View Full Version : Gun vs. Gun: Part 2.25

05-30-2005, 03:13 AM
Okay, here's a lame version of the previous gun versus gun topics. Instead of asking opinions about whether I should sell my $850 marker for an $875 other marker that is red or my high-powered gatlin gun with laser sights instead of my satelite guided missle launcher with fingerprint recognition...I'll do a simple low-end survey...wait...this is a perfect time to try the poll option...SWEET! :clap:

05-30-2005, 03:25 AM
Okay, here's a lame version of the previous gun versus gun topics. Instead of asking opinions about whether I should sell my $850 marker for an $875 other marker that is red or my high-powered gatlin gun with laser sights instead of my satelite guided missle launcher with fingerprint recognition...I'll do a simple low-end survey...wait...this is a perfect time to try the poll option...SWEET! :clap:

Cool...it worked. I'm not as much of a technopeasant as I thought. :dance:

Anyways, I'm currently leaning towards the Spyder (yes, it's an actual question), but it's tough because I've had that gun a long time. :( The most logical choice would be the Rebel because it's made by 32 degrees and is probably the least valuable on paper. But the Rebel is faster than the Spyder and usually gives me less problems. Of course, the Prodigy is made by Viewloader and what's the point of having an electronic marker that can't shoot in bursts or full auto other than the local field forcing me to play advanced class because my marker is "technically" electronic. :cuss: Or, maybe there are some mag haters out there (odd forum to hang out in) :rolleyes: that say you're pretty much going to need to sell all three of the other guns just to get enough $$$ to make the mag workable enough to keep.

And most people will probably just laugh at my question and make snide comments...more power to them...I can imagine that with the middle schools out on summer break there's nothing else to do once you get bored surfing the web for cheat codes to your playstation games...so have at it. :cheers:

05-30-2005, 05:54 AM
Well, personally, I'd take out the spyder.. IF it's anything like mine, the quality of kingmans craftsmenship has went down the drain.

05-30-2005, 08:14 AM
Sell anything but the mag...

05-30-2005, 09:25 AM
sell em all and buy a higher end gun, you dont need 4 low ends. maybe keep the mag as a backup.

05-30-2005, 09:30 AM
Well, personally, I'd take out the spyder.. IF it's anything like mine, the quality of kingmans craftsmenship has went down the drain.

:p M6, I couldn't agree with you more, Kingman's quality has taken a serious dive in the last 1-2 years. BUT...keep in mind that this is a Spyder classic/one, an original Spyder back when they were a solid mid level mechanical semi. It wasn't until about 2000 when they started making Spyder Compacts and the nowadays with Victor's and all kinds of other %rap markers that the quality took a dive. :eek:

If it was "quality" making the determination, I'd have to take a serious look at losing the E-Grip or Rebel because these things are made by companies (Viewloader and 32 degrees respectively) that are REKNOWNED for being junk. 32 degrees makes decent barrels and Viewloader rocks at making hoppers...but both have bad marker reputations. :tard:

I was trying to decide between the Spyder and Rebel...but it looks like the masses are saying it should be the Prodigy or Spyder...a little more support for the Rebel than I predicted. :ninja:

05-30-2005, 09:33 AM
Rebels suck, out it goes.

05-30-2005, 09:35 AM
sell em all and buy a higher end gun, you dont need 4 low ends. maybe keep the mag as a backup.

The only high end guns I'd consider would be a cocker or bushmaster...and I'm too mechanically incompetant to get a cocker and too poor (even if I sell all 4) to get a bushmaster unless I get it used and get a good deal. :p

That answer doesn't work because I need to keep one of the pure CO2 mechanicals (Spyder/Rebel) in order to play general class at one of the local fields.

05-30-2005, 09:56 AM
get a bushmaster unless I get it used and get a good deal. :p

Maybe maybe not,

I go with a mech mag. I am currently gunless and need to play next weekend. Honestly for rec play in this area I could go pump and still do fairly well. Even a classic mag, at times, is over kill.

05-30-2005, 10:53 AM
The only high end guns I'd consider would be a cocker or bushmaster...and I'm too mechanically incompetant to get a cocker and too poor (even if I sell all 4) to get a bushmaster unless I get it used and get a good deal. :p

That answer doesn't work because I need to keep one of the pure CO2 mechanicals (Spyder/Rebel) in order to play general class at one of the local fields.

the mag will function just fine on CO2 as long as you don't have an x or RT valve

05-30-2005, 03:18 PM
get rid of all except the mag, buy a ule body, a nice cocker barrel(stiffi or sumthin), and save the rest of the money to spend on something else. honestly, i would go nuts having that many guns around that don't get used. use one gun. save the rest of the money, and if you ever want to get your nice mech cocker, you've already got the stiffi barrel cocker threaded.

