View Full Version : A thought

05-29-2005, 11:19 AM
I've been thinking about Lohman's thread "when does bps stops giving you a tangible advantage", and something has puzzled me.

Let's start out with some basic facts. A paintball gun shoots usually at 285 fps -at least it does here. At our speedball field, the bunkers are about 15 feet apart. On average, the guys around here run at about 7 mph, (my best educated guess by the way.) That means that you can usually run that 15 feet in 1.5 seconds. Keep in mind that all this is in a basic paintball situation for me, where i usually shoot the bunker myself until i run up and bunker the guy. Shooting at 15 bps, rounded off from 15.4, or the cap of the psp ramp rules, you would shoot about 22-23 balls in that 1.5 seconds. That means that the paintball would hit that bunker at an interval of about .07 seconds, which by any means is not enough time for some person to poke his head out and shoot you. Myself, i cannot on the field stick my head out, look around for a person, and shoot him, in less than .75 seconds, most likely more. That means that i only need to be shooting at 2-3 bps in order to keep that person's head down, or i'd shoot him in the hopper or mask or something. So, now i wonder, what's the point of this 15 bps stuff? I can shoot 2-3 bps with a PUMP, why do we need semi's that can shoot 23 bps - whatever bps?

Of course, some calculations might be off, but they give you a general idea. I did them kinda fast so yeah.

-edit- i forgot to include the fact that you'd be moving while attempting to bunker the person, so the distance the paintball needed to travel would be less. That means you would start out shooting 2-3 bps, but could end up slower and still have the paintball hit that bunker in less than .75 seconds.

05-29-2005, 11:28 AM
I've been thinking about Lohman's thread "when does bps stops giving you a tangible advantage", and something has puzzled me.

Let's start out with some basic facts. A paintball gun shoots usually at 285 fps -at least it does here. At our speedball field, the bunkers are about 15 feet apart. On average, the guys around here run at about 7 mph, (my best educated guess by the way.) That means that you can usually run that 15 feet in 1.5 seconds. Keep in mind that all this is in a basic paintball situation for me, where i usually shoot the bunker myself until i run up and bunker the guy. Shooting at 15 bps, rounded off from 15.4, or the cap of the psp ramp rules, you would shoot about 22-23 balls in that 1.5 seconds. That means that the paintball would hit that bunker at an interval of about .07 seconds, which by any means is not enough time for some person to poke his head out and shoot you. Myself, i cannot on the field stick my head out, look around for a person, and shoot him, in less than .75 seconds, most likely more. That means that i only need to be shooting at 2-3 bps in order to keep that person's head down, or i'd shoot him in the hopper or mask or something. So, now i wonder, what's the point of this 15 bps stuff? I can shoot 2-3 bps with a PUMP, why do we need semi's that can shoot 23 bps - whatever bps?

Of course, some calculations might be off, but they give you a general idea. I did them kinda fast so yeah.

-edit- i forgot to include the fact that you'd be moving while attempting to bunker the person, so the distance the paintball needed to travel would be less. That means you would start out shooting 2-3 bps, but could end up slower and still have the paintball hit that bunker in less than .75 seconds.

You still have to remember, there are a few feet inbetween each ball, and there's also the intimidation factor going.

You've got a hail of balls coming at your head, you dont peek out that side, you peek out the other side.

On the note of, " That means that the paintball would hit that bunker at an interval of about .07 seconds, which by any means is not enough time for some person to poke his head out and shoot you." -- This occurs on a pretty regular basis.

05-29-2005, 11:29 AM
why do we need semi's that can shoot 23 bps - whatever bps?

If you are comming up on my bunker and I can hear your shots getting closer, you will not get a chance to bunker me. Plain and simple a paintball is only so large and there is plenty of room around one single side of a bunker to pop out and blow atleast one life saving shot.

The real metric is how hast can one shoot up to 15.4bps. Can you do it in the first 3 snap shots or does it take 4-5 shots, mech, to get a good rythum...... Where I get lost in the logic is why we need 120 halo's. 99% of players dont play anywhere near the limit of thier equipment.

05-29-2005, 11:40 AM
If you are comming up on my bunker and I can hear your shots getting closer, you will not get a chance to bunker me. Plain and simple a paintball is only so large and there is plenty of room around one single side of a bunker to pop out and blow atleast one life saving shot.

The real metric is how hast can one shoot up to 15.4bps. Can you do it in the first 3 snap shots or does it take 4-5 shots, mech, to get a good rythum...... Where I get lost in the logic is why we need 120 halo's. 99% of players dont play anywhere near the limit of thier equipment.


05-29-2005, 07:17 PM
The real metric is how hast can one shoot up to 15.4bps. Can you do it in the first 3 snap shots or does it take 4-5 shots, mech, to get a good rythum...... Where I get lost in the logic is why we need 120 halo's. 99% of players dont play anywhere near the limit of thier equipment.

That's why I only play with a Revvy on my Emag... I'll never get faster than 12-13 bps... I occasionally use a warp, but not for increased bps...