View Full Version : Paintball isn't that expensive.

Target Practice
06-08-2005, 08:17 PM
All of you who say paintball is expensive, suck it up. It's expensive because you make it expensive. Why do you need a DMC, with it's, what, $1400 price tag? I'll tell you why.

You've bought into the hype. Congratulations, you're a consumer whore. They know you will suck up anything they put out, so they keep doing it.

I'll tell you what's expensive. Flying is expensive. Car building is expensive. Keeping horses is expensive. Sailing is expensive. Shooting is expensive (again, if you choose it to be. You can pay 30 dollars for 1000 shots. I have to pay 30 dollars for 20 shots if I want match-grade ammo. But, I can just as easily get the cheap stuff, and have the same ammount of fun for a longer period of time.

You know what will make paintball a lot more fun and make it cheaper? Sell your AKAs, your SPs, your Angels, your Dyes, and buy a damn Phantom. Not only will it make you a better player, but it'll fatten up your wallet as well.

Edit: I should say that I'm kinda ornrey tonight, and that's what prompted the topic. I also should add a story about shooting.

I used to love firing off 30 or 40 rounds of .308, then about 60-70 rounds of .223, then maybe 100 or so rounds of .45 each time I went out to the range. But I realized that I was spending upwards of 100 bucks at each outing. So what did I do? I dusted off the ol' .22, and bought 500 rounds for $10. After using that, not only have I become a better shot, but I've been able to afford to continue my $100+ days of gun fun. It just makes more sensewhen you use less cents.

06-08-2005, 08:20 PM
Sell your AKAs, your SPs, your Angels, your Dyes, and buy a damn Phantom. Not only will it make you a better player, but it'll fatten up your wallet as well.

OR, keep your nice markers for tourneys, and just use the pump at practice, i have been having fun doing that lately

edit- or, just dont shoot that much, i played all day last weekend with HALF a case (had a tourney the next day, so couldnt afford alot of paint) just threw on the revvy, and didnt shoot alot, i think i only used a pod once, and thats when the revvy opened up during a slide spilling all my paint out

06-08-2005, 08:24 PM
LOL, It's soooo true. I plan on playing with a pump for the rest of the season, cause I need money for a car. Which at this current time is more important then paintball. Wow I never thought I'd be able to say that. :tard:

But the question is WILL I??

Yes I make paintball expensive for myself, but I'm happy with every penny I put in. :D

St Elmo's Fire
06-08-2005, 08:30 PM
Not to bash on pumps, but I don't find it all that enjoyable yet, although I probably will given time. I don't spray as it is, and I'm certain that using a pump I'd shoot a bit less, but I doubt it would be that much less. If anything, popping out of cover would simply mean one shot instead of two or three.

I shoot maybe half a case in a day of near the cheapest paint available (although never the bottom level). $15 for the door fee, and another $20 for my paint. That's $35, for a guy who has no real job (school and bands take up too much time), and who still has to find a way to fund it himself by chopping wood and various bits of menial labor. That's a lot, considering I can take the alternative of going to see a few bands rock out on stage any day of the week for about $7, and Seattle's got quite a few good local bands right now.

Target Practice
06-08-2005, 08:32 PM
no real job

Well there you go.

06-08-2005, 08:46 PM
You know what will make paintball a lot more fun and make it cheaper? Sell your AKAs, your SPs, your Angels, your Dyes, and buy a damn Phantom. Not only will it make you a better player, but it'll fatten up your wallet as well.

Sorry, but a Phantom wont nessesarily make me a better player, nor will it be cheaper. I've seen some pumps go way up in price upwards of some Vikings. I dont find pump play to be very fun really either. I use my AKA's, SP's, Angel's, and Dyes because they are very fast, and have advantages that no phantom can have.

But on the other hand, I dont complain about the price of paintball.

Not everyone who buys a DMC or a gun such as one is a consumer whore either.

St Elmo's Fire
06-08-2005, 08:47 PM
Well there you go.

And what do you expect me to do? I'm 17, partway through high school, and it seems like getting a job around here is nearly impossible. You don't think I work my *** off to make what money I do get?

06-08-2005, 09:00 PM
Your argument for why paintball isn’t that expensive isn't a very good one... Its like saying, "look guys a Dodge Viper isn't that expensive, just look at this Ferrari." or "Flying a plane is cheap, just look how expensive space flight is." You are comparing two completely different things.

So paintball is still relatively expensive. And yes, you could play with a pump but I don't find that as fun as using semi. Also, it does not help that everyone else is using high end guns. Sure, someone with a pump can get a few eliminations but their chances go way down when everyone else is shooting at a high rate of fire.

