View Full Version : Camper?

06-11-2005, 09:32 PM
I'm thinkin' I want to get a camper. I like to be out in the woods but some thing like a dry bed would be nice. Most likey will be used, I'v been looking a pop-ups and burro's. I'm looking to spend $6,000 max. A Icebox, shower, AC, heat, able to sleep 4 or more. Size should not be a big deal, I have punly of power. ;)

Were is there a good place to look for one? Whats a good brand name?

There is a large RV show coming up, I think I'm going to go look there.

BTW this is going to be for Paintball, going to WDW, and just plan trips out to the farm.

06-11-2005, 09:39 PM
If you ain't in a tent, it ain't camping.

06-11-2005, 09:41 PM
If you ain't in a tent, it ain't camping.

Never said I was camping, said I want a camper ;)

Last time I when to EMR my tent was a lake, I gave up on it.

06-11-2005, 10:53 PM
for 6000 bux, it will be hard to find any newer age camper with all those. showers are a pain in the butt. i have an RV with a shower, but when taking a shower, the water goes by fast. even if u turn off the water when you are soaping yourself. then you have to empty your grey water tank, which involves finding a dump station. its far easier to sponge bathe, but a shower does feel nice.
instead of paying more for an ice box, could you use a cooler?
and to sleep four, you may have to share beds.

just as a comparison, i have a '91 Lazy Daze and 26 feet i think, which is a really nice RV, not a camper. custom made blah blah blah. my family bought it used. sleeps four, but my parents share the bed over the cab. has heating, shower, bathroom, refridgerator, stove, freezer, table, and stuff like that. its by far not luxory, but still nice and keeps you dry.
it didn't have too many miles on it though. for approximately 30 grand.

yeah it has a motor and stuff, so it will cost more, but campers and rv's arent too cheap. campers are defenatly cheaper.
so i'd say to look around and see what you can afford and see what fits what you need best.

06-11-2005, 11:01 PM
Well, you ought to be able to get a good pop-up camper for that price. My parents used to have one, I just don't remember the brand name. They had the basic model and as I seem to recall it cost them about 2k. Mind you, that was probably 12 years ago.

06-11-2005, 11:11 PM
Coolest little bugger to roll down the turnpike! Although outside your stated price range, the few that I have seen are perfect for weekends, quickies, car shows, tourneys, hunting, and anything you would have needed a tent for, but not enough for a large cumbersome rig. Another company called Chalet makes a very similar model.



06-16-2005, 12:38 AM
I picked up a used Jayco very cheap. Sleeps a whole bunch and tows easily.

06-16-2005, 10:33 AM
I picked up a used Jayco very cheap. Sleeps a whole bunch and tows easily.

I can't get that site to work.

06-16-2005, 10:48 AM
just nail a tent to a trailer

06-16-2005, 11:06 AM
Next time you go to EMR, feel free to stop by my camper - it's the rounded-top white Argosy. We'll be up for Frontier Wars.

It's straight out of the 70's complete with green shag interrior and all the luxuries. You can get 'em really cheap (think $2k or $3k), but you'd better know how to fix 'em. Look in your local newspaper vice online. Cheaper that way, plus it's local and picking it up won't be a pain. Good luck.

06-16-2005, 11:34 AM
Next time you go to EMR, feel free to stop by my camper - it's the rounded-top white Argosy. We'll be up for Frontier Wars.

It's straight out of the 70's complete with green shag interrior and all the luxuries. You can get 'em really cheap (think $2k or $3k), but you'd better know how to fix 'em. Look in your local newspaper vice online. Cheaper that way, plus it's local and picking it up won't be a pain. Good luck.

Did you go to the last one at emr? I saw one of those there.

06-16-2005, 12:39 PM
Coolest little bugger to roll down the turnpike!

Not when you are comparing it to my converted '65 GM bus. :cool:

Ole Unka Phil
06-17-2005, 09:53 AM
I have a 26 foot Prowler light. Been a good one. But it cost me 10 grand. But they got some smaller ones you might could look into. I strongly suggest you look at a used one. There are a lot of them just never got took out but a few times.....

