View Full Version : 3 man tourny questions

06-12-2005, 05:54 PM
i am going into a 3 man tourn. on june 25th. i am a back man, and they will be allowing up to 20 teams, but only like 9 re signed up so far.what is the average amount of paint that a backman will go through in a 3 man tourny that size. i know it will vary from player to player, but i'd just like to know about how many cases, so i know how much money to take with to the tourn... thanks a lot!

06-12-2005, 05:55 PM
Were ya playing?

06-12-2005, 05:57 PM
lehigh valley paintball in PA.. i will be entering under the alpha paintball field's factory team, but this is my first tourn... i c u r from NY which is kinda close.. r u entering?

06-12-2005, 05:58 PM
buy a case and see how the first coupple of games go if you need more go buy more :shooting:

06-12-2005, 05:59 PM
what kind of gun you using, are you playing a run and gun offense,usally in 3 man i go thru 2+ cases and that is us going thru the finalls

06-12-2005, 06:02 PM
Nope, that week I will be playing for ions.

06-12-2005, 06:07 PM
i am using a stock dragon intimidator. yea i usually get to my bunker and stay there for about a min. or so, and then move up to mid/front positions after most the other team is out.

06-12-2005, 06:11 PM
yea id say 2 case min.

06-12-2005, 06:15 PM
well it is like 65 a case, and i only have like 300 to spend or so...mayb less depending on how many team practices we have until then.. do u think i would go over 4 cases in a 3 man that size?

06-12-2005, 06:56 PM
What level are you playing at. If you are playing rookie may long breaks on two sides, leave your best player in back to cover you are try to make something happen if things go badly and you loose both front. All games should eb over in a minute or two and you should go through less paint this way.


06-12-2005, 10:12 PM
ive never gone over a case and a half in a 3 man. when my friends won madness they used like 3 cases all together

06-13-2005, 01:22 PM
Do community paint.

Make everyone (on the team) pay for a certain amount of paint, and they take what they need. That way, (hopefully) no one will complain about having to pay more for paint or shooting more paint than other people.

I could go on and on about how this a good idea, but I think you can think of why this works. I did it for my first tourny. It worked.

06-13-2005, 02:22 PM
Do community paint.

I agree. I've heard it called "team paint" as well. Everyone on the team equally splits the cost of paint. The front guys need you to shoot for them to stay in, so they shouldn't complain. Works very well.

And if you use 4 cases of paint in a rookie 3 man, you're not playing very well at all. That's not bashing the use of high rates of fire, nor is it a hidden attack on ramping. I am simply saying that in a 3-man rookie, a first-tournament back player whose teammates are out within a couple minutes (read a couple points up, I'm not bashing), he would not need 4 cases of paint unless he's going to shoot a hopper over the chrono before every game.

You probably won't need any more than 2 (and will probably have some extra to take home). Bring enough cash to buy 3, just in case you do rock the competition and get to the finals.

06-13-2005, 04:07 PM
My first and only 3-man I did we bought a case pre person and it work out fine. We had four players and most of the time we only used a hopper or less a game. Had about 1500 rounds left at the end.

Oh by the way I'll see you at LVP :D

spyder luver
06-13-2005, 04:16 PM
i know this isnt my thread but i play 3 man games and i wanted to know how long a standard game is and how much paint do u carry with u

06-13-2005, 04:50 PM
i know this isnt my thread but i play 3 man games and i wanted to know how long a standard game is and how much paint do u carry with u

We used to have a guy with 6 pods + hopper, and the other two with 3-4 pods + hopper. Although at some points our front guys did go down to two pods. That always worked for us. That back guy just hammers, the entire game until you are up in numbers and then you close it out.

As for a tournament... Figure no more than 3 cases for the team. You might have an unusual game that may take a lot of paint, but other than that, you should be fine.

06-13-2005, 06:43 PM
My first and only 3-man I did we bought a case pre person and it work out fine. We had four players and most of the time we only used a hopper or less a game. Had about 1500 rounds left at the end.

Oh by the way I'll see you at LVP :D
What team are you playing on??

06-13-2005, 06:47 PM
Not sure what we are going under yet, but I'm going down on Thursday to register and play/ practice.

06-13-2005, 06:54 PM
I just played in a tourny yesterday and there was 1 team that shot 4-5 pods a game and they played 15 games and they shot 4 cases each... so 12 cases for the team

06-13-2005, 07:35 PM
on a 5 man tourney, playing every game and finishing first, between all the players on the team, 6 cases. General rule of thumb, never buy more than 2 cases of paint per player since games aren't that long and not everyone will be shooting a hill of paint on your team. As a back-man, sure, you might shoot 3 or 4 pods plus a hopper in a game, but that's a lot of shooting for a 3 minute game, ya know? As a back on a 5 man I rarely shoot more than 3 pods and a hopper. Usually it's the hopper off the break, reload with a single pod and play from there. Most paint I've ever shot in a tournament game was hopper plus 5 pods and that was because the game turned out to be a stalemate at a 2 on 3 (us 2) with use playing lock-down defense, then we both dropped a body and it ended rather quickly after that with me being last man standing and time rapidly evaporating from the clock.