View Full Version : problems with classic valve

06-13-2005, 03:37 PM
ok my mag has been acting up ALOT here recently. at the moment it leaks out the barrel when i gas it up then when i pull the trigger it stops. i dont know whats causing this leak. I took it to d day 05 and got two stories. the first is the my sear was worn down and needed a new one. the other is that my sear rod is to far in or out. so any help would be great i just dont know what it is. So either way should i buy a new sear and just leave it alone or what

06-13-2005, 03:53 PM
Level 7 or level 10?

If it's Level 7, replace the Power Tube oring. If it continues to happen, go tot he next shorter power tube spacer.

If it's Level 10, use the same oring, but move one step (actually, 1 half step) smaller on the carrier. Kepp doing this until the leak down the barrel stops.

06-13-2005, 03:54 PM
its level 7 so i should buy a spacer kit. its never had this problem before though.

06-14-2005, 01:27 PM
As the sear wears, the bolt stem sits farther away from the powertube oring. Eventually it will start to leak unless you put a shorter powertube spacer in. A spacer kit will allow you to continue to use the mag without having to replace the sear for a while plus it will allow you to better tune your bolt setup when you do get a new sear in the future.

If you have any issues with chopping, you may want to spend a little extra and get a level 10 bolt kit.

06-14-2005, 01:58 PM
It takes quite a bit to wear out a sear, butit is possible. I would look at the cheap parts first and if that does not fix it, look at the sear and maybe the bolt.