View Full Version : Question about prices

11-28-2001, 11:04 PM
Hmm..i didnt feel posting this in the classifieds would be right so i am going to post it here.
Since i will be getting my mag very very soon, my friend's dad was shooting his stock spyder and claimed it broke and told him he threw it away...moron, ne way, i am considering selling my stock compact 2k with a dye Xcel 14" and possibly a 16 oz co2 in the deal for him, but i cannot think of a fair price for him, could you give me some tips? whats fair, i have never sold a gun before, the gun was 90, barrel was 50, tank was 40(yea i got ripped but i was desperate). Forget he is my friend for a sec, i was thinking maybe 85/90? as a price for this because its used, some help would be very appreciated

11-28-2001, 11:08 PM
i think 90 MIGHT be a little low
i mean depends on condition of the gun
but i would say like 110-120 for everything
that wouldnt be too bad

and im sure you can find a newbie to pay a little more


11-28-2001, 11:11 PM
i'd say cliffio's right on with the 110-120 range. but i wouldn't take advantage of a newbie. you'd merely give him a bad impression of what we paintballers are like.

11-28-2001, 11:12 PM
I think that sounds fair man. I mean since he s your friend and all. I dont know if you get much more that that anyway even though it has a dye barrel. if the guns just collectin dust then $90 could come in handy for something you could use.

11-28-2001, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by Bartleby
but i wouldn't take advantage of a newbie.

i didnt mean it like that:)
im just sayin that if u wanted a few bucks more you might be able to get it
not like 50 more or so:)

anyways, really its all about condition, if its nice, you can get higer than if its in bad shape

also i might suggest trying to sell it without the dye barrel, just throw the stock on back on, cause u could get 35 or 40 out of that dye barrel

just a thought

but i would sell the tank and gun together, and maybe a shake and bake with it to get the price you want
