View Full Version : Is it me or is everybody buying stock markers these days?

06-17-2005, 09:11 AM
Seems like everybody is playing stock class games these days. Im thinking about it myself. Ive been playing for nine years and Ive never had a stock class gun. Am I missing out on something or what?

06-17-2005, 09:14 AM
Not everyone is, but stock class play (modified stock and limited paint as well) is seeing a resurgence.

06-17-2005, 09:15 AM
Stock class is a nice change of pace from the fast and serious semiauto+ tourny scene. Stock class utilizes yo brain and actual ability over how fast you can shoot an already ridiculously fast gun.

Its the new hot trend, hah... oldschool paintball revisited :D

I just picked myself up a 15yr old Sheridan KP2 - pump and stock class, and feels like ur holding a shotgun, booya :bounce: Go make a custom pump stock project, will def be worth it.


06-17-2005, 09:22 AM
I hear a phantom is the way to go. Ive seen some of the old kp's and all that stuff. They go for lots of cash on ebay. Ive seen i can get a phantom for around 200-250. Should i pick one up? Im no stranger to limited paint. Thats pretty much all I play. I like woodsball and when i play i just carry a full hopper and no pods or anything like that. I used to have a harness but it was too much of a hassle so i quit wearin it.

06-17-2005, 09:29 AM
im thinking about picking up a pump. from what ive heard its actually alot of fun, and really cheap to play.

06-17-2005, 09:36 AM
I used to have a pretty nice phantom, but I decided it wasnt for me and sold it. Now I just bought a PGP and it's a really cool gun. It's harder to reload than the phantom, but I like the pistol feel more :)

06-17-2005, 09:39 AM
Thats what i hear. I also have a question for anyone who would know about running a pump on nitro. all i have are nitro tanks, and i have no idea what they would do to a pump. Its probably no big deal but i would like to know if this would cause any problems. I know most people use co2 because they like 12 grams, but i severely hate 12 grams and anything that is associated with them. :shooting:

06-17-2005, 09:40 AM
i played pump at the pump day over on the east side of florida, and it was my first time ever playing pump, and i loved it. it was much more skill and a lot of movement.

06-17-2005, 09:42 AM
thats why i think it would be more fun. there would be more moving and everybody knows it gets old when people are shootin 100s of balls at you just to keep you from goin anywhere.

06-17-2005, 09:45 AM
Phantom is an excellent choice. Sterling is suppose to be coming out with a new gun also. (takes spyder threaded barrels) and reasonably priced from what I here. Advantage of a phantom is you can get a SC body and a Direct Feed body and swap them. Extra bodies are only like $40.

Adam.. I don't see why HPA would affect a pump. Pumps are much simpler operation than most semis. And since HPA is a cleaner air source it should be fine. The other option is pick up a 12oz C02 bottle. They don't cost that much. I'm not a big fan of 12gs either. I use them with my phantom for now. Eventually I'll switch it over to a 12 oz on a bottom line.

06-17-2005, 09:54 AM
thats pretty weird that sterling is makin new stuff. i havent seen anything out of them for a while. i think ill get a phantom though. i like how theyre set up and all the different stuff you can get for them. i think if i do get one ill run it with a 15 round tube and some sort of bottomline setup. ive got alot of spare regs at home (bob long, wgp stuff) and does anyone know if it would be worth puttin one on there?

06-17-2005, 09:59 AM
Adam I will refer you to the following site. www.stockclasspaintball.com There is a ton of good info on there. Join the forums over there. Bunch of nice guys that can give you a ton of info on different set ups. Also hook up with wevo on the forum. He is a phantom dealer and has some good prices on them. Thats who I picked up mine from.

06-17-2005, 10:00 AM
i might have to do that right now

06-17-2005, 10:13 AM
www.bunkerboyz.com is a good resource as well. I picked up one of their "updated" Sterlings second hand. Center feed, nice bolt.

/I don't play stock, usually its compressed and a normal hopper

06-17-2005, 10:16 AM
www.bunkerboyz.com is a good resource as well. I picked up one of their "updated" Sterlings second hand. Center feed, nice bolt.

/I don't play stock, usually its compressed and a normal hopper

Thats probly what Ill end up doing. I know Ill at least have a tank on there, but i dont know about a hopper. I also have to say that i went to bunkerboyz and it is a pretty cool place.

