View Full Version : Question about scuba tank And oppinion on Crossfire tanks??

shoot m up
06-06-2005, 04:07 PM
Ok i am look to buy a scuba tank and Crossfire 4500 red. FIrst off what do i need to look for on the scuba tank. I kow i need a HPA fill station and what is the best for the cheapest price?? Second Crossfire tanks Good ok what. I am looking to get a 68ci,70ci or 92ci tank. What is the logical chose on the ci of the tank. Well Help me out woud opreciate it

06-06-2005, 04:27 PM
do you need alot of shots out of the tank? say 1k + otherwise 68/70 4500 is the way to go

try searching scuba setup or similar to your title, there was a recent thread about the same thing

06-06-2005, 06:43 PM
I like 68/70's. I think anything bigger is a little overkill onyl if your playing back...Now if you play front get a 45/45 or a 70/45.

06-06-2005, 06:46 PM
get a 68ci 4500 i like the crossfire i am about to buy another one

shoot m up
06-06-2005, 09:40 PM
But is it worth it. My field only fills to 3000psi. The only time they fill to 4500psi is in tourneys. I am want to get into the HRL but i havent found a team. SO should i go with the 68/70 4500 or the 3000?????

06-06-2005, 09:46 PM
You need to make sure you get a 45k scuba tank, otherwise you'll only be filling your tank up to 3k.
If you can't get the air that you want at your field, then a scuba tank is a good investment. You've got to realize that with each fill, you will be getting a little less pressure due to less air being in the tank--the nature of the beast.

Eric Cartman
06-06-2005, 09:47 PM
I know squat about scuba tanks.
Crossfire's are great. Arguably the best preset available.

Ole Unka Phil
06-07-2005, 10:00 AM
I would get the biggest volume tank you can play with since your only filling to 3K most of the time. And intending to use a SCUBA most Times. Then your compensating some for the underfills. But I would get a 4.5K tank. So you can take advantage of that if and when your at a field that fills to that level.

You probably do not want to spend the money for a 4500 psi SCUBA. They are Steel and expensive and very heavy! I mean VERY heavy and VERY expensive. Get the NB 3300 psi 80 cubic foot Aluminum. I been very pleased with that set up.

If you were close I got a entire unit to sell. Tank and fill adapter. A couple years old.

06-07-2005, 10:08 AM
what kind of gun are you using? You can get a 68/3000 for a bit cheaper. And yes Crossfire makes great tanks.

shoot m up
06-07-2005, 02:44 PM
I have an Emag. Hey thanks for the help.

06-07-2005, 03:22 PM
well, if you can only fill to 4500 in tourneys. how often do you play? If the answer is frequently, then you may want to get a 68/4500 tank. They can still be filled to 3000 and still be usable. It wont hurt anything. If you get a 68/3000, it will be slightly lighter in weight, a bit cheaper, and you will only be able to fill to 3000 in both the tourney or on the other fields you play. You will just be getting your tank filled more often, thats all.

Look at the prices of the tanks, how often you play tournies, or the need to fill to 4500. Consider those decisions when making a choice on what tank you should get. w/ a 68/4500 filled to 4000 psi, you can expect anywhere around 800-900 shots. If you get a 68/3000, expect less. Maybe like 600-700 or so.

06-07-2005, 03:38 PM
as far as the scuba goes, don't worry about the 4500 psi ones, they cost around $400-500, which is way too much to pay imo. just get a regular scuba,(used for cheaper) aluminum 80 cf ones are good enough, and with a fill station, it should cost you just over $150. Thats what I did(except i got a deal on a used 92 cf, 3200 psi tank) and my fill station should be arriving from UPS any minute now...

as far as the paintball tank, get whatever size you feel is right, but get it in the 4500 psi model. It might not make too much difference most of the time, but when you could use it, you will wish you had it... alot. also, 3000 psi tanks don't have as good resale as 4500 psi tanks(i think, don't quote me)

06-07-2005, 05:35 PM
Hey, my fill station just came, and now I can say from experience how AMAZING it is to have unlimited air fills(almost). I guarantee you will not mind the $150 or so it costs once you get it. Now my gun's having problems so I have to get that sorted out... http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=177257
With a scuba, you can also hook your mag straight into the scuba and the Zak Vetter thing, 30 cps.

06-07-2005, 05:37 PM
have owned 2 crossfire tanks, and have been pleased with both, i would reccomend the 68/45 size

06-07-2005, 06:13 PM
go crossfire, i have a 68/4500 and i love it. you cant go wrong.

06-07-2005, 07:36 PM
I would get a 4500. If you go to a a field that gives 4500 fills you wont be left in the dark. And plus...if you only fill your 4500 tank w/ 3k, it will perform just as good as a 68/3k. And you are using a mag...so I would go with a 68/45. I shoot one on a uni-mount and it is set up PERFECTLY.
Im definately glad about my choice of tank.