View Full Version : need help! gift for a girl...

06-01-2005, 11:23 PM
i'm looking for a gift for a girl...
something that she will have at all times...
something that won't wear...
something small...

any suggestions?

06-01-2005, 11:25 PM
i'm looking for a gift for a girl...
something that she will have at all times...
something that won't wear...
something small...

any suggestions?


Will Wood
06-01-2005, 11:26 PM
Have at all times, but now wear.
How is that possible?

Anyways. Maybe get a cute wallet or something... with your picture already in it.

That's the only thing I can think of that wouldn't be a "carrying" item..

06-01-2005, 11:38 PM

06-02-2005, 12:56 AM
i meant when i said no wear.. it doesn't wear away... like die out.. or get ruined?

Target Practice
06-02-2005, 01:11 AM
For what occasion?

I vote perfume. You'd be suprised what the right scent will do to a girl.

Edit: It won't wear, because it lasts forever, and you can always buy her more.

06-02-2005, 03:28 AM
I vote a restraining order against you.

If you do a good enough job it will fit all of your criteria.

06-02-2005, 06:19 AM
i'm looking for a gift for a girl...
something that she will have at all times...
something that won't wear...
something small...

any suggestions?
A condom? If she's smart she'll always carry one of those around ;) :p

06-02-2005, 07:04 AM
Hehe... diamonds are forever - well, until a court says otherwise

06-02-2005, 08:11 AM
get a fishing pole that way if it doent work out between you to and you get your gift back you can still use it.

06-02-2005, 08:47 AM

Great place to give you ideas. Heck it worked well enough that I'm engaged.
Oh wait is that a good thing.

06-02-2005, 09:46 AM
Sunglasses. I got my girl a pair of Chanel sunglasses, she literally thanks me everyday for them, wears them all the time. I became the talk of her school went she went in the next day with them, everyone asked how she got them. Perfume is also good, but thats a really hard choice to make, because you dont know if she will hate them smell or not.

06-02-2005, 10:15 AM
Find a perfume YOU like that you would like to have her wear. She will appreciate that you picked out a particular scent that you liked for her to wear.

06-02-2005, 12:41 PM
my girl friend says

Get a promise ring . . . all girls love it when they get jewelery !!!

06-02-2005, 01:11 PM
Jewelry is always a good choice, though rings tend to imply something extra. Tennis bracelet, or necklace is my recommendation.

Target Practice
06-02-2005, 01:17 PM
my girl friend says

Get a promise ring . . . all girls love it when they get jewelery !!!

I did that. Then when she cheated on me, I made her give it back.

06-02-2005, 07:44 PM
I like the locket Idea, you can have it engraved to make it more personal and put your pictures in it....very good idea.

06-02-2005, 10:37 PM
you left out the important parts a girl or the girl?
if your girl how old are you and how long have you been togather?
if not would you like her to be?
if just a friend(that ok too) how long have you known her?

I'm a big fan of shell necklaces but there not for everyone

06-02-2005, 10:43 PM
im tellin you, locket

06-02-2005, 10:44 PM
i'm looking for a gift for a girl...
something that she will have at all times...
something that won't wear...
something small...

any suggestions?

Get her chocolate. It'll go right to the hips and stay there.

06-03-2005, 12:05 AM
get a fishing pole that way if it doent work out between you to and you get your gift back you can still use it.
Dude that is well said! I've always done that..

06-03-2005, 12:13 AM
Dude, give her a scorching case of Herpes!!!!! She'll never forget you for it! :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

On a serious note, try giving her a nice set of earrings...something classy yet affordable for you...silver or gold.

06-03-2005, 12:23 AM
somethign useful like a new cell, or a "personal massager"

06-03-2005, 12:42 AM
you know what means alot to girls?

make them some sort of necklace, bracelet or anklet.
get their favorite color or some kind of charm fot the centerpiece, with pretty (to them) beads, or some that go with their eyes or something.

i love the look on her face when she opens the box... wow, that is beautiful. where did you get it? i made it.

i think it means more to them than a $200 + shiny necklace they only wear every once and a while.

use beadalon wire, with crimps and lobster clamps, go to hobby lobby or wal mart.

06-03-2005, 12:45 AM

it fits all the requirements (well except for the small part, love is never small).
The way you treat the girl will mean so much more then anything you will ever give her.

But if you really wanna give her something I say a gift certificate to Ikea. That way you can go shopping together and that place is a blast. The best part is finding hidden spots to sneak a kiss. ;) And you can pick up a comfy duvet while you are there to snuggle together with in the winter time.

