View Full Version : Diable Wrath

06-02-2005, 11:26 PM
Ok, Now I have another question. A friend of mine has a Wrath. Long story short, it can't shoot even semi-decent paint. It has to be top-notch and even then he has problems chopping. Eye is on and clean, yet it chops every 3rd ball or so. This is crazy, he's not only a friend but a customer. I'm worried that the paint this marker requires is beyond what he can afford to use. I have noticed however that the barrel threading on the marker don't match up to the body very well. About 2 mm of barrel lip is quite obviously seen on the top. I'm not sure exactly what is wrong, and I do plan to call the company tomorrow, I'm just curious if any of you have maybe had this problem and found out a solution.


06-03-2005, 03:55 AM
i chopped a few with the stock barrel.. regardless of paintball grade... i switched to my 14" Stiffi and have not chopped since.

06-03-2005, 11:14 AM
If this is a new marker, it might be defective. If the barrell threads were drilled/tapped a little off than the paint may be catching on the end of barrell. If I read your description wrong, then just ignore me :D


06-03-2005, 12:30 PM
my good friend has a WRATH and he has NEVER chopped with it and he uses cheap paint. by the sounds of things you may have a factory defect. contact the seller and see what they can do. i know this isn't the best of help, but i hope it will assure you that you should be able to shoot ANY paint in a WRATH w/o chops.
post what you find out please.