View Full Version : Radar Detectors

05-29-2005, 05:58 PM
I wouldn't want to spend more than $300, but I can't afford a ticket. Who's got some expertise on the subject?

Target Practice
05-29-2005, 06:03 PM
I have one, but I don't use it. You're better off not speeding. It's cheap, and 100% effective.

05-29-2005, 06:04 PM
but I can't afford a ticket. Who's got some expertise on the subject?

how about dont speed :)

never really trusted radar detectors
most of the time cops dont leave the radar on all the time anyway.

05-29-2005, 06:30 PM
listen to these guys

05-29-2005, 06:33 PM
How did I know I was going to get retarded answers like "don't speed." I don't need to justify my driving behavior. But if you think driving the speed limit all the time is reasonable or realistic, you're an idiot.

05-29-2005, 06:34 PM
How did I know I was going to get retarded answers like "don't speed." I don't need to justify my driving behavior. But if you think driving the speed limit all the time is reasonable or realistic, you're an idiot.

you wanted to know if they worked I gave you my opinion
dont ask for opinions if you dont want different answers

05-29-2005, 06:39 PM
I asked for expertise on the subject of radar detectors themselves, not how to drive to not get pulled over. You ever drive in morning traffic?

05-29-2005, 06:40 PM
I saw this episode of Mythbusters one time where they put this big rotating mirror on top of a car. It reduced the range at which the radar could detect it. :D

05-29-2005, 06:46 PM
You ever drive in morning traffic?

every damn day.

google is your friend



Dont bother with radar jammers they dont work

Target Practice
05-29-2005, 06:50 PM
How did I know I was going to get retarded answers like "don't speed." I don't need to justify my driving behavior. But if you think driving the speed limit all the time is reasonable or realistic, you're an idiot.

Thanks for endangering people on the road! I don't speed, and you're the idiot.

Target Practice
05-29-2005, 06:51 PM
I saw this episode of Mythbusters one time where they put this big rotating mirror on top of a car. It reduced the range at which the radar could detect it. :D

No it didn't. None of the things they tried worked.

05-29-2005, 07:11 PM
Check the laws and see if radar jammers are legal in your state. If they are, buy one.

05-29-2005, 07:27 PM
Thanks for endangering people on the road! I don't speed, and you're the idiot.
I don't endanger anyone, buddy. If you're not tailgating, where's the endangerment? There is a huge difference between driving over the posted limit and being reckless. I was pulled over for 71 in a 55 in the left lane with no one on the road. Who is in danger there? Was what I was donig wrong? I'm not getting a radar detector so I can drive 100+ and be an idiot, I'm doing it, mostly, so I can cruise with the rest of the left lane drivers and not have to worry about being picked off.

Target Practice
05-29-2005, 07:38 PM
Who is in danger there?

Yourself. It's not just for protecting others, it's for protecting you.

05-29-2005, 08:00 PM
if you really want a good radar detector, get the valentine v1 and be done. its the only good radar detector, and i seem to remember a claim that if you get pulled over, theypay your ticket

05-29-2005, 08:51 PM
Yourself. It's not just for protecting others, it's for protecting you.
Here's the text of a DOT study.
"Data collected at the study sites indicated that the majority of speed limits are posed below the average speed of traffic. Lowering speed limits below the 50th percentile does not reduce accidents, but does significantly increase driver violations of the speed limit. Conversely, raising the posted speed limits did not increase speeds or accidents."

05-29-2005, 09:06 PM
they are illegal in MA. You can actually get in MORE trouble having one.

05-29-2005, 09:59 PM
Reason number 14973 why I am movign out of this God forsaken land ASAP.

Heres what you gotta do.

<ake your car angular from every direction (Like a stealth fighter). Use fiberflass or carbon fiber.

Get some iron carbonyl-ferrite, and mix it into your favorite auto paint. Spray it onto your car in nice even layers.

Voila, instant F177A car.