06-03-2005, 12:56 AM

it fits all the requirements (well except for the small part, love is never small).
The way you treat the girl will mean so much more then anything you will ever give her.

But if you really wanna give her something I say a gift certificate to Ikea. That way you can go shopping together and that place is a blast. The best part is finding hidden spots to sneak a kiss. ;) And you can pick up a comfy duvet while you are there to snuggle together with in the winter time.

Ah to be single again...

06-03-2005, 04:04 PM
take her underwear shopping. no really, its the bomb.

06-03-2005, 06:37 PM
dude, the best gift i have ever baught my girlfriend was only like 3 dollars!

at the mall near my house, they have a custom liscence plate maker kioske(front liscense plates, not the back one...duh). And they also had dog tags that they could put emblems on or names or whatever.

I got a red heart one, and had my name engraved on it in fancy letters. she LOVES it, and people ask her all the time who it is, and she says,'my boyfriend'. that way, she gets used to saying it, and it reminds her of you everytime someone asks about it. :cheers: :cool:

06-03-2005, 07:03 PM

it fits all the requirements (well except for the small part, love is never small).
The way you treat the girl will mean so much more then anything you will ever give her.

But if you really wanna give her something I say a gift certificate to Ikea. That way you can go shopping together and that place is a blast. The best part is finding hidden spots to sneak a kiss. ;) And you can pick up a comfy duvet while you are there to snuggle together with in the winter time.

dont take advice from women

06-03-2005, 08:03 PM
dont take advice from women

Agreed. They may say: All I want is to be loved. But for typical females, their idea of love involves money and satiating an incessant need for attention. Why do you think girls like flowers? So you can piss away money on something that's going to die, and you have to go buy more later. Jewelry? Once again, pissing away money on something with neither entertainment value, nor a use. "It symbolizes your love!" Yeah... how much money you're willing to dump on this chick.

Don't buy her stuff and she thinks: "I must not be that important to you!" :cry:

This is why you should find a girl who makes good money and already has everything... she buys YOU stuff, and just wants you for your body.

If you buy her a blender, or a washing machine - and she gets excited and you get lucky that night... she's a keeper.

06-04-2005, 02:09 PM
Agreed. They may say: All I want is to be loved. But for typical females, their idea of love involves money and satiating an incessant need for attention. Why do you think girls like flowers? So you can piss away money on something that's going to die, and you have to go buy more later. Jewelry? Once again, pissing away money on something with neither entertainment value, nor a use. "It symbolizes your love!" Yeah... how much money you're willing to dump on this chick.

Don't buy her stuff and she thinks: "I must not be that important to you!" :cry:

This is why you should find a girl who makes good money and already has everything... she buys YOU stuff, and just wants you for your body.

If you buy her a blender, or a washing machine - and she gets excited and you get lucky that night... she's a keeper.

I would have to say that one shouldn not take advice from a guy who is single... But hey that is just me.

By the way the idea about underwear shopping was great.. Just make sure it is at Fredricks or if you have to go low class do Victoria's. For the love of god do not go underwear shopping anyplace that you can also buy tools or groceries.

A copy of the first movie you saw together is sweet. Or get her a cd that just came out, that way 3 years from now she can still listen to the cd and remember "oh yea that adorable guy with the blue eyes gave me this, I wonder what happened to him and the clerk from Victoria's that he ran away with".

Personally my favorite gifts are the ones that used to be the guys.. The pair of sweat pants I put on when I spend the night at his place, the long sleeve dress shirt that is so comfy to sleep in and still smells of his cologne, or his tie (yummm).

trains are bad
06-04-2005, 02:14 PM
Spyderco Ladybug.

Oh wait, I bought my girl a Ladybug. I miss that knife. Should have kept it for myself.

06-04-2005, 02:39 PM
I would have to say that one shouldn not take advice from a guy who is single... But hey that is just me.

didnt you see hitch?

06-05-2005, 12:31 PM
didnt you see hitch?

One should also be careful of taking advice from bad movies :p

06-05-2005, 01:07 PM
what........ eva :rolleyes:

06-05-2005, 01:11 PM
I would have to say that one shouldn not take advice from a guy who is single... But hey that is just me.

I don't think you're married... and I won't comment on your age - that would be dirty pool. :D

Description of Ad Hominem

Translated from Latin to English, "Ad Hominem" means "against the man" or "against the person."

