View Full Version : Why are people jerks at the paintball field

06-12-2005, 06:19 PM
Ok, so today was pretty hot, there were not a ton of people at the field so we mixed groups with advanced and new players. There is an understanding in such a situation that you snap shoot single balls at new players, and play harder against advanced. It tends to work pretty well actually, giving the new players a good chance, and improving skills of others.

Its late in a game, I make a desperate run into the snake, dive in hard and loose my glasses in the process. Now i have less than 20/400 vision without them, so I am basically blind shooting to me teammates calls. This is actually a new experience and I think I might practice some like this, it really does help you learn to listen. Anyways.. when I had hit hard one of the other players wife was standing outside, and asked me if I was ok, because I had tried to superman slide but had just kinda hit instead, and had a good mark on my head. She also looked back to make sure my glasses were out of the way. So the game got close to time, and I figured on a dramatic move to open it up. I knew there were players two bunkers outside of the other end of the snake, which I was in the middle of. I knew I could make it to them and bunker them I asked her if they were new players or not, and she told me new... so I didn't - letting time run out.

As I'm coming off the field one of the guys who has brought two tournament players approaches me. He has already been yelling at the lady I was talking to. He tells me "in a tournament I would make sure you were thrown out for that." I, being the non-confrontational person that I am (did anyone here beleive that line LOL), reminded him this was not a tournament. After he berated me about cheating for a few minutes, threatened to go to the owner (I was kinda hoping he would) I finally looked at him and told him to some extent "I asked her if they were experienced or new players in the angle. If they were expereienced I was going to bunker both of them. And if this was a tournament I would have. However, this is rec day, and I think it would be rather inconsiderate of me to play as hard as I can against everyone on the field out there. If you want to do things that way, we can do it that way the rest of teh day". It didn't go over well, but it pretty well shut him up.

Why do people think that every day is tournament practice day? The kids he was coaching (and not sideline coaching, but showing pointers here and there) were not that great. Had the advanced players (and there were a lot there) gone all out, these kids would have got very little play time. What is up with the attitudes at the fields today? I mean, the guy wasn't even on the field and he feels the need to berate me for something that was none of his business?


06-12-2005, 06:26 PM
LOL nice job with that arguement I would have givein him the little chuckle while he was yelling cause he didnt know what you were asking her. But ya some people just want it to be played like a turny and go balls to the walls and just spray and pray whether or not you are playing noobs or turny players. You did the right thing Lohman :headbang: :clap: :shooting:

06-12-2005, 06:56 PM
Something similar happened to me last week. My friend and I were playing some woodsball against some hardcore scenario-style woodsballers decked out in full camo/BDU's. It was towards the end of the day so we were just screwing around. The refs set it up as camo vs no camo and after messing around in game for a little while, we got hit and walked out to the rear of the field where all the eliminated players were. Some kid on the camo team made it towards us and yelled "left side is clear"

Well, my friend and I were in joking moods so he started yelling "left side is hot!!!" and just screwing around yelling out false info to the kid. THe kid found it to be pretty funny and just ignored my friend, and I just sat back laughing. Well some older guy didnt find it funny and ran over to my friend and started yelling that he was going to shoot him if he didnt shut up. The guy threw such a big fit over it, called us cheaters and such, and it made me realize how seriously some players take these games. This guy was going nuts about a little joke. Some people just need to calm down and realize we are just playing for fun

06-12-2005, 07:21 PM
ya in the way same thing happen to me. some guy bunkered me and his gun was high. and there were ALOT of NEW to YOUNG kids playing the same time and if i was a small kid and he bunkered me there would have been some problems

the guy that bunkered me was with 4 people and they were all playing like it was a ternement. any when im at rec ball i jest play for fun. and jest to practice on running and snap shooting. yes i still get out there and try my hardest to get someone out but i dont bunker the person and make sure that hes out if they are newbs.

really that player had no right yelling at that person and you. she was making sure that you were ok and i have bad vision without my glasses and understand how that is. That kid had some guts whinning to somone that was making sure that you were ok.

To me that kid seems to be a cocky kid and needs to know when to shut up

well hope your head is ok

06-12-2005, 07:40 PM
ya in the way same thing happen to me. some guy bunkered me and his gun was high. and there were ALOT of NEW to YOUNG kids playing the same time and if i was a small kid and he bunkered me there would have been some problems

the guy that bunkered me was with 4 people and they were all playing like it was a ternement. any when im at rec ball i jest play for fun. and jest to practice on running and snap shooting. yes i still get out there and try my hardest to get someone out but i dont bunker the person and make sure that hes out if they are newbs.

really that player had no right yelling at that person and you. she was making sure that you were ok and i have bad vision without my glasses and understand how that is. That kid had some guts whinning to somone that was making sure that you were ok.

