View Full Version : Consistency issues

06-08-2005, 04:49 PM
Hey all - I need some help. I bought a mag from www.theMagsmith.com and love it to death. I just went to the recent MXS scenario game and I was all over with my chrono speeds. i mean 250, 283, 260, 265, 280, 253. The ref didn't want to punch my card!!! I had to turn the gun even farther down. My question is: How can I get better consistency? Would adding a primary reg like a Stabilizer make a difference?

Please help!!!

06-08-2005, 04:57 PM
Alright, You probably do not know how to chrono an RT properly...Basically you shoot on ball,And hold the trigger down. Then as fast as your can, let the trigger go and pull it, and hold..Do this about 10 times,..It simulates the "Rt effect" Go to Airgun.com and see the rt chrono procedure if you want more answers

06-08-2005, 05:10 PM
that and shoot it around a little bit more you probly still have to break in the orings

06-10-2005, 05:49 AM
Alright, You probably do not know how to chrono an RT properly...Basically you shoot on ball,And hold the trigger down. Then as fast as your can, let the trigger go and pull it, and hold..Do this about 10 times,..It simulates the "Rt effect" Go to Airgun.com and see the rt chrono procedure if you want more answers


Never double reg a mag, the valve already is a reg, & a pretty damn good one at that.

06-13-2005, 04:43 PM
Thanks for the help. I was curious though - that may be the proper way to chrono the top speed of the mag, but what about the irregularity from shot to shot while playing? My original approach to chrono-ing should be a decent gauge as to what the Mag will be doing while in play and that amount of irregularity is probably not very good for accuracy.

06-13-2005, 04:52 PM
I hate to say it, but a mag (RT, Reto, X-Valve) really is not meant to be shot slow. It gets it's best consistancy when shot fast. That being said, Make sure you are feeding the gun enough air (600-800psi), that the gun is well oiled (5 or so drops in the ASA before each day of play), the orings are broke in (usually about 2000 or so shots) and make sure your ball to barrel math is pretty good.

That last point is important. If you are shooting cheaper paint, or not so fresh paint, the balls might actually be different sizes, this will cause erratic changes in valocity.

06-14-2005, 01:23 PM
Yes, I would say that the inconsistencies are more than likely caused by odd shaped paint rather than chrono procedure. Chrono procedure may cause the velocity to be slightly high or low (usually not much in level 10 valves) but still consisent.

A barrel with a larger bore than the paint will be more consistent with odd shaped paint than a small bore barrel that just fits the paint or is slightly tight.