An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Typically, this fallacy involves two steps. First, an attack against the character of person making the claim, her circumstances, or her actions is made (or the character, circumstances, or actions of the person reporting the claim). Second, this attack is taken to be evidence against the claim or argument the person in question is making (or presenting). This type of "argument" has the following form:

1. Person A makes claim X.
2. Person B makes an attack on person A.
3. Therefore A's claim is false.

The reason why an Ad Hominem (of any kind) is a fallacy is that the character, circumstances, or actions of a person do not (in most cases) have a bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim being made (or the quality of the argument being made).
Example of Ad Hominem

1. Bill: "I believe that abortion is morally wrong."
Dave: "Of course you would say that, you're a priest."
Bill: "What about the arguments I gave to support my position?"
Dave: "Those don't count. Like I said, you're a priest, so you have to say that abortion is wrong. Further, you are just a lackey to the Pope, so I can't believe what you say."

Source: http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/ad-hominem.html

06-05-2005, 01:19 PM
Awww I can't make my suggestion because of the filter :( Pocket Rocket or something similar.

06-05-2005, 01:27 PM
Description of Ad Hominem

Translated from Latin to English, "Ad Hominem" means "against the man" or "against the person."

Garr finally somebody other than me uses ad hominem!

06-05-2005, 02:08 PM
Women often say they are not interested in wealth, because they all know this is not a good quality to advertise. And I think that most of them actually believe that they don't... it's this whole lack of accountability and rationality thing. Am I saying that they are dumb? Not at all - they can be perfectly brilliant and talented, but this is an entirely separate issue.

It's a matter of incentive. Part of the problem with the accountability and rationality thing is that they can be 100% capable of it, but have absolutely no need for it - if they are attractive. Why and when does an attractive female ever need to be this way? She can ALWAYS find a guy willing to put up with her crap. Always. Actually, she doesn't have to go looking - she already has a bunch of men lined up as backups. Ever notice how attractive females have SO MANY male friends, whereas the converse is not the case?

Getting back to the issue of females not overcoming their genetic tendencies and how they mislead themselves if they say they are not interested in wealth.

Translating the female tongue (No, I'm not regurgitating ladder theory - these are my personal observations):

"He's so thoughtful." = He buys me stuff routinely.
"He takes me to dinner all the time." = He buys me dinner routinely.
"He's got his life together, unlike my previous relations." = He makes more money than the others, has his own place, and a nice car.
"He comes from a good family." = He comes from money.
"He takes me places." = He pays for my transportation and various travel expenses.
"I like how he dresses." = He wears expensive clothes.

I am not a misogynist. My philosophies are more inline with feminism. Feminism to me is not about being anti-male or whatever, but yeah - you can't really talk about feminism without discussing the female relationship with men. Most women are not feminists (although they often think they are a member of the club, just because they are female - and have no understanding of how a straight male can be more of a feminist than they are), and attractive women are the worst candidates for it. It's disappointing - so many industrious women over the years have put much effort into furthering these ideas that women do not have to fall into these traditional, stereotypical roles and can become something much more.

Those sorts are few and far between. Females may not like anything I've said so for, except possibly the previous sentence. Why? Because most believe they are the exception, and it's appealing that there is something wrong with the rest... "but not me, I'm special."

06-05-2005, 02:25 PM
Garr finally somebody other than me uses ad hominem!

The problem with these fallacies are this:

Person A can effectively argue and has a good understanding of formal logic, informal fallacies, etc. Person A argues with person B and points out a classic fallacy, person B often does not even have any clue as to what the relevance is. Later on, person B might familiarize himself with various fallacies but superficially understands them... any moron can look up a list. Person A does not need to even bring them up really, but they can be convenient.

Person B eventually quotes fallacies when convenient, often incorrectly applies them, and thinks he's won the argument and declares victory with this form of argument stopper. It becomes a waste of time to try to reason with person B at this point, who is unreasonable.

Person A understands this stuff: http://www.maths.tcd.ie/pub/HistMath/People/Boole/CalcLogic/CalcLogic.html
Person B has absolutely no idea how little he knows, and how much can be known... and argues with someone who is comparatively... a monster... on a completely different level.

I don't know if there is a fallacy of the usage of fallacies...

06-05-2005, 02:36 PM
The problem with these fallacies are this:

Person A can effectively argue and has a good understanding of formal logic, informal fallacies, etc. Person A argues with person B and points out a classic fallacy, person B often does not even have any clue as to what the relevance is. Later on, person B might familiarize himself with various fallacies but superficially understands them... any moron can look up a list. Person A does not need to even bring them up really, but they can be convenient.