To me that kid seems to be a cocky kid and needs to know when to shut up

well hope your head is ok

It wasn't a kid is one of the issues. The guy was older than I am. He tried to run the field while he was there, complaining when games didn't go out fast enough (it was hot and muggy, we were running at a relaxed pace) and in general complaining when anything that did not get his guys practice happened. Now I know the people there. They could have set teams and rolled anyone there without any issue. We were trying to let everyone play... I mean.. guys if you want tournament practice, then go to tournament practice, or bring teams to practice with, don't show up on rec day and expect it. He was condescending and insulting, and not only to me (I'm a touch used to it, Im an arrogant, egotistical jerk). I just couldn't beleive how he wanted to act like he owned the placed and he was a god because he was there coaching two tournament players in full gear. The sad thing was, the players attitudes were ok... I hope they don't learn from him


06-12-2005, 07:47 PM
It wasn't a kid is one of the issues. The guy was older than I am. He tried to run the field while he was there, complaining when games didn't go out fast enough (it was hot and muggy, we were running at a relaxed pace) and in general complaining when anything that did not get his guys practice happened. Now I know the people there. They could have set teams and rolled anyone there without any issue. We were trying to let everyone play... I mean.. guys if you want tournament practice, then go to tournament practice, or bring teams to practice with, don't show up on rec day and expect it. He was condescending and insulting, and not only to me (I'm a touch used to it, Im an arrogant, egotistical jerk). I just couldn't beleive how he wanted to act like he owned the placed and he was a god because he was there coaching two players.

oooo ok

Well he should start listening to some rolling stones because he can’t always get what you want :D

ya the other feild i used to go to had people do the same thing. its sucks

well you better hope he dosent come every week.

06-12-2005, 07:48 PM
Well, that sucks about what happened at your field. I however dont encounter jerks really. There are the occasional arsewipes that ask to borrow my tool and never return it. Then when you as them they say "I gave it back to you" BS.....

Other than that, ive found guys to be pretty nice. They always share advice, they have good sportsmanship, they are friendly, they have even given me several pods of paint before, just to I will stay and play w/ the group. I guess it depends on what you look for in ppl. If you set your expectations too high, then of course ppl will fall below them. :D.

06-12-2005, 08:00 PM
Here's an honest reply. Most of the paintball players are these big losers at school, they abuse the privilege of being a so called advanced player, well just because they think they're advanced, they believe they're the big bad tough guys on the field. Seriously, they're just a bunch of shunned out losers at school. Either that or they are truly "punk kids" that play gun games.

06-12-2005, 08:02 PM
Here's an honest reply. Most of the paintball players are these big losers at school, they abuse the privilege of being a so called advanced player, well just because they think they're advanced, they believe they're the big bad tough guys on the field. Seriously, they're just a bunch of shunned out losers at school. Either that or they are truly "punk kids" that play gun games.

ya, those guys are jerks, and we should outirght bash them anytime we can. ;) :p *irony*

06-12-2005, 08:03 PM
Here's an honest reply. Most of the paintball players are these big losers at school, they abuse the privilege of being a so called advanced player, well just because they think they're advanced, they believe they're the big bad tough guys on the field. Seriously, they're just a bunch of shunned out losers at school. Either that or they are truly "punk kids" that play gun games.

yup we have a group of them at our school. they are all talk than we beat them. after that they stopped talking about how bad they can beat us

06-12-2005, 08:14 PM
Yeah, those guys are losers

06-12-2005, 08:37 PM
I don't think paintball has a higher majority of jerks than other sports. I play hockey and have found that to be much worse. The thing that makes paintball standout is that it's usually heavily populated my young teens. I've found that the middle school aged kids really have some serious issues with sportsmanship and egocentrism.

The worst things I can remember happening have usually involved overshooting or shooting after someone calls themselves out.

One thing that furthers problems in paintball are "grey areas" that exist. For example, the rule where you ask someone to surrender rather than shooting him when you're <10ft from him. I've actually asked someone if they want to surrender only to have them cuss me out that there's no way I had a clear shot through the brush. I could have actually touched them with the end of my barrel...and they were mad that I showed some restraint.

