View Full Version : anyone know how to make a revy faster??

spyder luver
06-14-2005, 09:55 AM
ok i bought a revy but my gun can shoot 20 bps and (yes i shoulda got an egg or an apache but i didnt cuz i didnt have enough $$ :( ) so i would like to know if anyone knows how to make a revy faster??

plz help

spyder luver
06-14-2005, 09:56 AM
o and i forgot to say i basicly bought the revy over the egg and apache cuz i got it for $23 on www.actionvillage.com

06-14-2005, 09:56 AM
It doesn't matter that the gun can shoot 20. Can YOU shoot 20? My guess is no.

06-14-2005, 09:58 AM
It doesn't matter that the gun can shoot 20. Can YOU shoot 20? My guess is no.

yea but more and more markers are coming equipped with ramping, so.........

spyder luver
06-14-2005, 10:00 AM
well with a gun i tested (which is basicly wut im getting i could get about 16 )(i havent tried my gun it hasnt came yet)\

and plus ive heared people say that there revys werent fast enough

06-14-2005, 10:00 AM
Didn't we all discuss this in your other thread?

No, a Revy can't be made faster unless you can increase the forces of gravity. :D

And as I said over there, a revy can and often will feed under 5-6 bps and only a MAX of 1o-12 as advertised....on occasion.

06-14-2005, 10:01 AM
well with a gun i tested (which is basicly wut im getting i could get about 16 )(i havent tried my gun it hasnt came yet)\

and plus ive heared people say that there revys werent fast enough

How did you test it? You do realize the on gun BPS counters are vanity counters right? If you can shoot 20BPS see the top thread and win some prizes.

06-14-2005, 10:03 AM
Doesn't matter how fast he thinks he can shot, the point is a Revy isn't fast enough for any electronic marker without eyes.

spyder luver
06-14-2005, 10:04 AM
o ya we did but can u change the force or gravity jp jp i know u cnat :tard: :p

wut about doing like wut u can do on an egg and cut off 2 of the lil paddle......................(and u prolly know wut im talking about)

spyder luver
06-14-2005, 10:06 AM
*it has auto responce on it*

so acually i can technically only get like 8 or so

spyder luver
06-14-2005, 10:07 AM
how bout an acs bolt would that work good enough???

06-14-2005, 10:14 AM
An ACS bolt will help the chopping issue but you should've put that money into the loader in the first place.

(Kids today, never listen. ;))

06-14-2005, 10:17 AM
Ok, listen carefully. In order to make your Revy faster, go out and get:

-an old vacuum motor
-PVC (any type)

You should be able to figure it out with those parts..

spyder luver
06-14-2005, 10:59 AM
i think i know were ur getting but not the elastic and vaccum motors rnt really that small acually i know wut ur getting at but wow i was thinking a lil easier of a project

Eatem Alive
06-14-2005, 11:16 AM
get a long feedneck and make sure your bip or bolt delay is set high.

06-14-2005, 11:58 AM
Get a warp feed, it wont keep up for all that long, but for those first 6(?) balls or so, it will keep up.

06-14-2005, 12:11 PM
Didn't we all discuss this in your other thread?

No, a Revy can't be made faster unless you can increase the forces of gravity. :D

You're wrong! All you have to do to make a revy feed faster is drill speed holes(the bigger the better). :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

06-14-2005, 12:13 PM
best thing i can think to do is throw it on the ground stomp on it pick up the pieces thorw them in the trash and buy a halo, or a reloader b, or an eggII

06-14-2005, 12:14 PM
from what ive been hearing, each sticker you add to the hopper will increase the speed by 1bps

06-14-2005, 02:48 PM
i hit 16 bps with my revvy w/X-board. i used my TES with eyes on, and shooting paint. it was over a big red chrono that tells you your bps and velocity. of course i cant keep it up for a few seconds, but i did do it for a second or two.