Person B eventually quotes fallacies when convenient, often incorrectly applies them, and thinks he's won the argument and declares victory with this form of argument stopper. It becomes a waste of time to try to reason with person B at this point, who is unreasonable.

Person A understands this stuff: http://www.maths.tcd.ie/pub/HistMath/People/Boole/CalcLogic/CalcLogic.html
Person B has absolutely no idea how little he knows, and how much can be known... and argues with someone who is comparatively... a monster... on a completely different level.

I don't know if there is a fallacy of the usage of fallacies...
Now, your posts have been very informitive and stuff, I did learn of a few theories, but you did not mention 1 thing this guy should get for his girlfriend/women in life/etc....

My vote goes to perfume, whenever she wears it she will think of you.

06-05-2005, 02:53 PM
I don't know if there is a fallacy of the usage of fallacies...

like saying dont take advice from women because they are women?

although technically that isnt EXACTLY against the "man" now is it...


06-05-2005, 03:00 PM
like saying dont take advice from women because they are women?

although technically that isnt EXACTLY against the "man" now is it...


No, I find them to be very valuable sources of information. Well, let my qualify that: I suppose it depends on the subject matter.

Any insights that they can give you on how women think, are good to know. I think that they can also appreciate a male's perspective as well.

Insights on "What does it take to make you happy?" I try to pay close attention to that... and make what efforts that I can.

06-05-2005, 03:03 PM
All girls love jewelry, a ring would be perfect!

06-05-2005, 03:04 PM
All girls love jewelry, a ring would be perfect!

Not true. Some of them have poor self-esteem and believe that they don't deserve to wear it. They are uncommon, but some actually think they are a waste of money and would prefer something that she could use - that's a good woman.

But admittedly, it can make them look really pretty.

06-05-2005, 03:33 PM
Im telling you man, go with sunglasses...

06-05-2005, 05:08 PM
Not true. Some of them have poor self-esteem and believe that they don't deserve to wear it. They are uncommon, but some actually think they are a waste of money and would prefer something that she could use - that's a good woman.

But admittedly, it can make them look really pretty.
Maybe he should buy her nothing at all, would that make her happy All-Mighty Miscue?

06-05-2005, 05:47 PM
Not all gifts have to be expensive..... I mean I got car wax and a large window d-cal for valentines day ( well sometime there around, it wasnt exactly on time.) and it was my favoritest present of all. I think I appreciate it way more than diamonds. I'd rather show off my car than a ring! :) But, hey we all have our things.

06-05-2005, 06:01 PM
I am not a misogynist. My philosophies are more inline with feminism. Feminism to me is not about being anti-male or whatever, but yeah - you can't really talk about feminism without discussing the female relationship with men. Most women are not feminists (although they often think they are a member of the club, just because they are female - and have no understanding of how a straight male can be more of a feminist than they are), and attractive women are the worst candidates for it. It's disappointing - so many industrious women over the years have put much effort into furthering these ideas that women do not have to fall into these traditional, stereotypical roles and can become something much more.

Those sorts are few and far between. Females may not like anything I've said so for, except possibly the previous sentence. Why? Because most believe they are the exception, and it's appealing that there is something wrong with the rest... "but not me, I'm special."

So am I ugly because I'm NOT a stereotypical girl? :p I think there's a lot more "special" girls than you'll admit... maybe not special girls that you'll date because they're not attractive enough for you, but I think if you'd look around, some of your best female friends will be the kinda girls that are independent and don't expect anything but support from the guy they're dating.


Moving on:

This part will sound corny. So you've all been warned. BUT specialblend will come in here and back me up-- I'm telling the truth 100%.

I'd rather have a day where we could go to the beach and hang out and talk or go to one of our houses and watch a movie (not a chick flick)than have him spend a whole lot of money on a gift. You know why? I have everything I need. And when I want something, I can buy it myself. Except food, but that's a different arrangement altogether.

So if this were me, I'd tell you to pick a day and leave it totally empty and just go out and do stuff. It doesn't have to cost anything but gas money. **shrug**

06-05-2005, 10:15 PM
So am I ugly because I'm NOT a stereotypical girl? :p I think there's a lot more "special" girls than you'll admit... maybe not special girls that you'll date because they're not attractive enough for you, but I think if you'd look around, some of your best female friends will be the kinda girls that are independent and don't expect anything but support from the guy they're dating.


Moving on:

This part will sound corny. So you've all been warned. BUT specialblend will come in here and back me up-- I'm telling the truth 100%.

