View Full Version : ANOTHER PRED board update (BAD)

06-14-2005, 09:57 AM
Here is what Bob posted on the TAG forums about the number of people that have pre-ordered:

"to be honest....not many at this point....LOL I think we have less than 20"

Guys, get out and order!!!!!

Big'n slo
06-14-2005, 10:09 AM
According to this poll (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=177680) only 16 of us have pre-ordered. :(

Looks like it might take a while

06-14-2005, 01:03 PM
Well I just received an email from Deana from TAG Sportz just now....

They already charged my credit card so I think this prduction will go through.

06-14-2005, 01:03 PM
According to this poll (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=177680) only 16 of us have pre-ordered. :(

Looks like it might take a while

make that 17. Just added myself.

06-14-2005, 01:45 PM
Well I just received an email from Deana from TAG Sportz just now....

They already charged my credit card so I think this prduction will go through.

Bob originally stated that if he cant meet the 50 pre-order goal then he will issue refunds.

Basically, they are going to make a run of 100 boards. So in order to make money on it, they feel that if they cant move at least 50 then its not worth doing.

SPread the word

06-14-2005, 10:38 PM
I ordered one, I really hope these do go into production, I don't want a refund I want the board.


06-14-2005, 10:52 PM
yeah, count me in also. I ordered on too. EBZ

06-15-2005, 07:32 AM
someone give me an emag and I'll buy the board :)

06-15-2005, 07:49 AM
ive got a job now, maybe i can swing one to help yall out.

Someone wanna drop me a link at [email protected] to tell me about the board.

I havent been paying attention, because i was broke.

Now that i have money, i'd like to help out.

www.iliketosignmypostsbecauseechodoesitandhescool. com

06-15-2005, 09:09 AM
I'd like to order one now but I don't like having $130 floating around with no sureity that there'll even be a product. I completely understand why he's doing it that way but I'm going to have to wait till there's something to buy. :(

06-15-2005, 09:22 AM
I'd like to order one now but I don't like having $130 floating around with no sureity that there'll even be a product. I completely understand why he's doing it that way but I'm going to have to wait till there's something to buy. :(

He will refund the $$$ to anyone who pre-orders if they do not go into production.

There are only about 1200 emags out there, so he is going to make a production run of 100 boards. He wants to make sure he can sell at least 50 of them before dropping $30k or so on it.

06-15-2005, 09:24 AM
I'd like to order one now but I don't like having $130 floating around with no sureity that there'll even be a product. I completely understand why he's doing it that way but I'm going to have to wait till there's something to buy. :(

Well Bob (tagspotz) has conditions. In order for prodution to start, he needs 50 pre-orders.
So if that count does not happen, you don't have to wait till there's something to buy.
The point is we need your support and everybody else to make this happen.
Besides, it's not like Bob's going to keep the $$$$, he's trustworthy and respectable.
So sitting on the sideline will not get you anything. You have to take the initiative!! or at least try...

Big'n slo
06-15-2005, 09:30 AM
Well Bob (tagspotz) has conditions. In order for prodution to start, he needs 50 pre-orders.
So if that count does not happen, you don't have to wait till there's something to buy.
The point is we need your support and everybody else to make this happen.
Besides, it's not like Bob's going to keep the $$$$, he's trustworthy and respectable.
So sitting on the sideline will not get you anything. You have to take the initiative!! or at least try...

In other words,



06-15-2005, 09:51 AM
I just want to stress that I in NO WAY want to imply that he wont either put a board in my hand or the money back in my account. Like I said, I know why he's doing it this way I just can't front the cash for a month.

It was the "just charge" mentality that lead me to cut up everything but my bank card. ;)

06-15-2005, 09:57 AM
I just want to stress that I in NO WAY want to imply that he wont either put a board in my hand or the money back in my account. Like I said, I know why he's doing it this way I just can't front the cash for a month.

It was the "just charge" mentality that lead me to cut up everything but my bank card. ;)

Blame it on the "low cost" of living in/around Boston.. ;)

06-15-2005, 10:05 AM
Good idea. Damm Boston rent costs!!! :mad:

06-15-2005, 10:06 AM
I know why he's doing it this way I just can't front the cash for a month.

It was the "just charge" mentality that lead me to cut up everything but my bank card. ;)

That's understandable. One has keep that "in check" or you'd be broke the end of every month.

Hopefully you can lent a hand or $130 ;) by the end of this month. That gets us closer to the man's condition...

Bob. You readin' this. We're trying here!!! :hail:

06-15-2005, 11:38 AM
Hrm...gonna have to think a while before jumping in on this. But I am interested. How were the issues with the solenoid handled?

06-15-2005, 11:44 AM
Hrm...gonna have to think a while before jumping in on this. But I am interested. How were the issues with the solenoid handled?

Which issues are you referring to?

06-15-2005, 11:49 AM
Which issues are you referring to?
The full auto issue...from what I can remember, the solenoid creates a big enough magnetic charge which the HES picks up and triggers another pull. Unless he's completely doing away with HES? I'm just barely starting to read up on the board specs/FAQs.

06-15-2005, 12:01 PM
Right. I recall that.
I suppose if this pred board is set to ulimited semi then the strings of paint (THE JOY :bounce: ) you would produce the same effect like shooting in full auto mode.
So if there is some strong magnetic field from the solenoid that triggers the HES, you'd prolly would not notice it.
Doesn't the magnetic field happen at high rate of fire anyway?
or Was this the one where you just switch the solenoid wire?
I forget...

06-15-2005, 12:56 PM
If I recall correctly that also had something to do with the software (???) I also think that it was when you started getting up there into the high 20's with the ROF. I also think that by switching the noid wires cured the issue. So I would imagine if you had problems then the same would apply.

TAG is supposed to do some extensive beta testing, so any of those issues (if there are any) will pop up.

Look at it like this.... Any time you attempt to get a peice of machinery to do something 30 times a second is going to cause issues.

However,... even at 25bps with ramp and all the other firing modes what more could you want? My angel LED, which is not supposed to go anywhere near 25 bps handles it just fine with the Predator Morlock in it.

I do forsee needing to keep a few extra bumpers around though.... :dance: