bumble-bill hickvill just to get there.
You have to pay to get in
Often you have to pay for their crappy paint which is jacked up
You have to wait for refs to start a game
The car ride home sucks cause your all dirtry and messing up your interior

Why finding your own paintball spot near home is better:

You can play much more often
You dont have to pay to play
You can buy your own paint
You can start games when ever you want
If you want to sit out a game to clean your gun, you dont fell left out since games aren't 45 min apart

Guerilla paintball rulz :D

11-27-2001, 08:05 AM
What sucks about backyard bally:
no refs
never a lot of other players
no air fills
scares local people
more dangerous (rules may not be enforced, no nearby medical help)
hard to find land to play on
no tech help if gun goes down (not mags of course:))
have to walk 5 miles in the woods to get there

no this isnt true for everyone, but neither is your description of normal fields. and i never had a problem of paying $15 to get to play with 20-30 other people. our backyard games were usually 3v4 or worse. IMHO backyard sucks.

why not do a couple things also:
-talk to the field owner about changing policies about paint (maybe higher field fee to BYOP, or maybe ask him to buy less paint so it doesnt go bad, or just simply educate him on preserving paint)
-talk to the refs about shorting waiting time. i know its an issue here but its usually because the refs are talking to a friend that dropped by and they lose track of time. whenever someone says "hey ref, can we get started?" we go right away.
-bring a change of cloths or a sheet for your car seats

11-27-2001, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by MoserMan
For these reasons:
You often have to travel 2 hrs into hickvill just to get there.
You have to pay to get in
Often you have to pay for their crappy paint which is jacked up
You have to wait for refs to start a game
The car ride home sucks cause your all dirtry and messing up your interior

Why finding your own paintball spot near home is better:

You can play much more often
You dont have to pay to play
You can buy your own paint
You can start games when ever you want
If you want to sit out a game to clean your gun, you dont fell left out since games aren't 45 min apart

Guerilla paintball rulz :D

Im not even gonna touch this one....breathe UDT....breathe......:rolleyes:

11-27-2001, 09:30 AM
I'm with UDT and Restola: My local field is 3 minutes from my house, (and I live in a city environment, not hickville...It has 2 speedball and 6 wooded fields, paint is expensive there, but you can bring your own, and air is $2.00 to fill a 12 OZ. tank. So, not all experiences are the same.

11-27-2001, 10:22 AM
I have been playing renegade ball (or whatever you want to call it) for years. I also play on commercial fields from time to time, but mostly for big games. We have a chrono, CO2 and Nitro fill stations. We don't need refs cause we are all friends and trust each other. Every once and a while we will run in to a group or morons playing that have no clue how to play safe. We simply educate them. Show em how to Chrono their guns. Explain why it's important. Playing sans field can be a nice setup, but it's not for everyone.

11-27-2001, 11:09 AM
Yeah, fields are lame. I wish I could play in malls.
If I could only afford to set everyone up with goggles.
:p :p :p

11-27-2001, 11:51 AM
Ok, now you are echoing my dream. Every time I go into the Mall of America, I think "wow, this would rock for a big game!".

11-27-2001, 12:20 PM
Fields have a number of advantages, from Ref's to fills, to having extra paint available if you run out.

Guerrilla gives us a bad rep in the media, especially if anything bad happens. That's why fields have Insurance.

But I'd kill for a BYOP field near me, everywhere I play is Field Paint Only.

11-27-2001, 12:47 PM
Ahhh, I like playing fields better. My field, Top Gun, is like 45 minutes(25 when my friend drives) from mi casa. I like the field better because it sets a more competitive mood. Also where I come from 'hyper ball trees' don't grow. Nor do speed ball fields. Finding legal land to play on is scarce and if you are lucky enough to find some it isn't worth it to have to clean up after we are done. Shooting 5000 paintballs every weekend turns into a lot of litter. Its a win win situation in my eye. Playing in your backyard, you can't really judge how good you are. Playing against the same kids all the time with no variation is boring. Fields are not for losers and I think you are quite tacky for saying that. My field has 7 rec ball fields and 5 speedball fields compared to your 1 field of choice, whats dumb about that? Have mom and dad drive you to a field and play some ball.

BTW- games aren't 45 minutes apart where I play, thats insane. 45 minutes if you get eliminated at the start and its a long game, 'maybe'.

11-27-2001, 01:10 PM
Yeah I hate playing at fields. I like to play on state land. oh wait when I was 17, I did that and we got our guns confiscated for 6 months. The DNR loves paintballers. Nope I'm gonna play where it's safe and legal, at a real field.

11-27-2001, 02:20 PM
I live in THE Hickville, but I still play at a field and it is great. Rec without a field is for newbies workin on their skills, fields are the only way to go.

11-27-2001, 02:23 PM
I can't believe you posted that moserman...its like you were just trying to randomly bash something.

maybe if you trying to be funny I wouldn't care as much...but that is just such a dumb post. Fields organize pball, and help make it grow as a sport...and prevent accidents that are more prone in backyard ball.

How bout trying to play a game at your field without a ref...That's what I do.

11-27-2001, 02:38 PM
Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of fields. Most in my area suck tho.

Now, Paintball Sam's in Racine WI is a different story. I head down there for the Big Games and love it.

wyn1370, in Minnesota anywhere it's legal to hunt, it's legal to play paintball. We have had cops stop by once. Once we explained that we were not an invading russian force (some old lady called em all worried) they hung out with us for a while.

11-27-2001, 02:45 PM
I was just expaining what happens in my area. Any type of air gun is illegal on state land in Michigan. Funny thing though was my friend in high school had a dad who was a park ranger, and he said it was fine to play on state land. That was up to the part where the DNR (Department of Natural Resources) showed up, ticketed us and confiscated our guns. I never played renegade again, I stick to sanctioned fields now.

11-27-2001, 03:09 PM
Well I guess it shouw go without saying, but I will anyways. Check your local laws before you pick a spot to play.

Tho that didn't help why1370 out too much.

Temo Vryce
11-27-2001, 03:26 PM
Guerilla paintball

Well where I come from it's called outlawball becuase that's what it is. Outlawed.

I would rather drive for the hour I do to play at the field I play at because I know that the refs and staff there know how to do thier job. Can you say the same thing about the animals in the woods you play in? If you don't like the field in Hicksville then open your own field, or atleast try.

11-27-2001, 03:36 PM
Ok, fields rule because:
(1) Air fills when you run out
(2) Paint available when you run out
(3) Tournament quality fields
(4) Refs are there(Sometimes, even if you are honest, you can't tell if you are hit I.E. visor, head, etc)
(5) You get to play against people who are better than you
(6) You wont get arrested/kicked off by the guy who owns the land when he finds out that you have a "PAINTBALL WARGROUND" on his land lol
(7) ProShop!
(8) I get paid money to ref there
(9) Hyperball!

My fields are like 30-40 minutes away, BUT I DON'T MIND!


11-27-2001, 04:43 PM
What he posted was obveously meant to provoke some kind of reaction. I recommend that we don't give it to him.

11-27-2001, 04:58 PM
The field is just about 10 minutes from where i live it only costs about 10 dollars to play and all day air is 6 dollars and its BYOP. My cousin also has a backyard field so I go and play there most of the time and we normally have about 4 on 4. It is a speedball field (not in the woods) and we only have to walk less than a minute to get to the field. We have air fills there too. And a hand held chrono. So I say that there are good and bad about the field and the backyard field.

11-27-2001, 05:02 PM
i love renegade ball. that's pretty much all we do around here. we get free CO2, and we pay $4 for nitro for the day(to cover the gas cost of the guy who fills it, really, since he has to go a 1/2 hour to get the scuba filled). we pay prices for paint that are no higher than any online store(and we don't pay shipping). since we set up the games and often play on our property or places we have premission to play on, we make the rules. if they're not followed, you don't come back. we only allow masks made out of hard plastic, no flexy stuff. yes, we don't have refs, but we're a rather honorable bunch and far as i've seen, we've had no problems with cheating. the cops don't care, the neighbors don't care. as long as you do things right, you can still play renegade and do it safely. oh yeah, and the rescue squad is right down the street, so medical attention is readily available. we've all owned at least two guns of entirely different manufacture, so there's usually someone there that can fix a broken gun. if they can't, well most of us still have that tippmann or spyder that got us into paintball to begin with. there's no hiking involved to get to the playing aread. it's through a stand of trees from our 'parking area' and about 50 yards past them. typically we can muster a 8v8 game, and on occasion we've been able to manage many more(biggest yet was 15v15. that was a great day). i think making backyard ball an enjoyable experience depends on who know(for paint and gas) and who play with/against.

11-27-2001, 05:16 PM
ummm i beg to differ...i've played both own field and actually field

~~~my field
~i own a fill station
~i know tech. of every gun used where we play..cept the autococker
~medical help is near by...
~and we have upwards to 20 ppl show

~~~~actual field
~everything above
~games are to far spaced
~some places don't allow s/f
~some places don't allow mulitple hits
~some places split the games to super guns,regular, and pump


11-27-2001, 05:21 PM
He was probably thinking, "what's the most disagreeable thing I could start a topic about?"


11-27-2001, 05:27 PM
Fields suck for me...
$15 for admission
$10 for rental/mask
$20 for 500 paintballs
2 hour drive on average.
Only played six 15 minute games the whole 5 hours I was there...
need to have parents sign wavers.

Can go play in old abandoned house for free
I can leach off all my friends' paint
I can borrow my friends' guns and not rent them
I like those house games with 3v3... it includes more tactics.
I also like how when you get shot you can just keep playing until everyone runs out of paint...there's no real outs and crap. Makes the game more fun.

11-27-2001, 06:27 PM
Screw malls...i always thought the greatest place to play would be an airport....whoops....shhhhhh.....maybe i shouldn't have said that...:D

11-27-2001, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by FooTemps
Fields suck for me...
$15 for admission
$10 for rental/mask
$20 for 500 paintballs
2 hour drive on average.
Only played six 15 minute games the whole 5 hours I was there...
need to have parents sign wavers.

Can go play in old abandoned house for free
I can leach off all my friends' paint
I can borrow my friends' guns and not rent them
I like those house games with 3v3... it includes more tactics.
I also like how when you get shot you can just keep playing until everyone runs out of paint...there's no real outs and crap. Makes the game more fun.

wow thats expensive!
ive got 5 dollar field fees, inculding all day air
half case of paint is 25, its also BYOP
its like 20 minutes from me, and we have an air field

oh yeah, also, most places you go will make you sign wavers if your under 18
just to let you know


11-27-2001, 06:35 PM
at my field, you sign waivers once, then you get a membership card.

backyard ball can be very dangerous and illegal in some areas. this can also give paintball a bad name. stick to the fields.

11-27-2001, 06:42 PM
Well, all the fields I go to the wavers are one time use only... I wish the fields I went to had that membership thing...

11-27-2001, 07:07 PM
Man some of you sound like little girls...
Its dangerous to play on your own...oh no :(
R u kidding?
Playing on open public property doesnt work (with cops confiscating you guns :mad: ) but if you are on public property no one usually cares
I've played in my back yard many times and the only comments I get are by my neighbor who incourges it cause he thinks I am prepping to invade afganistan

Im not trying to start contraversy im just stating what I believe

11-27-2001, 07:09 PM
who needs refs?

Ive experienced alot of refs, not all, that dont know what they are doing and get in the way

as long as you play with people who dont try to cheat then its all good

11-27-2001, 07:27 PM
Playing on open public property doesnt work (with cops confiscating you guns :mad: ) but if you are on public property no one usually cares
I've played in my back yard many times and the only comments I get are by my neighbor who incourges it cause he thinks I am prepping to invade afganistan

Im not trying to start contraversy im just stating what I believe
Ok, your back yard is what we call 'Private' property. You are allowed to play there, you own it. Public is what we call..Uncle sams back yard. Thats somewhere you have to abide by the law keepers rules or pay the penalty. In NJ a paintball gun is considered a firearm. Can be confiscated and you could get in trouble if the police think you are up to something. I called the local 'po po' and thats what they said. You see, not everyone in America walks around wearing their nifty JT spectras. Get a ball in their eye and thats a recipe for lawsuit vs the city, for not protecting them. Is it worth it to get my expensive gun taken away because I'm too cheap to afford an extra $25? My answer is no. But I'm also the kind of guy that will actually go out to the movie theater instead of waiting for the movie to come out on video tape and sit home and watch it. Don't get mad because the field needs to make a profit in order for you to play there....they don't do charity work and believe it or not they have a family to feed too.

