View Full Version : Hybrid ABS (ball detents) FYI

05-29-2005, 11:33 PM
yesterday I came across a warning signs of when your detents are on their last shots.

I noticed i would chuff my first shots, upon further inspection, i realize the plastic ball in the detente was being worn unevenly, so it would retract improperly when the bolt would strike the waiting paintball. This slightly lodges the paintball a bit untill the next shot would lob the ball out.

So i picked up pair of Hybrid adjustable ball detents yesterday because the current angel ones i had were crappy. The Hybrids were $30 pair, (although you only need one) :( but they seem to be durable. The detent is comprised of 4 or so pieces, all assembled as one unit: The detent housing, the actuall plastic detent, the tension spring and an adjustmet screw. Is goes in easily and once snugged in, all you do is adjust the clearance of the plastic detente with the adjustment screw. This is a really great feature if you have an agressive drive spring in your Halo.

I ve cooked off 2 cases of paint so far and they work like a chram.


05-29-2005, 11:42 PM
Hybrid makes some great stuff. I was actually considering those for my angel if i ever decide to run a Halo. Those or Cobra instructidents.

05-30-2005, 01:12 AM
When it comes to detents, I only use Kila (http://www.kilaproducts.com/kila/). Never had a problem. :)