View Full Version : Just one of those days?

06-19-2005, 02:41 PM
Every have one of those days where nothing seemed to work out?

Dealt with crap paint all day today -- break city all day.. Enough where it was breaking so much, you couldn't shoot effectively.. Talk about frustrating.

06-19-2005, 03:00 PM
I've had those days. Except it was constant and new gun problems. One thing would go down, get fixed, then another part would break down. So I sold that nasty cocker and picked up a 'Mag.

Bad paint is the worst though. There isn't much you can do about it, except by a new case, which costs more money.

06-19-2005, 03:00 PM
too much on your mind?

Ive had a day like that. My goggles kept fogging up after i sprayed with anti fog stuff. Then my gun jammed up, the shell got baught between the bolt, and the frame itself and the bolt was stuck. Cost me about 3 good games to unjam the paintball. After I unjammed it, it started raining... haha but yeah thats the past. And that place was about an hour away from where I live. Good thing a local field opened up which is only about a 10 minute drive.

06-19-2005, 03:36 PM
it doesent really happen to me annymore...

new gun problems have been fixed for good no chops (i use nelson hotspot paint from paintballgear.com, great paint...)

but my thermal mask got stolen, so now i have to use a scott mask :(

06-19-2005, 04:35 PM
Man, today was a heck of a day:
GOt there
Waited for teamates
Set up gun
Played a game, did OK
Played a few more games, crap
Team guns broke
My Gun broke
No elims
Lost all of out scrims
But yea, at least I was doing what i love.

06-19-2005, 04:51 PM
I couldn't go :cry:

06-19-2005, 05:00 PM
Every have one of those days where nothing seemed to work out?

Dealt with crap paint all day today -- break city all day.. Enough where it was breaking so much, you couldn't shoot effectively.. Talk about frustrating.

well just think, you were still having more fun than me... i spent 5 hours installing insulation for my dad for fathers day (ugh...) and now im studying for finals :mad:

06-19-2005, 07:13 PM
and now im studying for finals :mad:

You are in College I take it?

Ya that sucks...I have had those days. I got to see Star Wars III today...pretty sweet.


06-19-2005, 07:19 PM
my entire month for paintball just sucks... I have't gotton to play in so long cause no one shows up or I'm doing other things on weekends.

06-19-2005, 07:30 PM
yea "those" days....where everything goes wrong. *knock on wood* i havent had one in a while. but your whole week is ruined until you get to go the next weekend and make up for it.

06-19-2005, 07:43 PM
yea "those" days....where everything goes wrong. *knock on wood* i havent had one in a while. but your whole week is ruined until you get to go the next weekend and make up for it.

exactly. I was so looking forward to today, only to get foiled by the bad paint.. Every single game I played in was ruined..... I couldn't figure it out. I thought it might have been my loader, or maybe the marker, but it boiled down to crap paint I think.... I was surprised because I shot the same stuff the week before (PMI Premium) and had no issues. Although, it was unseasonably hot last week -- I'm thinking it affected the paint at the store....

Someone gave me 2 pods of blaze at the end of the day while I was teching my gun and it shot fine, even on PSP Uncapped.. Go figure.

06-19-2005, 07:51 PM
Just had one on friday, drove 45 to a tourney, got cancelled because of the rain, friends decide to mess with my shocker trigger, and someone precedes to bend a pin on the dynasty board so now the led doesn't work.

06-19-2005, 07:57 PM
You are in College I take it?

Ya that sucks...I have had those days. I got to see Star Wars III today...pretty sweet.

nope highschool... the year ran longer because of the snow days and last summer was extra long because its a new school they just finished building. i wish i was in college, my sister has been out of school for over a month... almost two, i think.

06-19-2005, 08:06 PM
nope highschool... the year ran longer because of the snow days and last summer was extra long because its a new school they just finished building. i wish i was in college, my sister has been out of school for over a month... almost two, i think.