I'd rather have a day where we could go to the beach and hang out and talk or go to one of our houses and watch a movie (not a chick flick)than have him spend a whole lot of money on a gift. You know why? I have everything I need. And when I want something, I can buy it myself. Except food, but that's a different arrangement altogether.

So if this were me, I'd tell you to pick a day and leave it totally empty and just go out and do stuff. It doesn't have to cost anything but gas money. **shrug**

Absolutely not. Unattractive (ugly/fat) girls can be stereotypical girls as well, of a different sort. Those are the kind that are more likely to stick around in abusive relationships, are known to try to make up for their looks by putting out more, have to develop better personalities to compensate and attract attention, and have to make a living for themselves because it is more difficult for them to snatch a male who makes good money. If they were born hot, and had the same exact brain - they would have developed in much the same way as the girls that they are jealous of.

The hot girl who has few other redeeming qualities is way more desireable than the tatanka with good personality traits. I admittedly do not have any interest in waking up next to a tanker, regardless of her personality.

My idea of what is attractive doesn't mean cover-girl. And indeed, a good personality can make her more attractive - and a bad one can make her less attractive. Her mannerisms, or that "something about her," can make her way attractive.

This list is not complete... I don't think I'll work on it any further though:

Hottie w/good personality/intelligence > Cute w/good personality/intelligence > Hot-Beeyatch > Cute w/bad personality/intelligence > Tatanka with great, or horrible personality (It makes absolutely no difference, her status as tatanka greatly overshadows personality)

Hottie w/good personality/intelligence is very rare, and is already taken. If you get in line or get lucky by being in the right place and right time... there's hope with this one if you are a desireable male. However, not much hope.

Cute w/good personality/intelligence is the same as above, but maybe with a slightly better glimmer of hope.

Hot-Beeyatch already has one primary boyfriend, one boyfriend she's thinking of making her primary, and a half-dozen other lesser boyfriends.

Cute w/bad personality/intelligence is similar to Hot-Beeyatch, but not nearly worth the effort to try to get into her circle.

Tatanka - can be found grazing in the great plains.

06-05-2005, 10:54 PM
Not all gifts have to be expensive..... I mean I got car wax and a large window d-cal for valentines day ( well sometime there around, it wasnt exactly on time.) and it was my favoritest present of all. I think I appreciate it way more than diamonds. I'd rather show off my car than a ring! :) But, hey we all have our things.

I couldn't help but to laugh at this. "Not ALL gifts have to be expensive."

But some gifts better cost a lot, right? :D

BTW... Trop Fish...

For some reason I suspect that you are maybe late teens, I could be wrong. If this is the case, all of your perspective males (unless they come from rich families) are relatively poor because they are still in high school or early college. Cheap/free gifts are okay at this point in your life, that's all you can realistically expect. As you get older, and prospective males are in the next chapter in life where they are getting their career going, etc... your ideas/expectations very well could change.

If you are in your mid 20's or older, and you are being truthful... I congratulate you for being one of the "special" girls that you were referring to. There needs to be more of your sort.

06-05-2005, 10:57 PM
Girls are shallow. Something expensive and italian would do the trick. A gucci handbag?

06-05-2005, 11:12 PM
Write her a poem, or just go to Poetry.com and steal a good one...women love that stuff as well as expensive baubles.

06-05-2005, 11:38 PM

If you are in your mid 20's or older, and you are being truthful... I congratulate you for being one of the "special" girls that you were referring to. There needs to be more of your sort.

Sigh, Miscue some things your write are true generlizations. Please note that there is always an exception to the basic mold or rule. I am now over 25 (ick) and think your generlizations are very superficial thoughts. :rolleyes: And i mean that in the nicest way.
I don't think I am picky when it comes to guys (but nice eyes does help). I serioulsy have always just wanted someone who repected me and who could put up with my personality. I honelsty do not have a ring on my finger because I choose not to. I have had long term relationships, and also have many male friends. I see no reason to hurry and get married to someone just to prove a social status. Marriage should be for love, I intend for it to be that way when it finally does happen.
Saying that ugly/fat girls are more likley to put up with an abusive male is such a horrible and small minded statement. Through personal experinces, and then helping others you see all types. Age, weight, height, nationality, education, money, and spokemodel appeal has absolutely nothing to do with it. I think you will find that the hot/gorgeous chicks are very insecure, more so then the "plain janes" or "girl next door" types. The hot chicks work hard to be hot and never think it is good enough. To busy worring about what others think (of them) to realize how beautiful the world around them and how wonderful people can truely be. Superficial guys make that worse.
And getting back to the main point of this thread. I would wager that a chick would know better what to get another chick. Or even a guy who is happily married, and has succeeded in making his female happy a few times would be better at suggestions (moreso then a single guy).