When I had my classic Mag I would still go through a few hundred rounds in a day and I could spend $35-$40 pretty easy for one day of play. Now, I guess 40 bucks isn't a ton but it still adds up. Then I got my RT and I would go through a little more paint and the price to play would go up a little more. I never owned a gun that could shoot extremely fast so I can't comment on how much that costs.

I guess my point is that paintball is still expensive, even with a lower level marker. And yes, using a pump would cut down costs a good deal but I also think it would cut down on the fun. Also, most pump players will sink a good deal of money into their guns. I’m sure it isn't hard to spend $300+ on a nice pump.

06-08-2005, 09:05 PM
In general: the people complaining about the price of paintball for whatever reason have little to zero experience in running a retail business. They have little to no understanding of the need of mark-up, overhead and its various expenses, and the hope of taking a profit. There is a worrisome new idea in America that all business is just out to screw the consumer, its not true and the applying of this to mostly small businesses by people who have no clue is getting annoying.


06-08-2005, 09:07 PM
And what do you expect me to do? I'm 17, partway through high school, and it seems like getting a job around here is nearly impossible. You don't think I work my *** off to make what money I do get?

you play within your means. it's life. deal with it.

06-08-2005, 09:07 PM
my only problem with playing pump during games is that it is really hard to defeat all of these people with these 1000+ guns, but if you get a better gun then you have a better chance. I used to want to just conserve paint so i bought a zues pistol and it gets fairly tough to get a hit during a game. Maybe its just that im bad with them but i dunno.

Target Practice
06-08-2005, 09:36 PM
But on the other hand, I dont complain about the price of paintball.

Exactly. I'm talking about the people who make it more expensive.

I would wager that the caliber of the average player of 15 years ago is higher then that of the average player of today. I think that technology has indeed replaces skill to an extent.

As far as the expense, I should have stated that I was talking about the long term expense. Sure, you may have an initial cost that's higher, but come on, it's not going to amount to an 04 Vike for a decent Phantom.

06-08-2005, 09:43 PM
whatever, basketball is still cheaper.

06-08-2005, 09:46 PM
Well, I just bought a pump, but not because I cant afford to play. Im still keeping my viking, and my ion. I like using them for what I use them for. But, I think it will be nice to go out and play pump against ppl at some of the rec fields that I go to. I like a challenge. Thats why I got the pump, not because I cant afford anything better. I dont see the need to spend 250+ on a phantom when you can get a cheaper lower end pump for 50-70 bucks and still get the same effect. Well, maybe not the same quality, but you get the idea.

Plus, I cant wait to see the look on ppls face when I go to the field w/ the SL 68 I bought. Ill bet they will laugh, snicker, and talk, but I dont care. Im there to have a good time, and I will more than likely still be a difficult elimination. And it will make me improve on some parts of the game that I couldnt do w/ an electro.

Target Practice
06-08-2005, 09:53 PM
my only problem with playing pump during games is that it is really hard to defeat all of these people with these 1000+ guns, but if you get a better gun then you have a better chance.

As an example: At last year's Vegas NPPL, Miscue, myself, tsc, Edweird, and Ed's freind were all walking around commenting on how much BS permeated the game at the upper levels. We stopped to watch a game as we switched the subject to Emag software.

As we watched, I noticed that the guy in the snake nearest to us was using a stock class Phantom. Now, the opposing team all had DM4s. We started looking, and we noticed that all of the players, save one, were using stock class pumps (later, we learned that the guy that wasn't using the Phantom had to use his backup electro, because his Phantom wasn't working).

Anyhoo, the pump players were the ones that pushed and advanced past the fifty to the opposition's 35 or so. They took the game to their opponents, going so far as to bunker their opponents, never going on the defensive, moving/playing/winning as a team. It came down to a one on one, a stock class pump against a DM4. The last guy was in the snake, hunkered down against a steady stream of paint. Finally, he was gotten out. Not by skill, but by someone just laying down a stream of paint.

Of that entire tournament, that team was the funnest to watch. Why? Because they played the game like it was meant to be played, and they made it exciting. It wasn't who could put the most paint downrange, but who could put paint downrange with the most skill.

But, I digress. My point is, is that you can hold your own against fast electros with a pump. You just have to work at it, and god forbid, not "hide behind your equipment".

06-08-2005, 10:04 PM
Why? Because they played the game like it was meant to be played, and they made it exciting. It wasn't who could put the most paint downrange, but who could put paint downrange with the most skill.

You just have to work at it, and god forbid, not "hide behind your equipment".
Oh my God...dude, thou hast preached the word of a true paintballer!
You should be given the Congressional Medal of Jesus!

Someone promote Target Practice to the rank of Saint, right now!

