View Full Version : What was the reason for this?

06-07-2005, 11:08 PM
Sorry if this is in the wrong place, but users are not allowed to PM the moderation team, or post in the rules forum. So why did WARPED1 get banned?

06-07-2005, 11:20 PM
Just leave it alone. Is it really important to you? One week wont kill him.

06-07-2005, 11:23 PM
It's important to me because I hope to find some reason beyond his quote there for his ban. Otherwise, it means that moderators hold personal grudges and/or are completely unreasonable nazis regarding marker brands. He made a very mild insult, and then got physically threatened by another member, the latter walked away, and WARPED1 got banned. Awesome, guys.

06-07-2005, 11:34 PM
That's right. The mods not letting him post on an internet forum for seven days makes them the same as a group of people who exterminated 6 million people. :rolleyes:

Don't you konw that the mods get together all the time and plot the downfall of various markers? They're in it with the Illuminati and Richard Nixon who, by the way, never really died and is helping Elvis keep the fake moon landing hidden.

06-07-2005, 11:43 PM
Isnt that a bit old?? I thought he got a small ban last month. I dont believe thats current. I think that he is spending his time at the ion owners group.

06-08-2005, 12:03 AM
He's been OFF the ban for nearly a month.

06-08-2005, 12:14 AM
I understand, but I want to know why he was banned, out of personal curiosity. I'm not trying to start a ****storm here, believe it or not. I tried to pm the mods, but you can't.

06-08-2005, 01:14 AM
Then why didn't the subsequent poster who said he will "stomp" him get banned?

06-08-2005, 05:54 AM
I frigging HATE it when people get on these boards and start calling people Nazis. How can you be so ignorant about the world? LEARN something before you start making heavy statements like that.

06-08-2005, 06:03 AM
AO now has a BANNED Notification section. All Bans can be found there as well as the reasons for the bans and durations. I would also suggest that if folks have a question about any particular ban that they contact their “favorite” Moderator via PM and ask about the situation. There is no need to post on the open forum things that can be done faster and more appropriately via PM.

06-08-2005, 12:32 PM
I agree with Sam. (Shocker isn't it?;))

06-08-2005, 12:43 PM
I understand, but I want to know why he was banned, out of personal curiosity. I'm not trying to start a ****storm here, believe it or not. I tried to pm the mods, but you can't.

Looks like he tried.

06-08-2005, 12:54 PM
Looks like he tried.

I've PM'd Cphil many a time.

06-08-2005, 12:57 PM
Looks like he tried.

The AO Moderation Team cannot be contacted via PM but all the mods can, they all have their PM's enabled.
In this example (the link was given) no questioning was required or needed...pm's are only needed when the offending post has gone for a walk. Quite often posts are left in place so that other users can see a clear example of what not to do themselves.
Shartley is correct in his post and TAW gave the example of what can happen plus with his first post explained what happened with regard to the rules.
This is not ancient history but it is old news as Warped1 has been off his ban for a while now...as Army pointed out too.
Also Phelix there is no reason for a user to be able to post in the Rules forum, just comply with the rules as listed.

06-08-2005, 01:36 PM
Everything that really needs to be said has been, but I will clarify something real quick…

Looks like he tried.
That is why I said to PM your “favorite” Moderator, not simply PM the Moderator Team. I have never had a problem contacting any one of the Moderators individually about any issue, or even just to shoot the breeze. As MarkM pointed out, each Moderator can be contacted at will… just not all of them at once (for the general membership). And if any Moderator does not know the answer, it is easy enough for them to get it behind the curtain and let the member know.

Now for a little dance.....
"I played chicken with the train, played chicken with the train, train, uh huh..."

06-08-2005, 02:41 PM
I got banned because someone wrote "Ion=crap", I quoted them but changed it to "Mag=junk". Don't dare state your opinion if it differs from an AO'er opinion! :rolleyes: :eek:



06-08-2005, 03:08 PM
I got banned because someone wrote "Ion=crap", I quoted them but changed it to "Mag=junk". Don't dare state your opinion if it differs from an AO'er opinion! :rolleyes: :eek:

You did a little more than that! http://www.automags.org/forums/showpost.php?p=1885857&postcount=9 anyhow it is over you are back and you served your ban properly..ie no circumvention.

06-08-2005, 04:16 PM
That was a jest, I wrote Mass....(you know the rest). Yes, I served my time, and no ill will to anyone, including massdriver guy there. Heck, I'm originally from massachusetts to.
He was the one I was talking about with the closemindedness.