06-05-2005, 11:44 PM
Write her a poem, or just go to Poetry.com and steal a good one...women love that stuff as well as expensive baubles.

Wonderful idea... And putting such a poem (or song lyrics) on the back of a picture of the two of you, your favorite picture of her, or a place you have gone means alot. It is 2 memories that tie together to remind a person of the happiness that was there. :clap: :clap: One of my most tresured gifts is one just like this that one of my best guy friends sent to me years ago.

06-06-2005, 12:39 AM
Wonderful idea... And putting such a poem (or song lyrics) on the back of a picture of the two of you, your favorite picture of her, or a place you have gone means alot. It is 2 memories that tie together to remind a person of the happiness that was there. :clap: :clap: One of my most tresured gifts is one just like this that one of my best guy friends sent to me years ago.

It's always worked for me -course you gotta have some real game to keep her once you've got her attention... ;)

06-06-2005, 01:40 AM
Maybe he should buy her nothing at all, would that make her happy All-Mighty Miscue?

I tried that with my previous ex, and this is what came of it...

My philosophy was this, and it still is:

I will not buy her gifts. I have an intense fear of someone being with me because of what I can materially provide. I'll pay for food and stuff - that's not a big deal - and I still have a sense of chivalry.

"Why don't you ever get me anything like a normal boyfriend?" she asked. I told her that some day I'd like to. I explained that I have my insecurities, and I simply cannot do that until I am fully confident that she is with me for the right reasons. "The other guys bought me stuff." The first thing I thought was: These guys cheated on you, lied to you, had other girlfriends, did things to hurt you, and were pathetic human beings who tried to buy your affection... why are you even bringing this up? I don't want any part of our relationship to have anything to do with material things, and please - do not buy me anything.

But she would buy me some small things anyway - and I didn't like her doing that. (She got me a new wallet, and I'm not even going to comment on the irony) And then what does she do... complains that she got me something, and I did not. Well, that's not entirely accurate. I'd make exceptions with traveling, we both enjoyed it.

I was a poor college student, every dime I made from my student job went to school and gas, I had to ask for gas money from my parents all the time, and I put myself into debt to be able to do stuff that I wanted with her - and didn't tell her that's what I had to do. I even put all my paintball gear up for sale, which was important to me at the time. Most of it I did not buy - I got stuff from AGD for helping out with AO - and someone pointed out to me that it was unethical to profit from gifts. I didn't really think about it like that, agreed with him, and then I had to do something I hated to do... borrow from my friends. My parents were unable to help me out for a while... they had issues of their own.

So for Christmas... I did make an exception - it's XMas afterall. I got her some nice clothes from Ann Taylor that she liked. She didn't even tell me that she did or drop hints, but I knew. I thought she'd appreciate that I got exactly the right size for her... and paid attention to things she liked. She was happy and excited for a few minutes, but then she told me "I thought you didn't have any money." She pried some more and acted like I was hiding something, so I was honest with her and told her that my mom asked me what I wanted for XMas, and I asked for those clothes. She was angry with me because it "didn't come from me." I told her that I felt bad about that, but I was hoping that she would have noticed the gift that did come from me, and only me... that I paid attention to subtle details about her because I cared enough to do so.

I semi-seriously told her that the gift I look forward to is new socks. It's not an interesting gift for most people, but I honestly get excited about new socks... and I'm a bit particular with what kind I wear. It partly has to do with having a sense of humor as well. She got me a nice watch instead... I mean, it was nice and all... but I much prefer something that says, "I remember those subtle things about you too."

06-06-2005, 01:46 AM
I couldn't help but to laugh at this. "Not ALL gifts have to be expensive."

But some gifts better cost a lot, right? :D

BTW... Trop Fish...

For some reason I suspect that you are maybe late teens, I could be wrong. If this is the case, all of your perspective males (unless they come from rich families) are relatively poor because they are still in high school or early college. Cheap/free gifts are okay at this point in your life, that's all you can realistically expect. As you get older, and prospective males are in the next chapter in life where they are getting their career going, etc... your ideas/expectations very well could change.

If you are in your mid 20's or older, and you are being truthful... I congratulate you for being one of the "special" girls that you were referring to. There needs to be more of your sort.