05-29-2005, 09:59 PM
Here's the text of a DOT study.
"Data collected at the study sites indicated that the majority of speed limits are posed below the average speed of traffic. Lowering speed limits below the 50th percentile does not reduce accidents, but does significantly increase driver violations of the speed limit. Conversely, raising the posted speed limits did not increase speeds or accidents."

I don't feel like going through my Mn/DOT data sheets, but every road fatality costs the rest of us over a million dollars. Your death may not personally affect me, but it affects my wallet.

What point are you trying to make with the bolded text?

When speed limits are set, the road's functional classification (road type) usually sets the speed limit, along with design speeds for road geometry. When setting a speed from a study, the 85th percentile speed is usually used. From that 85th percentile, the 10mph pace with the highest number of vehicles travelling at that pace is used for the speed limit, aiming for the upper end of the 10mph pace.

Why doesn't speed increase on certain roads when the speed limit is increased? It is due to the fact that we are accustomed to not wanting to die while driving at unsafe speeds. The same is true for decreased speed limits. We are able to determine what speed is safe.

71mph on a 55mph is not safe. You may be fully confident of your driving ability, but you cannot be certain of the conditions of your vehicle or road. Sharp turns are sometimes marked with a yellow diamond shaped sign. These signs are not even required.

The safety of the road is not just the conditions of it's surface. The road's geometry determines the speed at which you can travel safely. The design speed is used to determine how sharp a turn can be, or how much a hill can crest or sag for visual and reaction times and the physical limitations of your car actually stopping.

05-29-2005, 10:42 PM
From the same text "Speed limits were posted, on average, between 5 and 16 mi/h (8 and 26 km/h) below the 85th percentile speed."
Also, I drive that highway EVERY DAY in a NEW, WELL-MAINTANED CAR. That particular day was sunny with little to no traffic. If I remember it was around 10am on a Saturday morning when I was clocked at that speed on a SRAIGHTAWAY. So you have absolutely no grounds to tell me my speed was unsafe there. It was not.
Anyway, thanks for the few relevant posts here, I am watching some ebay auctions for the passport 6500/belx65 (same model, in effect). To the rest of you, if I had wanted an argument about speed limits, I would have made a thread, "LET"S ARGUE ABOUT SPEEDLIMITS"

05-29-2005, 11:27 PM
From the same text "Speed limits were posted, on average, between 5 and 16 mi/h (8 and 26 km/h) below the 85th percentile speed."
Also, I drive that highway EVERY DAY in a NEW, WELL-MAINTANED CAR. That particular day was sunny with little to no traffic. If I remember it was around 10am on a Saturday morning when I was clocked at that speed on a SRAIGHTAWAY. So you have absolutely no grounds to tell me my speed was unsafe there. It was not.
Anyway, thanks for the few relevant posts here, I am watching some ebay auctions for the passport 6500/belx65 (same model, in effect). To the rest of you, if I had wanted an argument about speed limits, I would have made a thread, "LET"S ARGUE ABOUT SPEEDLIMITS"

So you only speed on roads that are straightaways in fair weather?

I would say that those low speed limits were due to uninformed politicians and the general public looking for a way to fix a problem that didn't exist.

05-29-2005, 11:48 PM
My friend spent 300 dollars on a really nice radar detector. Since then he has spend nearly 4 times that much on speeding tickets. Radar detectors don't really work that well, they do detect radar well but most cop radars have that instant on button. So as soon as the radar detector picks up the radar signal you've already been clocked.

From what I seen radar detectors are the most effective on the interstate, and while they do work they are certinaly not fool proof. It only takes a couple tickets to make them not worth the money.

05-30-2005, 01:25 AM
Yourself. It's not just for protecting others, it's for protecting you.
When did we give the goverment power to protect me from myself? Last I checked, the gov't has not this power. Research the power provided to the government. NOWHERE will you ever find that it is the government's job to protect me from myself.

