View Full Version : I was attacked!

06-02-2005, 10:01 PM
Here is the story I was hanging out at my friends house today and we were gettign ready to leave and her comes her little sisters friends they charge at us with a Spyder Eclectra and a M98 firing about 40 rounds at her car. They don't know who I am so I cronfronted them on AIM here is what they had to say. It might be rather big.

Nick and Nate are the 2 stupid rookie kids. Pentz is the owner of the car.
Im Godisonwelfare76
Dom is Nick.

GodIsOnWelfare76: Hey.
thedom02: who r u
GodIsOnWelfare76: does it matter
GodIsOnWelfare76: i heard what you did to Pentz
GodIsOnWelfare76: you shot her car
GodIsOnWelfare76: whats wrong with you
GodIsOnWelfare76: do you have no respect for the game
GodIsOnWelfare76: its rookies like you that ruin the sport
GodIsOnWelfare76: you know what if they called the cops
GodIsOnWelfare76: it would be in that paper and somebody you know would start *****ing.
GodIsOnWelfare76: Huh?
thedom02: and
GodIsOnWelfare76: HUh Mr. Castro?
thedom02: so
thedom02: ill jus pay for it
thedom02: an then its over
GodIsOnWelfare76: yeah you will pay for it.
GodIsOnWelfare76: its not over
GodIsOnWelfare76: the it bad publicity for the sport which ruins it for vets
thedom02: i didnt shoot the car jp
GodIsOnWelfare76: bull ****
thedom02: for real
thedom02: i was to slow gettin the other gun ready
thedom02: nate shot the car
GodIsOnWelfare76: Why did you shoot her car?
GodIsOnWelfare76: The windows could have been down.
GodIsOnWelfare76: What if you hit them in the face then you'd be roally screwed
thedom02: i didnt shoot the gun
GodIsOnWelfare76: I don't care if you didn't either one of you.
GodIsOnWelfare76: You or Nate
GodIsOnWelfare76: If it happened whoever was in the car could have been permanitely blineded or knocked out.
GodIsOnWelfare76: Just think about what your doing.
thedom02: i didnt at the time
thedom02: but i wouldnt shoot anyone
thedom02: im not nick
thedom02: was the car dented
thedom02: ??
GodIsOnWelfare76: It might be.
thedom02: ya
thedom02: his gun was shootin 275
GodIsOnWelfare76: are you aware of how fast that is?
GodIsOnWelfare76: thats over 200 mpg
GodIsOnWelfare76: mph

I think I tought him a lesson he seemed rather scared. He went on to say he will try to pay for repairs which are dents. The big thing here is I really wanted to call the cops and get these punks arrested. But then I thought would I rather have paintball banned. You might have guessed that as of now I havent called the cops. Idk if I should but I'm pissed at those kids.

Eric Cartman
06-02-2005, 10:09 PM
They are morons. They could easily have cost someone their sight or worse. Call the cops. Idiocy like that should have dire consequences.

06-02-2005, 10:30 PM

GodIsOnWelfare76: thats over 200 mpg

I'd love to get that kind of gasmileage

06-02-2005, 11:00 PM
dude, i came up for a design for a car that does 200 mpg. tho we're talking gallons of liquid uranium, not normal gasoline, fo shizzle.

edit: spelling ... and bother thats stupid comment ... holy threadjack, batman !

06-02-2005, 11:17 PM
What the hell is wrong with kids in Florida? It just seems there are alot of problems with kids shooting at things with paintball guns down there. When I was in Orlando a couple of years ago some punks shot at the car I was in ... all the windows were open, I was in the front passenger seat and I got hit in the back of my right shoulder. The thing is, the shot came in through the back window and barely missed a little girls face. They got busted that night too, and good. Seems like assault with a deadly weapon was only one of the few things they did.

You should have called the cops. People these days know it's assault no matter what the weapon is. It's no different when someone gets hit with a baseball bat ... it doesn't mean baseball should be banned.

06-03-2005, 08:38 AM
you SHOULD call the cops. Shooting at someone w/ a paintball gun is assult w/ a weapon. Its no worse than someone pulling a knife on you. And paintball gun is listed in the items considered a weapon according to law.

I doubt it will turn into bad publicity for the sport. Paintball is HUGE. Just cause a couple of punks decided to go out on a limb and shoot up someones car, doesnt mean that the sport will come crashing down. I doubt it will make the news or newspapers. I would call the cop. At least Nate has already been confirmed as a participant. The cops will question the hell outta him and find the other guy. If his friend told on him, then he will tell on his friend. Now THATS a true friend. ;)

06-03-2005, 09:12 AM
275 fps = 187.5 mph

06-03-2005, 06:57 PM
275 fps = 187.5 mph

Errr. Either way I don't think it would feel to good if a ball going 187.5 mph {not miles per gallon} was hitting you in the face about 8 times now would it.

As for the cops these kids are like 13 or 14. I think I will. I'll let you all know what happens later.

Edit Not only is that assualt with a deadly weapon but where i live it's against the law to discharge any firearm it a Bird Sanctuary.

50 cal
06-04-2005, 01:32 AM
I see a lot of things shot up with paintballs here in Tampa/Clearwater. I went to Hooters in Tampa and there are a few hits on the front of the place. They never noticed it till I pointed it out to the manager.
I see lots of road signs and the backs of peoples cars with hits on them.

WTF is wrong with people.

06-04-2005, 01:51 AM
Why don't you just go ahead and press charges. Do it just to be an a-hole, not b/c someone got hurt. Cus it IS illegal afterall.

06-04-2005, 07:52 AM
Umm... gods, I'm going to get flamed for this one - not to dismiss the dangers of such stunts but...

Does anyone else think that those who play the game regularly may overreact to stunts like this.. just a little? Or am I the only one...


06-04-2005, 09:54 AM
Not to flame but this is a pretty gay thread. It sucks that you were attacked by some punks. Call the cops. As far as negative press. Mainstreaam America already thinks that paintball is a childish game for punks, and Ex Vietnam vets. Which as we know is far from the truth. Simple fact of the matter is paintball only matters to those that play paintball.

Everyone else sees them as BB guns that make a mess and shoot car, houses and people on park benches.

Good Rant, but call the cops.........What you experienced was called assault with a weapon and if done maliciously aggrivated assault which is a felony. That would have F***ed up the rest of their lives. Try getting a job and listing that you are a felon..... Good luck.

06-04-2005, 10:10 AM
haha I agree completely with Mags. Nothing better then ruining someone else's life for fun. :cheers: