View Full Version : Super ULE Mag.. The ultimate diet.

05-30-2005, 01:11 PM
Delete the rail on the mag. Stretch the trigger frame and mod the sear. Thin out the trigger frame Ultralite style. Hollow out more of the valve, make it less solid. ULE bodies, trigger frames, valves and barrels made of magnesium. Why not?? Could that lead to a sub 8 oz mag??

06-02-2005, 04:59 PM
I was thinking if it would be possible to make something like an intelliframe, have a place for the sear pin and then just mod the sear completely....Because if you get the right length I don't see why it wouldn't work..

06-02-2005, 05:25 PM
wrong forum

06-10-2005, 10:18 PM
deleting the rail something like the X-mag or Micromag from pro-team products, magnesium valve? sound like a bomb can it handle the preasures?

06-10-2005, 10:37 PM
when youd shoot it id like fly back out of your hands and float away. if you left it on a table it would just like fly away.

06-10-2005, 10:40 PM
Might need to look into if it could withstand the forces of the gun firing. And firing at high speeds. But it would be a nice thing to have an amazingly light gun.

06-10-2005, 11:27 PM
You have to realize, weight isn't always a bad thing......

06-11-2005, 12:36 AM
You have to realize, weight isn't always a bad thing......

magnesium is stronger and lighter than aluminum. so it will work, but it will be immensely expensive. you would have a 1000 dollar mech mag. who wants that?. i mean really

06-11-2005, 01:33 AM
you would have a 1000 dollar mech mag. who wants that?. i mean really

ROFL... I have $1300 in mine. :eek:

ANYWAY, it would be a magnesium alloy, of course. I remember they used to make lamborgini rims out of the stuff, so I immagine its pretty tough. And weight isn't a terrible thing, but I would LOVE a 8 oz mag.. just to say I have one.

06-11-2005, 01:45 AM
Like previously stated, weight isnt a bad thing. Without any weight to teh gun, you'd have more kick.

06-11-2005, 01:58 AM
isint magnesium in matchtips too?

but i was watching a movie in science in 7th grade, they had a carbom (i forgot how compressed it was) but it was really light, and with 10,00 lbs of pressure it didnt break... they used it in the shell of the mclaren F1. i dont remember exactly.

but it wouild be cool to have the most reliable lighest gun on the planet.

06-11-2005, 08:00 AM
do you know how much kick an 8 oz mag would have? I think it would be better to make the bolt of a magnesium alloy instead, it would help reduce some of the kick of mags.

06-11-2005, 09:37 AM
How does a mag have any kick to begin with? Mine doesn't, they're blow forward! That's kind of the whole point, it doesn't have any kick.

06-11-2005, 09:52 AM
It does.

06-11-2005, 10:28 AM
No matter what the mechanism is you still have to counter the forces of a 3g projectile being accellerated to 200+ MPH in less that 1 foot.

07-29-2005, 11:43 AM
Mag=lots of kick. Its because of the valve design, the blow forward doesnt matter, if the mag used a different valve system it would not have nearly as much kick

07-29-2005, 12:05 PM
Mag=lots of kick. Its because of the valve design, the blow forward doesnt matter, if the mag used a different valve system it would not have nearly as much kick

My E-mag doesnt really even move when i shoot it....

You would have to have "noodle arms" to think mags are heavy. It would be way to expensive to start, way to expensive to design, and way to expensive for people to buy.

(Thanks athomas)

07-29-2005, 12:13 PM
If someone doesn't buy the rest of my mag parts I might try this... I finally have access to a mill here at work... I'm thinking I'd try to get the rail down (its already ULE) to a fraction of the weight (and yes, I know it will void the warrenty).

07-30-2005, 07:40 AM
Mag=lots of kick. Its because of the valve design, the blow forward doesnt matter, if the mag used a different valve system it would not have nearly as much kick

What!?! I can't belive I am reading this, my RT Pro has les kick then any mech marker I have ever held.

07-30-2005, 07:47 AM
Yeah, I havn't had any kick issues with my marker...First off it doesn't have legs...Second, have you ever shot an emag for a few hours, then tried a rental tippmann? I hit myself in the face because I wasn't prepared...

07-30-2005, 08:43 AM
magnesium is a horrible metal to use for a paintball gun. it is near impossible to shape and keep smooth. it cannot be molded either it must be machined. and it has to be kept at a low heat because if it gets too hot it will light itself on fire and be gone. magnesium is also very expensive. the updies is its very light and about 30 percent stronger than aluminum. but if you get some dirt in your gun and a moving part makes a spark then the whole gun wil lturn into one big firework. and spraks happen more often than you think inside of your gun. anyways mags are light enough already.

07-30-2005, 09:23 AM
when youd shoot it id like fly back out of your hands and float away. if you left it on a table it would just like fly away.
That happens to your mag too? I swear with all these RPG ULE products...

07-30-2005, 09:35 AM
Ignition is only a problem with relatively pure magnesium. Mag alloys are already used in different sorts of applications where heat and friction are present. I will say that they do not tolerate salinity very well. Go fishing in the ocean with a magnesium fishing reel and see how well it holds up.

07-30-2005, 09:55 AM
...but if you get some dirt in your gun and a moving part makes a spark then the whole gun wil lturn into one big firework. and spraks happen more often than you think inside of your gun. anyways mags are light enough already.

Come on, it takes much more than a little spark to get even pure Mg going. Any product would have to be constructed from an alloy that will be even more difficult to ignite. Read the page here (http://www.blackholeinc.com/Library/93%20June.html), specificly scroll down to the entry labled "Pyromania!". It took a MAP torch to get the pure Mg lit, it took an existing magnesium fire to get the alloy lit.