As for radar detectors, I've owned everything from the cheapest to the most expensive (V1). I thought the V1 was incredibly overpriced for the features and returned it during the 30-day guarantee. It still registered false alarms in the same places as the $80 Uniden I use, so I don't think the premium price is worth it.

I have plenty of speeding tickets. Some were given without a detector, some with. It's still a chance you take. If you want to travel over the limit, your best bet is to do it in areas with which you are very familiar. It's rare I drive to an area I don't know, but when I do, I take it easy. Last speeding ticket I received was for 45 in a 35, with THREE lanes in each direction. I was a bit ticked, to say the least.

05-30-2005, 02:38 AM
aceman you're completly right, it just doesn't make sense its called lidar, the type of lazer the aim at your car and fire like a gun, no way of detecting it. lots of police use those now.

05-30-2005, 03:27 AM
When did we give the goverment power to protect me from myself? Last I checked, the gov't has not this power. Research the power provided to the government. NOWHERE will you ever find that it is the government's job to protect me from myself.
Suicide? Drugs?

05-30-2005, 07:57 AM
I don't endanger anyone, buddy. If you're not tailgating, where's the endangerment? There is a huge difference between driving over the posted limit and being reckless. I was pulled over for 71 in a 55 in the left lane with no one on the road. Who is in danger there? Was what I was donig wrong?

Yes it was. There is a very sound logical argument that points out you do not have the authority to decide what laws to follow. If you have decided that the speed limit is not a law to follow, why should anyone be expected to follow any.

Its a good argument, that being said the police officers around her seldom enforce until 15+ over the limit, and most of them are on pretty good terms with me :D . So no, I'm not taking a moral high ground, but don't try to justify your actions, you are breaking the law, you deserve what you get.

05-30-2005, 08:01 AM
When did we give the goverment power to protect me from myself? Last I checked, the gov't has not this power. Research the power provided to the government. NOWHERE will you ever find that it is the government's job to protect me from myself.

Last I checked the state governments did have that authority :D and, under current law, it is they who set the speed limits. The argument that the federal government made about INTERSTATE highways having to do with interstate travel and commerce, and thus falling under there enumerated powers of the Constitution was shakey, but not as ridiculous as some powers they claimed. A Constiutional Libertarian argument only works well when discussing the federal government and there overstepping of power, when you get to a state and local level it tends to unravel.

Besides, the government does, to some degree have a duty to protect others. Your speed does not only endanger yourself, but everyone else on the roads. They have not consented to that degree of endangerment. Even ethical hedonism arguments have an issue at justify speed.

That being said if you look at it as speed limits being a punitive restriction, then you start to gain power in the argument. If you have not caused an accident then how can they "punish" you by forcing you to slow down. Theres a strong argument that can be made there.

Speed limits - why is the limit the same for a 05 Corvette and a 88 Taurus. One can handle better at 120 than the other can at 70. It also has better braking ability along with that handling.

05-30-2005, 09:25 AM
Let me start by saying every time I read a thread in this forum I loose that much more hope in humanity.

Speed limits - why is the limit the same for a 05 Corvette and an 88 Taurus. One can handle better at 120 than the other can at 70. It also has better braking ability along with that handling.

I'm going to make two points but if you think about it really hard, use both of your brain cells even you should be able to think of 50 other reasons this idea is stupid.

If one is going 70 and the other is going 120 you are just asking for trouble. Difference in speeds, road rage when one is slowed down.

The biggest factory here is your tax dollars. It would cost trillions and take years to hire engineers to set a safe speed limit for each vehicle on each road in each weather condition. Now you have the problem of teaching officers these rules. It's impossible to retain that much information it would be equivalent to memorizing a dictionary cover to cover word for word.

05-30-2005, 09:54 AM
Yes it was. There is a very sound logical argument that points out you do not have the authority to decide what laws to follow. If you have decided that the speed limit is not a law to follow, why should anyone be expected to follow any.

