View Full Version : Ship Date and Job.

p u r e e v i l
06-12-2005, 12:26 PM
I went down to Lansing, Mi on the 9th of this month. Why? You might ask. Well, awhile ago I posted a "Congratulations" thingy for the class of 05 and in other various threads. As some of you may know, I've decided to join the US Navy.

Details of my Contract:

5 year contract.
Basic is 9 weeks.
A School is 14 weeks.

Departure is on November 9th, 2005.
Great Lakes, Chicago is the location of basic (as well as for A School)
Becoming a Corpsman.

So, who knows where I'll go? I have to stay at the top of my class during A School so that I can choose where I want to go after it, or have a better option, rather. Right off the back I'd like to go to a ship and travel a little bit, but we'll see where everything takes me...

Thanks for reading!

06-12-2005, 01:08 PM
Good job :) But what uh, is a corpsman :tard:

06-12-2005, 01:10 PM
Its basicly a Navy medic. They served alongside Marines, and patch them up when the bullets gets too thick.

EDIT: Thanks for deciding to serve. I appreciate it very much. This time next year I'll be DEP, and this time two years I'll be getting ready to head on down to the island... I want somethign in ordinance. But we'll see...

Thanks again!

p u r e e v i l
06-12-2005, 01:32 PM
A Navy Medic is exactly what it is, he he he.

Alpha, are you planning on joining the Navy? No matter, no service is better then the other, we're all serving for one purpouse, Our Country.

06-12-2005, 02:31 PM
props to you guys, Good luck in Basic, and keep in touch

06-12-2005, 02:35 PM
A Navy Medic is exactly what it is, he he he.

Alpha, are you planning on joining the Navy? No matter, no service is better then the other, we're all serving for one purpouse, Our Country.

That gave me chills! No, I'm not relaly going into the navy. Marine Corps for me.

That is so true. Thats why I get pissed off when 12 year olds say that the army is way better then the air force etc etc. They all risk their lives just as much for all of us.

When I'm a marine, if I see ya, I'm still going to clal you a squid, however. :cheers:

06-12-2005, 02:45 PM
A Navy Medic is exactly what it is, he he he.

Alpha, are you planning on joining the Navy? No matter, no service is better then the other, we're all serving for one purpouse, Our Country.

DEP is the Delayed Entry Program, meaning that Alpha is likely 17 and a Junior in High School. he will go to Boot Camp this summer, and be a Marine during his Senior year. After graduation, he will attend his MOS school of choice, then be billeted with whatever division/battalion needs him. Great way to get started in the military!

(since Alpha mentioned the "Island", that can only mean Parris Island, one of the two Marine Corps Boot Camps....the other is in San Diego Ca.)

p u r e e v i l, I salute you in your choice of jobs in the Navy, and the commitment to your fellow Sailors. HOOAH!

06-12-2005, 03:24 PM
DEP is the Delayed Entry Program, meaning that Alpha is likely 17 and a Junior in High School. he will go to Boot Camp this summer, and be a Marine during his Senior year. After graduation, he will attend his MOS school of choice, then be billeted with whatever division/battalion needs him. Great way to get started in the military!

(since Alpha mentioned the "Island", that can only mean Parris Island, one of the two Marine Corps Boot Camps....the other is in San Diego Ca.)

I'm 16 right now, so next year, its DEP, then boot the next. Can't wait. :headbang:

06-12-2005, 04:07 PM

You're gonna hate the corpmen at boot! I was there this time 5 years ago, and they bring over A-schoolers fromNTC over to poke and prod the newbies at RTC. I had one guy give me a shot in the shoulder and hit it in such away that it didn't want to stop bleeding, and the very next guy gave me one in the opposite shoulder that hit the bone. As for boot, your RDCs will tell you that the easiest way to get though is to sit down, shut up, and do what you're told. And you know what, they're absolutly right. As for corpmen themselves, I don't really care for them, but I was a submariner where the corpmen think they know more then the docs do. Mind you I expect you'll start as a skimmer even if you move to some other area down the road. Of course, I hate skimmers even more. But, at least you chose Navy over being a zoomy, puddle-pirate, ground pounder, or jarhead. I pity you going in November. You'll be there for the holidays and the snow. I arrived in April, about a week after the last of the snow had melted. You'll have to deal with snow patrol. Just out of curiosity, what sort of bonus did you get? Well, I wish you luck.

06-13-2005, 06:48 AM
Puddle Pirate = Coast Guard ??? :confused:

Joe- Congrats bro, your ship date means I'll probably have a chance to drop by and say hey before you head out.



06-13-2005, 10:51 AM
Rock on dude!!! Maybe someday I'll see you at the sub yard in portsmouth.

Good luck!

06-13-2005, 02:51 PM
Rock on dude!!! Maybe someday I'll see you at the sub yard in portsmouth.

Good luck!

You're at Portsmouth? HAHAHAHAHA. Shouldn't you be looking for a new job right about now? I just got out of there about 2 months ago, I was on 765.

06-13-2005, 05:44 PM
You're at Portsmouth? HAHAHAHAHA. Shouldn't you be looking for a new job right about now? I just got out of there about 2 months ago, I was on 765.

I havn't even started yet. I start in a few weeks. Technically, I'm working for submepp, they're just located at the shipyard. As long as I'm there long enough to get the security clearance, and the training I'll be happy.

06-13-2005, 06:19 PM
Becoming a Corpsman.
Welcome to the Corps, grunt!
The jarheads will call you Marine, so don't even bother arguing, because to them, you are one.
One of the guys that I work with "pushed boots" at Great Lakes for a few years--said it was the best job he'd ever had in the Navy. He retired last year and RDC was what he did before he retired.

I call him squid all the time. Of course, I'm the only ex-Air Force where I work (on an Air Force base) so I'm the minority. I work with 3 ex-Squids; 1 Squid Reserve; 3 ex-Jarheads; and 1 with no military background.
Lots 'o fun!