Ya...even I have been out of school for like 2 weeks. I just thought it was weird you were still in school.


06-19-2005, 08:12 PM
Ya...even I have been out of school for like 2 weeks. I just thought it was weird you were still in school.

:( :cry: you all suck...

06-19-2005, 08:32 PM
Last yeah my school ended at June 27th.. this year its a few days earlier but next year its said to be the 30th! freaking heck man... and you guys think you have it bad... haha

06-19-2005, 09:59 PM
Last yeah my school ended at June 27th.. this year its a few days earlier but next year its said to be the 30th! freaking heck man... and you guys think you have it bad... haha

Man...I wish I could be in high school again. Once you're out of school...there is no date when your year "ends"...it just goes on endlessly until you die...so pray you get held back or your parents have godzillian dollars to send you to college for the upper part of ten years.

Damn...I gotta go to work tommorrow... :mad:

06-20-2005, 01:43 PM
Man...I wish I could be in high school again. Once you're out of school...there is no date when your year "ends"...it just goes on endlessly until you die...so pray you get held back or your parents have godzillian dollars to send you to college for the upper part of ten years.

Damn...I gotta go to work tommorrow... :mad:
well, youre also never forced to translate latin passages... or at least if you are, QUIT THAT JOB!

06-20-2005, 04:48 PM
well, youre also never forced to translate latin passages... or at least if you are, QUIT THAT JOB!

Latin!? :rofl: :rofl:

What, are you going to school to be a priest? That or a rare book salesman...pretty much the ONLY careers requiring latin...or maybe an archeologist. I thought calculus was useless...man, latin makes calculus look like learning to use a spoon... :bounce:

06-20-2005, 05:18 PM
Latin!? :rofl: :rofl:

What, are you going to school to be a priest? That or a rare book salesman...pretty much the ONLY careers requiring latin...or maybe an archeologist. I thought calculus was useless...man, latin makes calculus look like learning to use a spoon... :bounce:

...well you get to read cool stories about hercules... :(

:rolleyes: :p

06-20-2005, 09:17 PM
I was in a tourney at Survival NY in the late 80's, the paint was so bad it shot 90 degrees around trees!



06-20-2005, 09:39 PM
I was in a tourney at Survival NY in the late 80's, the paint was so bad it shot 90 degrees around trees!

Was it Brass Eagle? Or Winchester?

I thought Brass Eagle was the worst you could get...then I got a container of Winchester on sale. WOW! You had to shoot 4 times because only one out of 4 shots had even a SLIM chance of hitting the target. Wow it was bad. I think I threw 3/4 of the paint away. :mad:

06-20-2005, 09:44 PM
No. It was an unknown called Ironball. Before Winchester even sold pb stuff and before BE was a major US conglomerate. They were still a nice Canadian small manufacturer.

06-20-2005, 09:56 PM
oh yeah I went to the field on Sunday I did not get to play at all. And to make things worse I was not even allowed to ref or help with the scoring or anything like that.

Oh yeah I did not bring any of my equipment, becuase I was to play in a championship soccer game. In which I got two assists and almost completely shut down my side of the feild. Yea it was a great game. :p

06-20-2005, 10:32 PM
A few weeks before i was going to move i spotted a used 04' cocker, with ups, at the local pb shop so i got together all the money i could, even had to trade in my gun to get extra cash, in hopes that i could get it in time to play one last game with my friends before i left. so i get the gun and go out to play my last game and to my dismay the gun shot horribly, i tried everything but the gun just would'nt work. ended up only playing one game (with a friends back-up gun) and was eliminated first, never did get a chance to redeem myself! A smart person probbably would of asked to shoot it before they bought it instead of taking the owners word for it. :tard:

06-21-2005, 12:21 AM
:( :cry: you all suck...
I have 1 week of summer break, so I DO NOT want to hear it! :mad:


06-21-2005, 12:58 AM
Floridas great. I've had 5 years of "summer break" since I moved here!