Its a good argument, that being said the police officers around her seldom enforce until 15+ over the limit, and most of them are on pretty good terms with me :D . So no, I'm not taking a moral high ground, but don't try to justify your actions, you are breaking the law, you deserve what you get.
A law simply being on the books doesn't mean squat. If it isn't enforcable, not realistic, morally repugnant, it won't be followed. There are plenty of laws I and many other people simply ignore. You ever jaywalk? Drink underage? Get a BJ in one of many states where it's still tachnically illegal? Do you do your taxes 100%?

And Bob - the government shouldn't do anything on those fronts either. Until you get behind the wheel, you should be able to do as many drugs as you want. And why not let people kill themselvs? Suicide is illegal, but that doesn't stop anyone from doing it. If you want Dr. K to come when you're on your deathbed, no one should stop you.

05-30-2005, 10:39 AM
How did I know I was going to get retarded answers like "don't speed." I don't need to justify my driving behavior. But if you think driving the speed limit all the time is reasonable or realistic, you're an idiot.

No, you sir are the idiot.

It IS NOT your responsibility to judge what is a safe speed or not. Granted many roads can be driven safely at higher than posted speeds. But how much do you know about whether the limit is based on road wisth, turns, hidden entrances, the presence or absence of hard shoulders.....

From personal experience and observation, those that claim to be the better drivers are often just puffed egos and all talk. So unless you've taken expert driving courses, you should lose you inflated self-value and follow the same rules as everyone else.

Study after study shows that driving the limit doesn't get you to your destination noticeably later and you get there far more relaxed.

Hope you buy a detector AND get busted. Your resulting financial problems might get you off the road.

05-30-2005, 11:01 AM
Don't you hate it when you pass someone on the highway who is going the speed limit or even under it then half an hour later you notice they're only two cars behind you and havn't been speeding? Driving like an idiot can affect driving times, a while ago I made a normally half hour trip in just under ten minutes ignoring all traffic laws. This was about a month before I wrapped up my car as a result of this sort of driving. This is what it took to get me to stop driving like a moron, don't worry it will happen to you to eventually hopefully you'll be as lucky as I was.

What is a safe speed on a road one day may not be safe the next. Remember you have no control over your surroundings. What happens if some potentially hazardous debris fell off a truck, maybie some sand or oil is on the road, a sprinkler aimed into the road creating a wet patch, a child runs out into the road, or an animal, a tire blows out, etc. You might say I'd just run it over, but a squirril under your tire under the right conditions could easially cause a loss of controll. And I don't care if your car is well maintained, new tires can have defects, you don't know if someone at the factory was having a bad day and didn't fully tighten a bolt somwhere.

05-30-2005, 06:30 PM
Slarty - Where did I say I was a better driver than anyone else? I just reread all my posts and I couldn't find such a statement, or even an insinuation, anywhere. I know up there in Canada you're taught to bend over and take government intrusion even more then we're instructed to over here in the USA, but just because a sign says 55mph, doesn't automatically make it the maximum safe speed to drive there. Speeding tickets are such a great tax-free fund-raiser for government, a hot button issue for voters, etc, that common sense will not always win out. Who's more dangerous of a driver, someone doing 75 or 80 in the left lane on the highway giving ample room to the car in front, or a jackass doing the limit, but talking on his cell phone, swerving in and out and tailgating people?
Study after study? How about personal experience? I save time when I drive, versus when some others drive, and likewise my friend with a modded WRX gets anywhere faster than I do because he is a reckless idiot. And I am completely relaxed when I drive, too. I leave earlier than I need to, with about a 15 minute window. I hope your taxes go even higher and you can't afford a car anymore, if we're going to be getting personal.