06-14-2005, 03:50 PM
o ya we did but can u change the force or gravity jp jp i know u cnat :tard: :p

wut about doing like wut u can do on an egg and cut off 2 of the lil paddle......................(and u prolly know wut im talking about)
Lord, it's so hard to read your posts :rolleyes: Type Forest type ...

Look, why don't you just try out the gun with the hopper before you start cutting off parts or trying to make it faster? Seriously, that's the first thing people should do. Get some air, some paint, go into the back yard, and shoot the damned gun. Then, if ... IF ... you find a problem, then you start trying to find a solution. If it ain't broke, don't fix it (c:

spyder luver
06-14-2005, 04:45 PM
You're wrong! All you have to do to make a revy feed faster is drill speed holes(the bigger the better). :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

wuts a speed hole???

06-14-2005, 04:50 PM
Ok, listen carefully. In order to make your Revy faster, go out and get:

-an old vacuum motor
-PVC (any type)

You should be able to figure it out with those parts..
lmao rob, that made my day... :p

06-14-2005, 04:53 PM
Isnt there a company that upgrades revys?I just saw an ad type deal for their halos..someone mentioned them here on the forum as well but the name is just to elusive...(i just wanted to type elusive).If i think of it i will tell ya if osmeone doesnt before me.

06-14-2005, 04:56 PM
what kind of gun do you have? a sypder?

06-14-2005, 04:56 PM
OOO the companys name is BOOST and i know they do halos and pretty sure they do revys...bradys paintball has em and im sure they have their own site.

spyder luver
06-14-2005, 05:02 PM
i have a spyder piliot acs blue/black fade

ya ive looked at the web sight for that "boost" stuff i couldnt find much on revies it was manly halos

06-14-2005, 05:23 PM
Not much on Revvys.

06-14-2005, 05:32 PM
The fact is, your spyder stock will have a hell of a time getting 20 bps with any loader and your revvy will never feed over 13 bps.

spyder luver
06-14-2005, 06:11 PM
ya i prolly only need to shoot bout 13 any way cuz ill be playing againts guns that dont even cost 100$ lol but owell they will just be up for a rood awakining lol......and here this they think that 8 bps is "fast" then again they dont know to much about paintball they wouldnt even know really anything about it if i didnt come along ......... *most of them have spyder x-tras or vl orion 1 of um has a tippy m98 with a 16in jandj and one has a tippy 98c with a dead on drop*on/off* and a double trigger..........they all have gravity feads to so i wont have to shoot to fast to keap them on there toes

ooo i have a short story ok when i still used my 98 c i was playing one of my frieds who at the time had a pump and i was going really easy on him but i was basicly just toying with him by just shooting even if he was behind sumtin and stuff and he was all scared and wut not then i started to shoot like 5bps and they thought i was shooting soooooo fast lol u woulda had to been there

06-14-2005, 06:28 PM
ya i prolly only need to shoot bout 13 any way cuz ill be playing againts guns that dont even cost 100$ lol but owell they will just be up for a rood awakining lol......and here this they think that 8 bps is "fast" then again they dont know to much about paintball they wouldnt even know really anything about it if i didnt come along ......... *most of them have spyder x-tras or vl orion 1 of um has a tippy m98 with a 16in jandj and one has a tippy 98c with a dead on drop*on/off* and a double trigger..........they all have gravity feads to so i wont have to shoot to fast to keap them on there toes

I think that you are in for a "rood" awakening.

spyder luver
06-14-2005, 07:05 PM
hahahaha wut do u meen??? lol i better be able to keap them on there toes with this setup im gunna have or ill be mad

06-14-2005, 07:56 PM
I think that you are in for a "rood" awakening.

O M G... I laughed hard.

12v revvys/reloaders aren't bad, but they are not fast by any means. And you aren't really going to make them any faster. I used to swear by mine, but the longer I play with my timmy, the more I realize a Reloader B would be a good idea.