Preach on, Brother T.P.!


stop whining buy a mag
06-08-2005, 10:21 PM
Exactly. I'm talking about the people who make it more expensive.

I would wager that the caliber of the average player of 15 years ago is higher then that of the average player of today. I think that technology has indeed replaces skill to an extent.

As far as the expense, I should have stated that I was talking about the long term expense. Sure, you may have an initial cost that's higher, but come on, it's not going to amount to an 04 Vike for a decent Phantom.

I have to disagree with you on comparing players of 15 years ago to players of today. It's a different game. The new name of the game is shoot fast and move fast. 15 years ago it wasn't some crazy rate of fire. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Glenn Palmer make the first operational semi in late '88?

I'll admit that I'm a bit spoiled and I don't have to worry too much about paintball being expensive. I use a Shocker at my local woodsball course. On a normal day I shoot 3 bags of Inferno. I could use White Box but I get discounts from the owner and I hate watching 3 balls in a row bounce off your opponent. My dad will pay for my paint if my grades are up and I have helped him around the house (We are finishing off a room in the basement on our own) etc. I payed for most of my marker and gear so I don't feel like the 12 year old noob who got his gun from mommy. I shop around for the best prices on everything. Before me and my dad ever decide to buy anything more than $20 for paintball we look around online to find the best price. We got our 2005 Shockers for $700 new. That isn't bad at all. All the other guns we have gotten off Ebay, used for a while, then resold for a higher price. Paintball is only expensive to those who don't care what the price is on things. They don't have a problem paying $1700 for a DMC right now when you can get a DM4 for almost $700.

I agree with some of your points but others seem to be for the player that will pay $1,000 for a pink Shocker. Educated paintballers know how to make it less expensive.

06-08-2005, 10:25 PM
I play every weekend, usually both days, shoot 6-8 bags per day.

I'm 16, and I have no job.

I make money by being creative on the interweb, and reselling stuff for way less than I paid (Example - Bought 05 dragon for 1600 w/ pro jersey, am trading gun for a nasty shocker completely upped that could bring in 800-1000, plus he added 800 cash, plus I'm selling the jersey for 300 That's atleast 300 profit.)

Plus playing on sponsored teams allows me to play for cheaper :)

And ofcourse the parents help out along the way.

But ya, I don't see paintball as too expensive, It's worth it.

06-08-2005, 10:43 PM
I make money by being creative on the interweb, and reselling stuff for way less than I paid .

Hmm... remind me not to hire you to run my shop for any amount of time... ;) :p


06-08-2005, 10:47 PM
Hmm... remind me not to hire you to run my shop for any amount of time... ;) :p
I was thinking the same thing... :eek:

(we know that's not what you meant, Blaze)

St Elmo's Fire
06-08-2005, 11:02 PM
you play within your means. it's life. deal with it.

I do play within my means, and I love it. I don't have to "deal with it". But the last thing I need is for some egotistical chap who spends $30 for his 20 rounds of tourney paint to tell me that paintball isn't expensive. If I had a quarter of his funding, I could play so much more paintball than I do now.

Furthermore, I never buy paint online. In fact, everything I get comes off fields and local proshops. I am not about to support some cheap corporations and let my local small businesses collapse.

06-08-2005, 11:14 PM
I was thinking the same thing... :eek:

(we know that's not what you meant, Blaze)

Hahaha ;)

I would probably do it too... that's the sad thing.

But really that's how I do things, I'll find a good deal, or get something I know I can make profit off of, and get it!

Here's a rediculous story...

Bought a cyborg brand new for 980$, You're thinking, how can you possibly make money off that?

I use it for 2 months, then decide to trade for an A4 Fly... or what I thought was a Fly... apparently it was just an A4 (Worth about 200$ less), so I was like WTF, he was like OH NOEZ, and sent me a BKO to compensate. I sold the BKO for $250. I was using the A4 at the field and a guy on Cartel (10man Pro last year, they missed 1st at world cup by 2 points) was like holy crap that's sweet, I'll trade you, I'm getting a dm5 soon (He got kicked off cartel haha) so I get a Dm4, used by him, beat up, ugly, and ya... I put it up on AO and get offered an Angel Speed, 45/45, 3 stiffi barrels, and an RT Mag. I sell the Speed for $525, the Stiffis for $150, the tank for $125, and the RT for $400. add that ontop of the $250 from the BKO... I just made $1450 out of $980 in a matter of 3-4 months.

Yeah... I don't know how I do it either... I traded a phantom I paid $200 for locally for an RT Mag, I attempt to trade it for a shocker, he tries to rip me off, I threaten mail-fraud, comes back to me, and he lets me keep the shocker. I sold both for $600...