If I had to speculate about "reaons why (to answer your question)...I think it has to do with the lower age of players (even though that wasn';t the case in your instance), the increasing cost of a day at the field (nobody likes to spend money to not have their version of fun), the sometimes poor quality of staff not being trained to watch for escalating issues and deal with overly aggresive players, and the fact that this isn't a sport where parents go to the practices (usually). If a kids mom was standing there watching him play, I doubt he'd call the opponent a motherf*&^% c*&% #$$...etc....

06-12-2005, 08:39 PM
good job at adding alot to the treat, t33k ! :p

But i'm doing the same ... sooo ...

~thx for all the whale~

06-12-2005, 09:29 PM
Im bored so I shall add to this...

I reff at a local park and generally have certian policys twords certian players... generally works and makes everyone happy...

Well this weekend a group comes in, about 1/3rd female and the rest male with 2 or 3 players that have been playing for some time... no big deal... The put all the females and 1 male on one team and the rest on the other, even teams... and I mixed a newer tournament player in with the girls and a ref who was playing on the other... fairly even throughout the first game I coached the girls a lil here and there as usual, and all was well...
Second game the girls team did something stupid and it ended up on a 4 on 2... So Im more actively coaching them to there greatfullness, mostly so they dont get bunkered and the sort...one of the more experianced players from there orinal group gets acouple bunkers away(this is on a large urban field btw) and Im like blind shoot over that bunker, and that wasnt working so she walked out of the bunker and saw him took a shot, the guy now crawling freaked out and called himself out before even getting shot... this happens about the time the other girl is out of paint... so shes getting low on paint and ends up shooting one more before running out of paint... game over... no problem everyone laughing and having a good time... yay this is turning out to be a good group... not getting shot up too bad eather...

Well as Im walking up to the meeting point were everyone is... the guy who called himself out(who has been playing off and on since the late 80s) storms out yelling at me... so Im like wtf... and hes like why did you help her out.... her being someone who has never played shooting a rental and is totaly clueless at this point... Now, I do have a short temper when it comes to certian things and protecting someone he knows at that, they he brought to have a good time in this case...falls into that... so after I make him look like a total arse as hes going off on me (away from everyone else mind you) as we near the stageing area hes like...Im just messin with ya.. and shuts up and suddenly gets buddy buddy with me like he has known me...

Good times... and a long post from a bored person waiting for things to DL...

06-12-2005, 09:44 PM
I think the mad people are the people that aren't winning. They look for any reason to blaim their loss.

06-12-2005, 09:58 PM
I think the mad people are the people that aren't winning. They look for any reason to blaim their loss.
In other words, butthurt?

06-12-2005, 10:07 PM
I love paintball. It's the players I can't stand.

06-12-2005, 10:26 PM
I don't really know why some players are like that. I think you did the right thing.

Next time you can always try a subtle dig like "If beating up on newbies makes you feel like a big man, thats your problem. I prefer to let the newbies enjoy the game." I'm sure if there was a parent or field owner in earshot of your comment, you would be thanked for it.

Mighty Mike
06-13-2005, 12:28 AM
He might have thought you were asking the lady about the opposing teams positions, which is a :nono: in rec and tournaments (well..nppl, i don't know about the other leagues?) but that doesn't give him the right to scream and yell like a jackarse. You did the right thing in explaining your reason. Unfortunately, some people are clueless in regards to sportsmanship and have to be told directly. If teams are going to be split up between noobs and advance players it's up to the referees or field owner to clearly lay out the rules and maybe enforce "no bunkering" type games.

06-13-2005, 12:45 AM
Maybe just didn't like you or the look on your face any and wanted to punk you to see if you'd take it.

Sometimes it's the simple reasons that motivate us as a species. You know the "Alpha Male Syndrome" or "Small Man's Complex"...

Mighty Mike
06-13-2005, 12:50 AM
I don't really know why some players are like that. I think you did the right thing.

Next time you can always try a subtle dig like "If beating up on newbies makes you feel like a big man, thats your problem. I prefer to let the newbies enjoy the game." I'm sure if there was a parent or field owner in earshot of your comment, you would be thanked for it.

