View Full Version : do you shoot of the break?

06-16-2005, 03:31 PM
i was jest watching my team video of the last tournement we were in to see what the team needs to practice on for our upcomeing tournement thats next sunday.

well i noticed that i run slow off the break and im going to start practicing that but i also notice that i shoot while running right when the game starts and i was woundering if shooting and running is slowing me down. i was thinking in jest rushing to the bunker and than start shooting.

i was woundering what AO dose off the break and what some good stratigies to get the the bunker fast while shooting at the same time.


06-16-2005, 03:33 PM
well usually i jest run to my bunker

06-16-2005, 03:35 PM
Why wouldn't you?
Get those markers up and rolling.
Learn to run and shoot, it'lll come in handy.
The 'easiest' time to nab someone is off the break.

06-16-2005, 03:45 PM
back and mid player ya i suggest it but for Fronts not really unless its needed

06-16-2005, 03:51 PM
I play Back Right Tape.

Depending on where I think people are going. I'll either take a step over, lane my spot, then run to my bunker


Run to my bunker and lane the whole way.

06-16-2005, 03:53 PM
It also helps the walk the fields as much as possible beforehand.
If you get a chance to see how an opposing team plays before you're setup to play them, by all means watch them as much as ossible as well.

There's a SoCal team down here, who off every break sends two runners up to the right, and thre up the center.

After a while we figured out what they were doing, and nearly maxed them every game.

06-16-2005, 03:55 PM
I give my backman the job of taking down there front players, I will sometimes pause and "lane" but really try to just knock down there lanes. That gives me a chance to make my bunker without running through a lane.

06-16-2005, 03:55 PM
It also helps the walk the fields as much as possible beforehand.
If you get a chance to see how an opposing team plays before you're setup to play them, by all means watch them as much as ossible as well.

There's a SoCal team down here, who off every break sends two runners up to the right, and thre up the center.

After a while we figured out what they were doing, and nearly maxed them every game.

it's all about walking the fields, finding those lanes to the "obvious" 1st bunkers.. I usually try to dump my whole hopper where I feel one of the front people are going, since I know I probably wont have a chance to lane someone in back.

06-16-2005, 03:58 PM
I was just watching my team video of the last tournament we were in to see what the team needs to practice on for our upcoming tournament that's next Sunday.

well I noticed that I run slow off the break and im going to start practicing that but I also notice that I shoot while running right when the game starts and I was wondering if shooting and running is slowing me down. I was thinking in just rushing to the bunker and than start shooting.

I was wondering what AO dose off the break and what some good strategies to get the bunker fast while shooting at the same time.


Dude nice spelling jest kidding

WTF is jest

jest ( P ) Pronunciation Key (jst)
A playful or amusing act; a prank. See Synonyms at joke.
A frolicsome or frivolous mood: spoken in jest.
An object of ridicule; a laughingstock.
A witty remark.

Wow and a TON that Spell Check missed too.

06-16-2005, 04:00 PM
The shooting and running isn't what's slowing you down, unless you just suck at it.

Everyone should be able to run and gun.

06-16-2005, 04:01 PM
it's all about walking the fields, finding those lanes to the "obvious" 1st bunkers.. I usually try to dump my whole hopper where I feel one of the front people are going, since I know I probably wont have a chance to lane someone in back.

Totally Agreed.