And I already told the 05 Dragon Story... but ya for the most part I make money off my deals. :D

06-08-2005, 11:27 PM
pumps are for people who enjoy the game not for the want to be pro, i play some of the cleanist paintball ever a few weeks ago at a local pump event. it wasn't cuase everyone had pumps it cause everyone just wanted to play and have fun. i can not tell you how many games my teams won that day and i'm willing to bet no one can. simply put the less you care the more fun you'll have

06-09-2005, 12:35 AM
Yes it is a choice to make it expensive just as it is a choice to play at all.

Like anything in life if you can't afford it don't do it. It's your choice to continue this sport. You can't complain playing pump against semis because again it's your choice. You could opt not to play.

By no means am I a rich person but I find the deal where I can get them. I play an average of 3 times a month and playing back I average 2-3 cases a weekend. It's my choice to spend my income on paintball. It's my choice to buy highend markers.

Target Practice it right. Suck it up. Deal with it. If you don't like it then you should take a look to where you should be spending your disposable income. Maybe it shouldn't be paintball. I hear laser tag is cheap.

06-09-2005, 12:41 AM
I have to pay 30 dollars for 20 shots if I want match-grade ammo. .

And that is if you shoot the small stuff. For match grade ammo on my 30-06 it can be up to $3 per shot. On my .50BMG it can sometimes be $8-10 a shot(and that is is not including the $2 per shot for practice stuff).

By the way, very good topic.

Target Practice
06-09-2005, 12:55 AM
And that is if you shoot the small stuff. For match grade ammo on my 30-06 it can be up to $3 per shot. On my .50BMG it can sometimes be $8-10 a shot(and that is is not including the $2 per shot for practice stuff).

By the way, very good topic.

That price was for .308...It's not that small... :)

And when it comes to rimfire, Even if you spluge and buy the nice stuff, you're still only paying around 25-30 bucks for a brick.

06-09-2005, 12:58 AM
When I play stock class the most expensive thing I'll pay for is entry. It's pretty sweet knowing I spent only $15 entry, shooting 100 balls at most, playing all day, and having fun doing it. I'm just sad there isn't a pump scene in Chicago like there is in Cali.

When I use my intimidator it's a different story. I still probably shoot less than everyone else, but I use a 12v and I play on a budget.

06-09-2005, 01:16 AM
That price was for .308...It's not that small... :)

And when it comes to rimfire, Even if you spluge and buy the nice stuff, you're still only paying around 25-30 bucks for a brick.

I know, I own several .308s. I was just pointing out that in proportion that if you are really into shooting, you can drop an upwards of $5000 on a .50BMG the sniper rifle, and then have to put the good $8-10 per shot stuff through it.

What I was trying to do was make a correlation between the higher and lower gun shooting with the higher and lower paintball shooting. I.E., with both sports, you spend what you want to. I made the mistake of buying the $5000 BMG just because they were outlawing them. Go figure.

Mr. BoBo
06-09-2005, 01:20 AM
I play once a month. I used to run a variety of electro's and got up to 1.5 cases a day playing recball.

I took up a phantom and haven't used another marker in over a year. I use between 100 and 300 rnds a day depending on the field. I've been getting better and I regularly bunker guys (not kids) with the usual high end electros.

This weekend I took up an Ion and after I got over the wierd feeling (what's this lumpy thing on top? Why's it so heavy?) I played and had fun with it.

I shot 1/3 to 1/2 a hopper per game (indoor) and my shots were well on the money.

I love electo games where everybody camps and shoots cases at each other - depending on the field, I sneak off and walk up on them or camp until the numbers decrease and then bunker them as they aren't expecting anyone to move.


Paintball is expensive but perhaps not relative to you.
Pump helps you save money as you shoot less paint and learn to rely less on paint.
Pump sharpens your skill and makes you work the field more.
Pump makes you do things you think are insane, like run throughs on 2 electro backmen.

Pump reawakened the fun in paintball as I'm always at a technical disadvantage, even against renters. I have to use my brain, judgement and skill rather than laying down ropes.

Shoot whatever makes you happy and you can afford but don't knock pump 'til you've tried it.

Target Practice
06-09-2005, 01:34 AM
What I was trying to do was make a correlation between the higher and lower gun shooting with the higher and lower paintball shooting. I.E., with both sports, you spend what you want to. I made the mistake of buying the $5000 BMG just because they were outlawing them. Go figure.

I understand where you're coming from. In that vein, imagine that I own a .50BMG, and I hand load it with only the finest AP boattails, using the highest grade, fastest, and cleanest-burning powder, all lovingly assembled on my $1000 press. Then I go and shoot it off as fast as I can.

Then I go to the range, and piss and moan and complain about how expensive the sport is, while the kid with the Taurus pump .22 is having the time of his life AND keeping his groups in the X ring.