Pyro - I am sorry for your accident. As a passenger, I have unfortunately been in several, one serious, and know how rough it is. I am glad that you're ok, though. Don't assume you know how I drive, though. Once again, I need to clarify, I drive completely reasonably. I don't tailgate, swerve in and out, I don't blast through school zones, or anything of the like. The only thing I violate is the speed limit, when possible. I signal every turn, stop completely at every light, etc. I simply drive with fast-moving traffic when appropriate, which on stretches of my commute is easily 80 or 85 mph. I checked the DMV laws, tickets are in three ranges, 1-14mph, 15-29, and 30+ over. I have never done 30 over and never will, both for a matter of self-preservation and not wanting the consequences.

05-30-2005, 06:43 PM
Study after study? How about personal experience? I save time when I drive, versus when some others drive,

Once again the statement of AO. Screw quanitative scientific analysis, my perceptions are so much more accurate :rolleyes:

05-30-2005, 06:45 PM
the cops now have a radar in thier dashes that detect speed, radar detectors can not pick the new radars up... dont bother buying a radar detector

05-30-2005, 07:04 PM
While I admit to driving over the limit from time to time, it IS breaking the law regardless if anyone is around. You really shouldn't be mad that you got a ticket, you should be willing to pay it, as you willfully broke the law. Of course they can't stop you from speeding, last time I checked no one could stop you from murdering anyone either. Both are illegal and there is a punishment for both. If you do it, they are your actions and you should be willing to deal with any consequences.

Sure morally speeding isnt as bad as murdering someone, but is there a set standard of morals for everyone? Not every culture is the same, we're lucky we get a monetary punishment for speeding tickets, while in some countries they'll kill you for talking badly about the government.

That's just my input, no need to flame me or insult me or where im from (Canada as well).

05-30-2005, 07:36 PM
Once again the statement of AO. Screw quanitative scientific analysis, my perceptions are so much more accurate :rolleyes:
Jesus Christ. They're not my perceptions. I have TIMED the same route I do in the morning compared to being driven by someone else. I save time. You want videotape? Traffic isn't that bad the whole way. Also, there are plenty of lights I only make by driving faster, or going quicker off the line if I'm first at the light. Every time I do my commute, I take note of a certain car, someone who looks like they aren't going to drive like a grandma, and the vast majority of the time, they're no where in site when I get off the highway.

And tranman, I never got a ticket, I just hope to avoid one. And sorry about the Canada comment, I was half-joking. I have no actual problems with Canada. It was very nice the one time I went on your side of Niagara Falls. ;) Come on, I live in NEW JERSEY, I'm used to comments about where I live.

05-30-2005, 07:56 PM
ok so what do you want us to tell you? I see your point, you just want to drive slightly above normal speeds with out risking a ticket right? Fine then, but what we're telling you is that the technology the police has isn't worth purchasing a radar detector.
by the time the detector picks up radar, its normally too late anyway. And besides that, most officers use lidar now; which you are totally defenseless with a radar detector.

05-30-2005, 08:51 PM
And tranman, I never got a ticket, I just hope to avoid one. And sorry about the Canada comment, I was half-joking. I have no actual problems with Canada. It was very nice the one time I went on your side of Niagara Falls. ;) Come on, I live in NEW JERSEY, I'm used to comments about where I live.

My bad I misread that you HAD a ticket you couldn't pay instead of that you don't want to pay for one. Either way if you think it's worth it and it works for you at least once, I think that justifies it. Peace of mind is something people will pay a lot of money for (alarm systems, house insurance, nice cars :D , etc.)

05-30-2005, 10:26 PM
Once again the statement of AO. Screw quanitative scientific analysis, my perceptions are so much more accurate :rolleyes:
Can this fit in my location space, or would you like to use it? :rofl:

05-30-2005, 11:24 PM
Lohman: Even on track racing there is incredible amounts of team analysis that goes into the track conditions. (Lap strategies, different lines, different suspention and tires) And when you race on a track, you race in pretty much controlled conditions. Driving on the street is a completely open experience. You don't know the exact road condition, you don't know materials on the road (gravel, dust, sand, glass, blood and muscle pulp, water, etc), and you can't know the exact driving behavior of the drivers. (I've seen grandmas go 20 over and 20 under) It makes driving safely at higher speeds much more dangerous than racing, and it's already dangerous racing in a controlled environment. You can't determine speed limits by saying the more track worthy car can handle the speed.