To end this post I will quote a famous saying that I heard in high school, when I wasn't sleeping of course.
"your rights end where my nose begins"

11-27-2001, 07:31 PM
thats touching

but id rather spend 1/4 as much, have alot more fun and have less agrivation of the fields that are around me

I play gurrila paintball at my friend's back yard that has 2 acres of forest, that is private property. I wont be hitting any stray people dont worry pal

11-27-2001, 07:38 PM
btw im not cheap...I just dont like wasting my money, I call that stupidity:D

11-27-2001, 07:46 PM
I am neither stupid nor your pal. Nor am I a little girl. Your opinion is yours alone. If you are too scared to play at the field then don't, just don't call the kids you want to be like losers.

11-27-2001, 07:49 PM
your in denial

11-27-2001, 07:59 PM
its ok that he plays in his back yard, thats what newbies do
lots of people start that way
one day he will realize that big kids play are real fields, and he will too

no big deal
just dont make paintall the "bad" sport around, by getting into trouble

11-27-2001, 08:01 PM
Denial is a river in egypt and I like competing against people that play more than I do. If you play newbies then you only get as good as the competition they offer you. I would rather hang with the big boys( and girls) and learn from them. Thats my mindset. Also, if its what you want...try getting scouted for a team in your back yard.

11-27-2001, 08:08 PM
My friends have tricked rts and cockers

I dont play with newbies

11-27-2001, 08:09 PM
notice how everyone has "tricked" cocker?
just asking
thats all
they might have nice ones, just sayin

11-27-2001, 08:12 PM
They most be some skilled players with their wicked "tricked" markers. Your not going to learn much playing outlaw.

11-27-2001, 08:17 PM
gurrila is cheaper, fun and it allows me to play more often with all my paitnball buds

isnt that what paintball is suppose to be about?

11-27-2001, 08:18 PM
umm, i kinda resent being called a newbie just because i play in my backyard. just because we play in the woods and not on a speedball field doesn't mean we're better or worse than anyone else automatically. playing in the woods is a far different experience than playing on a speedball field, i'd imagine(haven't played speedball yet, so i don't know). from what i'm told though, the tactics for the woods and the skills you need are far different from an arena. you could take the best speedball player, throw him in the woods, and he could get blasted by an intermediately skilled player. the same works in reverse. just because i'm a backyard player does not mean i'm automatically a newbie or inferior. granted i'm not the best, but we all play hard. when we realized we were getting any better because of our competition, we started giving the opposing team extra players. we dont have the resources locally that you might get at a large field, but we find other ways of challenging ourselves.

11-27-2001, 08:41 PM
Moser you seem like the type of idiot that ****s up the game for the rest of us. How idiotic could you be to even think about saying who needs refs??? Your the type of person who thinks it is funny when someone is on geraldo for doing a drive-by with a paintball marker. You are a worthless, degenerate piece of **** and I hate the fact that I share this glorious forum with you!!

The Mag Man
11-27-2001, 09:44 PM
Wow...the moderators are going to have a field day over that last post. Anways heres my situation. My town has a scuba shop about 2 minutes from my house. The store fills Co2 and N2 tanks. He also sells the best paintballs in the world (Zap Performance Plus) for a great price! I call up all my friends with guns and we all head out to the shop. We get paint and air and go have a great day of renagade ball on property where we shouldnt be playing. As of matter of fact, it is illegal what we are doing. But we don't care, and neither does anybody elese in the neighborhood. This "field" that we have is better than almost any rec ball field I have ever seen. We have have been working on it for three years. We go out there and have so much fun. There are pros and cons about playing here. Pro: A LOT less money Con: Players that I play with aren't anywhere near as experienced as I am. Most of them have never even seen an Automag untill I take my shinning beauty from it's case. I know it is illegal but the people who own the property go back their to get dirt for construction sites. They have seen the field and they don't care. So we are fine. So who ever started this post, don't say "fields are for losers" because thats just ignorant and stupid. Renagade and organized ball each have pros and cons over the other. The matter is solely based off of your own feelings on which one you like more.

11-27-2001, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by ChrisRT
Moser you seem like the type of idiot that ****s up the game for the rest of us. How idiotic could you be to even think about saying who needs refs??? Your the type of person who thinks it is funny when someone is on geraldo for doing a drive-by with a paintball marker. You are a worthless, degenerate piece of **** and I hate the fact that I share this glorious forum with you!!

hey chris, try to express yourself without swearing, it just makes you sound pretty dumb. we don't want those naughty thoughts in the heads of all the kiddies out there. :)

11-27-2001, 10:08 PM
LOL! I'm one of those kiddies that doesn't need to hear swearing... Is there any way to get the fields near me to do that membership thing?