06-14-2005, 07:56 PM
I'll actually try to be helpful. ALTHOUGH with a spyder u wont shoot 20 bps, I understand if you want to up your loader for later. A good cheap thing to get is a JMJ Impeller. They supposedly add a few BPS to your hopper. Anotehr mod i have HEARD OF, but I think there is a SLIGHT gain of maybe 1 bps is to put a EVO 2. flexi impeller in the revy.

spyder luver
06-14-2005, 08:04 PM
thanx for helping me idk if ill do that just for the 1bps i might do it just to be all like ya i spent $---- for 1 bps faster.....ill maybe do it depending on how much it would cost me and if i really need to shoot much faster ill see how ill do with it

06-14-2005, 08:21 PM
sorry to say this but even without those jokes im just having a good time reading your sentences...

The revvy should be fine for your level. I used to think I could shoot 20bps few years back when I thought I was the king of the hill... Guess what, I cant!

As some of the guys here said, see how it is before you trip. You may never need anything faster. Just be patient and I am sure you will make the best of it.

spyder luver
06-14-2005, 08:30 PM
sorry to say this but even without those jokes im just having a good time reading your sentences...

The revvy should be fine for your level. I used to think I could shoot 20bps few years back when I thought I was the king of the hill... Guess what, I cant!

As some of the guys here said, see how it is before you trip. You may never need anything faster. Just be patient and I am sure you will make the best of it.

r u sure ur not one of those chinese old guys who knows everything lol ........wut is wrong with my sentences everyone tells me that they r having a good time reading my stuff

06-14-2005, 08:38 PM
r u sure ur not one of those chinese old guys who knows everything lol ........wut is wrong with my sentences everyone tells me that they r having a good time reading my stuff

listen kid, you almost stepped over the border line. Im Korean, not Chinese. Before this long paintball break, I had years of experience, and I worked at paintball shops part time fixing markers (mostly autocockers).

They are having a good time only because your sentence structure is a little more on the elementary side. Hate to bust your balls kid but dont bring stereotypes into a forum filled with different ethnic groups.

Oh yeah, and I am 17.. not the age you might be thinking of.

spyder luver
06-14-2005, 08:43 PM
listen kid, you almost stepped over the border line. Im Korean, not Chinese. Before this long paintball break, I had years of experience, and I worked at paintball shops part time fixing markers (mostly autocockers).

They are having a good time only because your sentence structure is a little more on the elementary side. Hate to bust your balls kid but dont bring stereotypes into a forum filled with different ethnic groups.

Oh yeah, and I am 17.. not the age you might be thinking of.

i was joking....but ya my sentances might be elementary because im 13....maybe a lil younger then u were thinking

06-14-2005, 08:44 PM
r u sure ur not one of those chinese old guys who knows everything lol ........wut is wrong with my sentences everyone tells me that they r having a good time reading my stuff

Here is what is wrong with your posts, I'll correct them for you.

Are you sure you're not one of those old chinese guys who know everything? What is wrong with my sentences? Everyone tells me that they are having a good time reading my posts.

I'm probably not even 100% correct but look how much more legit you sound?

06-14-2005, 08:45 PM
i was joking....but ya my sentances might be elementary because im 13....maybe a lil younger then u were thinking

Thirteens not elementary though. Unless well, you were held in the fourth grade for like four years.

spyder luver
06-14-2005, 08:51 PM
At my school we stay in elemantary all the way till the end of 6th grade if u were wondering.Also i just turned 13 on saturday.

06-14-2005, 10:35 PM
Ive seen a gun hit 19 BPS in a short burst with a revy. But then in the same video, he chopped a ball at 12 BPS. There is a way to make revys about the best hopper out there- Turbo Rev board. WAS made them, but quit production some time ago. PRetty rare to find them now, and most people would never part with them. They would feed a constant 13.4 BPS through a full hopper of paint. Pretty interesting how it worked. The eye in the revy would not only tell it when to feed, but also measured the times between balls, and adjusted motor speed accordingly.