05-30-2005, 03:19 PM
Rebel because it is cheaply built and will fall apart if you shoot it to fast! :eek:

05-30-2005, 03:22 PM
Meh if I had a chance I would revote. I didnt realise the prodigy was a viewloader marker. Dump it.

06-01-2005, 01:01 PM
Looks like the polll is running out of steam...people are now seeming to go the way I thought, voting out the markers that are by less reliable marker manufacturers (32 degrees and viewloader). :ninja:

I haven't had a problem with either marker...EXCEPT (and this really bugs me) it's difficult to upgrade them. Some people complain that automags are horrible out of the box and you have to spend $300-$800 to get them workable. I would almost perfer this to getting a low-end off-brand marker and finding that there are no upgrades available. I have an old Raptor Silver Eagle laying around and can't do anything to it because there just aren't any parts out there and most paintball stores don't carry BE junk anymore. :mad:

Oh, and the Raptor wasn't included in the poll because it's a no brainer AND I'm selling it regardless. :p :cheers:

06-01-2005, 04:34 PM
Get rid of yon Prodigy. They jame up WAY too much. The electronics aren't that bad though, but they're not that great either.

I like my Spyder. It's a mildly upgraded TL-X, the only "real" upgrade being a CAMD ESP frame. The only problem I've ever had with it was the bolt not completely recocking (it'd look like it, but something wouldn't catch). But it was a peice of the rubber grip stopping the solenoid from cocking fully. I took out the top screw on both panels, viole! Problem solved! Just a tip incase that ever happens to anyone of you E-Spyder owners

can'tthink of1
06-01-2005, 05:12 PM
You don't have to be mechanically inclined at all to take care of a high end marker, its just going to take some time and effort on your part to research how it works, and what steps you take to maintain and troubleshoot it. Its not hard, and paintballers are friendly most of the time and the local pro shop can help you understand and fix your marker.

DITCH THEM ALL! An autococker is pushing it, just because they are more toublesome than others. But there are tons of markers out there.

06-01-2005, 07:31 PM
Some people complain that automags are horrible out of the box and you have to spend $300-$800 to get them workable.

I have bought many mags at or below 100 bucks, simple classic powerfeeds that are nearly 10 years old and had no problem taking them to the field right out of the UPS box.

06-01-2005, 07:57 PM
B2Ks are going for like 275 on ebay

06-01-2005, 08:50 PM
I dont know whether to vote for the prodigy or rebel...

I have a victor.. and I dont think the quality is in the crapper...

06-01-2005, 09:23 PM
Why do you guys hate the Rebel? It was my first gun and I was impressed by it.

06-02-2005, 12:22 AM
I dont know whether to vote for the prodigy or rebel...

I have a victor.. and I dont think the quality is in the crapper...

Have you ever used an older Classic One or TL spyder? The spyders that pre-date double triggers. You'll notice a difference. Old Spyders were indestructible...like Mags except not as good technology. The new Spyders have a great deal more plastic and are just junky...if that's a word. They still are better than the low-end products...and I've had pretty good luck dealing with Kingman customer service...and there are TONS of aftermarket parts available (my favorite part of owning a spyder)...but I'd buy an old Classic or TL Spyder over the new junk in a minute. ;)

Like I said in a previous post, if I decide to get rid of the Spyder...it will really bum me out because I've had that gn since I started playing paintball and when it worked...it could take out Tippmann slappies left and right. BUT...the Rebel is faster, just as accurate, lighter, and just feels better. That's the real dilemma...because the Spyder is a quality marker that I love, but a part of me doesn't want to dump the Rebel just because it's made by 32 degrees...hard choice...but maybe getting easier as the Rebel is getting HAMMERED in the polls (as I sort of predicted). :tard:

06-02-2005, 01:53 AM
I had a spyder 2000, that was the last of the good quality kingmans, infact, it still survives today, and has never hic-uped. The rebel though, I used to own one too, I wish I never had, poor quality, but I will say, had really good grips on it. Get rid of the Rebel.

06-02-2005, 08:56 AM
havent shot a spyder that old... my first one was a Compact 2000, picked it up in fall of 2000.

can'tthink of1
06-02-2005, 10:11 AM
A spyder is still a spyder, from 2000 or from today. Nothing really sets them apart from eachother aside from vert/powerfeed and elec/mech.

I'm strongly urging you to stop being so closed minded. I'm aware its ultimately your choice, I'm just trying to help you out. I'd sell them all, and you could pick up a used emag and it would be durable, fast, and just all around better than any of your blowbacks.

High end markers are easy to understand, and your pro shop can help you with your marker, or just post here and you can get help. You are really missing out if you stick to your low end markers.

If you want any help looking at new markers just IM me.