11-27-2001, 10:18 PM
*cough* *close it* *cough*

11-27-2001, 10:29 PM
Some pros and cons of guerrila paintball:
Con: It gets boring knowing exactly what your 3 best friends do every game.
Pro: Sometimes it's fun to bunker our lil newbie bro's
Con: Our 1 field gets old, we don't want to waste anymore precious hunting area
Pro: After we get bored of our 1 field, we can play stupid 4 wheeler tricks
Con: We aren't exactly field designers either
Pro: I have the best gun of all my friends(classic mag)
Con: Playing woods ball totally blows, there's no teamwork involved, we just start a long ways away from each other and walk stupidly around til we get shot.
Con: Only my local field does air fills
Some pros and cons of fields
Pro: I don't always have to be on the same team as my one of my 3 best friends.
Con: When I was a newbie, it really sucked paying 15 bux to get smoked all the time
Pro: I can buy more paint when I run out
Con: No stupid 4 wheeler tricks
Pro: I didn't have to build the fields
Con: Can't shoot random objects between games
Pro: Local field is only place I can get air fills
Con: Can't invent stupid games(like on our field, when I was out of air," You run or else we shoot everyone" that was fun)
Con: Can't moon people while running to a nearby bunker
Con: Can't play one on one in a soybean field
Con: Can't really do anything stupid that's entertaining

I think this debate is like cocker vs mag, do both

11-27-2001, 10:30 PM
As far as I know, you cant find any Sup Air, or Ultimate Air trees, or any sort of decent fields in the woods. Commercial fields are the best. But I have been known to show up at a few places where they play back in the woods. Since I am more into competition paintball, I would much rather play on a speedball course that is actually worth playing on.

11-27-2001, 10:44 PM
You are ignorant beyond all reason. You are the type of stupidity that I piss on from a considerable height.

If your field sucks, too bad, play backyard. It's not that fun playing with less than 10 people, but if you like it, then fine, it's your opinion. Claiming that "fields are for losers" is damn ignorant.

I have good BYOP fields, when I want to play with less than 30 people, I go to one, if I want to play with more than 100 people, I go to the other, if I don't have any money and I have leftover air/paint, I play backyard games (we actually have a backyard field by the highway).

Guerilla paintball is not a backyard game. It is when you go to a public place (a school) and start playing there. Quite a big difference.

Ignorance like yours pisses me, and probably everyone else, off. Shut your mouth if you don't know what you are talking about.

11-27-2001, 11:10 PM
I've played fields and public land for a considerable peroid of time. (4 years forrest/field in montana, 1 year field in nevada)

Honestly, I prefer playing on public land with a natural landscape. Where I use to play, we would get 50-60 people in a 15 acre mini forest with a clearing in the middle puncuaed by thigh high brush. It was REALLY fun. If you invest in a 30 dollar home business licence, you can get paint wholesale, and with 2.00 scuba fills I used to play from 9:00am until dark for about 10-20 dollars depending on how trigger happy I felt.

No expensive/crappy field paint.
No expensive field fills.
No stupid crates for hiding places.

Of course, one of the reasons it was so fun was that the local air force personal would show up to play. They were good.

Don't get me wrong. You need to have all your own stuff and a popular place to go to enjoy public land play, but I havenet come across a large city that didn't have place like it. Even now that im in nevada I still play on a public field most of the time, but since its a speedball field I dont count it as wilderness play.

11-27-2001, 11:47 PM
Both field and fully legal woods play have a part in my paintball world. I don't like speed ball. It's far different than what I started with, and I just don't enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for people being nuts about it, just not something I like. I enjoy playing more wooded/natural environment.

The fields around me are crap. I mean $2 per 1000psi for Nitro, what's that? One place won't even let you chrono with your own paint. That's after a $15 field fee. Their idea of a big game is 30 people. The result is I avoid them. So I play on land where is is both safe and legal to play. They are no more safe than we are. One time I was at a field and they didn't even chrono the guns, it was cold and they figured no one was gonna get above 280fps. Along I came with my Nitro setup and they just had me eye ball it. I cranked it way down just to be safe.

