View Full Version : Tournaments based around fair competition, and less about prizes

06-09-2005, 09:44 AM
Where would baseball, hockey, soccer, and football be if every midget, bantam, and municipal league was cash prize based instead of based on everyone paying an entry fee and competing for the glory of their name on a trophy?

This was a good question... it deserves it own thread, because I think this may the answer that a lot of people are looking for. I can basically know that when I go to a tournament we are not going to win, and basically we are paying high entrance fees for the chance to compete. I ask this, how much would it influence paintball at the local level if this is what the tournaments were about, even at mid levels. This is not to say to do away with the cash bashes as they are, but what would this change?


06-09-2005, 09:55 AM
Our local field has been sponsoring 5-man "Almost-Free" tourneys for the past six months or so....$50.00 entry fee, good prices on paint, but no cash prizes, only trophies. Despite a couple of small issues, the games themselves have gone extremely well (well attended & play is much fairer) & the field owners are even thinking about putting on old-school 10 man woodsball tourneys as well.

06-09-2005, 10:00 AM
ive heard from alot of people that they spend enough by just playing, and refuse to enter a tourney just becasue of the high entrance/paint costs. if tourneys were held simply becasue of the mutual love for competition we would see more people entering.

but on a diferent note..... since paintball isnt a cheap sport, if you can end up not only playing for free, but making a little on the side, i say why not.

and out of curiosity.....i know it depends on which field your talking about, but the fields make out rather well money wise after a tournement dont they?


06-09-2005, 10:06 AM
and out of curiosity.....i know it depends on which field your talking about, but the fields make out rather well money wise after a tournement dont they?

I'm sure many places are different, but I have seen the numbers of a couple different local tournaments. After paying the refs and the other help for the day there is not a lot left over (if any) of there share of the entrance fees - the profit normally comes in paint. Is it worth the hassle? Is it as much as anyone thinks it is? Let me answer it this way. I own a small paintball promotion company - I have yet to promote a cash tournament and the long term plans would look towards scenario ideas. Though I am now considering hte viability of non-cash tournaments.

06-09-2005, 10:39 AM
Our local tournement series has no prizes other than trophies. Actual prizes are a lottery. They are a whole heck of a lot friendlier than back in my day. you dont have to worry about someone breaking your knee to get the money.

06-09-2005, 10:46 AM
Our local tournement series has no prizes other than trophies. Actual prizes are a lottery. They are a whole heck of a lot friendlier than back in my day. you dont have to worry about someone breaking your knee to get the money.

I haven't seen a tournament played yet, but like I said in another post...I noticed a real difference when I watched tournament teams practicing...there was NO sportsmanship and virtually every single movement by the opponent was contested. Every person that got hit out immediatley started screaming and yelling that someone on the other team was hit or cheating. It was disgraceful. Since $$$ being a prize probably makes this behavior even worse (I was only watching a practice)...I have to say I probably wouldn't have very much fun in a cash prize tourney. It's the same old thing, the more money you can win, the more cheating that will occur and the more emotional the losers will become.

06-09-2005, 10:52 AM
I think at the very least the existence of cash prizes should be the defining point between Novice/Amateur and Pro.

There needs to be leagues and organisations based solely on competition to develop the skills of teams so that they can move up to Pro and start taking financial risks.

I beleive that promoters should make SOME money. I have an issue with indirectly forking over cash to the winners if I know I can't be competitive just yet.

06-09-2005, 11:36 AM
I think at the very least the existence of cash prizes should be the defining point between Novice/Amateur and Pro.

There needs to be leagues and organisations based solely on competition to develop the skills of teams so that they can move up to Pro and start taking financial risks.

I beleive that promoters should make SOME money. I have an issue with indirectly forking over cash to the winners if I know I can't be competitive just yet.

And there are those of us who never want to go pro. We're too busy with other hobbies, families, and work. But I'd love to just kick back and play for the fun of it on a more serious level than rec ball. I don't need a cash prize. Just the promise of a good time.

06-09-2005, 11:51 AM
And there are those of us who never want to go pro. We're too busy with other hobbies, families, and work. But I'd love to just kick back and play for the fun of it on a more serious level than rec ball. I don't need a cash prize. Just the promise of a good time.

That's where I am at as well. Never going pro...never travelling around the country to tournaments. Would just like to go to that next level where paintball is slightly more competitive and consistent than backyards ball or playing against roaming 9 year olds.

06-09-2005, 12:07 PM
That's where I am at as well. Never going pro...never travelling around the country to tournaments. Would just like to go to that next level where paintball is slightly more competitive and consistent than backyards ball or playing against roaming 9 year olds.
You play against roaming 9 year olds? Interesting. No wonder you are having such a problem with paintball. ;)

Also, if backyard ball is not consistent or at the level you want, I suggest that you are asking the wrong people to come play with you. I know I have a GREAT time when I have folks over and we play paintball. Sometimes it is slow because of relatively new, or younger players, but that is fixed by inviting more experienced players.

I would also like to point out that walk-on days at regular fields don’t always have to present a less than challenging crowd either. Some fields will tend to draw a certain level of player, so find a field that attracts the level of player you want to play with or against. The idea that they simply don’t exist is nonsense.

With that said, I agree that the type of tournament and play you are suggesting (as are others) would be fantastic. And I believe it actually happens quite a lot if folks looked for it. I hear of that type of tournament discussed from time to time online so it must exist. But I just don’t agree that any level of play can not be readily found out there…. you just have to look.

