View Full Version : stupid kids

06-18-2005, 09:26 PM
So today I hear that two kids that live in my neighborhood who just moved in are breaking into houses and also cars and stealing things. They broke into someone’s car and took $1,100 from it. They also broke into a RV and destroyed the inside and took stuff. We know it's the two boys because they were arrested but got let go already. The sad thing is that they are both just graduated from 8th grade. Now I have to make sure I lock my car and house doors. My parents and next door neighbor have seen the kids walking around the block where they do the break-ins. Talk about future robbers. And I know they are freshmen in high school but they will get a beating if I see them in my house.

06-18-2005, 10:29 PM
God I hate kids like that. :mad: They only do it for attention and to try to impress girls.

Target Practice
06-18-2005, 10:39 PM
Leave your front door open at night, then sit inside with a gun. When they cross the threshhold, kill their asses.

06-18-2005, 11:02 PM
borrow an RV, park it in your driveway, leave the door open at night with you just inside with a 12 ga., lights out. right when the first kid sticks his head inside, pump the 12 ga.(so he can hear the shell get chambered), and then tell us what happened.

06-18-2005, 11:08 PM
good idea but i think i might be alittle excited with a gun. maybe hide with a cocked arm and swing, that will mean i have given 2 peaple broken noises :headbang: 3 if they both try me

06-18-2005, 11:53 PM
Jeez, people my age are so dumb

06-18-2005, 11:56 PM
the best way to get someone who is in your house out is to chamber a round in a 12 gauge whe they cant see u in the dark. That would scare any robber so bad theyd poo them selves on the way out.

06-19-2005, 12:46 AM
the best way to get someone who is in your house out is to chamber a round in a 12 gauge whe they cant see u in the dark. That would scare any robber so bad theyd poo them selves on the way out.

that sound gives me wood... LOL

But if they had any sense, when they heard it they would shat their pants and run like hell...

06-19-2005, 01:25 AM
who the hell leaves $1100 lying around in their car ?!?!?

06-19-2005, 02:24 AM
Leave your front door open at night, then sit inside with a gun. When they cross the threshhold, kill their asses.

:dance: thats the way uh huh uh huh i liiiike it :dance:

dont forget to leave the lights off and put one of those pully lamps next to youre rocking chair for that clicky light effect so you can see the fear in their eyes before you blow them away with ur semi automatic 6 gage.

06-19-2005, 04:00 AM
If they're smart, they won't do anything when people are home. I suggest making it look like everyone is out somewhere. Then turn on the lights to reveal you sitting in a rocking chair with the largest shotgun you can get a hold of on your lap & a large hunting knife next to you on a coffee table. Look for any reason for you to 'fear for your life' then get cocked, locked & ready to rock. :)

I suggest pistolwhipping them if they try to do anything funny. Make sure you get that crazy look in your eyes then with the monstrous knife, start chopping up hot dogs in front of them. Imply that their 'hot dogs' are next, & I don't think you'll EVER have any problems with them ever again.

Or just catch them & plant some drugs on them before the cops arrive. Get them high as a kite so they don't remember anything,

EDIT: On second thought, hatchets work well too. Go all nutty & charge them. Or modify the shotgun idea w/ a chainsaw. Have someone else turn on the lights as you fire it up.

If you're really good, dress up, get some airsoft MP5s & pretend to do a SWAT raid on them.

Bind their hands, take them outside, ask them if they've seen American History X, then tell them to bite the curb. Make them if you have to, them gently press your boot on the backs or their heads. Pull back & give them a slight tap.

Somehow acquire or make a fake dead body. Lay it in the foyer, cover your face in fake blood so it drips off, then turn on the light.

If you have the resources, make a device to slam the door behind them to enhance their 'experience'.

06-19-2005, 09:56 AM
When they trashed the RV it was 10:30 at night and the people who lived in the house with the RV were home. The guy had that much money in his car b/c he runs some business and I guess he keeps a lot of cash with him. They also already got busted for drug possession when they got turned in by their dad. the kids have some problems but there will be bigger prolems if something of mine gets damaged.

06-19-2005, 08:05 PM
Sadly enough even if the state you live in has a law that if thier on your proberty you can kill them..if you were to harm them in anyway you would probably not have to deal with criminal charges but a lawsuit on the other hand..well yea since they are minors and all.kinda like people who break in houses and get attacked by dogs then they sue the owner and win..i know there has been at least one case i know of for certain that was settled that way...yea umm i dont really know what im saying anymore...good luck with your problem.

