View Full Version : HPA/ Nitro... What size and psi should I get?

06-09-2005, 09:53 PM
Well I won an auction on ebay for an automag rt (original version). Supposidly, it has the level ten upgrade. He told me he ran on a 88ci 3000psi. I was thinking more in terms of 68cu. Any suggestions? How many shots will I get with a 68cu 4500psi? Also, how would I test the level 10 upgrade without breaking anything... haha I saw the episode on pig tv few years ago and remember them toungue testing it. I just recently got back into the sport... local field opened up so its not a bad time.



06-10-2005, 05:21 AM
I believe a 68/45 gets around 1500. Get as big a tank as is comfortable/practical for you. It may be a 68, maybe a 45, maybe even an 88. It's all about how it feels for you. If you can't get all day air, get a scuba so you don't have to worry about running out.

Whatever size you get, get a 4500psi tank. 4500 fills(when you can get them) last longer, obviously. Plus, you're not limited to 3000 or risking an overfill when someone doesn't check your tank/isn't paying attention.

Eric Cartman
06-10-2005, 08:34 AM
I believe a 68/45 gets around 1500. Get as big a tank as is comfortable/practical for you. It may be a 68, maybe a 45, maybe even an 88. It's all about how it feels for you. If you can't get all day air, get a scuba so you don't have to worry about running out.

Whatever size you get, get a 4500psi tank. 4500 fills(when you can get them) last longer, obviously. Plus, you're not limited to 3000 or risking an overfill when someone doesn't check your tank/isn't paying attention.

I found that a 68/4500 tank was giving me about 1000 shots. I get about 1300 from my 91/4500. Aside from that, I agree with what Frop said. Find the size that fits you best.

06-10-2005, 11:08 AM
I have an orginal automag rt and i run it on a 68ci 4500psi Centerflag reg with stubby tank. I love this setup because i get about 1400 shots and still small and compact, but get whatever fits you best. Whatever size you get try to get a 4500 psi tank (more shots per fill).

P.S. My gun doesn't have a level X so i think that will change the shots per fill, but i'm not sure.

Good luck

06-10-2005, 11:17 AM
yes, level X is a bit more inefficient then a level 7.

06-10-2005, 01:33 PM
I've got a Classic RT and I run it off a 45/45. The feel is great as I can tuck it in tight and it's really comfortable for me. Unfortunately, my gun sucks the air out of that little 45/45. I probably get 500 shots out of my 45/45 until its down to about 500-600 psi and it just won't shoot when it gets that low.

06-10-2005, 01:55 PM
:sigh: I guess 13 years of math weren't enough. :tard:

06-11-2005, 12:21 PM
Just bought a Minimag, and I had pretty much the same question. Obviously I want to go with whatever tank size seems most comfortable for me, and 4500psi is best if I can afford it - but what about output pressure? Is 850psi fixed good enough, or should I look for an adjustable reg, too? Most I've seen go from 200-900 or so, and I know I don't want to run my Mag below 800 or so (right?), so is the adjustable reg worth it?

06-11-2005, 12:52 PM
If you can afford it, go adjustable. Most mags run down to 600 psi, but performance tends to suffer.

06-13-2005, 10:21 PM
frop, what's the advantage of adjustable? is there any real reason that I would want to use anything other than 800psi? Thanks.

trains are bad
06-13-2005, 10:35 PM
With a mechanical mag adjustability allows you to tune the amount of reactivity you experience. I personally consider an adjustable tank to be a must-have for a mechanical automag.

I reccomend a centerflag dynaflow.

06-13-2005, 10:51 PM
trains are bad:
What srping are you using with your setup?
I have a dynaflow too, but i'm having some trouble in noticing reactivity changes... I'm using the middle(red) spring.

06-13-2005, 11:13 PM

Adjustables typically recharge better than presets, in the end meaining more reactivity. Plus, if you are somewhere where semi-only is enforced & your setup bounces, all you have to do is turn down your input pressure.


You shouldn't have any trouble at all noticing reactivity changes. What is your input at? Are you using ULT or RT on/off? Have you maxed out your input? Most Dynaflows go to 900-1000, sometimes more. My Hyperflow goes to 1200 when it gets low.

06-14-2005, 02:09 AM
i bought a flatline for my mag, partly because I want to be able to rapidfire my trigger in mech on occasion, and partly because my next gun will probably be a viking, therefore low pressure, and I would like to go easy on the reg. the Flatline is made by AGD so I'm not worried about it having any issues with other AGD products. before I got my flatline however, I did use my friends pmi preset (68/45) and it was great. quite reactive(not rapid-firable tho) and recharged well. I just wanted that little extra something.
I get just under 500 shot with my 45 filled to 3000 psi, and got just over 700 shots with his 68 filled to 3000 psi. I've never gotten a 4500 fill, so I can't give you a number for that, but I'm guessing around 750 for my 45/45

trains are bad
06-14-2005, 08:47 AM
What srping are you using with your setup?

I have always used the red spring, and never had any trouble noticing reactivity changes. My mag is not mechanical anymore so I just leave it on about 850.

06-14-2005, 01:06 PM
With a mechanical mag adjustability allows you to tune the amount of reactivity you experience. I personally consider an adjustable tank to be a must-have for a mechanical automag.

I reccomend a centerflag dynaflow.

RT trigger is another animal entirely, but I trust Centerflag products. I run an RT ULE with RT trigger, 68/3000 setup, 275 fps. I never experience any problems unless I'm borrowing a rental tank, but that's probably normal. The setup's MUCH heavier than my pump gun (duh), but it fits my playing style. Whatever tank/setup you get, main thing is it's safe, reliable, and fits your playing style.

06-17-2005, 05:23 PM
I ordered a 88cu 4500psi PMI tank few days ago before reading all these new comments. (Got it directly off this forum). Hopefuly it will do something.. haha I should be able to buy a reg seperately... I will consider that as a next upgrade.



06-17-2005, 05:57 PM
I hope you don't mean buying an inline reg as the next upgrade. Inline regs and mags don't mix well at all.

If you meant putting an adjustable reg on your tank then disregard this post.

06-17-2005, 09:32 PM
woops, yeah I should have clarified that. I meant an adjustable reg. Anyone know where I can pick one up for a decent price?

Eric Cartman
06-18-2005, 07:50 AM
I've always had a hard time buying a reg without the tank. Your best bet may be to just sell the PMI tank and buy an adjustable tank when you can afford it.

06-18-2005, 12:53 PM
I really shouldnt use the pmi tank for tournament use should I? I mean, I play back and I do need a consistant rate of fire.

trains are bad
06-18-2005, 03:12 PM
If it works, it works.

I have an AGD flatline regualator only, that needs a rebuild. I'd sell it cheap. Airsoldier.com also sells just regs. They are not cheap though.

06-21-2005, 11:47 AM
I use a PMI pure energy tank myself and don't hae any problems, they might not be adjustable regs but they are nice tanks