06-14-2005, 10:50 PM
at the top of the page is says 'We will be making a new version of this product in 2004' and at the bottom it says 'We will be making a new version of this product in 2005'.. must be a typo... so when are the going to continue production

06-14-2005, 10:52 PM
Ive seen a gun hit 19 BPS in a short burst with a revy. But then in the same video, he chopped a ball at 12 BPS. There is a way to make revys about the best hopper out there- Turbo Rev board. WAS made them, but quit production some time ago. PRetty rare to find them now, and most people would never part with them. They would feed a constant 13.4 BPS through a full hopper of paint. Pretty interesting how it worked. The eye in the revy would not only tell it when to feed, but also measured the times between balls, and adjusted motor speed accordingly.


I have a WAS board in my revy and I can vouche that it does spin faster and has a slightly quicker reaction time. That combined with my JMJ Impeller, I'd say my revy is good for MAYBE 14 BPS. The thing with the WAS board and JMJ Impeller is, it just makes it more consistent. It probably only helps peak feed rate about .5-1 BPS faster than a standard X-Board, but we all know that the standard revy isn't 100% consistent.



I thought the new battery conectors were the coolest thing that came with the new board. No more smashing them in tight to get your battery lid to close. ;)

06-14-2005, 10:53 PM
at the top of the page is says 'We will be making a new version of this product in 2004' and at the bottom it says 'We will be making a new version of this product in 2005'.. must be a typo... so when are the going to continue production

That has been there for well over a year now. I really doubt they're going to make anything else for the Revolution. The Turbo Rev II has been out of production for some time now...

06-15-2005, 01:59 PM
I really wish they would start making them again. At least VL/BE could take a hint and have something like this. I have seen people offering halo Bs plus cash for them on PBN, which is what really got me wondering about them.

06-15-2005, 04:25 PM
what kind of gun is it?

spyder luver
06-15-2005, 05:09 PM
If u r asking me i have a spyder piliot acs in blue /black fadse

06-16-2005, 06:12 PM
I really wish they would start making them again. At least VL/BE could take a hint and have something like this. I have seen people offering halo Bs plus cash for them on PBN, which is what really got me wondering about them.

That's because people are stupid. :tard:

06-16-2005, 06:59 PM
if you can outshoot that crap spyder, post a vid. then ill give you a cookie.

i have a faster than normal revvy. its a pre-be with 18volt mod.

06-16-2005, 08:15 PM
if you can outshoot that crap spyder, post a vid. then ill give you a cookie.

i have a faster than normal revvy. its a pre-be with 18volt mod.

haha spyders arent crap if you know how to handle them. For that matter, any marker isnt crap unless its made out of wood... ;)

06-16-2005, 09:12 PM
true dat.

06-16-2005, 09:53 PM
hmm, wooden paintball marker... gotta look into that! hehe.

spyder luver
06-17-2005, 11:32 AM
if you can outshoot that crap spyder, post a vid. then ill give you a cookie.

i have a faster than normal revvy. its a pre-be with 18volt mod.

Acuallynot all spyders r bad i mean sum r but most rnt, u just have to know how to shoot them good.

My spyder is one of the exceptions hehehehe....

*spyders r good but....they dont get close to a $1000 gun though

p.s. u all were right shooting 20 bps is harder then i thought it would be at max i think i can get 14 *and my revy kept up with me shooting fast, i think it only didnt fead 2 balls fast enough..

06-17-2005, 11:51 AM
hmm, wooden paintball marker... gotta look into that! hehe.

works best if u use pine light weight and oh yeah dont try any fancy dive it might break on ya :P

06-17-2005, 11:54 AM
Acuallynot all spyders r bad i mean sum r but most rnt, u just have to know how to shoot them good.

My spyder is one of the exceptions hehehehe....

*spyders r good but....they dont get close to a $1000 gun though

p.s. u all were right shooting 20 bps is harder then i thought it would be at max i think i can get 14 *and my revy kept up with me shooting fast, i think it only didnt fead 2 balls fast enough..

