View Full Version : scuba users, private tank fill knowledge men needed

05-30-2005, 07:01 PM
Alright. Here's the scoop. I'm looking to buy a tank to fill my paintball tank to practise shooting and snap shooting in my backyard. My father is in the buisness of a/c and heating installation and maintenance. He can get any kind of air and in this case the kind I want to fill my paintball tank with. What I need to do learn is

What is the gas abbreviation for compressed air and nitrogen(n2 I think) to fill my paintball tank

What is the difference between this nitrogen fill tank systems?

Why is one 250+ and the others less than 100?
http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/BrowseCatalog-Start;sid=I9yjSFy-bl6jDR4lhXpj4FZ3K_Fmgce8TU8=?CategoryName=paintbal l-gas-systems-fill-stations-nitrogen-fill-stations

What precautions do I need to tank(other than flash filling)?

How do I attach the fill station to the tank? What sealer do I use. Will the distrubutor I buy the tank from attach this fill station for me?

My father said he could probably get 6000psi tanks, Do fields use these, Why or why not?
Is there a burst pressure for the above regulators? What psi should I buy my tank at?

Any other helpful information is appreciated.

05-30-2005, 07:32 PM
Alright. Here's the scoop. I'm looking to buy a tank to fill my paintball tank to practise shooting and snap shooting in my backyard. My father is in the buisness of a/c and heating installation and maintenance. He can get any kind of air and in this case the kind I want to fill my paintball tank with. What I need to do learn is

What is the gas abbreviation for compressed air and nitrogen(n2 I think) to fill my paintball tank

What is the difference between this nitrogen fill tank systems?

Why is one 250+ and the others less than 100?
http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/BrowseCatalog-Start;sid=I9yjSFy-bl6jDR4lhXpj4FZ3K_Fmgce8TU8=?CategoryName=paintbal l-gas-systems-fill-stations-nitrogen-fill-stations

What precautions do I need to tank(other than flash filling)?

How do I attach the fill station to the tank? What sealer do I use. Will the distrubutor I buy the tank from attach this fill station for me?

My father said he could probably get 6000psi tanks, Do fields use these, Why or why not?
Is there a burst pressure for the above regulators? What psi should I buy my tank at?

Any other helpful information is appreciated.

google search a periodic table(school?)

looks like ones a fill station and the other is a scuba..setup
one will hook directly to the tank and looks like it has a built in reg.

just tighten the cap onto the tank, no sealer needed

most fields use 6k tanks but regulate the pressure to 4500 r 3k

05-30-2005, 07:35 PM
Nitrogen on the periodic table is N and its a diatomic element so its N2 (subscript)

You can run n2 or compressed air through guns, it really doesnt matter. Compressed air is like 80% nitrogen anyway.

The $250 station looks like its higher quality. It looks like its regulated or something, cant tell. Also it doesnt look like it will fit on a scuba tank. The others are designed to clamp on a scuba tank.

You'll be able to figure out how to attach the fill station to the scuba tank when you have both of them right infront of you. A retard could do it. You dont use a sealer, it screws right on.

Thats all I can help you with..

05-30-2005, 07:46 PM
Any help is much appreciated personman.

Anybody that knows the difference between the 2 in the link please tell.
ANy other adivce is encouraged. Thank you person and chrono, it's appreciated

05-30-2005, 07:56 PM
i have used both kinds at the field i work at. the $290 one has a built in regulator(can be set to give 3k fills, 4.5k fills etc.), and is extremely easy to use. turn one way, fills, turn the other way, bleeds the air. it is also rated for 5000 psi. the $40 fill station is the exact same as the $65 and is basicly an adaptor for scuba to pb tank. it is only rated for 3000 psi and basicly dumps wahtever pressure is in the scuba tank into the pb tank (ie no regulator).
the $40 one is fine if you are jsut using a scuba(its what i'm ordering tomorrow to fit on m new scuba :P) but if you are using a 6000 psi thing, you need to search around for a specific fill station, it looks alot like the $290 in yuor link, but not sold at action village. it is rated for 6000 psi and i think it has all the same goodies. I think it goes for a bit over $400.

05-30-2005, 07:57 PM
thanks a bunch

05-30-2005, 08:42 PM
If you run a search on "scuba tanks" there is a very long thread that talks about most of the questions that you have. There are many ways to do what you are talking about. The question is really how much money do you want to spend. Most of us, as far as I can tell from previous posts on this subject, use way below 6000psi. Working with that much pressure is a bit overkill in my opinion. If you are looking to have air to practice shooting and work on your gun, you can do it much easier. Take a look at the other thread.

