View Full Version : Automags Forum

06-10-2005, 07:09 AM
It's very sad to see that a simple debate on this forum gets closed. This is a public forum where opinions can be expressed. It sure is funny when a moderator uses his powers to close a thread when he doesn't agree. I would call it an abuse of powers. If you don't agree, fine, post that you don't agree but don't close the thread. It seems rather childish to abuse powers like that. If you don't feel like posting your disagreement, ignore it so others can. It seems as if many users and higher figures on this forum can't take a little heat or disagreement. Forum are used for debates, they are not flames; a cultured person would recognize this. There is not much I can say for the higher figures of this forum if things like this occurr all the time. You wonder why I don't have many posts, it's because I dont' visit this forum very often, partially because I don't own an Automag; now it will be because the forum is run like a "middle school gang." If I do get banned for this thread, it will prove my point further. Will I regret it, no.

06-10-2005, 07:14 AM
It's very sad to see that a simple debate on this forum gets closed. This is a public forum where opinions can be expressed. It sure is funny when a moderator uses his powers to close a thread when he doesn't agree. I would call it an abuse of powers. If you don't agree, fine, post that you don't agree but don't close the thread. It seems rather childish to abuse powers like that. If you don't feel like posting your disagreement, ignore it so others can. It seems as if many users and higher figures on this forum can't take a little heat or disagreement. Forum are used for debates, they are not flames; a cultured person would recognize this. There is not much I can say for the higher figures of this forum if things like this occurr all the time. You wonder why I don't have many posts, it's because I dont' visit this forum very often, partially because I don't own an Automag; now it will be because the forum is run like a "middle school gang." If I do get banned for this thread, it will prove my point further. Will I regret it, no.

It was your lack of respect to members in general, you're direct and rude response to a moderator when he asked you to tone it down that resulted in the thread closure. You're loosing credibility as a polite and reasonable person. Perhaps if you were a more established member you might get away with being rude and disrespectful towards others... but you're not so you don't.

Of course thats just my opinion... often wrong


06-10-2005, 07:15 AM
It was your lack of respect to members in general, you're direct and rude response to a moderator when he asked you to tone it down that resulted in the thread closure. You're loosing credibility as a polite and reasonable person. Perhaps if you were a more established member you might get away with being rude and disrespectful towards others... but you're not so you don't.

Of course thats just my opinion... often wrong


Lack of respect started with the other members, not with me. If somene doesn't respect me, I'm not going to respect back, rather simple.

06-10-2005, 07:22 AM
If you have a problem with that thread closing, then I suggest you take it up with the one who closed it. Threads like this don’t accomplish anything but to bring attention to you and spotlight the very reasons your thread WAS closed.

Just because you have the ability to type on a forum does not mean you always should. And your thread moved past the point of simply discussing opinions into rehashing what was already said, being combative, and about nothing more than the argument for argument’s sake. It turned into little more than “I know you are, but what am I” posts… of which you were the one making those types of posts. Want to talk about “middle school” things?

If anyone has a problem with the ruling of a Moderator, they should FIRST take it up with that Moderator in PM. If you don’t get the response you think is correct, then take it to another member of the Moderator Staff. They will often times discuss it behind the curtain and get back to you. And if you still didn’t get what you wanted, you may consider posting publicly about it. But chances are that by that point if the action stands, you don’t have a leg to stand on yourself.

Did you try those routes?

To me this is similar to the thread that got closed, you don’t like what happened so you make a post about it…. in both cases it seems you are not really on solid ground in my opinion. And “they started it” does not excuse behavior. There is a difference between simply defending yourself and what I saw happening in that thread.

But I too could be wrong….. This is just how I saw it.

06-10-2005, 07:25 AM
Lack of respect started with the other members, not with me. If somene doesn't respect me, I'm not going to respect back, rather simple.

Let's see here, a moderator went through, took out a few posts that were insulting to you and then made this request

Milkman drop it! You don't feel that you got a deal so live with it, you got your money back and you don't wish to deal with this company anymore this is your right but causing arguements online is not a good thing.
There are more than enough positive dealings with this company that have been posted and a couple of negatives but they are all outweighed by the positives.

So you decided to tell a moderator no, that wasn't how you were going to do it.

I'm expressing my opinion big guy. They don't want to argue, don't come to my post...seems simple enough.

Little hint... you want respect, you earn it. You do not earn it by telling a moderator to take a leap. If you want to be another controversial, aggressive member... well I suggest you find other topics. You came in here whining abuot a store and working in its rules, and then you show disrepsect not only to our member base but our moderators. I'm getting a better feeling what happened with your business dealings and why they did not go well.