06-19-2005, 08:23 PM
who the hell leaves $1100 lying around in their car ?!?!?

Glad i'm not the only one who thought this as a first reaction? I mean..its a car ..... why not just put a note next to it saying take me please? Ever hear of a wallet? or maybe a bank?

06-20-2005, 01:08 PM
Glad i'm not the only one who thought this as a first reaction? I mean..its a car ..... why not just put a note next to it saying take me please? Ever hear of a wallet? or maybe a bank?


06-20-2005, 05:42 PM
It's most likely illegal to shoot someone who breaks into (or what many of you are saying, walks into) your home. You can't just shoot someone for walking or breaking into your home. You have to be in, or prove that you felt, in danger of being killed to shoot someone even if they break into your house.

06-20-2005, 06:19 PM
It's most likely illegal to shoot someone who breaks into (or what many of you are saying, walks into) your home. You can't just shoot someone for walking or breaking into your home. You have to be in, or prove that you felt, in danger of being killed to shoot someone even if they break into your house.
It's sad the law pretty much says you have to watch them go through your home stealing whatever they want and all you can do is call the police.

07-08-2005, 09:18 PM
Just sit in the RV at night, then, put on a scary ugly mask and chase them!

07-08-2005, 09:30 PM
Sense I am a minor as well, I wouldn't mind "correcting them"... (think delbert grady from the shining)

07-24-2005, 06:54 PM
get your parents out of the house and invite a friend over dress in all black and makit look like theres nobody home and turn the lights off hide next to the door with base ball bats and when/if they break in beat the living **** out of them and tie them up on your lawn so everyone who got robbed by them can give them a nice beating of their own

PS charge people to hit them so you can make a profit

07-24-2005, 07:02 PM
It's most likely illegal to shoot someone who breaks into (or what many of you are saying, walks into) your home. You can't just shoot someone for walking or breaking into your home. You have to be in, or prove that you felt, in danger of being killed to shoot someone even if they break into your house.

BS... most states allow you to shoot an intruder as long as they aer not retreating in your "castle" Last I knew only Massachusets had a law that required you to be in imminent danger in your own home.

07-24-2005, 08:52 PM
BS... most states allow you to shoot an intruder as long as they aer not retreating in your "castle" Last I knew only Massachusets had a law that required you to be in imminent danger in your own home.

sweet. thnx for the update lohman

07-24-2005, 11:43 PM
My girls ex-boyfriend/toy just got arrested and is now facing 12 counts of burglery(felony charges). Its really kind of wierd, because she was going to be chilling with them the night they got arrested, but stuff came up, so she ended up with me.If he had got her arrested, i would have beat the living crap out of him, and then killed him, because he would have tried to pin it on her.

07-25-2005, 12:35 AM
My girls ex-boyfriend/toy just got arrested and is now facing 12 counts of burglery(felony charges). Its really kind of wierd, because she was going to be chilling with them the night they got arrested, but stuff came up, so she ended up with me.If he had got her arrested, i would have beat the living crap out of him, and then killed him, because he would have tried to pin it on her.

Love triangles are soo dramatic... :ninja:

07-25-2005, 12:41 AM
Love triangles are soo dramatic... :ninja:

arnt they?

07-25-2005, 01:03 AM
So... you like... don't lock your doors? What world are you living in?

07-25-2005, 05:04 AM
So... you like... don't lock your doors? What world are you living in?

There is some country called Canada or something... They don't lock their doors all the time... strange people.

07-25-2005, 05:40 AM
It's nice to come home late at night and just walk in without using a key :)

07-25-2005, 06:26 AM
my friends family is from canada. his aunt moved down here last year, and we still have to remind her to lock everything. lol

07-25-2005, 11:44 AM
It's most likely illegal to shoot someone who breaks into (or what many of you are saying, walks into) your home. You can't just shoot someone for walking or breaking into your home. You have to be in, or prove that you felt, in danger of being killed to shoot someone even if they break into your house.

In Texas, it's completely legal to use deadly force on anyone who is on your property after the sun sets.

07-25-2005, 11:53 AM
Yep i would give them a beating if i ever saw them

08-04-2005, 12:18 AM
I live in Illinois and I don't lock my doors :cool:

08-04-2005, 01:05 AM
I, also, dont lock my doors at night.

08-04-2005, 02:12 AM
Hey everyone, I don't lock my doors either! Coincidence? I think not!

