View Full Version : Ramping Velocity... OW!

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
06-09-2005, 03:03 AM
ramping the bps...ok i can live with that, but this 350+fps stuff really hurts!


so...anyone else have a good time at the field other than me?

06-09-2005, 03:17 AM
Everytime i look at pics like these it make me wonder if i should wear a cup

06-09-2005, 03:35 AM
I like the ones i take to the dome that you can see the lumpon my head from 100 feet away. sometimes my head looks all wierd and lumpy.....i guess i need to stop leading with my head. :shooting:

06-09-2005, 05:38 AM
If I knew someone had the ramping velocity, well, it would be nice to rip the board out of their marker, but that would be more trouble than its worth...But I would for sure tell the manager...

06-09-2005, 07:32 AM
I worry about the ABS on my gun. It raises my dwell to 35, when Im usin a dwell of 14 at 270, so my velocity will get raised pretty high. But before i go to bunker someone i always try to shoot a host right by them just so i dont hit them w/ a hot shot. The people at my field ARE excellent about velocity.

If your like 5 fps over, they will just say go re chrono your gun. If your like 15+ normally hey will sit you out for a game. But 350 FPS is 65FPS over my field's limit so..they would prolly make you sit out for a few games, with good reason. Because Im sure with enough 350 FPS shots eventually those goggles would crack. But I beleve EVERY field should definately watch velocity.

Carbon...I would. I do. My friend always calls me a pansy for wearin one, but Im the one that carries him off the field lol.

06-09-2005, 07:38 AM
i found a guy with an angel doing it once at my field. it wasn't enough that he was shooting 28bps on a rec day he had to shoot us hot. he was a pain cause when we ask for him to be checked he gladly shot 2 rounds over the crono while most of us watched on he did get a bit mad when i wanted to see the 5th triger pull he played dumb for a bit but the reff cought on and to no suprise 330, oh yeah this is an indoor/outdoor place caped at 250 what an @$$hole

06-09-2005, 07:51 AM
Just like ATM's stupid thread-- do you have proof he was ramping? I've had welts like those before from guns I KNOW were under 300.

Plus, I don't know of a single gun that comes with velocity ramping software-- nor do I know of any widely available chips with that feature. Hence, this guy would need a huge bankroll, know some pros who don't need their old boards, or be a software engineer. Or shoot an RT 'Mag.

06-09-2005, 08:45 AM
Id say theres a good chance whoever shot him was shooting hot, or else he got bunkered from REAL close.

I'll get a nasty welt like that every once in a while, but four right next to each other? That'd make me wonder.

06-09-2005, 08:48 AM
it looks like it normally does, but how close was the other dude?

06-09-2005, 10:42 AM
it looks like it normally does, but how close was the other dude?

Looks to me like he was DANGER CLOSE.

06-09-2005, 10:55 AM
Looks to me like he was DANGER CLOSE.

no not really.....playing in a wife beater tshirt most of the time, when i do get shot, it looks just like those

06-09-2005, 10:59 AM
I worry about the ABS on my gun. It raises my dwell to 35, when Im usin a dwell of 14 at 270, so my velocity will get raised pretty high. But before i go to bunker someone i always try to shoot a host right by them just so i dont hit them w/ a hot shot.

That is just SO WRONG! :mad:

Whether your gun shoots hot or not should NEVER be up to the user.

Seeing as you KNOW the possibility of your marker shooting hot, you are completely open for an assault charge if you injure someone. :shooting:

06-09-2005, 11:18 AM
The first age group id blame this on would be the 17 year old kids. I dont know why but you really wouldnt suspect this out of an adult...

ITs amazing what this is coming to when people are shooting hot, i think they should get booted off the field if they are found intentionally shooting hot.

06-09-2005, 12:28 PM
I worry about the ABS on my gun. It raises my dwell to 35, when Im usin a dwell of 14 at 270, so my velocity will get raised pretty high. But before i go to bunker someone i always try to shoot a host right by them just so i dont hit them w/ a hot shot. The people at my field ARE excellent about velocity.

If your like 5 fps over, they will just say go re chrono your gun. If your like 15+ normally hey will sit you out for a game. But 350 FPS is 65FPS over my field's limit so..they would prolly make you sit out for a few games, with good reason. Because Im sure with enough 350 FPS shots eventually those goggles would crack. But I beleve EVERY field should definately watch velocity.

Carbon...I would. I do. My friend always calls me a pansy for wearin one, but Im the one that carries him off the field lol.

dont worry about abs, you dont seem to understand how a matrix works do you? the long dweltime doesnt have much of an effect on a matrix, only raising it 10 or so fps. all you are doing with a higher dwell is holding the noid which holds the bolt open longer.

there is no way to ramp velocity with a matrix because it is not a hammer driven design.