06-10-2005, 08:40 AM
what makes your threads so different from other threads that flame and get closed. It has nothing to do w/ ppl that have been here longer. Higher post counts do nothing in terms of shutting down a thread. What, do you think we are all conspiring against you? I had never even heard of you before the xpb thread, and everything that needed to be said was said. Everyone stated their opinions and you couldnt take it. You were being unreasonable, and by starting this thread shows that more than likely you were not someone that xpb wanted to deal w/. I dont blame them. You act like everyone has a personal vandetta against you. Again. wrong. Nobody cares. You are the one acting like a "middle school" kid, by starting another thread about it. If you have an issue, heres a tissue. :cry:

06-10-2005, 08:42 AM
In before the lock :D

06-10-2005, 09:02 AM
Me too! Me too!


Soopa Villain17
06-10-2005, 10:02 AM
me 3 :ninja:

but i do think closing threads is dumb , why close them when u can delete them ? lesss crap on thje forum if u dlete em

06-10-2005, 10:06 AM
me 3 :ninja:

but i do think closing threads is dumb , why close them when u can delete them ? lesss crap on thje forum if u dlete em
By leaving the thread but closing it everyone can see what was actually said and how things went. If it was simply deleted people would claim things happened that simply did not. This way the membership can see it for what it was.

06-10-2005, 10:20 AM
Not needed comments we had this already in the thread being complained about...MarkM

06-10-2005, 10:45 AM
Ya know, I actually kinda felt sorry for you at the beginning, now you just proved to me that you have issues, and they were not caused by some internet paintball company or the moderators of this forum. Let's see, you joined back in 2003, you have 20 some post, 80% of which are of you whining about something. Do us a favor, go back to where you came from. AO does not need members like you.

06-10-2005, 12:06 PM
Maybe its Starbase_CGI under another name :)


06-10-2005, 12:17 PM
So ya know I pmd atm and a mod on this one.

Ya I agree. Then how come ATM743s' thread was deleted and not closed? Clearly there was RULE breaking and the action was to delete it. Instead of INFORCE the RULES. What a crock. If you have the hammer dont be afraid to swing it, I say. Let the mods do their job and if you dont like it Tuff.

Peace Out
I can’t argue with that. But we both know that different Moderators handle things differently. I was only giving an explanation why a thread may be locked but not deleted.

I also didn’t have a problem with what the Moderator did in this case (I don’t think you were talking about me, but it is not totally clear.). But then again, this is the only case being discussed in this thread (until you brought up atm’s situation which I am not familiar with).

06-10-2005, 12:26 PM
So ya know I pmd atm and a mod on this one.

Ya I agree. Then how come ATM743s' thread was deleted and not closed? Clearly there was RULE breaking and the action was to delete it. Instead of INFORCE the RULES. What a crock. If you have the hammer dont be afraid to swing it, I say. Let the mods do their job and if you dont like it Tuff.

Peace Out

Not deleted it was moved we still have the thread nice and safe and none of the posts themselves were worthy of a ban but it was degenerating into a flame fest and to have editted all the posts and kept some kind of continuity going with the thread was nigh on impossible so it was moved. After your PM to me I have been in discussion as I said I would and the answer has come back as "No the thread is not getting put back" All you have done now is reference something that cannot be seen (by the users) made an opinion (ref bans) and complained. I explained to you what was ban worthy and not via a PM 2 days ago. "Moved" is the best place for that particular thread. You had your reason of wanting to continue your "discussion" with another person who took part in the thread...no good would be served by this happening one or both of you might well have ended up risking a ban if things had possible got any more heated..this IS an assumption but rarely do threads that start to degenerate suddenly get better.

06-10-2005, 01:01 PM
Not deleted it was moved we still have the thread nice and safe and none of the posts themselves were worthy of a ban but it was degenerating into a flame fest and to have editted all the posts and kept some kind of continuity going with the thread was nigh on impossible so it was moved. After your PM to me I have been in discussion as I said I would and the answer has come back as "No the thread is not getting put back" All you have done now is reference something that cannot be seen (by the users) made an opinion (ref bans) and complained. I explained to you what was ban worthy and not via a PM 2 days ago. "Moved" is the best place for that particular thread. You had your reason of wanting to continue your "discussion" with another person who took part in the thread...no good would be served by this happening one or both of you might well have ended up risking a ban if things had possible got any more heated..this IS an assumption but rarely do threads that start to degenerate suddenly get better.