06-09-2005, 12:20 PM
lohman, you will find out that the OGD is baicically what you described. a tourny around good straight up ballin

06-09-2005, 12:22 PM
You mean tha Original Gangsta Division??? :shooting: :dance:

Seriously though, OGD is where its at. I'll be there playing for AIR-Powered.

06-09-2005, 12:25 PM
local field i frequent host a trophy dash series for three man and 5 man teams, might be a7 man series in there as well.. Team entry is basically 10 bucks a head, 10 for all day air and paint is 45-50 a case. Asides form this he also has a few cash tournies.
Draws some descent competition and 1st through third take home trophies.
More like a tourney for bragging rights.
Some people like it and some dont, those who dont like the format choose not to attend.

06-09-2005, 12:58 PM
This was a good question... it deserves it own thread, because I think this may the answer that a lot of people are looking for. I can basically know that when I go to a tournament we are not going to win, and basically we are paying high entrance fees for the chance to compete. I ask this, how much would it influence paintball at the local level if this is what the tournaments were about, even at mid levels. This is not to say to do away with the cash bashes as they are, but what would this change?


If you take away the prizes it should theoretically make tournaments cheaper since the promoter doesn't have to buy prizes or give out cash. IF tourney play is cheaper, more players might enter/play. I don't know if that would improve anything overall since your still going to have to deal with people to whom winning is the only thing, who have the interpersonal skills of a six year old and the personality of a ripe turd.

Of course from the field operators perspective, more people playing, more paint sales, more profit....

06-09-2005, 01:42 PM
Of course from the field operators perspective, more people playing, more paint sales, more profit....

Too true.

One inexcusable "prize" as I see it was the pallets and palets of paint given/promised to winners at Skyball.

Why did the sponsorship go to only those few teams? The paint given away could have made the paint free for the tournament.

The corporate supprt needs to be spread around. Problem is too many players at big prize tournaments seem to be too greedy to realise that "giving up" the prizes would actually be GAINING them somthing and not "losing" the (improbable) possibility of them winning the prize.

06-09-2005, 04:02 PM
I think it would increase attendance. In addition, I think a hybrid of this format tournament and a league would work well. Formats other than the existing one-size-fits-all type of tournament would probably attract a number of players. If it's just a little more expensive than a days play...Why not?

Heck, I'd be all over an inexpensive old school in the woods tournament. :headbang:


06-09-2005, 04:25 PM
You play against roaming 9 year olds? Interesting. No wonder you are having such a problem with paintball. ;)

:confused: :confused:

My only "problem with paintball" is not having enough time or money to play more often...but doesn't everyone over the age or 17 have that problem?

:dance: :shooting: :dance:

06-09-2005, 04:31 PM
I think it would increase attendance. In addition, I think a hybrid of this format tournament and a league would work well. Formats other than the existing one-size-fits-all type of tournament would probably attract a number of players. If it's just a little more expensive than a days play...Why not?

Heck, I'd be all over an inexpensive old school in the woods tournament. :headbang:


I agree! :headbang: A woodsball/scenario tourney...6-21 players per team depending on your field size...GREAT! :dance: :hail: :dance:

The only problem with a "woodsball" tourney is Woodsball game usually take longer. Half of woodsball games, even if it's capture the flag, end up being elimination games and elimination tends to take longer in woodsball than X-Ball. But I still think it would be fun. :cheers:

06-09-2005, 04:50 PM
I agree! :headbang: A woodsball/scenario tourney...6-21 players per team depending on your field size...GREAT! :dance: :hail: :dance:

The only problem with a "woodsball" tourney is Woodsball game usually take longer. Half of woodsball games, even if it's capture the flag, end up being elimination games and elimination tends to take longer in woodsball than X-Ball. But I still think it would be fun. :cheers:

As long as we're dreaming...

I'd love to see hopperball make a comeback. The constant shooting and shooting is just plain boring to me.

And of course I'd like to play a woodsball tourney too.

06-09-2005, 05:53 PM
I love speedball tournaments, and I would love woodsball tournaments. The competetion, the chaos of organization, the chatting with the other teams. I'm just looking at less prizes being less entrance fee to me... very very seldom do we win enough to even cover entry fees, by the time you add gas and dinner in there expensive. I play because I like to play, not because I expect to win. Less prizes to me = less entrance fees needed. Less money I loose.

I think it would also help with sandbagging. Teams would want bragging rights for the upper divisions, so would quit sandbagging down to make finals. And it would make the competition far more fun, and far more even, for those of us without mad paintball skillz

06-09-2005, 06:24 PM
This was a good question... it deserves it own thread, because I think this may the answer that a lot of people are looking for. I can basically know that when I go to a tournament we are not going to win, and basically we are paying high entrance fees for the chance to compete. I ask this, how much would it influence paintball at the local level if this is what the tournaments were about, even at mid levels. This is not to say to do away with the cash bashes as they are, but what would this change?

Hmm, sounds like the usual Pump tourney.

06-09-2005, 06:38 PM
as a person who wins, or at least places in most of the tournaments i play in, i like having the prizes because that allows us to sell those to afford the next tournament. I think having a league that is very cheap without prizes would be good, espicially for beginning teams, but, i wouldnt do away with prizes in every league by any means