I'm still trying to figure out why there are some jerks that come up behind you and still shoot you 6 times when they clearly have the easy kill....right blennidae. :ninja: ;)

06-13-2005, 01:01 AM
at what point do the rules of the game blur?
Dead men dont talk.. no sideline coaching. that is a rule right?

my main problem with walk on play is the playing on. Refs want these "new guys" to get game time in so they let them slide. so now my field has bread a slew of people that think its ok to play on.
by letting or Participating in the "bending" of any basic rules, you are creating the bad sportsmenship that we all hate.

I can understand "coaching" a friend when you are among friends {priv group}, but "coaching" durring a "walk on" rec game is a :nono: . and to have a Ref coaching would blow my gaskets.

06-13-2005, 01:35 AM
i cant stand half the ppl i play against/with, they piss me off

06-13-2005, 04:38 AM
Here's an honest reply. Most of the paintball players are these big losers at school, they abuse the privilege of being a so called advanced player, well just because they think they're advanced, they believe they're the big bad tough guys on the field. Seriously, they're just a bunch of shunned out losers at school. Either that or they are truly "punk kids" that play gun games.
Don’t worry, it is not limited to on the field… there are a bunch of them running around the cyber world as well. ;)

06-13-2005, 08:29 AM
I'm still trying to figure out why there are some jerks that come up behind you and still shoot you 6 times when they clearly have the easy kill....right blennidae. :ninja: ;)

You are never an easy kill, yeah that's the ticket... ;) I said I was sorry, everyone heard me. :D

06-13-2005, 09:26 AM
Ok, so today was pretty hot, there were not a ton of people at the field so we mixed groups with advanced and new players. There is an understanding in such a situation that you snap shoot single balls at new players, and play harder against advanced. It tends to work pretty well actually, giving the new players a good chance, and improving skills of others.

Its late in a game, I make a desperate run into the snake, dive in hard and loose my glasses in the process. Now i have less than 20/400 vision without them, so I am basically blind shooting to me teammates calls. This is actually a new experience and I think I might practice some like this, it really does help you learn to listen. Anyways.. when I had hit hard one of the other players wife was standing outside, and asked me if I was ok, because I had tried to superman slide but had just kinda hit instead, and had a good mark on my head. She also looked back to make sure my glasses were out of the way. So the game got close to time, and I figured on a dramatic move to open it up. I knew there were players two bunkers outside of the other end of the snake, which I was in the middle of. I knew I could make it to them and bunker them I asked her if they were new players or not, and she told me new... so I didn't - letting time run out.

As I'm coming off the field one of the guys who has brought two tournament players approaches me. He has already been yelling at the lady I was talking to. He tells me "in a tournament I would make sure you were thrown out for that." I, being the non-confrontational person that I am (did anyone here beleive that line LOL), reminded him this was not a tournament. After he berated me about cheating for a few minutes, threatened to go to the owner (I was kinda hoping he would) I finally looked at him and told him to some extent "I asked her if they were experienced or new players in the angle. If they were expereienced I was going to bunker both of them. And if this was a tournament I would have. However, this is rec day, and I think it would be rather inconsiderate of me to play as hard as I can against everyone on the field out there. If you want to do things that way, we can do it that way the rest of teh day". It didn't go over well, but it pretty well shut him up.

Why do people think that every day is tournament practice day? The kids he was coaching (and not sideline coaching, but showing pointers here and there) were not that great. Had the advanced players (and there were a lot there) gone all out, these kids would have got very little play time. What is up with the attitudes at the fields today? I mean, the guy wasn't even on the field and he feels the need to berate me for something that was none of his business?


Two ideas on this one.

First, newbies should never be mixed in with players that feel they are "experienced". These mostly male players have a small penis and no girlfriend and tend to make up for these shortcommings by acting like jerks. One of the fields I used to go to back in the 90's used to put all the newbies on one field and gave them pumps. No overshooting and they had fun.
Equipment owners (read experienced) played against each other and any rentals that wanted to could but were warned to beware the newbie hunters :ninja:

Second. When I used to play tournaments, the teams that I played with would arrange with other teams to practice against. That didn't end arguments but at least they were between fellow jerks :D

06-13-2005, 11:23 AM
at what point do the rules of the game blur?
Dead men dont talk.. no sideline coaching. that is a rule right?

my main problem with walk on play is the playing on. Refs want these "new guys" to get game time in so they let them slide. so now my field has bread a slew of people that think its ok to play on.
by letting or Participating in the "bending" of any basic rules, you are creating the bad sportsmenship that we all hate.