And more importantly.... start by realy figuring out what you can pull with what you got. Then focus on something thats in the safety range of what your tow vehicle is. DO NOT let a Camper dealer advise you on that. They sell campers. And will lie to you about what you can safely tow. More often than not. Do some research on the GVWR and the load stabilization and brake controlers etc. You do not want to be foolish in that area. Many people haul more than they should. And many get away with it for a while. But don't do it. Be safe.

06-17-2005, 11:35 AM
If you mean Road to Burma, then yes, we made it.

I wear all yellow (gold, really), our team captain wears all red with white/red striped socks (we call him "Waldo" - he was also the Jap. XO for the RTB game), my girlfriend wears all purple... the "Ninja Chameleons". We don't take it really seriously and just have fun. Kinda hard to miss us on or off the field. Most people know me by "Trojan Man" - though for some reason I couldn't get that name on this board... whatever.

In any case, stop on by if you feel like it. We always have something around to eat & drink, though I couldn't tell you what it'd be. For Frontier Wars, we'll probably have plenty of Panzerattis. Two of our members are working an Italian festival this week and making them, so they'll have plenty left over. It's basically a pizza folded in half (hemispherical hot pocket) and deep fried. Comes in regular or pepperoni. They're unbelievably greasy, but some people like 'em. Whatever, we'll probably have plenty. See you there!

06-17-2005, 04:36 PM
I have a 26 foot Prowler light. Been a good one. But it cost me 10 grand. But they got some smaller ones you might could look into. I strongly suggest you look at a used one. There are a lot of them just never got took out but a few times.....

And more importantly.... start by realy figuring out what you can pull with what you got. Then focus on something thats in the safety range of what your tow vehicle is. DO NOT let a Camper dealer advise you on that. They sell campers. And will lie to you about what you can safely tow. More often than not. Do some research on the GVWR and the load stabilization and brake controlers etc. You do not want to be foolish in that area. Many people haul more than they should. And many get away with it for a while. But don't do it. Be safe.

I can tow up 7000lb, but i know i could get a way with more.

06-17-2005, 04:39 PM
If you mean Road to Burma, then yes, we made it.

I wear all yellow (gold, really), our team captain wears all red with white/red striped socks (we call him "Waldo" - he was also the Jap. XO for the RTB game), my girlfriend wears all purple... the "Ninja Chameleons". We don't take it really seriously and just have fun. Kinda hard to miss us on or off the field. Most people know me by "Trojan Man" - though for some reason I couldn't get that name on this board... whatever.

In any case, stop on by if you feel like it. We always have something around to eat & drink, though I couldn't tell you what it'd be. For Frontier Wars, we'll probably have plenty of Panzerattis. Two of our members are working an Italian festival this week and making them, so they'll have plenty left over. It's basically a pizza folded in half (hemispherical hot pocket) and deep fried. Comes in regular or pepperoni. They're unbelievably greasy, but some people like 'em. Whatever, we'll probably have plenty. See you there!

Yep, I saw ya. We had a pop up camper, orange and white tents, a big white van, a black car. We ate good all weekend the stake we had were great.

06-17-2005, 06:23 PM
dude your like 16 what the crap

06-17-2005, 07:13 PM
Campers are SO fun! :bounce:

Ole Unka Phil
06-17-2005, 11:22 PM
I can tow up 7000lb, but i know i could get a way with more.

Well be aware of tounge weight and total GCVWR too. Not just what the Manufacturer of the vehicle says you can tow. Those manufacturer rating are very missleading. And they will always fine print those.

Go figure your GVWR of your towing vehicle with it loaded (put it on a set of scales with similar to what your going to load it with because you will be suprised) and the tounge weight on the back (this can be about 150 pounds and must be distributed to all four wheels evenly for it to even work at all)... and then subtract the total weight of the trailer (it loaded, not its GVW but its total GVWR) Then subtract 10% more for safety margin. Reason for that? You want to be able to stop the thing if for some reason your electric brakes fail. It happens... trust me. Either they get accidentaly disconnected or just fail. So you want to at least be able to bring it to a hault at some point... no matter how crudely.... with your towing vehicle brakes alone. Then you will be suprised at what you can realy haul.