06-16-2005, 04:01 PM
I give my backman the job of taking down there front players, I will sometimes pause and "lane" but really try to just knock down there lanes. That gives me a chance to make my bunker without running through a lane.

most of the team are back mid players. i try to get to the center as much as posible. (we are all preaty big guys) soo im thinking in going to my feild to walk it and practice running to bunkers.

dj89 and monstermag are jest born back players cuse that shoot alot soo mabey they can lane the places i need for me to be able to run up.

im dont shoot alot. soo im prone to be a mid frount.

i shoot only when theres a player that i can shoot at. i cant stand wasting and laneing paint.

all of your answers are helping me alot thanks

06-16-2005, 04:02 PM
I dont shoot off the break because most of the time they will either bounce, or the person will just slide into their bunker wiping off the hit as if they never got hit. And from that distance its hard to tell whether it broke or not while actually running. I am a front guy. What I do on the break is, and this depends on who Im playing too. I delay my run. I stay back toward the deadbox and sweetspot a couple ppl. As soon as they are almost to their bunker, I sprint to mine. This way, most ppl are already in their bunker, and not ready to shoot, and the backmen have already sweetspotted and gotten to their bunkers. I try to get to the 50 as much as possible.

Try it sometime. You may like it. Plus, by the time you get to your bunker, you already know where the opponents are and you can start snap shooting immediately. Works for me and a lot of other ppl I know.

06-16-2005, 04:02 PM
I hardly ever need to shoot off the break. I almost always play front, so I'm usually focused on getting as far up the field as possible. Sometimes I'll shoot before I arrive at my destination as new angles to the opposing players open.

06-16-2005, 04:07 PM
most of the team are back mid players. i try to get to the center as much as posible. (we are all preaty big guys) soo im thinking in going to my feild to walk it and practice running to bunkers.

dj89 and monstermag are jest born back players cuse that shoot alot soo mabey they can lane the places i need for me to be able to run up.

im dont shoot alot. soo im prone to be a mid frount.

i shoot only when theres a player that i can shoot at. i cant stand wasting and laneing paint.

all of your answers are helping me alot thanks

OHHHHH. I forgot you were on that team with the crazy name.

So beause you dont shoot alot, that makes you a front player? How do you figure?

06-16-2005, 04:09 PM
I dont shoot off the break because most of the time they will either bounce, or the person will just slide into their bunker wiping off the hit as if they never got hit. And from that distance its hard to tell whether it broke or not while actually running. I am a front guy. What I do on the break is, and this depends on who Im playing too. I delay my run. I stay back toward the deadbox and sweetspot a couple ppl. As soon as they are almost to their bunker, I sprint to mine. This way, most ppl are already in their bunker, and not ready to shoot, and the backmen have already sweetspotted and gotten to their bunkers. I try to get to the 50 as much as possible.

Try it sometime. You may like it. Plus, by the time you get to your bunker, you already know where the opponents are and you can start snap shooting immediately. Works for me and a lot of other ppl I know.

ya i seen some other teams doing that and i never knew what the point of it was.

im going to try that.

but two things

if you do that wont the people on the other team that are shooting of the break hit you cuse your not moving??

and also when you start to run after waiting and shooting. would the people that jest got to their bunker not be able to shoot me cuse they jest slid there and they need to peak out??

i jest have a feeling in doing that the people at their bunkers will light me up while im running to my bunker.

06-16-2005, 04:14 PM
OHHHHH. I forgot you were on that team with the crazy name.

So beause you dont shoot alot, that makes you a front player? How do you figure?

well cuse front players dont shoot and carrie as much paint as back.

plus im not much of a good back player and like i said my team are preaty big guys. im still big but im the smallest and shortest on the team. and dj89 and e-mag baller are really good at laying paint down and getting people out.

im really good at getting people out when they are preaty close to me. i suck at trying to shoot someone out when im at the back and the other enemy is at the other end.

06-16-2005, 04:14 PM
most of the team are back mid players. i try to get to the center as much as posible. (we are all preaty big guys) soo im thinking in going to my feild to walk it and practice running to bunkers.

dj89 and monstermag are jest born back players cuse that shoot alot soo mabey they can lane the places i need for me to be able to run up.

im dont shoot alot. soo im prone to be a mid frount.

i shoot only when theres a player that i can shoot at. i cant stand wasting and laneing paint.

all of your answers are helping me alot thanks

Here, let me try.

most = Most
back mid = back/mid
i = I
posible = possible
.() = ().
preaty = pretty
soo = so
im = I'm
in = I'm
feild = field
jest = just
cuse = cause
that = they
soo = so
mabey = maybe
i = I
im = I'm
dont = don't
im = I'm
mid frount = mid/front
i = I
theres = there's
i = I
i = I
cant = can't
laneing = laning

If you wish for me to point out the improper sentence structures, use of commas, etc, as well, please ask.

06-16-2005, 04:18 PM
well cuse front players dont shoot and carrie as much paint as back.

plus im not much of a good back player and like i said my team are preaty big guys. im still big but im the smallest and shortest on the team. and dj89 and e-mag baller are really good at laying paint down and getting people out.

im really good at getting people out when they are preaty close to me. i suck at trying to shoot someone out when im at the back and the other enemy is at the other end.

If they're really good at 'getting people out' Then they dont need you as a front man.
ANYONE is good at elminination someone when they're really close to you. If you can't nab someone when they're in close proximity, you need to pick another sport.

06-16-2005, 04:19 PM
i shoot only when theres a player that i can shoot at. i cant stand wasting and laneing paint.

If you learn the correct lanes, 9 out of 10 times those players will run/slide straight through your lane of paint -- sure it wastes a hopper but if you automatically start a game 5-3/5-4 it's well worth it.

My "new" team got smoked every game until one of the top teams in the series came to us during practice and helped us realize we weren't playing those lanes effectively. You'd be surprised with how effective it is.

06-16-2005, 04:19 PM
If you wish for me to point out the improper sentence structures, use of commas, etc, as well, please ask.

i never asked for you to check my spelling i jest asked for help on running and shooting off the start of the game.

everyone eals other than you and Southpaw can answer without cluttering up my thread.

if you or anyone dose it again i will report a bad post

and will find every thread that you make and flame in it.

06-16-2005, 04:23 PM
If you learn the correct lanes, 9 out of 10 times those players will run/slide straight through your lane of paint -- sure it wastes a hopper but if you automatically start a game 5-3/5-4 it's well worth it.

My "new" team got smoked every game until one of the top teams in the series came to us during practice and helped us realize we weren't playing those lanes effectively. You'd be surprised with how effective it is.

Another Excellent tip. Listen to RK. He's saying the same things I would.

06-16-2005, 04:24 PM
i never asked for you to check my spelling i jest asked for help on running and shooting off the start of the game.

everyone eals other than you and Southpaw can answer without cluttering up my thread.

if you or anyone dose it again i will report a bad post

and will find every thread that you make and flame in it.

Then you'd be banned for flaming.

06-16-2005, 04:25 PM
if you or anyone dose it again i will report a bad post

and will find every thread that you make and flame in it.

Go for it buddy.

Advice time.

For one, backplayers aren't necessarily supposed to be great at "getting people out." That is not their job. Their job is to lay down paint for YOU to get people out.

They are supposed to communicate with you, and work YOU up the field to stab people. Sounds like this isn't the case.

If I recall, you're the guy with the brown pants, if this is the case, yes, continue practicing the ole' run and gun method. Seriously, everybody should be able to adequately do it, and if you can't you need to work on it as a serious priority to improving your game. You don't even have to be looking at what your shooting. Speed is the name of the game in tournament style play.

Can you shoot fast? Can your backguys shoot fast? How fast? For some reason I dont think "Monstermag," AKA, guy that not many people like, can shoot that fast. Another thing that as a back player he needs to work on.

Just because someone is large isn't reason enough to put them as a back player.

As for running and shooting, just practice running shooting air. Easy, cheap. When you can do this and keep your gun steady, and run about as fast as you could without holding your gun up, then start practicing with paint.

Now, PLEASE learn to speak English.

06-16-2005, 04:25 PM
It's "J U S T"

It seems to me that you enjoy being harassed, or you would change your behavior.

