View Full Version : Do you feel this way about paintball?

06-02-2005, 11:56 PM
for the most part, anything short of sponteanous crotch combustion i will play paintball.

Sometimes I will have a really bad day, wether its equipment or just plain ole sucking. I will try my damdest to ball it up. I refuse to call it in early. If my my game is off, i will continue to play even if it means sucking the rest of the day. If im tired, i will play tired.

the driving motivation for me is to leave the field without regrets. I leave the field and i never say to myself "man, i should of played a couple more games"

bu thats me tho


06-03-2005, 12:06 AM
I like to play till Im out of CO2, out of Paint, or out of energy. On occasion, I stop due to knee injury.. such as banging it against a root so hard I can barely walk...

of course, running a hundred yards in the woods with asthma, you can loose your energy pretty quickly... but as long as I play hard and learn from my mistakes I am usually happy.

06-03-2005, 12:06 AM
i play all day long, and dont call it quits until the field stops playing games. for the most part, its because of admission, and i'm a poor 16 yr old. i want to get the most out of my money, so i get in as many games as i can.
at AO norcal vs socal, i played both days, and on sunday i played even though my legs were almost dead. on monday at school, i could hardly walk from class to class; it sucked. i dont know how to describe the other reasons i play all day except that i really enjoy playing.

06-03-2005, 12:24 AM
Just as long as I look cool, people think im a real badass whether I win or lose.


06-03-2005, 01:46 AM
Yeah, I'll actually play anytime anyplace but as the years go by it gets harder and harder to get a game going. I really hope my local field will open up on Wednesdays this summer so my two best friends can play (they both work weekends and I do most of the time).

Anyways, I love the game even though I suck at it :D Well, sometimes I have a good day. You wouldn't beleive the time I put into my equipment ... since I don't have time to play and I have to do *something* when I can't sleep at night. Just recently I made a super dual fan setup for my mask using a pulse width modulation circuit I made from scratch to control the speed (two high flow muffin fans turing slowly makes it very quiet), and I resewed a 4 + 1 Redz sidepack to make it lefthanded (bottle on left, pods on right). Don't even get me started on the Autococker I put together for shakes and giggles :headbang:

06-03-2005, 03:17 AM
I would like to play all day but my knees dont let me. and im only 23. I guess all those years of continuous tossing my body down large sets of stairs on my skateboard has cought up to me. I have been doing yoga and pilates with my girlfriend and they are getting better though. I like to play front and usually in the snake, so my knees take a beating. Im hoping to get in better "paintball" shape. mostly more limber. On reasons i play, I guess its because its something totally different from what i have been doing. For the past 12 years, skateboarding has been my main physical activity. I was and still am very involved with it. The thing about skating is, though, that its a personal sport. just you and the board. no team. no score. no opponent. Most street skaters, which is what i am, think contests are a joke, so for the most part the only driving force to do well is self mastery. conquering your body and board. now paintball is compleat;ly different. there are other players on your team. you have to master your self as well as master working as a team. It is someting i am rusty in. thats why i like it. Its fun when your team is just clicking, moving with a single mind. I have only expierenced it a few times, but the times that i have were cool. Also being able to shoot other people is a plus too.

06-03-2005, 03:22 AM
Same way here, the crotch thing or a death in the family are the only things to stop me.

06-03-2005, 10:24 AM
Carbon 3> every and all whiners.

Nuff said. :cheers:

06-03-2005, 01:08 PM
Unless i'm deathly ill, i'll play until i'm out of paint or the field closes

06-03-2005, 01:27 PM
Lets see.. the field opens at 10.. Im normally there by 7 or 8, break into the store, fill up the air ball bunkers, do some maintenance before the owner gets there. Last week I had mowed the grass on both fields before anyone but the owner was there...

Yeh, I may be obsessive.

06-03-2005, 02:09 PM
I never stop playing till my knee gave out once (I need surgey, but im still going tommorrow

06-03-2005, 02:11 PM
Used to be that way.
Not any more though.
I am more in it to hang out with my friends and enjoy the game again.


06-03-2005, 02:31 PM
I go as long as i have moeny, and lately, thats been a little hard lol. I dont have a job so im kinda low on cash right nwo.

I play cause its really fun, plus not many people in my school do it so if i ever take them out to play im not outgunned lol. Also, Its just nice to get out and play without all the polotics of my house hold...

06-03-2005, 03:19 PM
I was all ready to play at AO West NY right after my wisdom teeth operation. My face looked like a chipmunk on opium (i was yellow), but I was ready. Unfortunately my gun wasn't working. Dj89 can attest to all this hehe.