Raiden: I can't preach to you about not speeding because I've been pulled over doing 30 over and ate a ticket for 15 over, but still dont' do it. I did the same thing you did, drove a route well known by me and had little traffic. One day, a new cop rolls into the district and gives 20 people I know tickets within a week. I see that cop camping every day when I pass by that street now. Eventually something like that will happen if you drive the route enough.

05-30-2005, 11:41 PM
If you don't like the speed limit, tough. Life's not fair.

05-31-2005, 11:02 AM
Slarty - Where did I say I was a better driver than anyone else?

Well, the simple fact that in all your recent posts you're claiming that unlike the rest of society, you alone should be able to judge the state of the road, the road conditions, the safe speed, the safe condition of your car.

As for you beinga typical arrogant yank and brining country of origin into this discussion, GET BENT.

Canada's national speed limits on highways are higher than most US states. How's that for bending over and taking it? Loser. :tard:

Speed limits aren't about infringing on YOUR rights. They're about protecting OTHER's rights.

That's what living in a society is about bud. The freedoms that our ancestors fought and died for.

Once again, hope you get a ticket and end up broke.

Want other traffic laws passed or the limit increased? Use the political system and democracy. That's what it's there for.

05-31-2005, 11:23 AM
I really don't understand how this became a thread about driving the speed limit vs. driving over the speed limit. The guy simply asked a question about what rador dector he should get, not how he should drive. Other opinons are not needed in this thread, if you feel you have to express that feeling, make a thread about it, don't steal his.

05-31-2005, 01:41 PM
Well, the simple fact that in all your recent posts you're claiming that unlike the rest of society, you alone should be able to judge the state of the road, the road conditions, the safe speed, the safe condition of your car.
Once again, if you think the speed limit sign is the end-all, be-all determination of a safe speed for a road, you are wrong. Do I drive 65 on the highway in a huge snowstorm? No, that would be dangerous, but still legal. (I am unaware if there are laws against "normal" driving in bad conditions. If I was being dangerous, the cop would have given me a ticket. Instead he rightly judged I was doing nothing unreasonable, and gave me a warning which I heeded for most of the rest of the day. Are you saying you are more qualified than he is to determine the safety of my actions, based on nothing more than my narrative on a friggin message board?

As for you beinga typical arrogant yank and brining country of origin into this discussion, GET BENT.

Canada's national speed limits on highways are higher than most US states. How's that for bending over and taking it? Loser. :tard:
So I can rag on my own town, other towns, other counties, states or regions, but somehow crossing the border line is unacceptable. :cry: If that is indeed true about your higher speed limits, I think that's great.

Speed limits aren't about infringing on YOUR rights. They're about protecting OTHER's rights.

That's what living in a society is about bud. The freedoms that our ancestors fought and died for.
Yes, my ancestors fought defending this country so a growing police state could arbitratily retard speed limits for a lucrative boondoggle.

Once again, hope you get a ticket and end up broke.
Thanks. I hope everything you ever order from a catalog or the internet or is shipped to you gets there let because the truck driver had to go the speed limit the whole time. I do not hope that you cause an accident because the rest of the traffic around you is trying to do a reasonable speed, while you, unwaveringly, will not break the magical number posted in front of you, but that is not an unreasonable scenario.

[quoteWant other traffic laws passed or the limit increased? Use the political system and democracy. That's what it's there for.[/QUOTE]
I am about to join motorists.org, and do just that. THANKS! :rolleyes:

05-31-2005, 01:43 PM
I really don't understand how this became a thread about driving the speed limit vs. driving over the speed limit. The guy simply asked a question about what rador dector he should get, not how he should drive. Other opinons are not needed in this thread, if you feel you have to express that feeling, make a thread about it, don't steal his.
Finally, someone who gets it. Thank you. At this point, though, I don't mind debating, but it certainly was frustrating at first when all I wanted to do was a little product research.

05-31-2005, 01:44 PM
If you don't like the speed limit, tough. Life's not fair.
Thank you for that eloquent and nuanced defence of the current speed limit system.

05-31-2005, 03:05 PM
Once again, if you think the speed limit sign is the end-all, be-all determination of a safe speed for a road, you are wrong.

And if you think that you have the power to determine what the upper limit is, you're delusional. The road speed on the sings is however the MAXIMUM speed calculated FOR GOOD WEATHER and CLEAR ROAD conditions.

So I can rag on my own town, other towns, other counties, states or regions, but somehow crossing the border line is unacceptable. :cry:

I object to is your qualification of my country and government. Got it? If others in other states and counties object to your paranoid view of laws and governemtn, I'll let them stick up for themselves.

Yes, my ancestors fought defending this country so a growing police state could arbitratily retard speed limits for a lucrative boondoggle.

Purely conjecture and paranoid anti-government ranting on your part. Have you ever seen the calculation sheets used by transportation departments to calculate road speeds? The top speeds for each grade of road are set using numerous criteria. Some are political, some are safety.

Regardless, who elected you above your fellow citizens? The straight road past a park near my home can easilt be handled at 80kph+. The safety of the children and the desires of the community dictate I drive at 30kph.

Don't like it? Well, I can petition city hall, the transport department, or try to have provincial or ffederal laws changed. Don't want to bother? Well, I'm man enough to take my responsibilities and face the concequences of my actions. You want to be a coward and avoid being caught so that you don't have to suffer in the name of your convictions.

I hope everything you ever order from a catalog or the internet or is shipped to you gets there let because the truck driver had to go the speed limit the whole time. I do not hope that you cause an accident because the rest of the traffic around you is trying to do a reasonable speed, while you, unwaveringly, will not break the magical number posted in front of you, but that is not an unreasonable scenario.

Talk about using stupidities in a debate. :rolleyes: I didn't say I drive the limit ALL the time, and I doubt my packages or mail will be held up by transport vehicles doing the limit.

05-31-2005, 03:06 PM
Thank you for that eloquent and nuanced defence of the current speed limit system.

As opposed to your anti-government, the police are out to get me, I have the right to ignore the laws I choose, argument? :rolleyes:

05-31-2005, 04:05 PM
I was pulled over for 71 in a 55 in the left lane with no one on the road.

Who pulled you over?

05-31-2005, 10:18 PM
Check out THIS (http://www.radarbusters.com/support/speedlabs/thanks.asp) web page...

05-31-2005, 10:56 PM
Check out THIS (http://www.radarbusters.com/support/speedlabs/thanks.asp) web page...
Good link, someone posted it before and that's what I based most of my decisions on. In light of the lidar thing, though, I dunno if I'm going to bother...
Nevermind: Laser jamming legal? Sweeeet.

05-31-2005, 11:12 PM
Who pulled you over?
Rimshot... Haha, I walked into that one. In hindsight, I really believe it to be an alien abduction, in fact.

Slarty - Sorry to jumble all my responses together, I don't feel like doing all the selectice quoting. I already posted the link from a DOT study saying most speed limits are 5-16mph below the 85%. It is absolutely not the maximum speed. Having a radar detector is cowardly? Wow. Whoever said I wouldn't accept the consequences of a speeding ticket? I certainly didn't. Your argument gets very thin there, questioning my manhood and convictions for not wanting a ticket. I'm glad you don't speed by a park. I don't speed by parks, schools, playgrounds, etc. either. Doing so would be irresponsible. Doing 80 under certain conditions on the highway is not. I am not unequivocally for speeding, obviously. I am the first to admit to a certain level of and paranoia and distrust towards government. A certain amount is healthy. Tell me there isn't mounds of evidence justifying it. You need a balance for all the sheep out there.