06-02-2005, 10:51 AM
You'll have trouble selling any of those other than the Mag for more than $50. Perhaps a bit more for the E-Griped one.

It's really not worth the trouble when you're talking about that level of gun. Just save up and get what you want or upgrade your mag.

06-02-2005, 11:58 AM
I had a spyder 2000, that was the last of the good quality kingmans, infact, it still survives today, and has never hic-uped. The rebel though, I used to own one too, I wish I never had, poor quality, but I will say, had really good grips on it. Get rid of the Rebel.

The grips are very comfortable. That's one thign I like about the Rebel is it is balanced really well and feels great in your hands. The downside to my Spyder being so old is many if not all of the Dye stickies won't fit it so I'm stuck with a less comfortable grip. I wonder if I could modify the Rebel trigger frame to fit my Spyder classic body? Maybe if I wasn't sucha technotool... :cry:

06-02-2005, 11:59 AM
Why do you guys hate the Rebel? It was my first gun and I was impressed by it.

you were so impressed you bought a viking? :rofl:

06-02-2005, 12:05 PM
havent shot a spyder that old... my first one was a Compact 2000, picked it up in fall of 2000.

Compacts were made well but I think smaller in size or something like that. They were actually Kingman's first attempt to break into the low to mid range marker prices and was a pretty successful gun. Unfortunately, in an attempt to take more and more of the low-end market...they continued to lower quality on later markers. :(

In my view, they are in a bad spot because their top of the line markers aren't as good as other high-end guns, but their low-end guns get huge competition from all kinds of Spyder clones and Tippmanns. With Tippmanns being the pro shop and field gun of choice in most places, Spyders get pinched. :( :shooting:

06-02-2005, 12:19 PM
I'm strongly urging you to stop being so closed minded. I'm aware its ultimately your choice, I'm just trying to help you out. I'd sell them all, and you could pick up a used emag and it would be durable, fast, and just all around better than any of your blowbacks.

High end markers are easy to understand, and your pro shop can help you with your marker, or just post here and you can get help. You are really missing out if you stick to your low end markers.

If you want any help looking at new markers just IM me.

:eek: What do you mean by "close minded"? I'm actually in the process of doing almost exactly what you're talking about. I bought an automag classic and am selling some of my lower end guns to pay for mag upgrades...isn't that pretty much EXACTLY what you're suggesting? :confused: :p :bounce:

Now, I can't sell all of them. When I bought the automag I had 9 guns. I've sold one...I have two more up for sale...I'll be selling another one soon...THEN...I'll probably sell either the Rebel or Spyder. That will leave me 5 guns...a high end mech (automag), an "electric" (Prodigy), a mid/low range mech (Spyder or Rebel), and two pumps. Until I get the mag working good and figured out, I can use the Prodigy as my #1 gun and the other mech as a back-up. If I go to a field that won't allow the electric trigger without making me play advanced class...and I'm with friends that don't want to play advanced...I can use the other mech. And the pumps come in handy for backyard games where we usually end up using pumps because the area is just too small for semis/electros. :tard: :ninja: :tard:

I'll address the selling/$$$ thing in the next post. And yes, the people here are very helpful with questions I've had. :)

06-02-2005, 12:32 PM
You'll have trouble selling any of those other than the Mag for more than $50. Perhaps a bit more for the E-Griped one.

It's really not worth the trouble when you're talking about that level of gun. Just save up and get what you want or upgrade your mag.

Yes, I will have trouble. I sold an Eradicator for $25 as soon as I sent out the e-mail...but then I tried to sell a Raptor and couldn't get near enough money for it to make it worth selling. I got a Pro-Lite that I'm going to try to sell for $60-$70...but I might not get that for it. If I sell the Rebel or Spyder...and all I can get is $40-$50...that won't be worth it either. That's what people don't understand when they say, "Sell them all and buy and EMag"...is that I could sell them all and barely have enough to upgrade my 68 classic...that's just the unfortunate state of the marketplace and unfortunate result of having low-end guns laying around. :rolleyes: Hel!, I could sell all my low-end guns and barely have enough money to buy a pizza much less an E-Mag. :D

06-02-2005, 07:17 PM
Personally I would sell the Rebel and the Spyder so I could make more money. But if I was going to throw away only 1 i would get rid of the Rebel cause it is horrible. Sorry thats the truth. Rebels are Bad Good Luck with your descion. :cheers:

can'tthink of1
06-02-2005, 08:05 PM

:eek: What do you mean by "close minded"? I'm actually in the process of doing almost exactly what you're talking about. I bought an automag classic and am selling some of my lower end guns to pay for mag upgrades...isn't that pretty much EXACTLY what you're suggesting? :confused: :p :bounce:

Now, I can't sell all of them. When I bought the automag I had 9 guns. I've sold one...I have two more up for sale...I'll be selling another one soon...THEN...I'll probably sell either the Rebel or Spyder. That will leave me 5 guns...a high end mech (automag), an "electric" (Prodigy), a mid/low range mech (Spyder or Rebel), and two pumps. Until I get the mag working good and figured out, I can use the Prodigy as my #1 gun and the other mech as a back-up. If I go to a field that won't allow the electric trigger without making me play advanced class...and I'm with friends that don't want to play advanced...I can use the other mech. And the pumps come in handy for backyard games where we usually end up using pumps because the area is just too small for semis/electros.