I can understand "coaching" a friend when you are among friends {priv group}, but "coaching" durring a "walk on" rec game is a :nono: . and to have a Ref coaching would blow my gaskets.
You gotta give the newbies a warm welcome into the sport. I know at one point you were a newbie hiding behind a bunker, completely clueless of what to do next. When I was in this position, a ref was kind enough to just simply tell me to keep moving, that was good enough coaching to keep me well in the game.

06-13-2005, 12:04 PM
I'm all for helping a newb if he on my team and we are both "live" players. If a ref or observer is coaching, that gives a player a tactical advantage over the rest on the field and that my friend is cheating.

06-13-2005, 12:09 PM
I'm all for helping a newb if he on my team and we are both "live" players. If a ref or observer is coaching, that gives a player a tactical advantage over the rest on the field and that my friend is cheating.

The question becomes, what is more important. Making sure everyone has a good time (even if it involves bending the rules some) or winning. On rec day you can guess what one I think is more important, especially in scenarios where players of vastly different skill levels are mixed. I guess I don't have to win at all costs and regardless if the other people enjoy playing or not.


06-13-2005, 12:23 PM
Winning isnt everything, but by helping one you are screwing another.
I find that playing by the rules helps everyone have a good time. :cheers:

06-13-2005, 12:42 PM
I think that making a new player’s experience a good one is very important. I however don’t agree that allowing them to play on after being marked out is a good thing. I also don’t think coaching them from the sidelines (or after you have been marked out) is a good thing either.

Folks want to help new players? Teach them the rules and how to follow them. Show them how to be a good sport and guide them while on the field playing with them. When playing against them, only use the needed amount of shots to mark them out, and no more.

There are many ways to make sure new players have a good time, but in my opinion none of them involve altering the rules, for either those helping them, or the new player themselves. By allowing them to break rules for the enjoyment of the game it only encourages that attitude and cheating in the future. Bad habits are hard to break, so don’t start them out by essentially TEACHING them bad habits.

06-13-2005, 02:48 PM
Well you can't expect a newbie to carry out your advice and tip immediately on the field. You would only tell him "it's safe to run", but chances are he'd run like to the next bunker and hide there. It's very unlikely that he'd go out and all of a sudden win the game.

06-13-2005, 03:03 PM
"hey new guy.. move up, your not going to win anyway" lol

I know we dont live in a perfect world, but dont be so suprised when players like me confront you after a game to explain rules to the both of you.

06-13-2005, 03:23 PM
It wasn't a kid is one of the issues. The guy was older than I am. He tried to run the field while he was there, complaining when games didn't go out fast enough (it was hot and muggy, we were running at a relaxed pace) and in general complaining when anything that did not get his guys practice happened. Now I know the people there. They could have set teams and rolled anyone there without any issue. We were trying to let everyone play... I mean.. guys if you want tournament practice, then go to tournament practice, or bring teams to practice with, don't show up on rec day and expect it. He was condescending and insulting, and not only to me (I'm a touch used to it, Im an arrogant, egotistical jerk). I just couldn't beleive how he wanted to act like he owned the placed and he was a god because he was there coaching two tournament players in full gear. The sad thing was, the players attitudes were ok... I hope they don't learn from him

Don't worry about it... He will probably be as "UNHAPPY WITH LIFE" the next time you meet him too. Personally, I would (not overshoot him, not run up too close but) makes sure he feels your presents next time you play with him, and if he makes a comment on that, tell him it was your recollection that he was interested in playing "True Tourny Style"... In the end, those who seem to know it all, rarely do...

06-13-2005, 04:03 PM
I'm still trying to figure out why there are some jerks that come up behind you and still shoot you 6 times when they clearly have the easy kill....right blennidae. :ninja: ;)

He only shot me three times... :p

06-13-2005, 04:04 PM
Yeah, it's happened to me too. I was playing at a woods field and this guy shooting at me kept yelling "check it, check it, you hit, get out...". To make matters worse, his buddy, the ref, was standing next to me and keeping a very close eye on me, and not checking him at all. Now, in a tournament I don't mind yelling like that. I'm use to it. But I was having problems, and was testing out a new setup that wasn't working well. I let him get to me and started yelling back. I yelled the same crap. I would jump out, fire like crazy at him and yell. Now, I wasn't playing anymore, just shooting so I could yell back. So, naturally, he finally hits me. Him and his buddy have a good laugh at my expense.

I was really pissed at myself for letting him get to me. I'm old enough to know better... ;)

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