06-09-2005, 01:42 AM
It's not that paintball is expensive. It's just that it's not anywhere near worth the trade-off. You pay $40 for a case of paint, which can be used up in a 2 rounds or a day, that is up to you. The average day costs like $70 to play, and the day is roughly 8 hours tops. Now say you spend $70 for a car part, or computer part, you are getting a good hard merchandise which could last as long as you do. No one ever said cars weren't expensive, I haven't met a guy NOT complain about gas prices.

Partially it's not that paintball is expensive, it's just the fact that it seems like a rip off. I don't understand why a barrel could be worth as much as $100, or a pair of pants could go up to $150 and other small misc parts.

And if you really think about it, paintball isn't as fun as $70.

Target Practice
06-09-2005, 01:59 AM
I don't care if a person drops 1400 dollars. It's if they complain about it afterwards.

Like I said, it's expensive if you want it to be. But have you ever noticed that it's the people who have the super-expensive setups that inhale paint that complain that paintball is so expensive?

06-09-2005, 02:11 AM
What happened to holding any sort of sentimental value for your gun for freaking years and such... The one thas always been tru to ya.

Not like today... "oh i must have the fastest newest thing.. every season... trade in trade out... buy buy buy, sell"....

What happened to that favorite pair of BDU's u started with... torn... ripped, prickers from bushes and such, blood, sweat, tears..... And even one step up... the first Team Jersey you put on... getting your picture taken during games for the first time and printed by the end of the day for you to glorify forever, or even having pics put up on some online forum/news site to further your LOVE for the game, the Glory.

"Life passes most people by as they are making grand plans for it"... as in stop worrying about what is the newest gun on teh market you must have... build a gun from scratch, or make a project gun that will always be with you... Commercialism is the death of us all.

-da "chivalry is dead" baller

bAcK tO tHe WoOds MoVeMeNt 05'

06-09-2005, 05:07 AM
The simple truth of the matter is that for the average player, who plays at the average field, with the average equipment, paintball IS expensive. It is not a cheap sport. And go try to tell some kid’s parent who sees their child want to be like everyone else, and wants to outfit them with gear and equipment and then have to take them to the local paintball field that the sport is not expensive and they will tell you that they sure have a different idea of “expensive” than you do,

Those with expendable income have the easiest time with the sport. And those who have their own fields also get by pretty nicely. Also as TP pointed out, pump play, and other limited paint styles of play help a great deal. I started the LPPC for that specific purpose, to get players who know how to reduce overall playing costs as well as the amount of paint they sling in a game together. But I will admit that while limited paint (don’t confuse that with stock class or pump play, which ARE included in limited paint, but not the only things in it) seems to be growing, it is still the minority of players on the field.

And as stated by others, the initial startup cost for paintball is a good chunk of change even if you go “low end”.

So, I guess I am saying that although you can make paintball less expensive, it is not an inexpensive sport, You can take almost any activity and make it less expensive, but that does not make the activity itself (for the average person) an inexpensive activity.

06-09-2005, 06:54 AM
a few very important words: LEARN TO SNAP SHOOT!!!!! I played for about an hour and a half last week with the other refs after hours at the field with a hopper and like a pod or two. learn to come out of your bunker and make your shots count. Practice without paint at home just hold your marker and pick a target in the room and close your eyes and try to line up on the target and pretend to squeeze off a few rounds. invest in a good barrel and learn how to use it so u dun have to sling so much paint. thats a good way to save some money in the long run, you just have your inital marker costs and some paint.

06-09-2005, 07:03 AM
I dont mind the price, I just think that newer players dont understand the amount of money. And plus, if you pay 1k for a gun your getting a gun thats VERY nice. I think the money for my DM5 is worth it because I know it will never let me down, and it hasnt for about 7 months. (except things that were easily fixable ex. wires breaking). And plus its the best shooting gun I've shot. I just think there is a big misunderstanding of why we spend so much.

06-09-2005, 02:50 PM
I understand where you're coming from. In that vein, imagine that I own a .50BMG, and I hand load it with only the finest AP boattails, using the highest grade, fastest, and cleanest-burning powder, all lovingly assembled on my $1000 press. Then I go and shoot it off as fast as I can.

Then I go to the range, and piss and moan and complain about how expensive the sport is, while the kid with the Taurus pump .22 is having the time of his life AND keeping his groups in the X ring.

I hear you. I was just trying to point out that in both sports, you can drop thousands into, or just $300 for a .22 and 10000 rounds

06-09-2005, 03:17 PM
The title of this thread makes me laugh.

Target Practice
06-09-2005, 03:19 PM
The title of this thread makes me laugh.

What's the matter, seeing something sensible on AO get to you?

