View Full Version : A day at the field

06-04-2005, 10:08 PM
This is the first thread of three I am going to post. The other two are related to this one, one technical (HELP!) and one non-technical.

I went to the field today with 4 main goals in mind:
1) I wanted to have fun and have my friend have fun. Usually he goes to the field and has all kinds of gun problems and ends up hating it...and I REALLY need paintball buddies now as more an more of my friends are giving it up (See Later Post).
2) I wanted to check out a new field, not "new", but one I haven't been to before.
3) As I discussed in the Thread Guns Part 2.25 (a poll about which gun I should sell), I'm trying to figure out which gun I want to sell between an upgraded Spyder Classic and a Rebel LE. Most poll respondants (about 55%) voted down the Rebel LE.
4) I JUST got my automag classic two days ago and was anxious to test it out! :shooting:

Well, I'm not going to do a play-by-play, just highlights/lowlights. I started using the Spyder and it worked flawlessly. I got 4 kills in 4 games and in 3 out of 4 I was the last guy on my team alive at the end. I also got to play my first games in a speedball field and see my first "actual" (amateur teams were practicing on one of the fields) speedball game (more on this in my later post).

Well, I switched to the Rebel and the day got bad. The Rebel bolt kept getting stuck. My CO2 tank was low, so I had it filled. After filling, the guy pointed out that it was outdated...which pissed me off because it's one of my newer CO2 tanks. By the way, does ANYBODY re-certify their CO2 tanks? Isn't it twice as much to hydro-test a CO2 tank as it is to buy one new? So, back to the Rebel, even after I changed the CO2 tank, the bolt was still sticking. It was REALLY getting on my nerves. I don't know why it was doing it...finally it just jammed as a piece of paintball got lodged in there...after I cleaned it, it happened again. So, the short of it is the Rebel certainly DID NOT beat out the Spyder in the battle to not be sold. The only excuse the Rebel might have, is I was using CR(P PAINT! Real bad. Worst paint I've ever used except for maybe Winchester. Even worse than Brass Eagle paint! So "maybe", that had something to do with it. I'm not going to mess with it anymore. I'm bringing it to the local paintball shop and seeing if they'll go through it...then, when I get it back, I'll try and sell it. Some people would just sell it, but I know how it feels to buy a used gun on Ebay and have it show up with problems so I don't do that to people.

So, before this becomes a novel...the best thing about the Rebel crapping out was that I went to the car and grabbed my automag...I was sooo excited! Then...c$ap... I chronod it and it was shooting around 174. I tried to turn the knob in the back to see if I could modify the velocity...but it didn't seem to do anything. Then, I tried to chrono it again and it started blowing air through the little hole in the back of the valve (more on this in the technical forum, HELP!?). So I was bummed...no automag today. I went out and grabbed the VL Prodigy. It shot pretty well. I was getting a few jams, maybe because of the poor paint quality...but I had more trouble with the Revvy hopper coming loose and falling off. COME ON VL! You can't make a gun where the hopper (YOU MAKE) fits right!?

Well, the Prodigy worked...I had fun finishing off the rest of the day (with a few exceptions, see attached photos and later thread). Take a look at a few of my battle wounds...the only time I end up with ones like this is when I'm shot from <5ft...probably my second worst wounds to date in my paintball career. If I haven't bored you to sleep or made you vomit, take a look at my later posts (one in here that will be titled "The end of Paintball?" and one in the technical forum titled Early Automag Troubles...HELP".

06-04-2005, 10:14 PM
I could have lived without those pics...

06-04-2005, 10:40 PM
^Took the words out of my mouth.

06-04-2005, 10:46 PM
heh, your freckily, with that said, i have a welt as bad as the wors one on your back, but its on my jaw, got it today from some kid shooting ~400fps, fun

06-04-2005, 11:11 PM
By the way, does ANYBODY re-certify their CO2 tanks? Isn't it twice as much to hydro-test a CO2 tank as it is to buy one new?
It's cheaper to hydro. There's like, a 99.8% chance of it passing, so it can make sense to hydro a tank ... well, a 20oz take anyways. OKay, I don't know what the actual faiure rate is but it must be low. I have a tank with an original date of May 1993, and that's the one I have set up with an anti-syphon matched to my 'Mag, so it's saved me a bit of money over the years having it hydro'd 3 times.

If you've getting shot in the back, you're not playing right :-Þ

06-04-2005, 11:37 PM
If you've getting shot in the back, you're not playing right :-Þ

I should explain that, it's the first time I've ever been hit in the back.

See, I worked my way around the outside of the opposing teams and took out 3 players. However, there was a very good player with a very nice shocker sitting in the upper part of a "tower". That "tower" had a upper and lower portion. I thought the ONE place I could keep from getting hit by the guy in the tower was under him in the lower portion. It would also give me a great angle to hit the other opposing player left on the field. I figured the worst that could happen would be the guy upstairs would try to come down the stairs...but I'd be ready for that.

Well, when I got in the lower portion, I QUICKLY realized there was enough foom between the floorboards of the upper portion for a guy to slip a barrel through...my barrel wasn't slender enough to fit through the first few slits so I thought maybe I should get out of there and FAST as the upstairs guy noticed me. Well, he had played there before and knew right where there was a big enough gap to stick his barrel through and as I ran out of the bunker...I took 3 (It felt like 12) in the back at about 3-5 feet. It didn't help that the field policed chronoing guns about as well as I can sing opera. What I wouldn't do sometimes for a decent ref. I watched the guy that shot me chrono his gun earlier in the day and it was shooting 310fps. He told the ref he couldn't turn it down anymore and the ref said, "Oh, then it's fine I guess." :argh:

06-04-2005, 11:52 PM
good story...but everyone can see in that pic what kind of person you are...A REDNECK! :rofl: :rofl:

06-05-2005, 12:30 AM
good story...but everyone can see in that pic what kind of person you are...A REDNECK! :rofl: :rofl:

I'm also a "Redarm" and "Redface"...I really hate playing paintball when it's like 84 degrees out...I remembered the bug spray...but not the sunscreen...oops! :eek:

06-05-2005, 01:01 AM
farmer's tan rules!!!

06-05-2005, 04:04 AM
Hockeynoodles020 know that I know where you live I can say thay you would be an authority on rednecks!!! :rofl: :rofl: Good welts!!!!