View Full Version : first time on sup' air field...

06-09-2005, 06:48 PM
Ok so anyways past few months ive been helping out a local paint shop they've been in buisness prolly going on 3 years...but theres only 2 PB stores and previously only 1 field around.The one that has been around longer has the better rep..and they were the only one with a field so physco paintball the newer of the two kinda got the short in of the stick.

me and my friend went up there and volunteered we have been up there 3-4 days a week for several months now helping out and all the work has paid off now that it is done and open.

So today i go up there to ref and theres 1 other kid up there and 2 other com later to help out..my friend and one of the kids start talking about the guns they shoot and my frienc ask the kid what he shoots.."an ion with the shortest trigger pull you've ever felt" (somthign of that gesture...you get the point" he was comign off pretty cocky...so it was a slow day and they wanted to play only 3 of us had guns so i broke down and bought some paint...this was my first time playing on airball field...and kinda my first time playing speedball ..ive played similiar speedball like games....so me and the kid with the mongoose go 1 on 1 and we say before the game no shooting off the break..its small field you get burned of the break real easy..and we wanted to make it a little more fun...so ref counts down says go..he shoots me off the break..kid that had ion earlier was like lemme see your gun ima play him real quick..since he shot on the break...they start he runs staright down the field and bunkers em...so me and the kid go again and this time its just shoot whenever..well i get him out..then i play the ion kid and he tried to run down the field and bunkler me but i got him a little past the fifty...i played both of them several times and won every time...i just played smart used my bunkers...well thye didnt like that to much first time player with an automag..which one of them had never heard of..so it was pretty funny..we will see how it goes tommorrow hopefuly soem poeple will coem play.

06-10-2005, 12:14 AM
Congrats man, it seems like if you know waht you're doing, alot of times you can wax the rec players who play speedball even if you are a woodsballer. I kinda did that myself. i was at my woodsball field, and at lunch, a buncha the refs and I(i ref also) went up to the small speedball field that nobody ever plays on and played some 4 on 4. I was expecting to get killed, but decided to do it for fun. I ended up shooting 2 of 4 guys out and winning the first game, and running out of paint the second game and having to surrender instead of dying(no1 else left, so there was no point in staying in as a distraction). It gave me a confidence boost. Your experience however, far outweighs any of mine. Good going!

06-10-2005, 03:57 AM
This is usually how we get woodies out of the woods. ;) That or we BBQ and have beer.

06-10-2005, 11:23 AM
Ehh, that was real hard to read. Try to use comma's or periods, makes it a lot easier to read then one gaint paragraph.

I don't understand no shooting off the break. I've played on real small fields and we still always shoot off the break.

06-10-2005, 01:34 PM
where were you playing? if your in SC, go check out PBC south, in rock hill, best field hands down in the southeast.

4 X ball fields, 2nppl, hyperball, woods, mounds, 10 man, you get my point, alot of really nice fields, and thats where the best competition is

anyway, way to not get shot

Creative Mayhem
06-10-2005, 02:16 PM
This is usually how we get woodies out of the woods. ;) That or we BBQ and have beer.

MMMMM beeer...... :p

That's how they got this Canuck... :ninja:

06-10-2005, 02:42 PM
Ehh, that was real hard to read. Try to use comma's or periods, makes it a lot easier to read then one gaint paragraph.

I don't understand no shooting off the break. I've played on real small fields and we still always shoot off the break.
QFT for the first part.

not shooting off the break makes sense to a certain extent, especially for newbs and in one-on-ones. in rec play its a waste of paint, plus for newbs its just not too much fun being shot off the break. and in one-on-ones it just means the game is over right when it starts, which isnt fun for anyone.

then again, its definately important in tournaments or competitive play.

06-10-2005, 02:46 PM
then again, its definately important in tournaments or competitive play.

Perhaps that's an interessting question to ask in another thread.

What would change, good or bad, if shooting could be controlled and delayed at the beggining of a game?

06-10-2005, 02:59 PM
That would be an interesting game, buzzer sounds, you can't shoot for 10 seconds, second buzzer goes off, you can shoot again.

06-10-2005, 03:08 PM
That would be an interesting game, buzzer sounds, you can't shoot for 10 seconds, second buzzer goes off, you can shoot again.
i demand full credit :D

actually that would really be interesting... i say someone tries it and posts up a video ;)

captian pinky
06-10-2005, 03:14 PM
i know that if i played that way id be at the other end of the field shaking his hand waiting on the buzzer

and do you know ryan ousterman he has a cobalt to clear fade dm4 he might have been out there this week

06-10-2005, 06:38 PM
hey CKY hows the psycho field? I play at PBC and i drove by it one day...and the field looks pretty good. But I still luv PBC lol.

ya jake..ryan said he bunkered like 3 kids on that field and that the lanes are really OPEN...(hehe for me). He also said he stopped like 5 bunkers.