06-16-2005, 04:27 PM
Then you'd be banned for flaming.

well how its going with me every person that flame'd on my old threads and that were reported nothing happen to them soo if they dont get banned why whould i then??

im thinking in pm'd tunaman about this crap. cuse im sick of people of complaining about my spelling.

I know that they are some thing that they cant do properly and i dont make fun of them about that soo why should they make fun of me??

06-16-2005, 04:27 PM
Another Excellent tip. Listen to RK. He's saying the same things I would.

HA.. Naw, it's more common sense than anything. Even we were like "Oh crap!" when we realized we were either laning the wrong spots or not at all. It's nice being a back player -- you can usually walk to your bunker dumping 1-2pods.... Really helps those front guys get to their first and secondary spots... It's our JOB to shoot as much as possible -- which is why I usually shoot 4 pods and a hopper during a 5 man. Hammer home plate and my right tape relentlessly.

06-16-2005, 04:36 PM
shooting off the break is very important. if you take one out then you have an advantage right away. you should have 2 ppl shoot off the break. the back player and the mid player should run and shoot. Your front player can even sprint to his/her bunker and take a few shots.

06-16-2005, 04:39 PM
Go for it buddy.

Advice time.

For one, backplayers aren't necessarily supposed to be great at "getting people out." That is not their job. Their job is to lay down paint for YOU to get people out.

They are supposed to communicate with you, and work YOU up the field to stab people. Sounds like this isn't the case.

If I recall, you're the guy with the brown pants, if this is the case, yes, continue practicing the ole' run and gun method. Seriously, everybody should be able to adequately do it, and if you can't you need to work on it as a serious priority to improving your game. You don't even have to be looking at what your shooting. Speed is the name of the game in tournament style play.

Can you shoot fast? Can your backguys shoot fast? How fast? For some reason I dont think "Monstermag," AKA, guy that not many people like, can shoot that fast. Another thing that as a back player he needs to work on.

Just because someone is large isn't reason enough to put them as a back player.

As for running and shooting, just practice running shooting air. Easy, cheap. When you can do this and keep your gun steady, and run about as fast as you could without holding your gun up, then start practicing with paint.

Now, PLEASE learn to speak English.

thank you

now was that hard not to do that in the first place :D

monstermag is really a good black player. really if no one likes him. i think he helps the team alot. when watching the movie he was shooting fast and getting people out.

im going to go this weekend to practice everything on runing and shooting, and other things like snap shooting and sliding.

and also this weekend ill work on the english and put word on my crapy computer soo i can spell check it

06-16-2005, 04:40 PM
dunno if anyone has said this but.....

back player=IMMEDIATLY shoot those lanes as soon as the whistle blows. i suggest walking while shooting lanes so atleast you make progress to the bunker.
mid=holding the gun at your hip, run and gun. if you dont know how...you better learn.
front= haul butt to the 50.

06-16-2005, 04:40 PM
thank you

now was that hard not to do that in the first place :D

monstermag is really a good black player. really if no one likes him. i think he helps the team alot. when watching the movie he was shooting fast and getting people out.

im going to go this weekend to practice everything on runing and shooting, and other things like snap shooting and sliding.

and also this weekend ill work on the english and put word on my crapy computer soo i can spell check it
And this is what we want to hear.

spyder luver
06-16-2005, 04:47 PM
Here, let me try.

most = Most
back mid = back/mid
i = I
posible = possible
.() = ().
preaty = pretty
soo = so
im = I'm
in = I'm
feild = field
jest = just
cuse = cause
that = they
soo = so
mabey = maybe
i = I
im = I'm
dont = don't
im = I'm
mid frount = mid/front
i = I
theres = there's
i = I
i = I
cant = can't
laneing = laning

If you wish for me to point out the improper sentence structures, use of commas, etc, as well, please ask.

y do u have to be such a dick and point things out like that so wut if he mispelled some things wrong i mean seariously Jesus God man

*y do people have to be such spelling queens??*

06-16-2005, 04:49 PM
y do u have to be such a dick and point things out like that so wut if he mispelled some things wrong i mean seariously Jesus God man

*y do people have to be such spelling queens??*
The irony is absolutely astounding.