As far as weight and kick, anyone who can't handle the bump of a paintball gun deserves to get sand kicked in their face at the beach. Unless of course you have a valid medical reason in which case how are you lugging that thing around to begin with. But most importantly, why wouldn't you want to try and make it lighter? If for no other reason than to have the lightest mag in the world. Or to just proove that it can be done. Or hell, just for the fun of it. Yea, don't forget that one, it is supposed to be the reason we are all here right? ;)

12-14-2005, 04:32 PM
an old thread, i know....

Just a fun fact, the old volkswagon beatle's engines were made of some sort of magnesium alloy.

They used to catch fire in car wrecks. :tard:

12-14-2005, 04:42 PM
an old thread, i know....

Just a fun fact, the old volkswagon beatle's engines were made of some sort of magnesium alloy.

They used to catch fire in car wrecks. :tard:

and you could use them for a fun bonfire.

12-14-2005, 04:45 PM
about a few years ago they started using magnisum alloy in bmx pedals.... as they were a lot lighter... (about half the weight) and a lot more expensive (about double) but the only problem with them was they wear down rather quickly.... u grind on the pedal a few times and all of ur traction is now gone...

the problem i see with this in a marker is the fact of the bolt movement wearing the inside of the body down, making u replace the body every few months.

now it may be very possible im just going off what i have seen in bmx..

it would be nice to see some the tollerances of aluminum compared to magnisium

could be the next revolution in paintball..... guns about half the weight of themselfs

12-14-2005, 05:51 PM
what good does a sub 1 lb mech mag when i have a three pound tank on the back? Then throw in a hopper of paint and such. You can only go so light untill you start manipulating the space/time continum and find a way to make a 3oz hopper with a never ending supply of paint. kthxby :tard:

12-14-2005, 06:07 PM
Delete the rail on the mag. Stretch the trigger frame and mod the sear. Thin out the trigger frame Ultralite style. Hollow out more of the valve, make it less solid. ULE bodies, trigger frames, valves and barrels made of magnesium. Why not?? Could that lead to a sub 8 oz mag??

Ok I wasnt going to reply to this thread the first time around, but now I must. If by some crazy chance this ever did happen, say good bye to playing in the rain and dunking a mag in water and firing it. Has anyone ever put water on magnesium or a magnesium fire? That is some cool stuff to watch when you are in full firefighting PPE, but not as cool when your not.

12-14-2005, 09:05 PM
Ok I wasnt going to reply to this thread the first time around, but now I must. If by some crazy chance this ever did happen, say good bye to playing in the rain and dunking a mag in water and firing it. Has anyone ever put water on magnesium or a magnesium fire? That is some cool stuff to watch when you are in full firefighting PPE, but not as cool when your not.
Magnesium (in bulk) doesn't ignite when exposed to moisture. If it's powerdered, yeah, you can get a nice flame out of it when it gets wet... but magnesium powder has no use in paintball. Granted, if you _do_ catch it on fire, water won't put it out, and your marker's going to be totally gone by the time it stops. Make a 'mag out of sodium, though, and you _can_ blow it up with water.

12-14-2005, 09:10 PM
They made magnesium hammers for cockers and they were terrible. They left all sorts of residue and scars on the bodies and also wore out fast. Magnesium, or at least the alloys that have been used in paintball already, isnt a good choice. Why is it that everything today has to be magnesium? It used to be titanium was the huge craze and now thats changed. I have no problems with trying new metals but at least pick one that has good qualities and is based on more than "I heard mag is tougher than aluminum and lighter." It would be cooler if you could find a way to remove things such as the rail or lighten the frame instead.

And about kick. Yes every gun will have some kick to some degree. Honestly all of the movement on my mag is from me not being able to pull the trigger fast very well and I jerk the gun all over the place. When firing slow and controlled I cant tell, and the key there is tell, any kick.

12-14-2005, 09:42 PM
best solution to all the weight problems is work out- or play enough to where you get a workout from lifting/moving your marker t.t

Cow hunter
12-14-2005, 09:50 PM
wait wait...... how did we get to magnesium.... what about other superlight/superstrong materials?? ever heard of carbon fiber? most alloy's nowadays are pretty light but most have downsides..... anyone see the problem with a solid carbon fiber ULE style mag? heat shouldnt be a prblem..... makin it takes like 1000 degrees..... its strong not flexible.......i see no problems but cost......

Related fact; in the 1890's titanium was almost $600 a pound(or was it a bar?)! by todays standards thats...... a lot......

12-15-2005, 12:47 AM
carbon fiber might be kinda tough to get detent, feedneck, and barrel threading onto. Maybe an aluminum breach attatched to a carbon fiber tube for the rest of the body? The spring moving around the bolt on the inside might wear it out a bit though.

12-16-2005, 07:00 PM
#1 05-30-2005, 01:11 PM
Master Fabricator Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Central Texas
Posts: 221

Super ULE Mag.. The ultimate diet.


Delete the rail on the mag. Stretch the trigger frame and mod the sear. Thin out the trigger frame Ultralite style. Hollow out more of the valve, make it less solid. ULE bodies, trigger frames, valves and barrels made of magnesium. Why not?? Could that lead to a sub 8 oz mag??

Slide into your bunker and hit it on a stake, dent it, buy a new body,valve, etc. may be strong but how strong can it really be?

i like the idea, but if the gun weighs practally nothing and your tank wieghs, well you know where im going with this....Balance?

hey pachytriton, the spring stop could be on the breech to....I think your onto something!