:confused: Can someone please make a translator for his posts? :confused:

At least try. I understand errors happen here and there, but at least put the slightest amount of effort into trying to make your posts readable. Please. And no, I am not a typing / spelling / grammar perfectionist, but please try at least - your posts are nearly impossible to understand and take far too much effort to even bother reading.

06-17-2005, 02:06 PM
:confused: Can someone please make a translator for his posts? :confused:

At least try. I understand errors happen here and there, but at least put the slightest amount of effort into trying to make your posts readable. Please. And no, I am not a typing / spelling / grammar perfectionist, but please try at least - your posts are nearly impossible to understand and take far too much effort to even bother reading.

He is saying... ok im not sure...

The easiest way to outshoot your revy with that particular spyder if if you tilt it 90* sideways (choose the side of your preference). With a spyder (tl) I never over shot my revy, (the vibration was too big that I didnt need an agitating hopper) also with a e99, the fastest I got was 10 bps. The electric board coudlnt keep up with my shots.

I can beleive 12-14 bps, but I havent seen anything over 9-12 bps in a real game anyways. Would you rather shoot nickels and miss all of them or shoot one consistant shot and have it register the opponent.

06-17-2005, 03:06 PM
ya i prolly only need to shoot bout 13 any way cuz ill be playing againts guns that dont even cost 100$ lol but owell they will just be up for a rood awakining lol......and here this they think that 8 bps is "fast" then again they dont know to much about paintball they wouldnt even know really anything about it if i didnt come along ......... *most of them have spyder x-tras or vl orion 1 of um has a tippy m98 with a 16in jandj and one has a tippy 98c with a dead on drop*on/off* and a double trigger..........they all have gravity feads to so i wont have to shoot to fast to keap them on there toes

ooo i have a short story ok when i still used my 98 c i was playing one of my frieds who at the time had a pump and i was going really easy on him but i was basicly just toying with him by just shooting even if he was behind sumtin and stuff and he was all scared and wut not then i started to shoot like 5bps and they thought i was shooting soooooo fast lol u woulda had to been there

Tat stry iz sad on ooo money levers... :(

06-17-2005, 03:26 PM
ya i prolly only need to shoot bout 13 any way cuz ill be playing againts guns that dont even cost 100$ lol but owell they will just be up for a rood awakining lol......and here this they think that 8 bps is "fast" then again they dont know to much about paintball they wouldnt even know really anything about it if i didnt come along ......... *most of them have spyder x-tras or vl orion 1 of um has a tippy m98 with a 16in jandj and one has a tippy 98c with a dead on drop*on/off* and a double trigger..........they all have gravity feads to so i wont have to shoot to fast to keap them on there toes

ooo i have a short story ok when i still used my 98 c i was playing one of my frieds who at the time had a pump and i was going really easy on him but i was basicly just toying with him by just shooting even if he was behind sumtin and stuff and he was all scared and wut not then i started to shoot like 5bps and they thought i was shooting soooooo fast lol u woulda had to been there

This is the best story I will ever hear in my life.

06-17-2005, 03:29 PM
since noone else is helping much...

go onto ebay, there is a 6 paddle impeller you can get for your revvy. thats about all you can do. i had a spyder, i couldnt outshoot the revvy, and it still chopped sometimes.

just get iot if you feel the need, and go play with it.

06-17-2005, 03:31 PM
Acuallynot all spyders r bad i mean sum r but most rnt, u just have to know how to shoot them good.

My spyder is one of the exceptions hehehehe....

*spyders r good but....they dont get close to a $1000 gun though

p.s. u all were right shooting 20 bps is harder then i thought it would be at max i think i can get 14 *and my revy kept up with me shooting fast, i think it only didnt fead 2 balls fast enough..


Actually not all spyders are bad. I mean some are bad but most of them are not, you just have to know how to shoot them well. My spyder is one of the exceptions he he he he...
Spyders are good but they don't even come close to $1000 a gun though.

P.S. You were all right, shooting 20 BPS is harder then I thought. I could get about 14 BPS max and my revvy kept up with shooting that fast. The only exception was that i failed to feed only 2 balls fast enough..