06-17-2005, 10:25 AM
ok everybody thanks for your help. now im gonna have to sell my sto and my micromag and buy a pump.

06-17-2005, 10:55 AM
Playing stock can be fun, but I honestly don't think you have to go as far as stock. Just playing pump is a lot of fun and you use less paint than semi (usually), although you do use more than Stock Class. The big thing is the learning curve. It'sone thing to go from semi to pump, it's totally different going from semi to stock class and it's near impossible to go from ramping semi to stock class:)

06-17-2005, 11:18 AM
I'll second what Muzikman said. I recently put a Sniper II together and use a 50 rnd hopper for something similar to what I played with in the early 90's. I have really enjoyed it so far, and switch between pump and semi. There is a learning curve, but it is much more challenging than semi, and I think that's what makes it so fun...you have to work harder for eliminations. Anyway, enjoy, and let us know how you like it.

06-17-2005, 11:25 AM
I also don’t go true “stock class”. Limited paint hoppers, or spring feeds and 20OZ tanks are lots of fun as well. You can cut down your expenses a great deal and keep with the spirit of stock class without going all the way.

Anyone who would like to learn more about this type of playing should by all means check out the sites listed in the posts above. They are also welcome to stop by the LPPC and LPPC forums.


06-17-2005, 12:06 PM
ok everybody thanks for your help. now im gonna have to sell my sto and my micromag and buy a pump.

I'll add that you don't want to be too hasty with selling your semi's before trying stock/pump. You definitely want to try it first.

I converted my older right feed cocker to a sniper and found that I didn't like using it much. You will feel outgunned ALOT and the learning curve is steep for pump. I started with a Splatmaster and Spitfire pump and they were great fun back in the day, but if you don't enjoy it you may regret selling your current markers. Limited paint and stock class are a real blast if everyone is equally equipped/skilled since it encourages more movement. Close quarter dueling with PGPs is :headbang:

I'd suggest adding pump kit to your STO; its a quick cheap conversion and will give you a taste first. Or maybe selling one of your primaries and getting a phantom. Just keep your options open.

Good luck. :shooting:

06-17-2005, 12:11 PM
That is a good point. Playing pump against other high ROF semi's can get kind of annoying. The real fun comes when everyone, or atleast the majority of the people on the field are also playing pump.

06-17-2005, 12:22 PM
Im thinking about buying an old "broken" ;) maverick off a friend for like 15 bucks once iget ahold of him. If nothing else i can fix it i think its just a cup seal or something.

06-17-2005, 12:23 PM
Playing pump in the woods against semis isn't as fun as playing pump speedball against semis. In my experience, at least.

When Im playin against all semis in the woods, its a pain because a lot of your shots will break on leaves or whatnot. In speedball your shots are more likely to count and the cover is better.

06-17-2005, 12:45 PM
i think stock class is coming back like the clothing styles.

im getting an sl 68 ll for myself to modify to be stock class. partly because im bored, the other part is because i have always wanted a pump.

mullets are comin next! :headbang:

06-17-2005, 12:49 PM
Agree with Thordic in regards to pump vs semi is far more enjoyable and playable in speedball games versus woods.

RusskiX idea about trying a pump kit on your STO makes a lot of sense as well.

One thing I don't know. How difficult/time-consuming is it to swap between semi and pump on cockers? Specifically, with a CCM pump kit and a slider frame.

/also, just fabbed up a second pump arm for the Sterling. Its sweet, and much more solid.

06-17-2005, 12:52 PM
/also, just fabbed up a second pump arm for the Sterling. Its sweet, and much more solid.
Please dont ever say that again, Ricker.

06-17-2005, 01:04 PM
One thing I don't know. How difficult/time-consuming is it to swap between semi and pump on cockers? Specifically, with a CCM pump kit and a slider frame.

Putting the pump kit on is the easy part - 5 minutes to undo the timing rod and remove the entire front block via the banjo bolt, take off the pump arm and reattach frame. Then the WGP kits just screw into the front block opening and specific pump arm replaces the one used with the ram...Easy.

Reversing the process to put the pneus back on is more time consuming and will require retiming since you replace the timing rod and pump arm.

06-17-2005, 01:06 PM
I'll add that you don't want to be too hasty with selling your semi's before trying stock/pump. You definitely want to try it first.

