View Full Version : Mmmm, chrome...(56k probably not)

05-30-2005, 07:07 PM
There is an old marine base in my town that was used in WW2 to store different materials. I ventured on back there once again, but with a camera in hand. (yea, the quality sucks, only 2 megapixles) I thought some of you may like them, so here they are:

Crappy picture of the manganese piles. Friend is in the white shirt.

Sign in front of manganese piles.

A few large piles of chromium...mwahah

Me on one of the piles.

Leaving the area by one of the many roads.

Me, again. We were kind of...ummm...lost. We found our way out eventually. I like this shot. The trees are out of focus, but I'm not..kind of.

One of the pieces I took home with me. It is probably 8 pounds and nearly pure chromium.

All the pieces I took. The smaller ones are pure chromium.

Next time, pics of the old warehouse shall be taken. :ninja:

05-31-2005, 11:21 PM
All your brainwashing are belong to us!

Just kidding... but seriously, be careful with places like that... just cause nobody's there ... ... doesn't mean anyone isn't watching........ muuhuuahah... jk

Underground base... surveilance cams just for protective purposes... i dunno

Nonetheless... grab that stuff and make a Mag outta it, hah

06-01-2005, 12:09 PM
Watch out, chromium can be pretty toxic. http://www.scorecard.org/chemical-profiles/hazard-indicators.tcl?edf_substance_id=7440-47-3

06-01-2005, 12:35 PM
rent a dumptruck for a day then hook us all up.

06-01-2005, 12:40 PM
Watch out, chromium can be pretty toxic. http://www.scorecard.org/chemical-profiles/hazard-indicators.tcl?edf_substance_id=7440-47-3

Unless it leaches into the groundwater its ok. You aren't going to get cancer from picking it up.

But I'm sure the soil under that pile is a hazmat site waiting to happen.

06-01-2005, 02:15 PM
But I'm sure the soil under that pile is a hazmat site waiting to happen.

The entire depot is a Hazmat site happening. It is under going contamination clean-up, as is the other WW2 depot in my town(Can you say nation's largest stockpile of mercury?).

06-01-2005, 02:29 PM
The entire depot is a Hazmat site happening. It is under going contamination clean-up, as is the other WW2 depot in my town(Can you say nation's largest stockpile of mercury?).

Nations largest stockpileeefhahhfhashee

Dang I guess not...

Hey want to send me a few pounds of that magnisium?