06-16-2005, 04:54 PM
The irony is absolutely astounding.

Part of natural history is that even before life forms emerged from the ocean, they grouped together. As they developed, they grew more independent.

06-16-2005, 04:55 PM
The irony is absolutely astounding.


On topic- I try to shoot OTB, but I suck at it and I'm normally running way too fast to be even close to accurate. If I slow down like I'm playing mid or back I can shoot a little better on the run, but I still need to work on it.

06-16-2005, 05:03 PM
I dont shoot off the break because most of the time they will either bounce, or the person will just slide into their bunker wiping off the hit as if they never got hit. And from that distance its hard to tell whether it broke or not while actually running. I am a front guy. What I do on the break is, and this depends on who Im playing too. I delay my run. I stay back toward the deadbox and sweetspot a couple ppl. As soon as they are almost to their bunker, I sprint to mine. This way, most ppl are already in their bunker, and not ready to shoot, and the backmen have already sweetspotted and gotten to their bunkers. I try to get to the 50 as much as possible.

Try it sometime. You may like it. Plus, by the time you get to your bunker, you already know where the opponents are and you can start snap shooting immediately. Works for me and a lot of other ppl I know.

Exactly what I do. ;)

06-16-2005, 05:04 PM
I dont shoot off the break because most of the time they will either bounce, or the person will just slide into their bunker wiping off the hit as if they never got hit. And from that distance its hard to tell whether it broke or not while actually running. I am a front guy. What I do on the break is, and this depends on who Im playing too. I delay my run. I stay back toward the deadbox and sweetspot a couple ppl. As soon as they are almost to their bunker, I sprint to mine. This way, most ppl are already in their bunker, and not ready to shoot, and the backmen have already sweetspotted and gotten to their bunkers. I try to get to the 50 as much as possible.

Try it sometime. You may like it. Plus, by the time you get to your bunker, you already know where the opponents are and you can start snap shooting immediately. Works for me and a lot of other ppl I know.

And for those of us who DONT live in a perfect world, There's Walgreen's.

06-16-2005, 05:32 PM
Here, let me try.

most = Most
back mid = back/mid
i = I
posible = possible
.() = ().
preaty = pretty
soo = so
im = I'm
in = I'm
feild = field
jest = just
cuse = cause
that = they
soo = so
mabey = maybe
i = I
im = I'm
dont = don't
im = I'm
mid frount = mid/front
i = I
theres = there's
i = I
i = I
cant = can't
laneing = laning

If you wish for me to point out the improper sentence structures, use of commas, etc, as well, please ask.
i lol'd.

06-16-2005, 05:50 PM
My old team specifically practiced the run & shoot to develop proper technique. We had to make it to the bunker while attempting to remove a mirror opponent. If no one got taken on the break it turned into a pop-out gun fight for 1 min. It helped, I generally played back to mid for about the first minute so I was slow on the break. Like all things paintball it takes practice......

06-16-2005, 06:34 PM
ya i seen some other teams doing that and i never knew what the point of it was.

im going to try that.

but two things

if you do that wont the people on the other team that are shooting of the break hit you cuse your not moving??

and also when you start to run after waiting and shooting. would the people that jest got to their bunker not be able to shoot me cuse they jest slid there and they need to peak out??

i jest have a feeling in doing that the people at their bunkers will light me up while im running to my bunker.

No actually you are under less fire. And as a front man you are likely going to try to get to either tape as close to the 50 as possible. Usually I shoot cross field, so that the ppl in front of me know where I am, but I am not playing them. Im playing crossfield. I listen to my back guys, when they put the ppl in front of me (at my mirror) in their bunker, I bump further up the field and continue playing cross field to get a better angle on the ppl crossfield. Many times, ppl are tunneled and only playing in front of them. BUt as a front man, you learn to snapshoot and move and keep them on their toes.