06-01-2005, 07:24 AM
Good link, someone posted it before and that's what I based most of my decisions on. In light of the lidar thing, though, I dunno if I'm going to bother...
Nevermind: Laser jamming legal? Sweeeet.

posted this before
"Dont bother with radar jammers they dont work

if you think it will buy one and send it to this guy. He will give you $5000 if it actually works.
police officers that I know always laugh when they see them in the cars they pull over for speeding.

06-01-2005, 02:40 PM
posted this before
"Dont bother with radar jammers they dont work

if you think it will buy one and send it to this guy. He will give you $5000 if it actually works.
police officers that I know always laugh when they see them in the cars they pull over for speeding.
Yea, I looked at that. It's the passive ones that don't work. http://www.radarjammer.com/most-fail/active-laser-jammers.htm "There are several active laser jammers that are very effective in jamming police laser, they are:" Seems like that plus a radar detector would be my best bet, but that's getting pretty pricey.

06-01-2005, 04:24 PM
This thread got retarded.

!. Back in the day officers used to pull you over by what kind of car you drove in accordance to how fast you were going, there were no massive amounts of death and tradgedy, as some of you might expect.

2. Driving over the speed limit has been shown to be safer than driving the speed limit if that is the flow of traffic which, in my experience IT ALMOST ALWAYS IS YOU OLD FARTS, THANKS FOR ENDANGERING ME AND EVERYBODY ELSE BY CLOGGING UP THE ROADS WITH YOUR SELF RICHTEOUS BULL CRAP.

3. I drive in utah, dont tell me about unsafe idiotic drivers.

4. LOL so many stupid context ignoring comments i think my brain might explode

5. My brain has exploded

06-01-2005, 04:41 PM
1. ...
2. ...

1. BS. Deaths are down by a HUGE factor both numerically and even more so, statistically in deaths/number of miles travelled.

2. BS. If I'm travelling at 120kph in the left lane passing those in the right lane going 100kph, any accident is down to your ignorant, arrogant, overly aggressive and unsafe driving. If the whole road is going 100kph, it's your impatience that is at fault.

Flow of traffic. :rolleyes:

Funny how that argument is always used as an excuse by the whiners who want to justify or get away with going faster but ignored by those same when it slows them down.

The other three are your problem....

And raiden, sure speed limits are below the theoretical safe maximum. For three enormously important reasons:
1 - The road is far below the theoretical maximum from the moment it is nolonger brand new.
2 - The average car on the road is neither maintained for or capable of any theoretical maximum.
3 - The average driver does not have a racing liscence or professional drivers training.

But for the same reasons of circumstance and judgement, tickets aren't given out when you're 1mph/kph over the limit. Usually 10-15% over is the starting point.

06-01-2005, 05:25 PM
1. But it was so much more fun...

I dont understand ur comment on #2...
Talk about assumptions.. lol.. wow...

funny how i go with the flow of traffic, slow or fast.


06-01-2005, 05:25 PM
85% is NOT the "theoretical safe maximum", 85% is what most people safely drive at, and probably BELOW a "theoretical safe maximum". BS about cars or drivers not being able to higher speeds. What do you think car inspections are for? Road maintenance? I dunno about you, but a poorly maintained road makes me slow down. And drivers licenses? Make getting a license tougher, I was able to pass my written test never opening the book, and the road test was a joke.

06-01-2005, 05:41 PM
i have an idea, why don't you just buy a radar detector and tell us how it worked for you?

06-01-2005, 11:15 PM
i have an idea, why don't you just buy a radar detector and tell us how it worked for you?
I try and do research before major purchases, hence the original purpose of the thread. Finding out lidar is somewhat prevalent in NJ though means that to be fully protected costs about the same as 3 tickets would (not incl. insurance), and it's pretty easy to get tickets moved down to community service and no points, at least from what I've seen of my friends. So now, I'm debating buying one at all, although now I know which one to get.