View Full Version : Looking For Some EMag Help

11-29-2001, 10:40 AM
Hey you all,

I've recently been told by a friend that the EMag is really a good choice when it comes to the electro pneumatic markers on the market right now. I know very little when it comes to the EMag, the last Mag I shot was my old school RT and it was kinda finiky, would chop paint here and there. I couldnt put up with it much longer and got an Angel, great guns.

Since then I dropped out of the sport and got back into it a couple months after AGD released the EMag, I've still yet to shoot one and don't know how to compare it to my Angel right now. It would be nice to even have it compared to an RT because I use to own one of them.

If someone out there has some good experiance with an EMag along with an RT and an Angel and could give me some good feedback on the EMag compared to an Angel and an RT I'd be real appreciative of him/her.

Thanks you all!

11-29-2001, 10:53 AM
Ok I've never owned an Angel or an RT but have shot both. I had a micro-E mag for a while. I'm waiting for the extreem-E to come out and I will have one. Just a little background.

The best thing about the RT is the crazy rate of fire it will do with no shoot down. E-mag does that, except it is easier to do in either e mode or the hybrid.
The trigger on the E is like nothing else. It is electro short, but with out the mouse click feel, which I personally hate.
The biggest chopping problem with the RT was when it was "short stroked" for lak of a better term. When the trigger wasn't completely cycled it would be a blender every time. The electronics is the E won't let that happen. The only way to chop with the E is not to feed it fast enough, or to have the rate of fire turned up past what your hopper will feed. Can you say "warp feed"? I never chopped a ball with the micro-E w/warp and just plain silly rates of fire were easily within reach.
As far as angles go, I've never really liked them. They don't "feel" right to me. I've never had a problem with one, and they are easy to shoot fast, I just don't like them.
I recommend the E-mag to everyone, or at least recommend they try it, I did, and I'm going back to it.


11-29-2001, 10:56 AM
Just to add:

If your gonna get an E-mag, wait for the E-mag extremes with the anti-chop eye. Then you'll be unstopable:)

11-29-2001, 11:15 AM
I don't know much about the EMag Extreme, could someone tell me about the differance between that and the curretly released EMag? Is it just an EMag with a photo eye?

11-29-2001, 11:22 AM
Nope more than just that--it's got the ACE, takes cocker barrels, aluminum body, and it's got removable breaches to go from warp to vert feed.


Thats to a pic of the shocktech verson it gives an idea of what it is.


11-29-2001, 11:26 AM
sounds pretty cool. Can anyone else give me some more good information on the EMag?? I'm really considering replacing my Angel with an EMag.

11-29-2001, 05:26 PM
Just curious, why are you thinking of switching? I've owned an Angel, RT, Autococker, Mag, and now an Emag over the years. I'd say the best way to describe an Emag is to take all of the best features of an Angel and an RT and put them together.

East to repair/maintain, built like a tank.
Fastest recharging and most consistent reg on the market.
Manual trigger, could be short stroked, but I've never done it.
No electronic fire control.

Mouseclick short trigger.
Electronic fire control.
A little more complicated to work on. Easy to break orings and things when servicing.
Slow/inconsistent stock reg(but does this really cause a problem?)

All of the above.
Trigger can work just like an RT or more like an Angel.
Some people don't like the battery pack for a front grip. Personally I use it all the time.

If I didn't have a gun at all, I'd buy the Emag. In fact I did, just recently at the AGD tech tour(blue one,) as I had quit the sport for a couple years and sold my Angel, RT etc.

If I still had the Angel, I probably wouldn't have switched, because there just doesn't seem to be a compelling reason to replace the Angel. Maybe I would simply have both:)

11-29-2001, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by adlar

All of the above.
Trigger can work just like an RT or more like an Angel.
Some people don't like the battery pack for a front grip. Personally I use it all the time.

The funny thing about the battery pack front grip is, people don't THINK it looks confortable. Most of them have never held the marker to see what it is like. It's looks big, but works great.


11-29-2001, 06:06 PM
The only reason I'm considering to switch to an EMag is because I've yet to own one. I'm one of those type of people that like to try everything once even if what I have is working great. I've also always tipped my hat off to AGD's support team, they are by far the best in the biz. when it comes to customer support and they difinately back there product up like no other.

I've also heard alot of good things about em which really makes me wanna try one out first hand. Once again I'd like to thank all of you that replied to this thread as all this information has been great, you can never have too much information/knowledge on something.