I converted my older right feed cocker to a sniper and found that I didn't like using it much. You will feel outgunned ALOT and the learning curve is steep for pump. I started with a Splatmaster and Spitfire pump and they were great fun back in the day, but if you don't enjoy it you may regret selling your current markers. Limited paint and stock class are a real blast if everyone is equally equipped/skilled since it encourages more movement. Close quarter dueling with PGPs is :headbang:

I'd suggest adding pump kit to your STO; its a quick cheap conversion and will give you a taste first. Or maybe selling one of your primaries and getting a phantom. Just keep your options open.

Good luck. :shooting:

I thought about buying a pump kit for the sto but i dont know if i want to. I can sell it locally for about 350 to a friend. 350 is a good price for an sto these days. I cant pass that up and i think i can get a phantom for less than 350. I also have an x valved gun that i built so if i do sell the sto and the micro Ill still have a good primary.

06-17-2005, 01:19 PM
I thought about buying a pump kit for the sto but i dont know if i want to. I can sell it locally for about 350 to a friend. 350 is a good price for an sto these days. I cant pass that up and i think i can get a phantom for less than 350. I also have an x valved gun that i built so if i do sell the sto and the micro Ill still have a good primary.

WGP pump kits are only $25 tops, a pretty small investment to try it out and you can keep the pneus to reattach as a backup. But certainly phantoms are really nice.

Ultimately its your call on how much you are budgeting and which feels better, phantom or sniper.

06-17-2005, 01:29 PM
a really cheap way to do it is to buy an old rental pump from a local field. They may hook you up for about 25-30 bucks. Then get yourself some spraypaint, finish it, dry it, clear coat it. Viola! you got yourself a decent looking reliable oldschool pump that looks good and didnt cost you anything extra except some work and sweat on your part.

06-17-2005, 01:39 PM
Stock / pump is all I play anymore. I got tired of semi and went back to the roots.

06-17-2005, 02:12 PM
I had a Phantom before it was cool :D

Seriously though I have been seeing more and more threads about pumps, and I dont just read about people getting into it I also see more on the field which is really cool. I guess every one got tired of using a pod per elimination :p

06-17-2005, 02:17 PM
I had a Phantom before it was cool :D

Seriously though I have been seeing more and more threads about pumps, and I dont just read about people getting into it I also see more on the field which is really cool. I guess every one got tired of using a pod per elimination :p

thats exactly what i was talking about. pumps are all over the place, and i have to say that i want in. i need to sell off 2 of my good guns anyways and ive used a guys phantom before and it was pretty rockin. i think in the end im gonna wind up with just 2 guns. Ill have a phantom or a sniper as one gun and my mag as my other. Im gonna sell EVERYTHING else. Besides i have to start savin up money anyway.

06-17-2005, 02:44 PM
Haha you have to realize that paintball is also an expensive sport. The best way to play paintball cheap is to keep it simple meaning something of cheap markers or just plain old stock ones.

I too got back into paintballing after a long break and decided to go with a automag RT (gun of my dreams) with the level 10 upgrade (upgrade of my dreams!) haha. Unfortunately, I didnt know the original mag was so limited on hop ups for the future.

Oh yeah, I got my gun yesterday! would you guys beleive its the first time I have seen a mag in reality? First time holding one.. ah it was beautiful. The rt original is so sexy with that aluminum air supply line going across the marker. (wrong term) And I only paid 200 bucks for it.

06-17-2005, 03:01 PM
I guess the feeling is that since control of semi auto technology has failed in a big way, the only other way to really "class" paintball is to seperate that which is semi-auto action, and that which is not. Ever hear of a ramping pump gun? I think not.

That being said, pump play has ALWAYS been a refreshing change from semi play. It's just that now regular play is ramp(ant) with super fast guns (Ion?), the only way to get relief is to play pump. A nice direct feed pumper such as a sterling has a fantastic result on how much you can shoot in a day.

Bring the pump play on! I want to see pump tournaments on the airball fields! Pump does not have to be limited to the woods, as the stereotype has been. Fast paced pump play is ALOT of fun, and has been my favorite style of play as of late. I might by a couple cheap pumpers and bring the pump evangelism to the field with me. :ninja:

06-17-2005, 03:18 PM
Haha you have to realize that paintball is also an expensive sport. The best way to play paintball cheap is to keep it simple meaning something of cheap markers or just plain old stock ones.