06-09-2005, 03:25 PM
The fact is, paintball could be made to be not expensive. It just depends who you surround yourself with. If you surround yourself with pumpers you are also going to get a pump, and it will be cheaper for you...but it will still be atleast $20 or so dollars. But not that many people play pump or stock class. Most people buy the expensive, paint slinging beasts, and you have to buy something that can atleast throw out alittle paint. Usually that thing is going to be atleast $200, and then you are going to shoot more like a case instead of those 200 balls you would have shot with a pump.

Of course you could buy a pump and go against those paint slingers, but have you ever seen that? I have...the people usually don't have a chance.

The price in my opinion is way too much for what you get. That's why I'm taking a break and coming back when I have a job.


St Elmo's Fire
06-09-2005, 05:06 PM
I'll be honest. If you want paintball to be reasonably priced, invest a bit in some equipment for the mass storage of CO2 and compressed air (a big tank)... if you think you could do it... you might consider talking to the local fire service, and see if they could help you out with compressed air. They use it for their SCBA tanks. Also invest in chronographs. Now, go out in the woods, and play some woodsball. It's not entirely legal, but it's a lot cheaper.

06-09-2005, 05:09 PM
Hmm...I don't play any other sports, lets take something like football... How much does it cost to play? Like, all the padding and everything? I think it would easily run into the hundreds...

06-09-2005, 05:25 PM
OR, keep your nice markers for tourneys, and just use the pump at practice, i have been having fun doing that lately

edit- or, just dont shoot that much, i played all day last weekend with HALF a case (had a tourney the next day, so couldnt afford alot of paint) just threw on the revvy, and didnt shoot alot, i think i only used a pod once, and thats when the revvy opened up during a slide spilling all my paint out

Thats exaclty what I do. I have an ir3 angel but I don't use it except for tournys. I have a phantom for every thing else.

but I can play an entire day on a single pod with my phantom no problem. and I do decently against any one else who is playing. sure its hard when they can shoot so much its like "dude he's just shot more paint than I'm carrying in the first few second of the game" I don't realy care its your choice to play the way you do and I'm not gonna try and force you to change. or anthing really, just keep playing thats all that matters.

06-09-2005, 05:34 PM
Hahaha ;)

I would probably do it too... that's the sad thing.

But really that's how I do things, I'll find a good deal, or get something I know I can make profit off of, and get it!

Here's a rediculous story...

Bought a cyborg brand new for 980$, You're thinking, how can you possibly make money off that?

I use it for 2 months, then decide to trade for an A4 Fly... or what I thought was a Fly... apparently it was just an A4 (Worth about 200$ less), so I was like WTF, he was like OH NOEZ, and sent me a BKO to compensate. I sold the BKO for $250. I was using the A4 at the field and a guy on Cartel (10man Pro last year, they missed 1st at world cup by 2 points) was like holy crap that's sweet, I'll trade you, I'm getting a dm5 soon (He got kicked off cartel haha) so I get a Dm4, used by him, beat up, ugly, and ya... I put it up on AO and get offered an Angel Speed, 45/45, 3 stiffi barrels, and an RT Mag. I sell the Speed for $525, the Stiffis for $150, the tank for $125, and the RT for $400. add that ontop of the $250 from the BKO... I just made $1450 out of $980 in a matter of 3-4 months.

Yeah... I don't know how I do it either... I traded a phantom I paid $200 for locally for an RT Mag, I attempt to trade it for a shocker, he tries to rip me off, I threaten mail-fraud, comes back to me, and he lets me keep the shocker. I sold both for $600...

And I already told the 05 Dragon Story... but ya for the most part I make money off my deals. :D
i hate you blaze... :p

thats really cool that you can make money like that buying and selling, and actually use what you know about the sport to afford to play the sport.

i wish i could do that, but actually ive done fairly well in buying and selling. i bought my first marker, an electro piranha, tank, mask, etc. on ebay for $200, then bought a pipe for it ($100+) and a few other misc upgrades. i sold it for $500 shipped, then bought my mag brand new for $490 shipped. so i essentially traded an upped spyder for a really nice, brand new mag. and recently i bought a freestyle for $460 shipped, which i think was a pretty damn good deal. and i dont know what you were complaining about with your freestyle blaze, i love mine :D

back on topic though, i sort of agree with you TP. ive actually considered buying a pump to just try it out for the hell of it, even though i can afford playing the way i do. and i will, if i find a nice deal on one.

06-09-2005, 05:44 PM
i played all day last weekend with HALF a case

I do this almost every time I play...

06-09-2005, 06:30 PM
An average teenager cannot afford paintball, thus making paintball expensive. The majority of people who play paintball are young and have a fairly low income. Thus making paintball expensive, it is simply not worth the price. You work about a whole day just to play.

