View Full Version : leaky macroline. help me?

06-09-2005, 11:26 PM
i have a leaky macroline problem. my tank has a 900 psi output. i've cut the ends so that they are really smooth and round and perfectly cut. i've tried different fittings. it still leaks.
i think the high pressure is just causing the leak. can that be so?

06-09-2005, 11:54 PM
put soapy water all around the fittings, on the line, wherever it can stand to be without ruining something(dont know what kinda gun it is). if your macro is fine and fittings are fine, i dont think you should ahve a problem just because of high pressure. I've run my emag off of 1100 psi all day, no problems, no leaks so far. My guess is that one of your fittings doesnt have teflon tape or something. remember that once you unscrew a fitting, even a little bit, teflon tape becomes useless and doesnt work. you have to re-wrap the fitting and screw it back in. If the leak isn't coming from the fitting anyways, post back and I'll try to help.

06-10-2005, 12:05 AM
Ive been there before too, if it is leaking from where the line is attached into the swivel fitting (or straight fitting, whatever) it may be that your line is not cut perfectly straight, I have spent a lot of time with cheap microline thinking i could make it not leak, sometimes it just wont work. make sure there is no unnecessary stress on the line, make sure you are not trying to turn any sharp corners or anything. What i found was that the cheap microline you buy at your local pro shop for like a $1 a foot is just that, cheap! I got a set of 32 degrees microline for a few bucks more and havent had a leak since! its a bit more pliable/flexible/forgiving and also just seems to seal up a lot better. hope this helps a bit. :dance:

06-10-2005, 12:17 AM
it is cheap macro. a buck a foot. the cuts are super duper perfect, and its leaking from where the line goes into the fitting. no sharp bends or anything.
i guess my question was answered. i just need better line.

06-14-2005, 02:25 AM
ask tunaman. he also sells his for $1 a foot, but his stuff is the best. Parkers macro, I bought five feet of it *just in case*. I'm still on my first piece(8 inches or so) and have run 1200 psi through it for semi-long periods of time, no leaks, no bursts, no problems at all.

06-14-2005, 06:16 AM
When it leaks for me like that I just get the gun oil your using and dab it in there, basically like the "soapy water" idea, but you know it can't screw up your gun.

06-14-2005, 07:21 AM
Scrap the unsafe macro garbage and go with steel braid.