I too got back into paintballing after a long break and decided to go with a automag RT (gun of my dreams) with the level 10 upgrade (upgrade of my dreams!) haha. Unfortunately, I didnt know the original mag was so limited on hop ups for the future.

Oh yeah, I got my gun yesterday! would you guys beleive its the first time I have seen a mag in reality? First time holding one.. ah it was beautiful. The rt original is so sexy with that aluminum air supply line going across the marker. (wrong term) And I only paid 200 bucks for it.

yeah i have an original RT also but i dont ever play with it. its true that its limited, but there isnt much that it needs other than a LX. As for a trigger i bought an intelliframe for a classic mag and made it fit the RT. all you have to do is drill out the hole in the back of the frame so that its big enough for the banjo to go through without being too big. then it goes on and shoots fine. i assume you could do the same with say a logic frame or whatever else.

06-17-2005, 03:38 PM
ok everybody thanks for your help. now im gonna have to sell my sto and my micromag and buy a pump.
Why don't you just convert your STO into a pump? It would cost you like, $70 for a nice pump kit (CCM etc.) or about $30 for the WGP one.

06-17-2005, 03:56 PM
Why don't you just convert your STO into a pump? It would cost you like, $70 for a nice pump kit (CCM etc.) or about $30 for the WGP one.

I figure i can sell it and buy a phantom for cheaper than what i sell it for. The phantom would be used but that doesnt bother me. Aside from that i just dont like the sto very much. Its good and all but theres just something about it that i dont like. I guess im just kinda dissappointed by it.

06-17-2005, 04:13 PM
There are major differences between a gun made to be used as pumps, and a conversion of a gun. Ive played with an autococker converted into pump and other pump pmarkers... (forgot this one good brand). The cocker is a little bit beefy and the mobility is almost limited because of its weight.

you should be able to sell the STO for a good price and get a nice mag. You dont really need a pump because of this thread (remember that). haha

I understand the dissapointment. Thats how I felt about my spyder tl and my angel when I first got them. I wasnt the electronic type of person (I understand how it works and everything but just wasnt convenient) and the spyder was a completely different quality compared to an autococker. Then I loved those pneumatics and timing and every part of the gun. Then I SAW THE RT! haha...

Evil Bob
06-17-2005, 05:07 PM
Someone needs to talk AGD into running a batch of pump kits.

-Evil Bob

06-17-2005, 05:09 PM
There are major differences between a gun made to be used as pumps, and a conversion of a gun. Ive played with an autococker converted into pump and other pump pmarkers... (forgot this one good brand). The cocker is a little bit beefy and the mobility is almost limited because of its weight.

For some reason I find this VERY funny.

06-17-2005, 05:30 PM
For some reason I find this VERY funny.
So I am not the only one? ;)

06-17-2005, 06:01 PM
Yeah, pump/stock is picking up again. Maybe it's because there aren't really any huge improvements in paintball tech anymore, maybe it's to save money, but I know they stay in it because it's fun. CCI's (phantom) business has been reported to have grown 300%, it takes a little while to get any guns from them.

06-17-2005, 06:16 PM
So I am not the only one? ;)
I guess there are atleast two other people who think its funny :)

06-17-2005, 06:29 PM
Yes I spent a couple of years lurking on the SCP forum and drooling over all the cool custom guns, the niche-ness of the stock class family - like it was a secret exclusive club. I eventually built a cocker/sniper conversion, played with it some, then sold it and got a Phantom last fall. It might be a perception thing - more aware now that I am a "member", but now all of a sudden it seems like EVERYbody is getting into pump/stock. My favorite field has 3 limited paint/pump big-game & scenario events this year (1 last year, 0 the yr before). They are starting a pump league this fall in my area. Semi forums seem laden with pump-related threads.
I didn't get a pump because of the jonese's bandwagon. More for increasing the fun:cost ratio. But being unique/crazypumpguy at the field was a plus. I am glad for the upsurgence though, and am looking forward to some pump-on-pump play hopefully soon, & often!

06-17-2005, 07:05 PM
There are major differences between a gun made to be used as pumps, and a conversion of a gun. Ive played with an autococker converted into pump and other pump pmarkers... (forgot this one good brand). The cocker is a little bit beefy and the mobility is almost limited because of its weight.