Adults will probably throw out paintball from their many expenses, for a days worth of paintball, you can pay off one of your bills. The trade off for paintball over living is simply not worth it. Clearly if you aren't "rich" or spoiled, then you can't afford this hobby on a regular basis.

06-09-2005, 06:34 PM
Honestly, once you grow out of being the target paintball demographic (a.k.a. 13-21), paintball isn't that expensive. $100 a weekend for a hobby? Cheap for the adults of the world. Factor in a new marker every year, and you are still only up to $500 a month. Take a weekend or two off a month and it's only $300, you have enough left over for drinkin' money. :cheers: I've blown way more in a weekend on gas for a former hobby, not even counting equipment, which was in the $50-70K range starting out. The topic of the thread is so true it's almost funny.

Why did I buy two new markers (Phantom and X-Mag) and put together a third one (AutoMag RT Pro ULE Custom) last year? Because I wanted to invest in my newly awakened hobby (a lot changed since 1996). This year, I'll probably only get a Squall and maybe another X-Mag.

I will say, that it's more expensive than my other two hobbies computers and home and mobile audio, well for me anyway...

06-09-2005, 06:35 PM
I am pretty sure that where I live paint can be obtained for a pretty nice price. Compared to the 60-70 I've heard at some other places. Despite this. A whole day of play is considered expensive to teens without a job. Even if you had a job, unless it was a really good job, to pay for your car and other expenses, you wouldn't have much for paintball, or just barely enough. Adults wouldn't have a problem if they had a stable and well-paying job. But for the younger folks, it comes down to living or paintball. And living with a car and other decent things is a lot better. So unless you are rich, paintball is expensive.

Target Practice
06-09-2005, 07:07 PM
Everyone is saying that the average teenager can't aford this sport. Why? What makes it so expensive?

Why does one need a new gun every year? I know there is damn good paint for 45 bucks a case...we sell it at the shop. Why do people need to buy $1500 setups to just play at the local field? I still have my original Model 98 (none of that custom stuff for me) that still sees field time.

The vast majority of paintball players will not go on to play in the upper levels of paintball. So, why buy the upper level equipment if you're just going to play recball (call it what you want, but paintball at the local level is recball, no matter what configuration the field has).

06-09-2005, 07:16 PM
Have you even thought about why people buy low end markers? It's not only b/c they're newbies, but because.... maybe cus they can't afford something better? How bout pump players, some of them choose pump b/c it allows them to play at a low cost.

Target Practice
06-09-2005, 07:19 PM
Have you even thought about why people buy low end markers? It's not only b/c they're newbies, but because.... maybe cus they can't afford something better? How bout pump players, some of them choose pump b/c it allows them to play at a low cost.

That's fine. I'm not talking about those people.

06-09-2005, 08:47 PM
That's fine. I'm not talking about those people.
If you're not talking about the financially-challenged, then you are talking about the wealthy. Well in that case, paintball and a nice Mercedes isn't expensive at all, I guess you are right. :rolleyes:

06-09-2005, 08:54 PM
Everyone is saying that the average teenager can't aford this sport.

I had a post here, but it may have been a touch inflamatory. :dance: :cheers:


06-09-2005, 10:12 PM
Say people didn't spend all their money on a overpriced gun marker, would it make paintball itself less expensive? The only difference is you have more to spend, more $70-per-session to spend.

barrel break
06-09-2005, 10:38 PM
Personally, Paintball is too expensive for me. And yet it still takes the forefront in my life, I can barely play once a month, and yet instead of buying some computer parts i would actually use, i bought an Ion, and an egg. If I had any financial sense at all, I'd quit. Most of my time is spent obsessing over PB, and yet I hardly play. I probably could play more often if the feild was close, but its 70 miles away, gas money, and no license, i have to find someone to drive. Cheapest paint? $65 a case blaze, and I shoot half a case per night (Friday). I feel like a crack addict, I wish i could quit, I really do... :cry:

Target Practice
06-10-2005, 03:18 AM
Say people didn't spend all their money on a overpriced gun marker, would it make paintball itself less expensive? The only difference is you have more to spend, more $70-per-session to spend.

Yes, it would. You have to look at long-run cost. Say you play 6 months out of the year (a pretty conservate estimate), 2 weekends a month. That means you play 12 weekends a year. We'll go with a (quite conservative) estimate of one-half case per weekend. So, that's 1 case a month, six cases a year. Now, say you play with your stock class Phantom. Say you cut your paint consumption down to 250 balls per weekend (that's an eigth of a case, for those who don't wan to do the math) So, if we use the thread-wide estimate of 70 dollars per case:

70 (dollars per case per month) x 6 (months) = 420 (dollars per year) in paint cost.

Now, if we use the stock class cost:

12 (weekends per year) x (250 balls per weekend) = 3000 (balls per year) / 2000 (balls per case) = 1.5 (cases per year)

1.5 (cases per year) x 70 (dollars per case) = 105 (dollars per year) in paint cost.

420 - 105 = 315 dollars saved.

It is cheaper, and even if you buy a $600 Phantom (crazy expensive, pretty damn unlikely to me) as opposed to a $300 ION, the savings still suck up the cost of the Phantom and, as shown, will continue to save money in the long run.

06-10-2005, 04:50 AM
Personally, Paintball is too expensive for me. And yet it still takes the forefront in my life, I can barely play once a month, and yet instead of buying some computer parts i would actually use, i bought an Ion, and an egg. If I had any financial sense at all, I'd quit. Most of my time is spent obsessing over PB, and yet I hardly play. I probably could play more often if the feild was close, but its 70 miles away, gas money, and no license, i have to find someone to drive. Cheapest paint? $65 a case blaze, and I shoot half a case per night (Friday). I feel like a crack addict, I wish i could quit, I really do... :cry:

Or if you had any financial sense at all, you'd learn to play with a bag a day, not buy unnecessary equipment, and overall, get the most bang for your buck.

It costs me $25 a day, & thats with my RTP w/ input maxed that still bounces pretty good w/ ULT. I also rarely play more than once a month, if that.

Target Practice
06-10-2005, 03:18 PM
I had a post here, but it may have been a touch inflamatory. :dance: :cheers:


PM me with it, I'm interested.

06-10-2005, 03:25 PM
I had a post here, but it may have been a touch inflamatory. :dance: :cheers:
just post it, i want to see you get ba... i mean, we wont care :D

06-10-2005, 07:29 PM
Personally, Paintball is too expensive for me. And yet it still takes the forefront in my life, I can barely play once a month, and yet instead of buying some computer parts i would actually use, i bought an Ion, and an egg. If I had any financial sense at all, I'd quit. Most of my time is spent obsessing over PB, and yet I hardly play. I probably could play more often if the feild was close, but its 70 miles away, gas money, and no license, i have to find someone to drive. Cheapest paint? $65 a case blaze, and I shoot half a case per night (Friday). I feel like a crack addict, I wish i could quit, I really do... :cry:

If I play at the better field, it is field paint only, it costs me $115/day (roughly).

If I play at the other field, it is closer and BYOP, it costs me about $65/day.

I usually go through around 1500 rounds/day...750 on a good day...2250 if the games turn into entrenched long range battles. I shoot 5-9bps depending on which marker I use. Haven't tried pumps yet against semis...maybe I'll give it a try.

Do I think "paintball is expensive"? Depends...compared to other sports, maybe. It's more expensive than say hockey or bowling. It's probably on par with golf which is getting more expensive. Do I think it's too expensive to play? No...if it were less expensive, I'd play once per month...maybe more. But I certainly am not going to give up on it because it's "too expensive"...I'll just have to play less. :(

I'm not going into too much more detail than that so I don't become a flame target again...but I will say that BYOP has made it much more affordable for me in the past and I think would make the sport alot more affordable for most. I'd gladly pay $25-$35 for an all-day entrance fee with all-day air if I could bring my own paint or pay $25-$30 for reasonable field paint. But that's just my opinion...I also wich I didn't have to pay $2.19 a gallon for gas...but I can wish in one hand and c^ap in the other and see which one fills up first. :rolleyes:

barrel break
06-11-2005, 02:53 PM
Or if you had any financial sense at all, you'd learn to play with a bag a day, not buy unnecessary equipment, and overall, get the most bang for your buck.

It costs me $25 a day, & thats with my RTP w/ input maxed that still bounces pretty good w/ ULT. I also rarely play more than once a month, if that.
Well, it is nearly impossible to play on a bag a day I find, they overcrowd the feild, it is essentially a 5 man feild, and they put 25+ people on it. I never shoot streams, I put a max of 2 balls on people, I dont lane.

To your equipment comment, how much did your RTP setup and adjustable tank set you back?

06-11-2005, 03:57 PM
Well, it is nearly impossible to play on a bag a day I find, they overcrowd the feild, it is essentially a 5 man feild, and they put 25+ people on it. I never shoot streams, I put a max of 2 balls on people, I dont lane.

To your equipment comment, how much did your RTP setup and adjustable tank set you back?

Well that sucks that they crowd it so much.

It cost me ~$900. Everything was new except the tank & Qloader. I have a Lapco Snapshot, Hyperflow, Qloader, & Frymarker grips on it. Got everything about 1 1/2 years ago.