View Full Version : Which Is The Best Barrel!!!!

11-28-2001, 05:10 AM
I have a 68 automag and I want to get another barrel for my gun... I am using the SP All-American 12" barrel with medium bore right now and love the barrel. But where Im from there isnt much people using Automags so I cant really talk to other people. I was just wondering what barrels does other Automag users use and what you guys recommend. (Besides the Freak system) Im running HPA too if that makes a diff on choice.

11-28-2001, 07:25 AM
Well if you only have one barrel, I think the question you should be asking is, "What is the best paint for my barrel." Barrels in general are just about equal as long as they are straight and smooth.

If you really want a lesson in the barrel/paint relationship, check out Tom's Tech Pages (http://www.automags.org/resource/tech/tomstech/index.shtml). Read all of them to get a beter understanding of your gun.


11-28-2001, 07:43 AM
i think that if you were to get both the bigshot and the autospirit, you would be pretty much set for most paint

11-28-2001, 01:33 PM
I prefer my J&J 14" Ceramic to my 14" Boomstick.

It weighs much less
It looks good
It is more tolerant to difference sizes of paint
You can shoot through a break reasonably well
I just got it - so of COURSE it's my favorite.