Yes, this gave me quite a chuckle too...We need Paladin to chime in here. :rofl:

06-17-2005, 08:06 PM
For some reason I find this VERY funny. "You know, these darn pneumatics we invented make this gun shoot too fast. You think we could design something to slow this thing down a bit? Ahhh, yes, let's put a pump handle on it and call it a Sniper! Brilliant!" ;)

Mr. BoBo
06-17-2005, 08:22 PM
I got into pump to save cash and up my skills. Last time I played, I used a friends Ion - first time I've used a semi in over a year. I could feel that I'd become a better player and was using much less than a hopper per game.

Ion was sweet - the best, lightest semi I've ever used but still a poor second to a phantom.

If I'm playing with advanced semi players who don't cheat, I can hold my own with a phantom. If I'm playing with people I play with a lot, we roll the fields a lot.

Now, I play pump for the following reasons:


That's it.

06-17-2005, 08:34 PM
I love my phantoms, when I retired from tourney paintball all I kept was my phantom. ( had is sence 92)I have new phantoms now. I enjoy playing modified SC I use tubes & a 4 oz tank. White wolf has the best prices in my experience, nothing against the others I spread my sales across the board. But Joe usually beats everyone for marker prices. Paladin , its been a long time since I saw him post ....... Glenn you out there??? I just recieved an email about updating my pgp.

06-17-2005, 09:20 PM
thought I needed to bring some laughter into this place :cheers:

06-17-2005, 10:30 PM
I'm getting ready to buy a Phantom to help with my aim. I don't know if I'm going to go 100% stock class though.

06-17-2005, 10:48 PM
Thats what i hear. I also have a question for anyone who would know about running a pump on nitro. all i have are nitro tanks, and i have no idea what they would do to a pump. Its probably no big deal but i would like to know if this would cause any problems. I know most people use co2 because they like 12 grams, but i severely hate 12 grams and anything that is associated with them. :shooting:

I have my phantom running from a 22 cu. in. HPA tank, it uses a delrin ring mount on the handle and balances the marker perfectly.

Write up and Picture here, (http://paintball.about.com/od/gunmodifications/a/jrcciphantom.htm)

06-18-2005, 10:42 AM
thought I needed to bring some laughter into this place :cheers:

Not to leave you in the dark much longer. The Autococker started it's life as a pump. The reason it is called an autococker is because Bud took his Sniper (Pump autococker) and put the pnuematics on it.

Now, before people get the wrong idea, and start to believe the ads that have been in APG and other rags, WGP did not come up with the autococker idea. As some people already mentioned his name, Glenn Palmer (Paladin) did.

06-18-2005, 10:56 AM
It was an inside joke man! I know why its called an autococker... I was so into this thing I made school reports out of them as well. haha...

06-18-2005, 11:29 AM
Inside? Inside of what?:)

06-18-2005, 04:24 PM
"You know, these darn pneumatics we invented make this gun shoot too fast. You think we could design something to slow this thing down a bit? Ahhh, yes, let's put a pump handle on it and call it a Sniper! Brilliant!" ;)

Best comment I got on my Sniper was - "you can convert that to a cocker pretty easily, you know?" (and he wasn't being sarcastic....)

06-18-2005, 04:26 PM
Best comment I got on my Sniper was - "you can convert that to a cocker pretty easily, you know?" (and he wasn't being sarcastic....)

I've had that conversation numerous times with my Sniper.

06-18-2005, 04:48 PM
Best comment I got on my Sniper was - "you can convert that to a cocker pretty easily, you know?" (and he wasn't being sarcastic....)I had a 40 rnd hopper on mine a few months ago, and a kid looked at the hopper, looked up at me and said "My Dad has a bigger one in the car if you want to borrow it."

06-19-2005, 08:53 PM
Thats what i hear. I also have a question for anyone who would know about running a pump on nitro. all i have are nitro tanks, and i have no idea what they would do to a pump. Its probably no big deal but i would like to know if this would cause any problems.

I use nitro all the time on my pump marker (because it's the only type of tank I have) and I've never had a problem doing it. Actually I think it would be better since you wouldn't have to be concerned w/ the occasional velocity spike that you sometimes get with CO2. Also for kicks, I put on a motorized hopper (since my gravity feed hopper is only a 47 ball capacity) and go out with a pimped pump. It's kidna fun to see the looks on peoples faces when they see a pump on nitro and motorized hopper.