Oh I thought you were just trying to thin out your collection.

First off you need to settle into 1 main marker, where you have a anytime/anywhere marker. The feild where you can't play "advanced" is crap. If you want to its your choice, and I'm sure if you make up some bs they will let you in. I'm gonna suggest this will be your mag.

For your mag, what do you have on it so far? And what gear (tanks? hoppers?) do you have so far?

I'd keep the pumps, cause well pumps rule, and if you can, just sell all the blowback crap and use those when you want to go ball when your mag is down. This way you save on paint, and supposedly playing pump helps improve your game. You only really need 1 pump too.

I think your main problem is you are trying to have a specific marker for every single situation. Thats ultimately your choice, but you're going to be missing out on higher perfroming markers.

So I'd say, sell everything, except the mag and the pump, and upgrade the mag. Also, I suggest playing pump at the feilds, supposedly its a blast.

06-07-2005, 03:37 PM
The people have spoken...the Rebel will go bye bye if I end up getting a buyer.

I did a comparison last weekend...starting out with the Spyder....then going to the Rebel. The Spyder got me 4 kills in 4 games (2 on 2 and 2 on 3 because it was early in the day). I pulled out the Rebel...NOT ONE KILL...and it JAMMED 3-4 times!! For some reason, it would fire a couple times than jam. What made it most annoying is it's rear-cocking and my hands were so sweaty in the 85 degree weather that I had to use both hands while wedging the gun between my knees.

So, I'll clean it...bring it to the local shop to have them go over it...then sell it. Some people would just sell it dirty and tell people there's nothing wrong with it...but I usually try to sell my extra guns to friends first and even if I didn't I don't think that's right...there's nothing worse than getting excited about getting a decent deal on a used gun online then finding out the gun doesn't work right and all the internals are coated with paint and some dirt. :eek:

So...reluctantly...I think I might say goodbye to the Rebel. It just doesn't have the quality or upgradability that the Spyder has. I like the design, I like the way it feels, but I have like 10 guns in my garage and it's just rediculous to keep "collecting" junk guns when I need the money for mag upgrades. :clap:

Thanks for your help all! :cheers:

06-07-2005, 04:47 PM
just for all yall spyder haters out there...

the spyder classics are great guns, especially when upgraded. They have fatter strYkers and can thus fire at lower pressures if modded than rebels or newer spyders/spyder clones meaning fewer chops and quieter operation.

the last of the decent spyders were the shutters and TL+'s, after they got into egrips (excluding the em-1 of course) is when they REALLY started to not giva ****.

100$ into a spyder classic and some SIMPLE home mods will go MUCH further than 200$ into an automag classic.

what upgrades have u done? ottersccustoms.com

06-07-2005, 04:53 PM
Sell EVERYTHING including the mag, and then see what you're left with.

If you have HPA already, try looking for a used Angel LCD or matrix. You can find good deals on those and they'll shoot fairly fast.

100$ into a spyder classic will go MUCH further than 200$ into an automag classic.

I'd advise against putting ANY money into a low end gun other than a hopper, good HPA tank, and maybe a large bore 1 piece barrel. You won't get ANY money for the "mad ups" you have on a low end gun, as the resale is crap, and you'll eventually regret it.

06-07-2005, 05:20 PM
I'd advise against putting ANY money into a low end gun other than a hopper, good HPA tank, and maybe a large bore 1 piece barrel. You won't get ANY money for the "mad ups" you have on a low end gun, as the resale is crap, and you'll eventually regret it.

yeah, like how i could sell one of my more modestly upgraded spyders/clones for around 150-200, having put around 400$ into it.

or, sell my $1200 angel for 400$.

huge diff, i really see ur point now. :rolleyes:

especially since one of my largest upgrades (others being an electronic g/f and installing eyes) would have been my interchangeable reg. which would take at most 40 bucks (depending on the reg) off the selling price.

yeah, people should just buy high end guns in the first place, but if you are going to defend upgrading a mag, but not a spyder... well then... :tard:

06-07-2005, 06:17 PM
You paly at hell survivors don't you!

06-07-2005, 09:42 PM
You paly at hell survivors don't you!

I have. But I think everyone in lower Michigan has at one time or another. I don't go as much anymore since they went to field paint only. :(