I for one abhor the idea of people doing things that cast the game/sport of paintball in a negative light. But I don't think safe and legal play off of a commercial field does that in any way.

On the other hand, playing on land that you don't have permission to play on is trespassing, and stupid.

11-28-2001, 01:16 AM
Painguns are regarded as "low power firearms" you can own them when you're 18 and you don't need a license.

When you play renegade (anywhere else than on a legal field) you're in for the following:

- Illegal carrying of a gun: Jail up to 3 years (+ destruction of said gun)
- Illegal shooting (on public property): A lot of money (+ destruction of said gun)

And some more funny laws:

- Owning a Paintgun that's capable of burst fire or full auto (= unlicensed ownership of a military Weapon in a minor case): Jail up to 3 years or a lot of money (+ destruction of said gun)
- Giving a Paintgun to anyone under the age of 18: A lot of money (+ destruction of said gun)

11-28-2001, 01:45 AM
sledgehammer, rules about firearms differ from state to state here in america. Lets let this thread die. People that play in the woods are not lesser people. What the debate was about is that the dude said that whoever plays at fields are losers. Thats what we were arguing about not the fact that playing in the woods isn't as cool as at a field. Thats not true. Im out of the conversation here, its pointless. Empty barrels do make the most noise.

11-28-2001, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by Failure

In NJ a paintball gun is considered a firearm

Correction, Paintball Markers used to be considered firearms in NJ until around 1988. Ray Gong successfully won a lawsuit to effectively interpert the term "firearm" in NJ.

Ray Gong then founded Top Gun Paintball the next month. Top Gun Paintball is the reason why paintball is legal in NJ.

11-28-2001, 11:11 AM
Well the trooper said in not so many words, any firearm that shoots solid projectiles, debateable, is considered an illegal firearm. He read it from something so I'm taking his word that he is right. But Ray from top gun really started that? Good man.

11-28-2001, 11:45 AM

Funny how I just made up the term guerrila paintball and never heard anyone use it b4 so it is what I intended it to mean: any form of paintballing off an offical paintball field.

I think the term "backyard" is kinda of weak

I play in a 2 acre private field, partially open and partially wooded with no surronding neighbors. We have many bunkers set up and we usually play with 20 or more people

The subject of this thread was made cause I knew I would get more results from it. I dont honestly think that fields are for "losers" but I just prefer to have more fun and save more money

everyone has there own opinion:D

11-28-2001, 11:45 AM
Well, I've got a speedball field set up at my cabin. Its a nice field, but the cabin is 45 minutes out of town and all my friends are too big of pansies to get in a car for more than 10 minutes. But when we can drag everybody down there it rules. Weve got fills on nitro and Co2 so air isnt a problem, but paint is. We have a handheld chrono, and we all are safe, and most of us are honest. It takes a lot of work to keep the field up because its so far away, so we spend a week before we play down there mowing and fixing the bunkers.

If there was a field within an hour drivin distance I would go to it, but theres not. I would try to open one, but Im only 13. I would take playin at a field any day over renegade, but theyre just too far away.

11-28-2001, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Failure
Well the trooper said in not so many words, any firearm that shoots solid projectiles, debateable, is considered an illegal firearm. He read it from something so I'm taking his word that he is right. But Ray from top gun really started that? Good man.

In 1988 there were a few reasons why the state considered Paintball markers to be firearms.

Since paintball markers used CO cartridges (1988! remember), they were firearms since one definition of a firearm involves the use of cartridges. Also paintball markers were "destructive devices" since they fired a projectile greater than .60 caliber.

Ray contacted Bud Orr, and had him make a CA (a regular tank) .50 pump sniper. And then he had it entered as evidence in his lawsuit. During the case, he convinced the judge that paintball markers weren't "deadly" by shooting an expert witness several times.

It all happened in Monmouth County, right in the court house in Freehold. 2 miles from my house :)

Ray used to have the marker used in the court case hanging on the back wall at the field... I haven't been there in years.

So in short, Ray is the man responsible for paintball in NJ.

The only shame is, that this is going to get lost in the rest of the thread... maybe I should repost it as it's only thread...

11-28-2001, 06:43 PM
I think you should. That's way more important than this thread.

11-28-2001, 07:56 PM
by you posting to this thread makes you a hypocrite

11-28-2001, 08:15 PM
posts like that are childish and really have no place here. several people have tried to make this a civilized discussion, and you do not help the situation