View Full Version : v balls

06-09-2005, 02:43 PM
hey i want to find the reusuable v balls(or reballs) and i found a siteright here (http://www.sportsmansguide.com/cb/cb.asp?p=WX2&i=88340) that sells 50 of them for 6$ so can anyone verify that theese are the 'v balls' or give me a batter deal?

-lane the flying skwril
:shooting: :dance:

Target Practice
06-09-2005, 02:52 PM
I hate V balls so very much.

06-09-2005, 02:59 PM
why???? i just want them for some targrt ptatice, and just drills in the basement or ourside

ok revamping question should i buy those?
can ne one give me a better deal?
pros/ cons of the v balls

-lane the flying skwril
:shooting: :dance:

Target Practice
06-09-2005, 03:04 PM
In my experience, don't try to run them through a Halo, as they'll bind it. They don't load correctly, and the velcro wrap tends to separate from the nylon ball.

06-09-2005, 04:43 PM
the search feature is a wonderful thing... typed in "vballs" and came up with my old thread about this subject(or nearly)

06-09-2005, 04:50 PM
Well, a good reason is that the best way to practice is with all the equipment that you normally use. Paintballs are cheap enough and I always have a few left over when I play ... besides, who wants to pick those things up all the time? One of the things I like about shooting outside is that the paintballs eventually go away.

06-09-2005, 05:43 PM
Vballs aint' so bad ... I use them for testing around the house as I live in an apartment and have no place to actually shoot balls. The Velcro target catches most of them.