Target Practice
08-04-2005, 02:18 AM
I lock my doors.

To hell with you guys.

08-05-2005, 04:03 PM
Locking doors what the heck is that?
When in my neighborhood I think we were the only ppl who locked their doors. (Project life ain't it great).
But the rest of the neighborhood they would know who was suppose to be there or not.
And a lot of times burgulars came into the wrong house at the wrong time would wish that they had gotten arrested instead.

08-05-2005, 04:13 PM
In Texas, it's completely legal to use deadly force on anyone who is on your property after the sun sets.
That's one of the few things Texas actually has going for it.

08-06-2005, 10:45 PM
In florida it is legal to kill someone with any means that you want "if you fill threatened"

08-07-2005, 01:28 PM
ever see the movie predator?

you dont have to hurt 'em or anything, even use a firearm or deadly weapon.

long story short, I am in cow country Texas and we were having out brakes of burglarys and such. I got blacks on and a .22 and went looking for them, I found them, breaking into another car, a friends car, they were at the door trying to slimjim it and I shot the door miirror - that got their attantion put one int the mirrior again and they knew they were getting sniped :ninja: they stopped.

since you are on AO I assume you play paintball, get the blacks on one night air and load the marker and go hunting, don't be seen. but when you find them unload on their back :ninja: :shooting: :ninja:

08-07-2005, 02:14 PM
In florida it is legal to kill someone with any means that you want "if you fill threatened"

So if your grandma shakes a fist at you, you can shoot and kill her?

You've been told a lie, and you believe it!

08-07-2005, 04:54 PM
That's one of the few things Texas actually has going for it.

Hope you're having fun in Arkansas.

08-08-2005, 01:46 AM
I think in Illinois you can use deadly force in self defense. I also think you can use any amount of force necessary (short of killing the guy) to make a citizens arrest. Therefore I suppose if the guy is robbing you, you try to stop/arrest him and he fights back you can use deadly force. I'm not sure though, I should probably my dad, who just happens to be a judge :cool: But then again it will probably never come to that, seeing as I have no need to lock my doors :D

08-08-2005, 07:06 AM
I think in Illinois you can use deadly force in self defense. I also think you can use any amount of force necessary (short of killing the guy) to make a citizens arrest. Therefore I suppose if the guy is robbing you, you try to stop/arrest him and he fights back you can use deadly force. I'm not sure though, I should probably my dad, who just happens to be a judge :cool: But then again it will probably never come to that, seeing as I have no need to lock my doors :D
You have no need to lock your doors because a potential theif has to think about the possibility of being killed as a result of entering your house. In a state like NY where a theif can sue you for tripping on your coffee table or some load of BS like that they run rampent because all they have to worry about is a slim chance of prosecution where they will probably get off fairly easially. If I get bored later I'm going to look up some statistics and see if I'm actually right.

08-08-2005, 07:11 AM
In florida it is legal to kill someone with any means that you want "if you fill threatened"

I doubt its that simple. The standard in Michigan is a REASONABLE beleif of imminent and serious bodily harm.

Meaning if my five year old tells me she is going to kick my butt - even though she may try, there is no reasonable belief that she is going to succeed.

Whereas if a 300lb guy laughing says it, there is no reasonable beleif he actually means it.

It also has to be imminent.

08-08-2005, 08:03 AM
Robbed by a Freshmen... how embarassing...

1 word... Haze

or 2 words... High School Humiliation

08-08-2005, 12:37 PM
In Texas, it's completely legal to use deadly force on anyone who is on your property after the sun sets.

yea. i live in texas...

*looks around the room* i feel sorry for the bastard that trys to break in this place.

you can only do annything to them in self defence though. and most peole i know hunt alot and have a gun lying around somewhere. like a 454 casull... ouch...

true story:

i went to the gun show with my friend and this guy was selling hand guns. we were looking at the cases and there was a gold desert eagle with a holster. this guy was huge. not fat, he must have been able to bench 400. we asked him about it and he used it as self defence. no kidding. it was amazing. imagine trying to break into somebodys house, and you have a 50 caliber desert eagle pulled on you? i would need some new underwear IF i ended up living. its just... wow.

08-09-2005, 05:44 AM
I have a 12guage pistol grip mossberg shotgun under my pillow (no joke) along with a 14inch hunting knife (yes I am in Texas) by my alarm clock. Why?

since I live in cow country, it take hours for police/sherriff to respond to an EMERGENCY call! and people have raided the house before (it was locked) and nothing was done.