It depends on the field too. A lot of fields have a huge bunker in the center 50 which makes it difficult to be seen if there is no cover. If there is no cover, survey the field, and look for blind spots. But the majority of the time, ppl sweetspotting off the break are not shooting directly at your deadbox, cause by the time their balls make all the way to the other end of the field, most ppl that broke out towards the tapes will not be shot. I hardly ever see ppl shooting directly at the deadbox on the other side off the break.

As for ppl just getting to their bunkers and seeing you break out on a delay, its not liikely because you are sweetspotting them and they get to their bunker before they worry about looking. Most of the time, players that break out right...shoot left. or cross up. So, if you break out to the right on a delay, you are going to be looking at back center, and crossfield to your left, cause thats who you are going to be shooting at when you get to your bunker.

It sounds confusing, but its not really that hard. You just have to practice timing. Try it out the next time you go out. You want to delay your run just long enough (prolly 5-7 seconds), then haulass to your bunker, shoot crossfield. Listen to your backment, bump up, shoot cross field. When you get some eliminations, pay attention to the tapeline. You may have the opportunity to do a run through and bunker ppl in the back. ;).

I do shoot off the break on X ball, but when are you not shooting in xball.

06-16-2005, 06:39 PM
hell no. not playing snake.

06-16-2005, 07:47 PM
I usally play on a feild that is about 30 to 40 acres. So shooting off the break is pretty much useless for me.

In your case yes shooting on the run slows you down. If your forcing others in while your doing it then and you can still make your bunker. Keep doing it. If its not working for you then change.

06-16-2005, 07:49 PM
Go for it buddy.

Advice time.

For one, backplayers aren't necessarily supposed to be great at "getting people out."

whoa, whoa....wait a sec, since when?

i have surgical accuracy from long distances. i may not be the fastest guy, but i make up with it one shot kills ~30 yds. and if that doesnt work, rebound makes it all too easy.

06-16-2005, 08:06 PM
whoa, whoa....wait a sec, since when?

i have surgical accuracy from long distances. i may not be the fastest guy, but i make up with it one shot kills ~30 yds. and if that doesnt work, rebound makes it all too easy.
Then you're playing recball.

06-16-2005, 08:14 PM
I ALWAYS run to my bunker head up and shooting so you have an advantage. But if Im trying to run and shoot, my run is messing up because Im concentrating on my shooting but its obvious when you are back player.


06-16-2005, 09:49 PM
Then you're playing recball.


and yea i see your point, but its just that after putting > 20K rounds through a gun, you should know exactly where its going to hit every time. snap shooting, bunkering, or longball

06-16-2005, 09:50 PM
hell no. not playing snake.

Actually it does work playing the snake. Usually the only ppl that see you hit the snake if you dive in are the ppl on your side of the field. But, youre not worried about them if you have a backman watching your tape and yelling to you. They can pretty much only see you jump into the end of the snake, then you get up the snake as fast and far as possible and snap up and shoot crossfield. You actually have the advantage in the snake because you have the angle on them. They only have a small target on your if you are playing it right. If you keep the pressure on them, they dont have much of anywhere to go. Dont ever come up out of the snake to look, you better have your gun in front of you ready to shoot as quickly as possible. You also have to be listening for your backman as well as anything the other team may be yelling. If your position is given up you can usually hear them yelling snake, snake, snake. As long as you are not bumping the bunker or showing them your back or pack when youre moving in the snake, you will be safe.

06-16-2005, 09:53 PM
And for those of us who DONT live in a perfect world, There's Walgreen's.

It doesnt work every time, thats why you have to mix it up. Thats why I said it depends on who Im playing. It also depends on what has been practiced.