06-09-2005, 01:59 PM
dont worry about abs, you dont seem to understand how a matrix works do you? the long dweltime doesnt have much of an effect on a matrix, only raising it 10 or so fps. all you are doing with a higher dwell is holding the noid which holds the bolt open longer.

there is no way to ramp velocity with a matrix because it is not a hammer driven design.
thats not true.i had a gen E trix with an old ironman board in it and if you flipped a dipswitch it ramped in FPS with every 10 shots.

06-09-2005, 02:26 PM
yeah, there is a local kid notorious for velocity ramping, he used to just shoot hot all the time, but, he evolved into a velocity ramper a while back, definately not fun

06-09-2005, 02:44 PM
Am I reading correctly that it is now possible to raise your FPS with software? If so, which markers have this ability?

06-09-2005, 03:08 PM
Alright magman thx. Im learnin it. I just thought it would raise it like 20 or so. But the point is it is still hot. The refs are pretty understanding though.

06-09-2005, 03:21 PM
Am I reading correctly that it is now possible to raise your FPS with software? If so, which markers have this ability?
Any electronic markers with a ramping dwell.Each time the dwell is increased,the velocity increases.

06-09-2005, 03:27 PM
yup same crap happen to me but everone thinks that im *****ing about it

but its hurts

your welts look jest like mine that are on my chest

its sucks man

i hope you feel better

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
06-09-2005, 03:44 PM
i've been playing paintball for over 5 years, i know the difference between 300 and 350 and normally when you see the eyes of experianced players go wide open and seeing a member of aftershock just look at the gun with his mouth wide open when it shoots...i think that means something isn't right.

different people get different welts, i'm a skinny kid and i've been lit up with ramping boards before but never have i had a welt that literally tore the skin off (as you can see from the bottom picture...that took a while to stop bleeding)

Toxic Dave
06-09-2005, 04:34 PM
Flow Tech,

I did a great deal of assembly work on the Ironmen Matrix's and standard Matrix's as well as event tech work for all of the Matrix Sponsored teams (Trauma, Ironmen, Legacy, Smoke, GZ, NYX, etc) at PSP events back when we (gen-e) were the manufacturer. There is no suck thing as a s special Ironmen board/ chip. The guns that they were using didn't even have de-bounce settings, just eyes.

I've seen my share of scetchy stuff when it comes to software and paintball equipment and I've NEVER seen or heard a legitamate report of a marker with ramping velocity. I'm in the belief that it's a thing of legend. It's real easy for a gun to have inconsistant velocity and just plain be shooting hot.


06-09-2005, 04:54 PM
thats happened to me a few times.

about a year ago i was bunkered twice by the same guy and each time it put a hole in my t-shirt. just a pin-prick though, but i told him to re-chrono and he was shooting around 290-300. just using that as a point of reference...

a month or two after that at a team practice i was bunkered by some guy with a timmy, and it put a hole at LEAST an inch in diameter in my shirt. the welt was bleeding, it looked like yours. actually, i still have it, its faded though. i think that practice was back in november. hmm, i wonder what fps he was shooting... :tard:

ive had a few rather nasty shots that were at 280 fps too. i took 5 bonus balls to the neck once... that sorta pissed me off, considering i was just walking past the guy with my gun in the air. one practice i had both my forefingers bleeding when i was hit with frozen paintballs, one game after another. they were bleeding the whole day. i had to soak my mag when i got home to get the blood off. (dad: "what are you doing??" me: "cleaning the blood off my gun... why?" dad: "just wondering.")

06-09-2005, 11:45 PM
thats not true.i had a gen E trix with an old ironman board in it and if you flipped a dipswitch it ramped in FPS with every 10 shots.

well dave told you what was up, but due to the design of the matrix, it is not physically possible to ramp in velocity over about 20 fps due to dwell raising. you would have to turn the inline up to raise the pressure in the firing chamber, there fore raising the velocity. it isnt a ram driven marker where a longer valve dwell can cause hotter shots.

06-10-2005, 01:08 PM
Everytime i look at pics like these it make me wonder if i should wear a cup

Didn't take a picture to get me to use a cup. It hurts bad enough if someone accidentally taps your sack in the right way. I just assumed since balls were flying that it was necessary for me to use one. Glad I do, because I've been shot there LOTS of times on run throughs, bunker moves, etc.

06-10-2005, 01:13 PM
couple weeks ago there was a guy at the local paintball place i go to that bunkered some other guy. The guy that got bunkered was bleeding badly down his leg. His velocity was 300 so the refs made him put it down to 250.

06-10-2005, 03:05 PM
All spool valve guns are going to have a hard time with actual velocity ramping because dwell won't affect fps to a large degree. Timmys on the other hand could have velocity ramping, but when you start increasing the dwell it will slow down your rof, kill efficency and just isn't worth it.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
06-10-2005, 03:18 PM
well tony you have to remember that they wanted to shoot me so i don't think they cared if the marker was efficient or not