Yeah, you're right, i'm 17. But I've always been this way, and I don't plan on changing. Money doesn't bother me. I'm a pack rat, I don't spend unless I need to, and I don't expect any bf of mine to spend either.

Please don't brush me off as not knowing what I'm talking about just because i'm young.

06-06-2005, 02:29 AM
Sigh, Miscue some things your write are true generlizations.

They certainly are, but you say this as though it is self-evident that generalizations are universally bad. This is not the case - sensible generalizations must be separated from those that are not. For instance, I could make the generalization that typical females are physically smaller than typical males. If you want to make a case for your point of view, provide a better alternative than what I have suggested.

Please note that there is always an exception to the basic mold or rule.

Absolutely! However, this acknowledgement of an exception is in contradiction with your previous implication that my "generalization" by nature is unsound. A general rule allows for the possibility of such an exception! So which is it? You can't have it both ways.

I am now over 25 (ick) and think your generlizations are very superficial thoughts. :rolleyes: And i mean that in the nicest way.

I actually put a lot of thought into it, and have been thinking about this subject for a while now. You might not like my ideas, and you might be able to provide a better approach and offer a better explanation if you tried, but I disagree with this idea of superficiality.

Saying that ugly/fat girls are more likley to put up with an abusive male is such a horrible and small minded statement.

I think we can all agree that there are women who put up with abusive males - and the reverse is true. And I think it is fair to say that there is a correlation between low self-esteem/self-image/etc. and a person's willingness to put up with an abusive partner.

Now, on average - who is going to be more confident: An attractive girl who is used to getting a lot of attention from men, or a fat/ugly girl who is ignored in comparison. I'm not talking about exceptional cases here.

06-06-2005, 02:39 AM
Yeah, you're right, i'm 17. But I've always been this way, and I don't plan on changing. Money doesn't bother me. I'm a pack rat, I don't spend unless I need to, and I don't expect any bf of mine to spend either.

Please don't brush me off as not knowing what I'm talking about just because i'm young.

Absolutely not.

Here's the thing: Right now, the most you can hope for with prospective males in your age group is that they have a car, and can take you to a movie or In-N-Out Burger from time to time.

"So if this were me, I'd tell you to pick a day and leave it totally empty and just go out and do stuff. It doesn't have to cost anything but gas money."

It seems to me that you've already maxed out!

06-06-2005, 10:08 PM
miscue, you are so right(ish) bro, and ive said that from the beginning.

but you need to look at this from another angle:

if women are like this, and well always have been like this then this is how women are.

thus assuming that women arent succubuses by nature, you should try to find the positive family friendly (looky mommie a shauvanist!) truths that are in correlation w/ the traits you find to be so negative. Dont make them into men, and dont hold them to the same standards as you do men, because they arent men.

So am I ugly because I'm NOT a stereotypical girl?

:p :bounce:

06-06-2005, 11:37 PM
Absolutely not.

Here's the thing: Right now, the most you can hope for with prospective males in your age group is that they have a car, and can take you to a movie or In-N-Out Burger from time to time.

"So if this were me, I'd tell you to pick a day and leave it totally empty and just go out and do stuff. It doesn't have to cost anything but gas money."

It seems to me that you've already maxed out!

Well, I'm speaking as her boyfriend....because i am.

Hey wait, i dont have a car.

I usually cant spend time with her. So i try to make it up by getting her stuff. Does it work?
Hell no. I know she would rather give up all the things i've bought just to have a weekend with me.

Q, stick with writing software.

And J dub, if you're calling my girl ugly i'll take personal offence to that...

06-07-2005, 12:12 AM
miscue, you are so right(ish) bro, and ive said that from the beginning.

but you need to look at this from another angle:

if women are like this, and well always have been like this then this is how women are.

thus assuming that women arent succubuses by nature, you should try to find the positive family friendly (looky mommie a shauvanist!) truths that are in correlation w/ the traits you find to be so negative. Dont make them into men, and dont hold them to the same standards as you do men, because they arent men.


:p :bounce:

I very much dislike this idea about holding them to "male standards." What is that supposed to mean? I also dislike both male and female chauvinism. I think that some men can see things in females that women have difficulty seeing in themselves, as well as the reverse. There are certain things about ourselves that we can learn best from the opposite sex. And that's partly what the basis was for my observations. And if you didn't know, I don't like them much at all... things really shouldn't be that way.