The more expensive station is designed so that you can set the desired pressure of the tank to be filled and it will stop when it reaches that pressure. This is nice because pressure causes heat. You can leave the tank on the whip until it begins to cool. As it cool the pressure will drop because the gas becomes less dense. When it drops below the desired working pressure, the fill station will open again and fill to the desired pressure. This is really ment for multi gas mixing for deep water diving. When you need very specific %'s of gas, it is very important to know that the Helium or Oxygen or Air in the tank is at exact psi you want when it is cold.

If you let me know what your budget is, I will suggest what I think that best way to get you set would be.

05-31-2005, 06:03 AM
around $200, I'll search for that thread now, Thanks

05-31-2005, 10:29 AM
The way that I would do it is to find a High Pressure tank that is rated to 3500psi. You might be able to find one used for about 150. If not the an aluminum 80 cylinder rated a 3000psi is easy to find for around 100. (remember to look at the year if you are buying a used aluminum) If you do find an HP tank then then next thing you will need is a fill block. This is an adapter that will allow you to connect your fill station to a DIN valve (required on all tanks presurized above 3000psi). That should cost less than 20 if you find one used on ebay. Lastly, you need the fill station. I am assuming that your paintball tank is rated at 4500psi. Neither of the tanks above will reach the working pressure of your tank if it is rated at 4500. You don't need to worry about overfilling, so I don't see a reason to spend very much money on a fill station. I got mine new on ebay for 20 shipped. It works great.

To break it down:

HP Tank- $150-200 or Aluminum 80- $110
Fill Block- $20 (not needed if using aluminum 80)
Fill Station- $25
Total enjoyment- Priceless

Good luck and hit me up if you have any other questions.

05-31-2005, 07:29 PM
The $300 fill station is one to fill off of a hp bank, like a field would use. The cheap fill stations are ones for scuba tanks.

05-31-2005, 08:06 PM
I got the answer from pbgear today. There is no burst pressure on the cheap ones. It will just leak until it can hold the pressure in the tank. I am going to look for a 4000 psi tank. I am not sure what size yet.

05-31-2005, 11:53 PM
Or do what I did and hit up the local Voluteer fire department. They gave me 2 tanks for $30 bucks with 2 extra valves all in hydro, they cant use them because they are beginning to show signs of rust, nothing flaking off or anything like that though, but as soon as they have ANY signs of possible rusting they take them out. THey usually just pound holes in them and throw em away. If you are lucky like me the O2 bottles I got were standard tank thread so I am just using my remote line (3000 psi rating) to fill tanks. works great! btw the tanks were 30 cu. and were rated to 2250 psi. Just an Idea that worked for me. A bit redneck but it works!

06-01-2005, 06:00 AM
My dad owns a buisness and can get any kind of air tanks cheap. Why would I go even a cheaper route, when I can get what I want for a small price. :ninja:

06-03-2005, 10:13 PM
If your dad has the hook up on the tanks then you should really take advantage. The question is the valve though. The fill stations you are looking at are designed to attach to a Yoke scuba valve. I don't think you will find a tank rated above 3000psi with that type of valve. This is not that big of deal because you can always find adapters to make it work. You're right to look for a tank with around 4000psi. Keep the pressure up and you will get the most out of you paintball tank. Let me know what you come up with as far as the tank goes. I would like to see what some of the non-scuba tank options there are for this purpose. My expertise only extend as far as the scuba industry. A by-product of working in the dive shop for years.

06-04-2005, 07:40 AM
if the tanks your dad are getting for you are what i think they are, they are nothing like scuba tanks. you will need entirely different fittings for them, not any of the things at actionvillage. i had to use one of the bulk tank setups when i went to a battlebots competition, and its completely different. since your dad has a hookup id recomend asking him or having him ask whoever hes getting it from what fittings and reg you will need to fill the tank. although if you have a scuba shop near you, it would actually probably be cheaper if you bought a scuba tank and that $40 fill station in the link you posted. that will cost around $150, which is a lot less than the cost of just the reg you will need for the other tank. plus air isnt that expensive, its around $5 for a scuba fill.

06-04-2005, 08:37 AM
well if your throwing around a few bucks might as well pick up 2 tanks, one to bulk fill and one to top off :)

06-04-2005, 10:40 AM
well if your throwing around a few bucks might as well pick up 2 tanks, one to bulk fill and one to top off :)
not throwing around that much. My dad talked to the guy yesterday. It's confusing, I might just go with the scuba station. I'll let you guys all know. I'll take pics of my ghetto reball snapbox that i'll be making myself as well. ;)