View Full Version : Frenzy board help!

06-12-2005, 05:34 PM
What setting should i put my frenzy board in my dragon intimidator. right now it is capped at 10 bps w/ the eye on, and like 14 or 15 with it off. how can i make it faster?... and also i have a tourn. next week, and i need to know how to enable the tourn. lock. please help me with that. i cant find out how to put the tourn. lock on any where. thanks a lot!

06-12-2005, 05:45 PM
im assuming that you have frenzy 110 or 113. it will tell you when you turn the gun on. Here are settings that i would recommend:

eye mode: forced
dwell: 8
Bolt delay: 15
debounce: whatever it takes to not bounce, set it high if youre worried since its a toruney
BIP: 0 if youre using a halo, around 1.5 if not

those should work fine. As far as the tourney lock, dont bother, i cant think of any place that requires those to be on. Also, make sure your eyes are clean and aligned and working. Frenzy is uncapped with the eyes on, and capped at 12 with the eyes bypassed.

06-12-2005, 05:47 PM
yea, it is the frenzy 113, if that helps at all... thanks