Just yesterday, I was having this conversation: A friend's roomate has a boyfriend in Cali that helps pay her rent. He's somehow convinced her that he is well off, says he is a lawyer, but he is neither - and the source of her rent sometimes is from the guy's mother because he is broke. She's oblivious to this, or does not want to believe it. She also has local boyfriends and several male friends that she keeps around. She goes camping with a local male friend, the guy thinks they are getting along well and asks if they could become more than friends. She says no, the guy flips out, waves a gun around, and kills himself in front of her.

She gets involved with shady characters, and values the wrong character traits. And I've seen this so many times... these girls bouncing around all over like a pinball... so very lost. Thoughts like, "Why are you doing this to yourself?" "Can't you tell that this guy is a complete jerkoff?" "You deserve so much better," come to mind. Sometimes I think, "I wish you could see what I see, from my perspective." But I suppose that it can be as difficult as me trying to view it from her perspective and really understanding. I decided that there isn't really much you can do to help them change their situation - they have to discover things on their own... and about all you can do is be a good friend.

06-07-2005, 12:23 AM
Q, stick with writing software.

That's project managing... bucko! And you keep on truckin'... err... pedalin' in your case. :p

06-07-2005, 12:26 AM
That's project managing... bucko! And you keep on truckin'... err... pedalin' in your case. :p


Ole Unka Phil
06-07-2005, 09:52 AM
im tellin you, locket

This is a good idea. Something like this. A simple heart one or something like this is always a good choice.

06-07-2005, 10:53 AM
Candlelight, a bottle of wine, chocolate covered strawberries, and good music. That's all you need. I don't care who she is...it'll work.

06-08-2005, 12:55 AM
Getting back to the whole gift thing...

Over the weekend a good (male) friend, my sister and I went to an Arts festival. We decided we were hungry and breezed by the consession stands and I saw many things I WISH I was allowed to eat. Mind you I am not that picky of an eater, it is merley the fact that my oncologist has but me on one of the "all natural, detoxifing diets". Sadness came over me when they went to one stand I a realized I could not eat anything there. Same with pretty much evry consession stand there (sigh and I love fair food). My friend was able to convince the girl at the smoothie stand to make a fresh fruit smothie in a way that I could actually eat. I later found out that he gave her a $10 tip to do so (none the less the smothie was probleby the best tasting thing that I have eaten in over 2 months). On the way home I had mentioned to my sister to keep an eye out for good deals on blenders/smootie makers so that I could go and buy one for myself.... The very next day my friend showed up with the most wonderful gift for my children, a smootie maker and a ton of fruit. He told them that if they wanted to ever do something special they should make a smootie for thier mom. It honestly made me cry. He noticed what I liked, what limitations were in tack, and knew that I DON'T much like presents from guy friends; then in turn made my kids happy by making them a part of the gift. Friends like that are hard to find. :clap:


ps: lol, I got a household appliance, does that in turn make me a keeper? lmao

06-08-2005, 01:06 AM
A nice sexy lingerie victorias secret set. That would be a gift for her and for your amusement too.

p u r e e v i l
06-08-2005, 10:00 AM
Underwear. They'll wear, but what does that matter? They'd be hot.

Target Practice
06-08-2005, 02:44 PM
I'm getting my girlfriend a Savage .17HMR with optics for our anniversary.

Lemme tell you, guns are where it's at.

p u r e e v i l
06-08-2005, 08:07 PM
I'm getting my girlfriend a Savage .17HMR with optics for our anniversary.

Lemme tell you, guns are where it's at.

Until they turn around and shoot you with it... :shooting: :eek:

06-08-2005, 08:24 PM
Amazing what a simple question turns into.......I cant imagine if he asked something in depth :)

06-08-2005, 10:38 PM
Here's another idea:

Instead of a physical gift, take her to a Day Spa and have "worked over" -full body massage, facial, pampering and such...she'll love it and you'll get to enjoy the fruits of the staffs' labors.

Target Practice
06-09-2005, 02:04 AM
Until they turn around and shoot you with it... :shooting: :eek:

You just have to be a faster, better shot.

06-09-2005, 10:24 AM
Here's another idea:

Instead of a physical gift, take her to a Day Spa and have "worked over" -full body massage, facial, pampering and such...she'll love it and you'll get to enjoy the fruits of the staffs' labors.

but i already gave her a facial... bahahaha

06-09-2005, 12:52 PM
Well flowers are always another gift, but they do die, but when they are alive girls love them. I gave my girl a dozen colored roses, she loved them, her friends cried when she told them I got them for her. Also what I did was take out favorite picture of us together and put it in a nice frame, I am going to give her that. The gift dosent have to be big or expensive, remember its the little things in life that count the most.