:D I will admit that sometimes it is pretty hard to tell someone how stupid they appear from their whinings without getting banned :D. This is not aimed at Beemer, Shartley, or of course Mark in specific and many other unlisted people, its a general comment. Sometimes people just fail to even consider the other side, and well, end up appearing, at least to me, less than intelligent. But normally I thought I did a pretty good job of pointing it out without crossing the line. Then again, often I just show my own idiocy to. Oh well, what can you do. You win some you loose some :cheers:


06-10-2005, 01:05 PM
Maybe its Starbase_CGI under another name :)


Nice! Now there's a reference I haven't seen in a while. 2 points for you! :D

06-10-2005, 01:14 PM
Nice! Now there's a reference I haven't seen in a while. 2 points for you! :D
And how about another.... CB. :dance:

06-10-2005, 01:32 PM
wow, sounds like someone is a crybaby when no one agrees with them
milkman, ive got nipples, can you milk me? (what movie guys, what movie did the underlined phrase come from)

No but really, think about in the big picture, if everyone did ask for halos, then get reloaders as an upgrade, xpb would be out.(this part referring to the kari vs cocker analogy)And really, do you really think it costs 800 to make a karni? :nono:

Also, you made a grave mistake by messing with markM. That guy will mess you up into the next millenium.
No one was closing it b/c they didnt like what you said, they just didnt see it necessary to babysit a toddler. Stop crying and go home

MarkM, YOU DA MAN!!!! :headbang: :shooting: :cheers: :shooting: :headbang:

:nono: Someones gonna get banned for flaming, and it aint me, well, maybe, but not for this

Obviously, you dont need to be representing AO this way, so go back to the pits of pBnATION, where you came from
lol, not flaming against pbnation, but its where this all starts

oh, yeah
in before da LOCK!

06-10-2005, 02:06 PM
And how about another.... CB. :dance:


06-10-2005, 02:09 PM
College Boy

06-10-2005, 02:18 PM
College Boy

You had to do it didn't you. You know what happens when you say the devil's name. :cry: ;)

06-10-2005, 02:21 PM
Duh. :tard:

I knew something was wrong when I saw CasingBill in FC a few min ago. :tard:

06-10-2005, 02:33 PM
At least College Boy was semi-intelligent in his posts, and Starbase was great fun to laugh at. They had redeeming qualities...


06-10-2005, 02:35 PM
You said it again!!!! :eek:

06-10-2005, 03:30 PM
wow, sounds like someone is a crybaby when no one agrees with them
milkman, ive got nipples, can you milk me? (what movie guys, what movie did the underlined phrase come from)

Meet the parents, i liked the sequel better though...

06-10-2005, 03:34 PM
Lack of respect started with the other members, not with me. If somene doesn't respect me, I'm not going to respect back, rather simple.

Rather simple, rather foolish... Didn't your mother teach you about "everyone else jumping off the bridge" ???

But this is the internet and everyone is allowed to be whatever they want!

Me, I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body... :dance:

"ive got nipples, can you milk me? " is from meet the parents...

And on the "college boy" comments... Do underestimate (stereotype) someone due to their abundance of education. Some of us college boys paid for our own education by doing the jobs that we didn't want to do the rest of our lives to pay for it... Having served my time with the carpenters and electricians, and digging a few ditches too, I take great pride when a woman touches my hands and says "Oh you have those soft computer hands" :D Damn straight, and damn proud of it !!!

Target Practice
06-10-2005, 03:39 PM
AO does not need members like you.

Quoted for troof.

06-10-2005, 03:44 PM
Quoted for troof.


Target Practice
06-10-2005, 03:49 PM


06-10-2005, 03:56 PM
And on the "college boy" comments... Do underestimate (stereotype) someone due to their abundance of education. Some of us college boys paid for our own education by doing the jobs that we didn't want to do the rest of our lives to pay for it... Having served my time with the carpenters and electricians, and digging a few ditches too, I take great pride when a woman touches my hands and says "Oh you have those soft computer hands" :D Damn straight, and damn proud of it !!!
I think you may have misunderstood. It was not a “college boy” comment. It was the name of a member on AO… who has not posted in a LONG time…. Much like Starbase_CGI. But I believe SB was banned, I don’t recall if CB was, but I believe so.

06-10-2005, 03:58 PM
Uh.... get over it?


Target Practice
06-10-2005, 04:03 PM
Goddamn, I remember CB. What a moron.